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14790301 No.14790301 [Reply] [Original]

Better than any deflationary token 5% burn, community ran, less than 880k supply get in before this takes off

>> No.14790437

Void will upset those who ignored these prices

>> No.14790479
File: 22 KB, 640x640, IMG_20190625_193643.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

FUZE ripoff shit coin

>> No.14790499

Fuze copied void code

>> No.14790531

Nice revisionism.

>> No.14790604


Do you think anyone gives a fuck? Seriously, the only thing I care about is making bank. That's why I'm balls deep in FUZE

>> No.14790612

Just wait once new exchange listing and cmc come all you fucks who didnt buy will be shitting you’re pants

>> No.14790712

Better run to void before you end up like claymore hodlers

>> No.14790779


> FUZE code literal copy/paste of VOID
> still refers to void token in code
> "VOID is a ripoff." -Brainlet

Let me know how it feels after your scammy dev dumps on you

>> No.14790848

VOID, NUKE, CLM, BLAST, POPS, MERO, MOAB, FUZE are all dead. BOMB has an active community and real weight behind it and this new airdrop SHOCK, because it has staking and a great team. CLM scammed today, read the white paper and be careful everyone. I'm telling you if you care about losing money only buy BOMB and SHOCK

>> No.14790876

FUZE came after VOID. Both VOID and FUZE are b level deflationary tokens, like CLM. After CLM scammed will others sell these?

>> No.14791091
File: 148 KB, 1280x719, mcafeesmistress.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw fuze is the tyrannical dictator stealing the works of others
>tfw void is the revolutionary peoples movement
I know which one im in for the long haul.

>> No.14791215

This, but only BOMB

the others are pnd scams

>> No.14791226

They literally copied void and void literally copied nuke kek you fucks are braindead.

>> No.14791247
File: 64 KB, 583x428, 35n3ih.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

When all those other clone Deflationary tokens go tits up, I'll be in SHOCK

Cap this shit

>> No.14791248

Okay same fag. Shock is a literal who token. Fuck off with your shitcloning scams. It’s bomb or nuke or it’s nothing. All the rest are half assed shitclones without real devs. Kys

>> No.14791265

Samefag? I don't even like any of this deflationary garbage. BOMB seems like the only one that isn't dying a death. Go fuck yourself, schizo.

>> No.14791270

Lmao you are retarded trying to push this. Back to your loo Ranjeesh.

Unironically this. Bomb is btc and nuke is eth. Bomb is first mover and nuke has legit solidity devs that are more capable than any other of these shitclones. If you retards only knew what was coming.

>> No.14791537

Just wait anon. You'll wish you got in now. The devs aren't pajeets