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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

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14786381 No.14786381 [Reply] [Original]

What usually happens after this

>> No.14786399

Number maybe go up maybe down

>> No.14786411

Kek, the truth!

>> No.14786413 [DELETED] 
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>> No.14786418
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We crab for 3 months

>> No.14786430

It goes further down, look at 2018

>> No.14786439
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>> No.14786454

No one can tell you. There's been no negative news about Chainlink. It tends to go up rapidly when there is good news and then slowly bleed out until the next news.

You have to understand Chainlink's value right now is 100% speculative. It's not a working product at the moment, it's a product that is in work. Any price it has right up until the moment it is a fully realized product with actual customers utilizing it is speculative.

The speculative price is not the price that matters. We aren't going to pump to 1k off of speculation. We will get 1k when the product is complete and institutions are utilizing it for smart contracts and millions of LINK are being staked instead of traded on the market.

>> No.14786471

beginning of an uptrend/crab

>> No.14786536

which is EOY

>> No.14786570


Buying link now is like buying oil fields before the invention of cars

>> No.14786586

Ah sweet I'll be rich in a few decades

>> No.14786619

LINK isn't going to be a fully adopted and working product by the end of the year. It could still be another year before the team has LINK in a fully functioning state. Hell it could take even longer. It's going to happen eventually, and when it does LINK's price will blow up as long as it has no competitors, and right now there are no competitors.

And you have to understand, even when LINK is fully functioning, it still needs adoption by major players who will use it, as well as the customers of those major players. Right now it's looking pretty good on that front, they have Google, SWIFT, Oracle, etc.. But they need the customers of those companies on board as well. The industries need to see the value of smart contracts otherwise they just won't use them. Adoption could take awhile. You are going to go insane if you truly believe it will be 1000 EOY and then it doesn't occur. I think it will be 1000 eventually, and well above 1000 at that. I just don't think it's happening by 2020. This will be such a major shift it won't happen quickly.

>> No.14786631

In a decade, 100link will make you rich

No one is gonna hold that long tho

>> No.14786654

Yeah that is a good analogy.
I don't think it will take decades, but it will take years. I'm trying to be realistic because I can't stand my job right now. I know a lot of other anons hate their jobs and lives and they have their hearts set on being filthy rich by the end of the year. It's not going to happen in 5 months guys, be realistic. You will go insane if you think it is going to happen that fast. It will happen, but you need patience.

>> No.14786660

all what you said is happening this year

>> No.14786683

This desu, the only ones that held bitcoin who bought early are the ones that forgot about it

>> No.14786699

The entire structure of all major businesses world wide aren't going to completely restructure in 4 and a half months.

>> No.14786754

Keeps going down until it finds sellers.

>> No.14786779

>what is PSD2
>what is ISO20022
dude are you a moron? sergey has been working on this for 5 years. this is the year all this shit comes out nulinker.

>> No.14786812

I doubt people are going to go HAM with it until Ethereum becomes something beyond a proof of concept. It might already be there since I haven't kept up with ETH too much over the past year, but until it does that LINK doesn't have much of a future

>> No.14786823

You start realizing that you don't have magic power to see the future and also realized that you missed out on VID's 7000% increase in a span of a month...


>> No.14786869

This. I agree with realism anon in some points. But dude, this has been cooking for over 4 years, the team is expanding hugely, and the partnerships are unprecedented. I agree it might take until end of 2020 to see more and more adoption, but come on, the people who wanted this shit head hunted sergey to help him build a vision that wil cut bottom end by 15% and greater. The moment one big company clearly displays the value of automated smart contracts, it is game over. Everyone will have to follow unless they want to keep paying their backend paper pushing boomers 60K a year

>> No.14786896

To quickly add, it isn’t exactly simple to develop foolproof automated smart contracts, but the whole
Point of LINK is that these companies Won’t have to restructure their back ends. It’s called middleware for a
God damn reason my children. It is plug and play. That’s why the big boys are involved and we arent even 2 months out of mainnet launch.

>> No.14786962

I missed the VIDT train, what exchange was it on when it mooned?

>> No.14787090
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another one from drunk anon. yeah thats the whole point of this, you dont have to do jack shit except make a chainlink adapter.

>> No.14787288

the strongest FUD Link has ever got was this week, and it's the realization that the devs will sell their third of the LINK token and have repeatedly said they will never do a token burn.

No one wants to really buy when they know over time the market supply will double.

I hold LINK as the lion's share of my holdings, and honestly I want someone to debunk this but I don't think it can be.

>> No.14787318

you change your memelines after its done what you werent expecting

>> No.14787323

He fixes the cable?

>> No.14787376

he's trying to scam you. VIDT was/is on IDEX

>> No.14787396


>> No.14787837

Loaded up on VID already. It's going to get me out of the poorhouse!

>> No.14787958

it will

>> No.14788175

I agree with you on most of your points.... but
-Speculation along can drive price up to a point where some of the OG marine can stop wagecucking while waiting for the moon. What that price point is? It will different for every anon.
-Chainlink will not flip a switch and everything be magically done. Sergey has stated start mainet just to start sending out data.... not necessary for reputation of nodes (in the begining), KYC nodes in the beginning is a smart move...
-With fully finished product and industry adaptation, owning LINK will be fuck you type of money.... Not going to happen before eoy 2019. I am looking forward to simplified version of staking, and more actual customers to come out and say that they are onboard. If speculation and some name drop (like ISDA) can drive price anywhere between $50-$100. I think many anon here can at least stop wagecucking, while waiting for the real moon.

>> No.14788207

dont look at charts, just focus on fundamentals and accumulating as much as possible

>> No.14788224

and buying LP is like investing in ford motors before everyone and their mother drives a car

>> No.14788232

Who would sell at this point though? seems retarded.

>> No.14788251

traders looking to pick up a bigger stack. Like it or not bitcorn is still king. It drop, Link will drop too (at least in the short term)

>> No.14788401


A lot of people dont get how long it will take to chainlink achieve to become widely used

Blythe Masters explains this at around 4:00


>> No.14788616

the only way to see thing develop that fast along, is if they use centralized, semi-centralized nodes that went through KYC.

>> No.14788828

>A lot of people dont get how long it will take to chainlink achieve to become widely used
This is what I've been trying to explain. People here have deluded themselves to think Chainlink will be widely used within the next 4.5 months.

>> No.14788918

Absolutely this.
The jury is still out on ETH and any decentralized smart contract platform for that matter.
Yes, they were good for shitcoin ICO's, but we're past that now.
Like crypto mommy says, until we get sold real world use case apps with significant capital flowing back and forth through them all this is just academic.

>> No.14789023

It is all so tiresome

>> No.14789080

this. its a sideways correction. we stagnate for a few weeks and then break out to higher lows and continue to stair step up. we're still in a bull cycle bois, no need to worry.

>> No.14789108
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my dixie wrecked

>> No.14789144

Why would anybody sell their whole stack?

>> No.14789204

based delusion poster

>> No.14789302

100 link poorfag here, I have literally nothing but time. And iron hands

>> No.14789357


Two outcomes: 1. holds the higher low and attempts to set a higher high. or, 2. Loses the higher low but holds the double bottom.

If price rejects at previous resistance, it's headed back to the lows again.

>> No.14789362


Both you guys are idiots.

Widely used or full adoption means, that yeah, all business across all industries around the world have implemented fully or close to it in some way.

No one ever said that is what is needed for $1000. if "widely used" happens. LINK would be closer to $25,000 - $50,000 maybe more. We are talking about quadrillion dollars worth of data running through EACH industry using Chainlink. That is mass adoption. That is "widely used". That is insane value.

This year industries will start to integrate Chainlink and LINK will be used as intended. It will be slow at first but it will only take a few months for usage to really kick in. I don't even call that 2% of "widely used". But I do think it will take us to #3 marketcap. Think about it for a second. barely anyone is using XRP after 7 years. Its trash. LINK at 1% mass adoption will be more heavily transacted then XRP. It will blow past it EOY or ENY(Early Next Year).

Peopl are getting too stuck on the extremes of "mass adoption" and where the price will be. You brainlets just need to think about it logically. There is no other B2B option in crypto like Chainlink. It is the standard.

Just buckle up and enjoy the ride.

>> No.14789383

goes to zero 100% of the time

>> No.14789538

On what time frame? Dude anyone can make an argument "for the next 50 years". What about this bull-run? Stay localized.

>> No.14789930

I'm rock hard right

>> No.14790096


my time frame is top 3 EOY or ENY.

As for mass adopted. I have no idea. it wasn't the intention of my post to give a time frame that all industries would be reliant on blockchain in some way.

>> No.14790534
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>> No.14790728

alright alright but for real are we talking like thousands to make it? or will hundreds work?