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14786117 No.14786117 [Reply] [Original]

>spent the entire day playing minecraft when I should be working on my business

>> No.14786139

I Spent an entire day losing games of Planetary Annihilation so I can avoid watching ETH dip and can buy in a couple of days instead of now.

>> No.14786142

Kek. The human condition

>> No.14786144
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rate my portfolio

>> No.14786153

weve all been there

what youre struggling with is the reward center in your brain is constantly depleted by vidya.

The only way is taking a 3 day break from all screen time. If you don't fully detach yourself youll never feel good about doing anything with your business and youll never see profit. The day you see real profits i promise you that you will stop video gaming because the rush of making money is way more exciting than video games. I struggle with the same cycle. Things are good? never touch vidya. things are not profitable? vidya is all i do

>> No.14786163

>no mossy cobblestone
Never gonna make it

>> No.14786179
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Clean your room

>> No.14786191

If you play base Minecraft over Feed the Beast Inventions you are a low IQ brainlet. How about you build some machines and generate some electricity you fucking 12 year old

>> No.14786203

What happens when the reward center in your brain stops caring about money? I stopped playing vidya because I no longer feel any enjoyment. And my business is on auto pilot and I've been laying in bed for 6 hours just waiting for Monday.

>> No.14786208
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Where can I buy it?

>> No.14786216

playing minecraft as a 14 yo were the good times

>> No.14786223
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>spent the entire day playing ______ when I should be working on my business

I've been doing this for 10 years.

>> No.14786226

You mine it

>> No.14786281
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>> No.14786287

I literally NEETed it up for 10 years. 10 hours a day of vidya. This was a lifetime of gaming. My reward center in my brain is so fucked that I don't do or play anything. I just sit in my boomer rocking chair refreshing 4chan. No enjoyment from anything except alcohol which I can't drink anymore because my liver is so fucked.

>> No.14786307

Thank you this is going to help me. When you say all screen time do you mean just vidya or computer and phone in general

Hey OP what sort of business is it

>> No.14786314

>which I can't drink anymore because my liver is so fucked.

that sucks i guess.

>> No.14786368

That's what happens when your neurotransmitters are fucked.
Usually from lack of sleep, bad diet or lack of exercise.
Herbs like mucuna pruriens help you focus on your projects by boosting dopamine, that could be a start.

>> No.14786397



OP just needs some old fashioned structure and discipline in his life. Fuck off with your pharma sales pitch shit

>> No.14786419

>Fuck off with your pharma sales pitch shit
Herbs can't be patented.
The entirety of your consciousness is made up of neurotransmitters, it can't be denied.

>> No.14786441

This. White people always turn to drugs or pills to solve their problems.

Man up, OP. BC You can do it and only you can do it.

>> No.14786443

basically me but at least I only drank coke zero

>> No.14786458

You're weak and that is why you will fail. The largest predictor of success is ability to defer enjoyment.

>> No.14786490

>how does a brain work

not saying OP isn't a weak-willed fag because he is, but you seem to have no idea about pharmacology whatsoever.