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File: 4 KB, 216x130, Screenshot_2019-07-13 Gab Social.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
14752446 No.14752446 [Reply] [Original]


>> No.14752475

facebook for incels

>> No.14752798

They love crypto

>> No.14752816
File: 290 KB, 638x529, A472C386-28F9-4114-8196-8E8F4CE29D55.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

They will overtake twitter in 4 years. If you have money invest it. Trump is absolutely going after google and faceberg. Twitter will fall due to fear and the incompetence of thier CEO. Trust me

>> No.14753112

Back to pol moron

>> No.14753257

founder is a cryptojew

>> No.14753273
File: 3.40 MB, 480x678, 24F817B1-4E62-441D-9F99-607E03213369.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Every asshole has one

>> No.14753635

Andrew Torba is a Bitcoin Maxi who is willing to exploit his users to obtain more of it.

>> No.14753652

Back to read it newfag

>> No.14753941

That sounds weird

>> No.14754322

You're a fucking retard if you think most people would suddenly switch to a white supremacist twitter

>> No.14755059

wy is it CEO incomptent?

>> No.14755115
File: 863 KB, 588x783, 7de5238730fa6dfb3deab29bc582309f.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

fuck her

>> No.14755208

Shit for faggots

>> No.14755289

>forget to check the box to agree to terms and conditions when signing up
>still signs me up
nice website guys, lmao

>> No.14755552
File: 877 KB, 1250x1156, weed43534.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>implying that normalfags would embrace a twitter clone that is almost 100% trolls

>> No.14755853

>white supremecist twitter
Imagine being so detached from reality that you actually believe this

>> No.14755891
File: 767 KB, 500x530, 1561600601897.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


The CEO (commonly known as Jack) couldn't even answer his own questions, so he brought his LAWYER on to do the interview for him. Watch a small portion of the interview. There are many reasons why I believe that twitter is on it's way OUT. take a look for yourself.


>> No.14756558

>Imagine being so detached from reality that you actually believe this
Imagine being so online that you think white nationalism is normal.

>> No.14756590

So is GAB a coin or token?

>> No.14756595

The average normie does

>> No.14756733
File: 26 KB, 379x503, 1446747122149.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Anon there many normal people who would rather not be replaced by third worlders in their own countries. That's not an extreme or dangerous opinion

>> No.14757006
File: 90 KB, 800x450, la-1550256127-c0ouwhx7af-snap-image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I invested in them in the summer 2017 startengine crowdsale. They are living up to their promise whether normies like it or not.

- they proved that there is a silicon valley thought patrol going on
- they proved that splc, banks, and silicon valley are trying to shut users down that do not conform with their ideals
- they are pro bitcoin

Really they are trying to bring back a better internet but the establishment does everything in their power to stop them so it must be good.
The recent banning of them in the google play store was laughable. Google claims they need to moderate anything the gab platform has access to. So by that logic google chrome should be taken down. Google and all the cancer of the net is on it's last few years before alt-tech really flourishes and divides the web from low IQ users to high IQ users. Mostly anyone in crypto who is redpilled and is posting here is going to be rich because of it.

>> No.14757136

Most people on Twitter want normal content not revolving around MAGAtards or Holocaust denial. They want to follow celebrity gossip and sports news, and get news updates immediately. Gab doesn't have those things because of its userbase, and until it can provide those things for newcomers, it won't gain a userbase. It's a double-edged sword.

That being said, social media is fucking retarded and insanely unhealthy for your psyche.

>> No.14757296

Yeah that's true, but when censorship increases and people begin to see just how partisan mainstream social media is, I think more will turn to alternatives like gab

>> No.14757303

Corporations won't join on unless they can make money on people. There is zero money in holohoax denial. Some in maga-politics of course. But too taboo for mainstream media to join in.

The issue in the above is that twitter keeps on banning anyone who gets a decent base and breaks the rules. The more this happens the more Gab grows. At some point the signups get exponential and the big corporations may have to join just to stay relevant.

>> No.14757353

>I invested in them in the summer 2017 startengine crowdsale
So what kind of returns, if any, have you had 2 years later?