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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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14738059 No.14738059 [Reply] [Original]

>This helps bitcoin

>> No.14738112


>> No.14738764

Fucking boomer, I've been calling this turd out since 2015, hopefully /bizpol/ will finally repudiate this shitcock Jew lover now.

>> No.14738783

ofcourse hes not a fan
he wants to devalue the dollar

>> No.14738795

Trump bought 50 BTC before posting this

>> No.14738809

i am bleeding money

>> No.14738819

Trump has one, paramount job to do: kill the dollar and replace it with a world currency controlled by the US. Things are right on schedule.

>> No.14738839

And make drugs accepted in kgardens aparently.

>> No.14738838

and not after.. u fucking retard?

>> No.14738882

Correct. Trump is retarded

>> No.14738892

Kidding. I’m implying he knows the power of the Streisand Effect.

>> No.14739048

dollar dies when federal reserve and oil dies, so not soon but someday, not in Trump's lifetime probably, and I'll be outta this country by the time it happens

>> No.14739064

Energy becoming free would greatly hinder the premise of the value of BTC, so in that sense, you may be right, but only until after it is fully mined.

>> No.14739135

energy will never be free, we'll just make better use of it and will go from moving cars to moving planet ships at the equivilent cost

>> No.14739150

Free energy likely already exists, and knowledge of its existence has been suppressed, until the right moment.

>> No.14739182

It wouldn't hinder it, that's the ingenuity of bitcoins game theory, the demand would shift from cheap power to better mining methods then. Free power /=/ fast mining hardware

>> No.14739197

Oh boy.

>> No.14739204

This. But once we reach that level of awakening, crypto will already be the new standard.

>> No.14739214

You're blowing my mind dude.

>> No.14739232


>> No.14739236

poltard bizlets in absolute shambles

>> No.14739319

More likely this is about american protectionalism. why would american leaders who actually have any degree of nationalism want corrupt chinese control over almost the entire crypto market. why would they want foreign companies to control the actual tech of DLT. Other than trading for pnd why would you guys want a horseshit market of manipulation by dishonest foreign actors? Zucc and his cohorts are %100 controlled globalists intent on ensuring the corporate oligarchy over public representative govt, they need to be overcome for the sake of basic freedom. So what does this mean? Why wouldn't this be bullish for american crypto markets companies and tech. DLT isn't going anywhere, if trump faction manages to win against globohomo faction it just means victory for US based crypto ..so link? rsr replace tether? coinbase ..what else?

>> No.14739320

Oy vey, Donny boy, this Bitcoin thing is really threatening our global financial rule. Could you tell the goyim it's a scam and worthless. The FED would really appreciate it. We wouldn't want the banks to turn on you, wouldn't we Donny boy? Chop Chop now, get to typing. Remember that our Mossad boys still have that video of you peeing on people. Would hate for that to leak during the Epstein prosecution.

>> No.14739514

You dumb fuck boomer, that's already what the petrodollar is

>> No.14739518

I've defended him on many occasions because I perceive a bias against him just because he is Trump. That's literally all it takes for me to join the slaughter. Probably.

>> No.14739525

I almost said the exact same thing when I first saw this post. fucking amazing how retarded ppl are

>> No.14739527

You faggots don't understand.
This technology started on a small forum of cypherpunks and has now grown into a giant 320 billion marketcap sector with the president of the United States commenting on it.
Look at the bigger picture. You're missing the forest for the trees.

>> No.14739536

Yeah he's just wrong on this one.

>> No.14739539

it didn't dip the price at all. why wud he have bought after

>> No.14739541

>the tweet that ended the diplomacy between /biz/ and /pol/

>> No.14739568

>(((blockstream))) bagholders are now unironically trying to spin this as drumpf ordered around by the kikes
never get married to an investment

>> No.14739576
File: 98 KB, 622x1280, trump.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

action speaks louder than words
2013 guys...

>> No.14739579

>how retarded /pol/ are
Fixed. Always remember that 4chan was once alright because we had somehow contained these bastards to one board.
When Turd loses in 2020 they will crawl back into the woodwork as quickly as they came.

>> No.14739580

What is this gonna do to the price of Bitcoin? I thought it would be bad but if anything the price is up. Have people just not had time to react yet?

>> No.14739601

This. This shit was essentially like video game currency, kind of a fucking joke, a meme, before more people started buying into it. The fact that a president is commenting on it is historical. In 50 years the history books will talk about how Trump was the first president to talk about Bitcoin and interestingly was not a fan of it as an example of how far we have come in 2070. This shit is exploding more than ever.

>> No.14739608

>this boomer fuck still thinks he isn't ordered around by kikes
Ahahaha nice
No one cares what a senile boomer thinks. Look at Based Jongun for someone who knows how to play him like a puppet.

>> No.14739614

The fact that the potus acknowledged crypto is bigger than the fact he bashed it.

>> No.14739622

Most people think Bitcoin crashed down to triple digits and stayed there. When they here it is back up that is when they start to consider that it might be legitimate. That’s the point.

>> No.14739636
File: 13 KB, 226x223, Download (1).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I hope you guys now see what bitcoin is. a tool for the proletariat to build a communist utopia. no gtfo biz fucking pol fascists.

>> No.14739638
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>> No.14739678
File: 56 KB, 724x960, pape.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

ideology is GAY

>> No.14739932

>retarded faggots who don’t understand that the petrodollar is nearly dead

The foundation of the Petrodollar was our agreement with OPEC, you dumb sniveling faggots. What do you think Obama did in 2015 when he signed the budget permitting exports of crude for the first time since Nixon’s agreement with the Saudis. You dumb faggots need to kill yourselves if you think the petrodollar wasn’t merely a stage in the direction I’ve mentioned.

>> No.14739990


>> No.14740232

Test received

>> No.14740319

He is 100% right.
Crypto(((currencies))) are a 10's meme. DLT is the future, not muah encrypted money baby

>> No.14740320

Uh huh

>> No.14740327

oy vey!

>> No.14740354

Test and checked.

>> No.14740376

Hilarious to see people offended as fuck when Trump made a meaningless comment. Has to be a pathetic life if your entite future depends on pyramid scheme coins.

>> No.14740378

>muh drugs pls think of the children

>> No.14740541

If only you were busy getting skills and investing in Bitcoin early instead of "calling out" politicians and you wouldn't still be a poorfaggot here in 2019

>> No.14740574

>bitfinex closes shorts
>Trump tweets about bitcoin the same day, which is basically a bitcoin endorsement for those who hate him
And you think that's coincidence. Trump went long, pajeets.

>> No.14740612
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> actually believing this

>> No.14740669

Go short if you don't.

>> No.14740693

Cash is better for criminals

>> No.14740707

doesn't help or hurt it... it's irrelevant as he will be next year.

>> No.14740710

Another twitter larping faggot piece of shit who thinks he's a crypto expert

>> No.14740716

>It's afraid.png

>> No.14740722

criminals will always do what's best for criminals. trust me I know some.

>> No.14740734

The main reason Trump doesn't like Bitcoin is because it is controlled by the Chinese.
Is technology really sound when it can be under control by one country?

>> No.14740746

People always do what's best for them unless lazy. Trust me i know lots.

>> No.14740751


Do you really think the president of the US has time to bother with shitcoins on shady exchanges?

>> No.14740756
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>> No.14740766
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Wth, every republican is pro crypto.

>> No.14740797

Yes, just not the "crypto" you're talking about.

>> No.14740872

>Jew lover
very edgy

>> No.14740904

bless pape, I don't support ideologies but I will always support pepeism

>> No.14740919

Why did he not mention China once then? Knowing about hashpower and bitcoin’s security model is one step beyond boomer comprehension. They stuck on the “its value came from thin air” meme

>> No.14740935

He's right though.

>> No.14740938

Found the nigger.

>> No.14740952

He's right, you know!

>> No.14740971

10x your crypto with moon3d. bonus schemes awaits

>> No.14741085

And yet again... Trump is right. A decade of Bitcoin lifetime and the use case is non existing.

>> No.14741591

Average link shill

>> No.14741633

>Trump says something stupid
>"MUH 4D CHESS!!!"

Starting to believe that this 4D chess meme was propagated here as something to say whenever Trump accidentally says or tweets something stupid....it's brilliant really, it's a way of covering up all of the bullshit he does to make it sound like it's something good. Brilliant persuasion tactic.

>> No.14741863

>trump faction manages to win against globohomo faction
Are you retarded? Trump is pushing with globohomo himself

>> No.14741932

What a relief.
Scyboys are going to buy our bags just to virtue signal anti drumpfness.
Magatards are just hoarding rocks anyway.

>> No.14741955

No way. He may have kiked his daughter but that's 4D chess you moron.

>> No.14742157

>unironically going for 4D chess after he's gone full MIGA
Seriously nigger?

>> No.14742173

>has access to all the info in the world
>knows whether UFOs exist
>doesn’t think trump would bet on this

Interesting thing is people including the politicians and government ‘know’ bitfinex/bitmex is manipulating this shit. Evidence by FBI arrests related to Crypto Capital or longs/shorts or atleast assume this is true if you’re retarded. These politicians either tell you they want to make it mainstream so they can cash in or they hate it because they see it as a threat to the law and financial institutions

>> No.14742201

"I'm not a fan" is actually pretty neutral compared to the phrases Trump usually uses

>> No.14742231

>Unregulated Crypto Assets can facilitate unlawful behaviour, including drug trade and other illegal activity...
President is using Bitcoin, confirmed

>> No.14742386
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The whole point of Bitcoin is that it doesn't matter what some faggot president or faggot Jamie Dimon says about it.

The US is desperately trying to cling to its interests and Trump needs the economy to keep chugging along until at least November of next year otherwise he's out of office. The dollar is under threat by Bitcoin and the fact he's tweeting about it is giving me 2017 vibes.

>> No.14742824

Any other asset would have suffered way more after these words.

It's encouraging to see how little the market reacted to the words of someone that powerful.

>> No.14742883

It unironically will. The libs will go out now and buy Bitcoin just to spite Trump.

>> No.14742980

buffet just bought 100k

>> No.14743074
File: 147 KB, 761x1261, based man.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It literally doesn't matter at all. This morning I checked Trump's twitter to find this tweet and it's fucking buried on his timeline because he tweets fucking 100x a day.

This was some random throw-away thought he had an decided to tweet it on a whim. In the crypto world they think it's a big deal but everyone else either a) saw it and instantly forgot about it because they literally aren't capable of caring about Bitcoin or b) didn't even see the tweet, nor do they give a shit about it.

TLDR: not bullish, not bearish, normies still don't give a shit about BTC/crypto.

>> No.14743116

> 4d chess unironically

>> No.14743154

Imagine pol tards not buying because trump said so.

>> No.14743170
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>> No.14743176

He's right. Bitcoin isn't a currency because a currency (i.e. money) is something that is backed by government. Read Modern Monetary Theory.