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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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File: 67 KB, 608x436, trump_the_rat.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
14734432 No.14734432 [Reply] [Original]

I just dumped all my LINK because of the Trump tweet. I mean this literally proves wrong all the memetic Trump connections/conspiracies, the "payback" to neets for meme'ing him into office, etc.

This orange rat fuck chose to go to bat for his (((friends))) at the Federal Reserve and the Banking Cartel.

LINK has zero connections to Trump nor does any crypto now.

This moron literally just alienated young tech savvy males from his voter base in one fucking tweet. Bravo, Trump, bravo.

0% chance he gets re-elected. Those boomers will get outvoted 3:1 in 2020.

Especially since BTC will be in bull run in 2020 and this idiot will need the NEETS to meme him back.

Fuck him.

>> No.14734449

i will literally vote for a black woman now. idc. fuck this cunt

>> No.14734456

lmao what are you talking about? are you okay?

>> No.14734459

Bro chill he didn't mention utility tokens just cryptocurrencies. All in good time

>> No.14734464
File: 72 KB, 404x404, 60D5DEF3-B0D1-4FE1-B1CF-C9E15A5D18BD.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Or he’s playing everyone. Free advertising for Crypto.

Anyone right wing won’t sell because you can disagree with someone and still support them overall.

Brain dead libs didn’t have any crypto anyhow and now will buy it just to “get Trump.”

4D chess.

>> No.14734483

Wtf! /biz/ told me he is a free marketer.

>> No.14734487

imagine being THIS affected by a tweet from an orange senior citizen

>> No.14734491

hes a miga faggot no one likes him

>> No.14734499

You sound like a total liberal jew

>> No.14734522

Jeez /biz is the #resistance get a hold of yourself commies it’s going to be a rough next 4 years for you #trump2020

>> No.14734525

>Retards can't appreciate that this is le 29th realm poker to crash altcoins forever and pump Trump's BTC empire so that it can be pegged to back the USD

>> No.14734535
File: 22 KB, 512x512, profile.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


up your game, get some anti-moneylaundering crypto


>> No.14734557

At least we didn't have to worry about Obongo banning an emerging technology. It would be too unbecoming of his image.

>electing old boomers

>> No.14734578

not selling also still voting trump 2020

lol nice try nigger

>> No.14734579


>> No.14734591

>Invests in link
Don't worry buddy you weren't gonna make it anyway

>> No.14734596

Even if it mattered what Trump thought Link isn’t a currency coin.

>> No.14734654

He re-niggered on his campaign promise to allow online poker again. Fucking muzzy faggot.

>> No.14734682

and you sounds like a conservitard zionist kike

>> No.14734713
File: 301 KB, 1062x942, 1562543721714.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Spot on. Trump is coincidentally bringing attention to Bitcoin and cryptocurrency right as he starts to blast The Fed and with the next recession right around the corner. For all you unenlightened normies, Trump is a carefully calculated tweet master. Let's break it down shall we...

>Not a fan of cryptocurrency
Okay, so are a lot of people. Are there a lot of public fans for other financial instruments? Meaningless.
>'Facebook Libra'
This is now what normies will refer to Libra no matter how much Zuck tried to shell game them into disassociating the two.
>Not money
Check, they're a store of value never seen before.
>Highly volatile
>Based on thin air
Really makes the normies think about where the value of money is derived from. At least one type is transparent and trustworthy.
>Unregulated Crypto Assets (UCA)
Sounds like code for Coinbase vs not-Coinbase coins. Still won't stop people from dabbling in other things and getting away with it.
>Can facilitate unlawful behavior
Check, everyone knows this
>other illegal activity...

Also, can we not talk about how THE PRESIDENT OF THE UNITED STATES has commented on Bitcoin? We've officially made it lads. This sideways jab at Facebook will HELP Bitcoin more than it will hurt.

>> No.14734820

>We have only one real currency in the USA, and it is stronger than ever, both dependable and reliable. It is by far the most dominant currency anywhere in the World, and it will always stay that way. It is called the United States Dollar!
>screeching for a year now that he wants a weaker dollar to be more competitive globally
>reeeeee buy my bags, they're so heavy

I've seen too many shills here on /biz/ to know when a guy wants to sell me his bags. Fuck you boomers

>> No.14734891

Fuck off you old boomer fuck. Go play in the street before you cast your wasted vote.

>> No.14734909
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>> No.14735049

Absolutely based. Good thing China owns the markets and dictates the prices, not fucklord cuck trump

>> No.14735097

>United States Dollar!
>unverifiable supply
>braindead dev team
>no github
>completely trust based
>original devs made a gold pegged stablecoin
>later devs removed all features and printed huge amounts that they dumped on the market for decades
>only still works because of the "fuck you i'll kill you if you don't buy my bags" tokenomic feature the devs promise they'll maintain.

>> No.14735137

lmao Zion Don just described the US Dollar

>> No.14735187

Imagine having hands this week.

>> No.14735318

BASTARD FUCKER. stabbed us in the back piece of shit. Why the fuck would he say this

>> No.14735363

>Why the fuck would he say this
zion don does everything to MIGA, fellow pede!

>> No.14735431


Imagine thinking trump really understands economics

>> No.14735449

None of you play 4D chess, clearly.

He is commenting on Bitcoin now - attacking it, even - to rile up the younger generation that voted for him. Come 2020, when Bitcoin and cryptocurrency begins to take off he will come back with:
>I was wrong about Bitcoin! Jerome Powell? What a douche! I'm a Satoshi Nakamoto man!

At this point, you braindead retards that believe he is **actually** against crypto will riot and cheer:
>He really "DOES" love us!

And vote him into office again, so that the world may continue moving in the ideal timeline.

>> No.14735470

Shut the fuck up retard

>> No.14735499

I've had hands my whole life

>> No.14735522
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To all of you tards ITT: Trump is the president of the fucking united states. It's his job to shill USD. Imagine if he had tweeted something for bitcoin and something against USD. Imagine what would happen.

>> No.14735563

>implying the global economy won't crash in the election year
>implying anything but solid gold bars, just like in looney tunes, will have any value

>> No.14735602

You really like the secret services propaganda about him

>> No.14735641

he just lost the entire libertarian vote lmao. fucking moron.

>> No.14735648

>he can only be supportive of one thing and dismissive of another thing
Stop seeing things as a dichotomy.
It would not be complex for him to compliment Bitcoin as a "wonderful technology that we will welcome" or any generic compliment that does not imply that USD is bad. He could even just say "USD is strong!" and not mention crypto at all and it would still be valid.

No, what he did is say "BTC is not real and fiat money fucking rules!". It's not very complex, anon. He wants BTC out of the game - but for what purpose?

>> No.14735670

Sounds like more incel astroturfing from you.

Have sex.

>> No.14735680


>> No.14735698

I'm a fascist with a wife. he already lost my vote with all his Jew dick sucking. I just think its hilarious how he shoots himself in the foot constantly.

>> No.14735713

No you're a virgin astroturfer.

Have sex.

Have sex incel. I hope yang pays you discord mongolo*ds per post

>> No.14735732

>Have sex incel.
no thanks. proud incel here

>> No.14735750

I've jerked off so much, my hands have callouses. And right now? I've got a firm grip on my coins

and my dick.

>> No.14735768

i have callouses from lifting. my grip is iron

>> No.14735779

Well my dick is pretty heavy

>> No.14735787

does it also have knurling?

>> No.14735799

(Nose in the air) *yes, yes*, completely correct good sir

>> No.14735826

>pray to my MAGA hat every night that prices will drop so I can accumulate

Fucking red pulled af

>> No.14735835


>> No.14735855

Why yes I do curl with my johnson to beef up the ole biceps

>> No.14735865

I supported and voted for trump but this moron just fucked up everything. Fuck this orange bastard

>> No.14735877

I got such a bad feeling about this, he might have just the second term because of a dumb tweet.

>> No.14735925

This post is wrong in multiple things I dont even know where yo start

>> No.14735942

He's bringing back the gold standard that's why.

>> No.14735976

impossible without civil war

>> No.14736001

This is really fucking bad for tether especially. People keep saying 'but the fed prints money out of thin air so bitfinex can do it too'
Wrong, they're backed by the government, bitfinex is backed by jack shit and they're acting as a bank without following regulations.

>> No.14736061

you do realize he is right though right? the bitcoin has quite literally NO use other than illegal activity. there is literally no reason to use bitcoin other than to hide illegal activity.
t. someone who uses bitcoin for illegal activities
I seriously genuinely don't think ive ever used btc for anything other than illegal things

>> No.14736084

seriously, please enlighten me. what can i do with bitcoin other than le blockchain blah blah bullshit... seriously. I have never met anyone that ever used bitcoin for anything other than buying drugs, bank accounts, credit cards, whatever. Other than trading it, it has no use, and you can trade every other currency too. You are all so mad that you invested your life savings in this

>> No.14736108

>no reason to use bitcoin other than to hide illegal activity
if you weren't a complete idiot you would have said monero instead of bitcoin. bitcoin is the main reason silk road got raided, while the FBI has fully admitted that they cannot crack monero

>what can i do with bitcoin other than le blockchain blah blah bullshit
the japanese government has officially recognized cryptocurrency. this means that many banks allow you to deposit BTC into your bank account directly, and be converted to Yen. additionally, many realtors and banks accept crypto as payment for rent and mortgages. this is a country of 100 million people

>> No.14736137

ok buddy, see you just talked without saying anything. Your average person isnt going to get raided by the fbi cuz he bought some coke online. So your point is stupid. You cant be a big time online drug seller and use bitcoin? Ok cool?
name me one thing I can get with bitcoin that i cant with a normal dollar. you cant. except illegal things. That I can get with dollars too.
seriously think about it. What purpose does this serve in your life other than thinking in the back of your head that it will make you rich. Just like everyone else. Nobody stops to ask shit what is this for? You all just hope its gonna blow up for no reason and youll get rich. you wont
you are so fucking high if you seriously think this piece of shit will ever beat a real currency. Just lol

>> No.14736169
File: 248 KB, 923x534, 1551959752449.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>while the FBI has fully admitted that they cannot crack monero
forgot pic

>> No.14736170

>the japanese government has officially recognized cryptocurrency. this means that many banks allow you to deposit BTC into your bank account directly, and be converted to Yen. additionally, many realtors and banks accept crypto as payment for rent and mortgages. this is a country of 100 million people
ok and what does that serve? Answer the question
You dont even understand the question
Youre so high plz stop smoking crack. Just cuz its accepted doesnt mean it brings jack shit. IT DOESNT

>> No.14736173

Real money compared to fiat.
Don't @ me

>> No.14736176
File: 102 KB, 600x338, 1539284091868.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

this is a golden post


>> No.14736180

>ok and what does that serve?
an entire nation recognizes cryptocurrency as an alternative to its native currency, you seething nocoiner

>> No.14736185

I made shoops on /pol/ for your campaign and you pay me back by FUDing my memecoins?

>> No.14736192

Just lol. Get this.
You go to an atm bitcoin to deposit bitcoin, get fucked by fees, just so you can deposit it in your bank like a normal fucking dollar? WHY NOT JUST DEPOSIT THE DOLLAR INSTEAD LOL
Ask yourself.
What will this bring that the dollar doesnt?
-government cant regulate it, which you think is a good idea but it just means its going to be the wild west, like it is now, getting hacked will be normal, and of course no one refunds you when u get hacked(woo i love it!) . Totally stupid man. It's just a currency for illegal activity thats it

>> No.14736199

lost all your money on crypto anon?

>> No.14736201

s e e t h i n g

>> No.14736206

i bought 10k @ 2:34 average and sold above 4.10 how did i do swinglets? when do i buy back in?

>> No.14736223

kek the FBI never fails to make me laugh at their incompetency

>> No.14736245

I can smell your cunt.

>> No.14736247

This ain't r/BTC, faggot. You can't circle jerk and be "right "

>> No.14736252

you can't seethe and be right

>> No.14736258

>no u
How's summer, kid?

>> No.14736273

p good and yours?

>> No.14736316
File: 766 KB, 1080x2220, Screenshot_20190711-231051_Snapchat.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yea bud I dont need imaginary coins Ive got this. Made it this week.
I dont need to hope some bullshit currency is going to blow up just because(literally just because, I mean really you cant give me 1 reason why it would be useful)
Im willing to bet your strong belief in the bitcoin is continuously fueled by laziness. Youre lazy.
You hope buying some bullshit will make you rich in 5 years. Just cuz u bought it. You dont know what this is gonna do. You just hope itll make u rich cuz ur lazy and cant actually work.
Give me 1 argument that will make me say damn ok maybe we really need the bitcoin. Go ahead. Im so sorry to burst your bubble btw
i wish i came on this website more than once every few months to be able to understand the memes. Wait im too making real money instead of hoping shitcoins go up KEK

>> No.14736331

STFU you faggot boomer. No one gives a fuck about your ancient take on currency and the free market. Hurry the F up and retire and fuck off to a nursing home while the grown-ups fix the mess you've created.

>> No.14736350
File: 103 KB, 828x815, 2dm39qgw8l231.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Expecting the President of the United States to not shill the United States Dollar
It gets easier and easier to spot the ones who aren't going to make it.

>> No.14736353

And btw if you buy shitcoins and hold them you are so fucking new to this and you will get shit on so bad. You TRADE them and make money whether they go up or down. YOU DONT HOLD THEM. i hope you guys are not seriously holding these shitcoins

>> No.14736360

Didnt some guy ask Trump to tweet about Bitcoin a while back? Guess he got his wish.

>> No.14736374

cute autist. how much link for her?

>> No.14736376

Im 21 you retard dude LOL the projection is hilarious you guys are little children. Its hilarious to burst your bubble seeing how offended you get. Like what?! THIS GUY DOESNT THINK THE BITCOIN IS GONNA BE THE NEXT GOOGLE OR MICROSOFT! FUCKING BOOMER DOESNT WANT ME TO GET RICH QUICK BY DOING NOTHING REEEE

>> No.14736395

this is actually bullish as fuck

>> No.14736403

>Im 21

>> No.14736404
File: 76 KB, 230x216, too_funny.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


> leafland faggot thinks 1200 is real money

hahahahaha, you fucking clown leafland faggot. You do realize the number of millionaires that crypto has made right? And here you go and flaunt you $1200 CAD like that's real money??

I made 3x that this month with a shitcoin named VIDT you broke faggot wagie.

Careful it's 11PM already wagie, time for sleep, you gotta get up early to make your $150 tomorrow.

>> No.14736422

She’s a child Frank

>> No.14736440

Theres more than 3600 in that stack my friend
>i gambled my money and won!
Okay lmao enjoy losing it next week or the week after or the one after.
And where do u live where wagies get payed in cash? Idk what 9 to 5 is bud

>> No.14736459

> lm 21 but speculating on new emerging technology is equivalent to doing nothing.....

Like I said boomer, fuck off hurry up and retire and get to the nursing home ASAP.

>> No.14736461

Imagine thinking he doesn’t, when he’s a billionaire and you’re poor

>> No.14736462

>number of millionaires crypto has made!
ok nice tactic man u got me wow i think ill buy 2 bitcoins right away and start staring at charts all day now

>> No.14736472

jesus dude you fuck off. he is shit

>> No.14736479

why should i give a fuck when i have made millions, myself?

>> No.14736511

U are literally just hopping on a bandwagon hoping to get rich quick. Stop thinking of urself as some investor whos exploring new businesses or whatever. Thats not what ure doing. Ure 1)hoping to get rich by doing nothing 2)you filter out negative bitcoin comments and delude yourself by only reading pro btc shit and 3)u are probably wasting ur life away staring at charts on a chink manipulated currency I mean just lol wake up man

>> No.14736526
File: 34 KB, 817x443, Brainlet No Brain Anymore.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

> doesn't understand what a zero-sum game is....

You are one hell of a boomer brainlet, fella.

>> No.14736539

why are you typing like a nigger?

>> No.14736540

Millionaires dont go on 4chan u loser stop roleplaying and if u are a millionaire on 4chan u are definitely without a doubt : deformed/midget/incredibly autistic
Which one is it? Go enjoy ur life u fucking retard instead of replying to me
A millionaire wouldnt get triggered by what im saying, only someone who has all their savings on the line would. U are bad at lying

>> No.14736545

Kek same

>> No.14736552

>Millionaires dont go on 4chan u loser stop roleplaying
who do you think really made millions of $ off of crypto here on biz? a bunch of racist incel oldfags. on the SA forums back in 09-10, we had a period of time where we bought eachother custom titles, platinum accounts, avatars, etc. for either 69 or 420 bitcoins typically. sporadic posting about bitcoin has been talked about here on 4chan since the beginning, too, with anons mining for fun and throwing bitcoin around for fun. what do you think happens to the people who have been addicted to the internet for decades? we start to accumulate internet things--funny pics, videos, pasta, and bitcoin. do you know what else happes to people who have been making dumbass posts since they were shitting in diapers? they become racist incels.

and now these racist incels, like me, are multi-millionaires.

>> No.14736560

trump just fucked himself with that tweet. i guess he doesn't want to be president. this will unironically singlehandedly ruin him. I will personally vote for creepy uncle joe now just out of spite even though I think he's probably a pedophile and also probably hates bitcoin. this is the most out of touch and fucking retarded shit I've ever seen in my entire life.

>> No.14736584

What year do you think this is, you boomer brainlet? 2013?

How can someone be this much of a boomer?

Do you open word documents sent from emails you've never seen before?

>> No.14736590

And ure still pathetic. Wtf go outside holy shit you have millions and you actually reply to me? So pathetic. U arent a millionaire and if you are, you just got lucky and won at a gamble. Thats it. The fact that youre not out there enjoying your life tells me you dont realize the value of your money because you got lucky and won a gamble, you didnt actually work for it. If you traded your way to a million thats respectable, if you bought it early thats called luck. You aint shit

>> No.14736604

you are seething harder than i could have possibly imagined. keep going lmao

>> No.14736616

No Im the one who sends those emails with phishing pages. Holy mother of projection. Holy mother of lazy sad nerds. Btw still nobody gave me a single good argument on why the btc is needed. All i got was autism and "BUT IT MADE OTHERS RICH". Youre just admitting u want to get rich quick thats the only reason you all believe in it.

>> No.14736623
File: 429 KB, 519x597, nee23234.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

cope more, seething wagie boomer.

Sucks doesn't it. And here you thought working hard was the way to go.

In the next life, figure out working smart will always beat working hard.

......in the next life.

>> No.14736624

by your comments here I assess you to be a brainlet boomer.

ofc crypto goes over your head if you lack the required IQ to understand it kek.

low IQ also makes me think you are a nigger.

>> No.14736634

president not liking bitcoin has literally zero effect on bitcoin, it's all a fucking ponzi scheme that relies on FOMO retards buying at higher and higher prices so that bag holders can dump when enough profit becomes possible.

BTC has been around since 2013 and still has not been mass adopted by the public for day to day transactions, as a matter of fact only backpage at the time used to require BTC payments for ads but since they shut down the whorehouse, BTC is useless and begged to US dollars anyways.

Trump is a good president much better than any Democratic alternative, and you can't always agree with someone all the time, literally impossible even with your wife and friends that's impossible.

>> No.14736635

>He wants BTC out of the game - but for what purpose?

He wants to appease his Jewish masters. Trump is just a puppet.

>> No.14736636

>you didnt actually work for it
imagine believing that wagecucking for shekelstein is an honorable profession top cuck

>> No.14736649

Fiat is not real money.
That's a fact.
Bitcoin strives to be real money, only time will tell if it is successful.

>> No.14736657

pedo prez

>> No.14736658

This tweet (and the next two) look nothing like his writing style. Completely scripted.

>> No.14736663

BTC isn't all that matters (has the power to move to another country with millions without banks fucking you. also faster than bank transfers) btw I don't like BTC because it is not very well scalable (lightning network yes yes)

you don't have to like BTC to be in crypto. have you ever heard of LINK how new are you to this. holy shit
>boomer discovers BTC

>> No.14736664

I literally posted a pic of a stack in cash and people are calling me a wagecuck. I mean really just let it sink in. How did u come to that conclusion hahahah
I guess we can agree on one thing, fuck wagecucks

>> No.14736675

>I literally posted a pic of a stack in cash
niggers on twitter post themselves with cash, too. good job being no better than some dipshit nigger on facebook

>> No.14736690

Ok and do you think those niggers wagecuck? Youre drifting from the point
Cant wait to see how you flip this one around. Cant wait to see what u call me next lol

>> No.14736703

are you retarded. people here have hundreds of thousands in LINK and you brag about 1k in cash.
>I literally posted a pic of a stack in cash and people are calling me a wagecuck.
imagine thinking that posting cash earned by wageslaving implies he is not a wageslave. are you a nigger?

>> No.14736705

Kek, you’re an ass.

>> No.14736712

we get it. you missed final boarding in 2012 and are so asshurt.
now gtfo to bed, you have an extra large doubledouble to serve me in 9 hours.

>> No.14736721


is already priced out.

>> No.14736733

>Ok and do you think those niggers wagecuck?
they're on welfare. apparently you are, too
>posting your welfare money to an anonymous cartoon porn imageboard
jesus christ you're a dumb fucking nigger. i'm out of this thread. stay mad

>> No.14736734

>has the power to move millions without banks fucking you
>oh also i forgot to mention if you get hacked well ur moneys gone
>oh also forgot to mention only cartels and shit would ever make use of that

>oh also forgot to mention if u make a typo in the address for whatever reason your money is lost forever.

Are you seeing a pattern here? Do you not understand how unsafe this is? It will never be adopted by the general population. Never
I would rather have goldberg take his fees in exchange for security than risk losing it and then having no way of getting it back

>> No.14736746

If you think cringy basement dwelling crypto users are going to swing the next election, which Trump will obviously win by a landslide.. you deserve to lose every penny you have invested. You really think they're going to push a child molester into office? Rofl.

Trump 2020 easy victory. Not even close unless the DNC tries to rig the voting again

>> No.14736750

>are you retarded. people here have hundreds of thousands in LINK and you brag about 1k in cash
This is one of those things that if you said irl people would facepalm and say plz tell me youre not serious...

>> No.14736799

You have a point. Bitcoin needs a level of intelligence to handle and secure, user-side.
It is a feature, not a drawback.

>> No.14736832

>he hasn't heard of LINK (community token of biz)
how new are you. boomer LARPing as 21 y/o

>> No.14736845

Nice 3rd grade comment, starting off well
Ok cool i get im stupid i get hacked i make typos in addresses all that ok cool
But now imagine old people
Or young people
Or middle aged people
Anyone can make a typo in an adress and lose all his money
Anyone can get their shit sniffed or whatever.
Youre a fucking child man
Youre dumb as shit and high on crack.
Youre saying that the vast majority of the population would not be able to understand bitcoin, yet at the same time you claim it will be the next big thing to change the world that everyone will use. Do you understand how youre contradicting yourself. Fucking retard if you knew anything other than throwing childish insults at strangers online maybe you would put ur money in a smarter investment.
U u u u ure ure urself

>> No.14736850
File: 168 KB, 781x666, Scam.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Oh that shitcoin needless token.

>> No.14736877

hadji are you priced out already. well cya 1k EO2020

>> No.14736905

wtf you guys are retarded. trump 4d chess. he gave you guys a fucking PERFECT time to buy. right out the oalm of his hands. y'all are just too stupid to notice. no better time to buy but now

>> No.14736909


>> No.14736919

Like havr u ever heard of bank databases getting hacked? Identities stolen and money stolen? The people get refunded.
If a bitcoin market database gets hacked and people lose money, theyre not getting it back as theres no security. Is this rocket science to you people? This simple argument shits on ur idea of the bitcoin ever becoming a normal everyday currency and you cant refute it.
>ur blockchain account gets hacked
>they have ur useragent cookies and shit so they can login to ur account and take ur money
wow it makes me want to put my savings in this! Maybe ill get rich one day

>> No.14736955

based. Now all the normies will buy btc because trump hates it

>> No.14736982

Nice senile comment, continuing off well.
Securing your Bitcoin to a level far beyond what any institution, governmental or otherwise can provide, takes three steps.
If the imaginary old, middle-aged, young person can do online banking, they can transact in BTC.
As I said above, the 'sacrifice' of being more responsible with your unconditionally custodial, unconfiscatable, and secure asset is a feature, not a drawback.

>> No.14736984
File: 3.17 MB, 2209x2921, 1562883751164.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

you don't understand this space at all. go wagecucking another day and enjoy your weekend. seriously, you are just looking for validation of your preconceived notions. and that is what you will get here. this board is shitposting 90% of the time while the vast majority is reaping the benefits from 2 years research of LINK. This is not the place to start from scratch learning about BTC (or any other cryptocurrency).
you don't know what a blockchain is.
you don't know what smart contracts are.
you don't know what the oracle problem is.
you don't now more than 1 other cryptocurrency besides BTC (ETH)
you are a boomer
you are a nigger
you are a nocoiner that spends his time on biz
you are a nigger (low IQ)
you are a wagecuck (thinking 3k in cash changes that fact)
you are trying to ask questions here about BTC to see what all the fuzz is about, expecting serious answers here.

>> No.14736985

He tweets about China because it's a threat too.

>> No.14737022
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>If a bitcoin market database
If a bitcoin market database

>This simple argument shits on ur idea of the bitcoin ever becoming a normal everyday currency and you cant refute it.
further confirming you only know about BTC

yes BTC in its current state will never be a everyday currency because of scalability issues I mentioned >>14736663

>ur blockchain account gets hacked
>they have ur useragent cookies and shit so they can login to ur account and take ur money

holy shit do you know anything at all? boomers will never understand crypto.

>> No.14737029

> static boomer logic failing to compute an emerging technology.........it's clearly emerging still but thinks everything has to be completed today, including all the supporting infrastructure to facilitate worldwide adoption.....literally the same retard boomer that thought no one would use the internet in 1995, literally the exact same boomer as that....

Jesus dude it's midnight already. GO TO BED! You gotta get up in about 5 hours.

Do you really want to be tired tomorrow because you spent all night seething and raging about technology that is too hard to grasp for your brainlet boomer mind?

>> No.14737030

Ok, now use the few braincells youve got and explain this :
If that feature is so risky and takes so much more intelligence and work than a normal currency in a bank, why would it ever replace a normal currency in a bank?
It never will
Which brings me to my next question
Why invest knowing it has no chance?
Ah youre a dumb lazy faggot hoping you can ride the wave like people did in 2017. Ok got it.
U are so mad and i havent even read ur post btw lol

>> No.14737050

>insults me by calling me a boomer
>admits to a big chunk of the population never being able to understand cryptos
>basically admits his coins will never amount to shit
Gj shooting urself in the foot.
Call me boomer all u want u retarded faggot but those boomers wont buy ur shitcoins and youll lose your money in them. Neither will young people. Or anyone for that matter. Who the fuck in their right mind would handle their money in crypto. U dont leave ur basement do ya

>> No.14737057

>What will this bring that the dollar doesnt?
verifiable supply
max supply
decreasing inflation every btc halfing
cuts out 3rd party

>> No.14737072

Dude do u not understand if boomers hate your currency
It will never make it
Because boomers are a big chunk of the population.
You cant say "a big part of the population will never get this BUT we are going to replace real currencies". U sound like u are 15. U just cant be over 20 years old and contradict urself like that.

>> No.14737076

you are entertainment. not too often you find a boomer trying this hard.

>> No.14737083

Why would I hold when I could swing?

>> No.14737096

>can ride the wave like people did in 2017.
we were the people. you were not. get over it. go wagecucking now you could be making 10USD in the time you post here!!! great really

>> No.14737101

I can say the same thing about u guys
Amount of benefits for the average person : 0
Gj basically saying nothing

>> No.14737117 [DELETED] 
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shutup nigger

>> No.14737125

Ah so youre here for gamble number 2. Got it.
Why do you struggle so hard to admit that the bitcoin is only a temporary gold rush? It wont ever replace shit and if we go back to the OP, trump is right. Its ok man, theres nothing wrong with admitting youre in this for the money. Dont pretend like this piece of shit will take over the world cuz you know it wont

>> No.14737133

you were the only one so far that raised the point 'btc going to replace real currencies' yet you seem to always come back to this. so the only value btc would have for you is to be the world currency kek

also this.

>> No.14737141
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"highly volatile and based on thin air."

Sounds like the US Petrodollar. Made from thin air.

I wonder if he's sending a false flag.

>> No.14737144
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>> No.14737154

You are dumber than a box of niggers.

>> No.14737171

Im saying btc cuz its the biggest one but if you would like i can correct myself by saying cryptos in general.
Theyre not all that much different for the average person. Its the same bs at its core.

>> No.14737208

>If that feature is so risky and takes so much more intelligence
I said just the opposite. It takes some moderate intelligence and a bit of extra focus to do the monetary instrumental tasks with Bitcoin.
>why would it ever replace a normal currency in a bank?
It is not about replacing 'normal' currencies, than it is to surpass the need of delegating trust to a third party.
A party, which for the past 5000 years, continuously proved itself malicious and antipodal to the same people who compounded its capital.

>> No.14737223

I agree with my fellow anon, this is a first for me, actually conversing with a real-world boomer on here.

Because of that brainlet boomer I will say this. Your type of thinking is the same thing your parents the boomers before you thought about the internet in the early 90's.

But see that's the thing. When your brain can't grasp technological innovation or growth you assume everything today will stay the same. Just like all those "flaws" you think a digital currency has will stay the same.

You fail to realize that like the internet the infrastructure has to be built FIRST!

Then and only then will you be able to fix those other much, much smaller issues that you boomers make such a big deal about. Such as getting "hacked" lol. Or sending the wrong address again lol.

Jesus dude, can you imagine you in the 90's saying the exact fucking thing about the internet? "It's too slow, no one wants to use this, what purpose would you even use this for? To write letters on a keyboard? It's so much slower, why, why, why?"

Wait a minute you're a boomer so you likely already said those things about the internet back then.

Jesus dude, for a boomer you sure have a short memory.

>> No.14737233

The alarming thing is that Trump is smarter than biz. All of what he said is true

>> No.14737249

you keep coming back to BTC (the only crypto you know) most people on this board are in LINK (all in) because this hivemind has researched LINK the past 2 years.

personally I don't like btc that much it just has name recognition (boomers like you only know BTC) and was a first mover. because of scalability (a point I raised multiple times here) I don't think it can go past ATH because of high tx fees (not that you would understand how BTC processes transactions because you don't know what a blockchain is). I have never held BTC long term, also not in 2k17 I made all the money with cryptos you have never heard of.

>Ah so youre here for gamble number 2. Got it.
you clearly don't know anything about crypto. muh BTC. you don't realize that there is genuine tech behind this that will shape the coming years. while you stay ignorant of blockchain, smart contracts and doracles exactly those concepts will play a role in our daily lives for years to come (backend). you don't need to adapt and learn about tech which is challenging to brainlets. you can stay ignorant. boomers will die out eventually. thats evolution.

>> No.14737273

based and IQpilled.

>> No.14737323
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if nothing else ask yourself one simple question. how come you have such a strong opinion about it without knowing (((((anything)))))) at all about crypto?

>> No.14737343

I see where youre going with this. But dude youre getting me wrong here and youre thinking only from your point of view. First of all I steal from banks for a living so dont think im a fan of banks. I do more damage to banks in a week than u do with ur shitcoins in a lifetime. The problem is, I cant for the life of me imagine my grandparents handling their cryptos BY THEMSELVES on their phones. Do you not understand that most people LIKE banks for the security? Most people dont want to manage their entire savings in fucking imaginary coins on their phone with fucking weird address codes and shit. How deluded are you?! Like wtf. You are so deluded by anti semitism(and i hate jews too) that you think just getting rid of banks and have anarchy is the way to go?
Now youre gonn call me a boomer right? U guys are seriously deluded
U are never going to get rid of the idea of someone or some people managing others money, because people WANT others to manage their money. Statistically speaking, you autists on biz with your anarchist ideas of finances are like not even 0.1% of people. You circlejerk each other all day like losers and now you really believe in this shit. You think ur aunt is gonna ever want to get her paychecks on blockchain? Lmao i can give you 20 examples like that. It will never happen

>> No.14737370

Your dollar loses value every single day.
Your bank can't use your crypto to give niggers loans.

Putting your money into bitcoin is smarter than putting it into a bank (if you can handle this sort of responsibility).

I don't care about the "average person". They'll flock to crypto once the faceberg shit launches. They're just cattle. You think any "average people" found the internet useful at first? Well look where we are now.

>> No.14737374
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>> No.14737395

I can guarantee you that you aren't harming the banks lmao.

You can still a billion dollars from a bank and they'll get it all back from the government, at the price of crashing the economy of course. But hey, it least it's not that evil bitcoin! Israel might be gone if those evil crypto Nazis took over!

>> No.14737411

The internet makes life easier
Cryptos make life riskier and harder
Stop using the internet example. The
internet and cryptos have nothing in common. They have opposite characteristics

>> No.14737450

Good one

>> No.14737469

Yeah sell when its UP, not when its down. Now is a good time to buy, not sell. You‘ll make it anon.

>> No.14737501

So whats your point? It sounds like you hate israel, which I also do, and you justify the shitcoins with hating israel. Why would you buying shitcoins hurt the banks anymore than me? And why would people move to cryptos? I still dont get that one. It sounds like the root cause is your government not the dollar or the banks...
Banks have bad things about them ofc but that doesnt mean cryptos are much better. If something is going to be adopted by the general population it needs to be regulated by someone, we just have the wrong people regulating our real life currencies, and thats why youre justifying shitcoins

>> No.14737506

But he is right, you dumb fucking zoomers

>> No.14737520

And besides, I assume youre american, the US was literally founded off on the wrong foot. The freemasons founded the US. If you think shitcoins will be the thing to get us out of their grasp youre dreaming

>> No.14737573

perhaps one of the greatest things said by an elected official, of all time

>> No.14737581

Even if shitcoins really were poison to banks, you still dont have the whole user friendly idea on your side. People just wont like this over banks. Until a shitcoin is easy to use, simple, safe, regulated by non corrupt people... until then no shitcoin will make it. Why would it?
Im smart enough to use cryptos, so are alot of people, but just cuz some people can manage it doesnt mean the whole population will. As I said I just cant imagine elders or immigrants or whatever, using this to manage their funds. It sounds ridiculous. If its regulated and safe, maybe in the future, but forget this idea of anarchy and everyone managing their shit by themselves cuz that is fiction.

>> No.14737619
File: 1.69 MB, 395x520, Brainlet Gif 2.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Jesus Christ, you are one of the dumbest low IQ nerds I've ever heard of.

You clearly must be a low IQ because:

1) you steal money via carding and think that makes you tech-savvy and or smart?
2) you know so little about actual technology that I would bet my fucking life you don't even know how the internet actually works in reality.

The internet and Blockchain analogy wasn't created by us, you fucking low IQ moron. Read this popular article back in 2016 which I guarantee your little brain can't even comprehend.


You are so unbelievably stupid and unaware that you actually think you have any shred of moral authority over autists on /biz yet you make chump change carding and think you're some kind of a hacker king! LMAO.

Please do not breed you fucking clown. We do not need any more stupid people who think they're actually of above-average intelligence.

>> No.14737669

I don't think you do anything but a minor inconvenience to your bank of choice.
Financial institutions took out trillions of dollars from the masses, ruined people's lives for generations, and still, in a perverse way the victims were the ones to bail rescue them. Investment banks have an almost flawless mechanism to always stay out of red.

I agree that many people like the banks for their perceived security, but mostly for the convenience of the good ol' comfort zone.

>You are so deluded by anti semitism
I am not antisemitic in the least.They are many players iwho operate insurmountable amounts of wealth beyond any outreach and regulation. Jews, Anglo-Saxons, Arabs, Chinese, Russians, Japanese, narco cartels, etc. etc. - all bidding on their own game.

>people WANT others to manage their money.
A lot of them do, more and more do not. Maybe you and I are privileged to live and relatively secure societies, but tell this to the people of Venezuela, Argentina or any other country with impeding financial schism.
>You think ur aunt is gonna ever want to get her paychecks on blockchain?
My personal dream is to see taxation and government spending on the blockchain. I believe that the entrenched high-bureaucrat is even more damaging than a top banker.

>> No.14737683

Why do you type so much without saying anything man
Just be a normal adult. Stop being autistic. Next time just give a basic normally phrased argument. Stop pretending like youre smart talking about technology and shit when I told you no one will adopt it because its anti comfort anti trust anti safety anti everything people look for in money management. I gave you countless examples of why it wont work and you just keep insulting and saying nothing. I feel bad for you man. I wish you the best you angry little man
Gonna go out for a smoke, it was fun chatting. Good luck

>> No.14737706

That judgement card is obviously supposed to be Trump. Like not a weird coincidence it's a recent thing

>> No.14737721

Imagine being this retarded

>> No.14737748

i can buy chinese food right down the street

>> No.14737804

> smokes cigarettes.....low-income, and low-iq, yup he's a leafland nigger that worships Drake....

Get lost you fucking clown.

>> No.14737835

he pushes holohoax, gays, trannys, and tows the line in every way.

>> No.14737864

The dude you're replying to is unironically right, anon. You do seem like the type of person that is afraid to admit that the article he linked is above your comprehension, so you instead revert to using insults and getting frustrated.

>> No.14737922


You won’t get any answers because all crypto holders believe in a pipe dream pyramid scheme that will take them out of their miserable lives.

>> No.14737967

Why are we getting invaded by jew shills ? Did they just find out that we know whats going on. Trump passed Fintech bills, he knows crypto is the future. What timeline is this

>> No.14737999

I'm pretty sure he's just old and doesn't like computer stuff

>> No.14738000
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Based and capped for future lulz

>> No.14738009

Bro. Lamborghini quite literally will accept bitcoin as a form of payment.


>> No.14738468


>what purpose

because (((they're))) in charge anon. don't be so stupid.