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14731653 No.14731653 [Reply] [Original]

"Have sex"

Be me 26
40k€ assets
living at home

So i just met a fat ugly ass total awkward bitch "roastie" on the internet , we never met before (I wish i had). And i say fuck it i just wanna lose this virgin stuff
So we meet in a hilbilly village in the middle of nowhere.
She hops in my car , we immediateley start kissing (probably a mistake from my side )
She wants to suck my cock , i let her.
She is basically so good at sucking i come deep down her throat and she swallows all.
Expects second round of me (oh boyyy ) i waped my dick clean and round with my shirt and my willy is half way erect i barely fit the condom.
Start penetrating her , and after 5 minutes of fucking i "pretend" that i come pulling out and thank god it was dark hours outside i did put the condom somewhere else in a bag so she doesnt see nothing of a cum LOL. jesus christ i think i just barely penetrated her but at least im not a virgin anymore.

How i feel about what happened:

after i did drive away 5 kilometers i stopped and did put a ton load of disinfectant liquid in my face with water and my hands jesus christ.
My feelings at that moment:

I feel like a Npc
Feeling Dirty
Feeling empty
Feel like i just got raped
kinda worried that i somehow made her preggo
I cant describe this feeling faggots it feels like watching animals having sex and oh yeah sex is the most overrated shit EVER , its not the same as in porn vids. Forget about that totally. All in all i can say that i dont know what the fuck just happened. Should i block her bizfrens? Or leave her on my phone as backup roastie , kek.
To all these "have sex" posts , i'd rather put that energy while cumming in her mouth in analysing my next stock/coin/etf/bond.


Sex is overrated af, dont worry if youre a virgin with 24+y/o . ITs totally boring.

>> No.14731683

>he didnt cum
still a virgin

>> No.14731701

Sex can be good if you're attracted to your partner and there's enough mutual trust that she lets you sexually defile her in whatever way you choose. Random hookups are generally not enjoyable though.

>> No.14731711

It sounds like you had sex with the wrong gender for your orientation. Try a guy next time, you might cum.

>> No.14731714

Getting your dick sucked is better than sex

>> No.14731717
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>still a virgin

Being not a virgin is overrated. The act is time wasting.
I'd rather see those dividends coming from my investments than having sex.

Sex should be only for reproducing , and not for else

>> No.14731733

Our ancestors used to rape everything in sight. If you are not interested in that you have low test and must get checked

>> No.14731755

this board is so fucked up.

>> No.14731777


>> No.14731794

>sex is overrated
The ultimate redpill.

>> No.14731802

>love isnt

>> No.14731810
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That was because they wanted to reproduce themselves.

>If you are not interested in that you have low test and must get checked

I certainly disagree. I got perfect fine test levels. The thing was only that it was a random hookup and she wasnt really sexually appealing.

>> No.14731872

sounds like shit, would be a different story if she wasnt fat ngross

>> No.14731900

you german right?

>> No.14731907

Sex for the sake of hedonism or out of peer pressure as to confirm to our jewified clown world is over rated.

The only sex that matters is with a girl of your own race and good genetics for the purpose of impregnating. Unfortunately men are pathetically weak in our modern era and we have lost control of our women. Jews have taken control and corrupted them with sexual liberation, feminist and materialism propaganda. Your average girl is a thot who only cares about traveling and fucking chad and bragging about it to her friends on instathot. Solution. Get rid of all jews and put our women back in their rightful place as nature demands us. Otherwise shit will keep getting worse and we will have more disinfrancised people like yourself who have to settle for gross roasties for sex and even if you want to start a family or get married you’ll be the one with no power as the Jews give all power to the women. All a women has to do is call the police and say you are harming her and then you go to jail and she gets the kids. Shits fucking backwards. When will men be men and assert themselves and take back what’s ours and stop the constant bullying the Jews and their female golems put us through.

>> No.14731912

Stop looking at porn then

>> No.14732012

solution: complete world population converting
no more wars anymore bc there is no one to fight against. no such things as male incels. local knit communities. every man gets a mate aslong he is a helpful vital part of the community. no need of chad face, 100k job, 6ft tall height or any of this bs

christanity seem to be on the verge - loosing too much of its content. gravitating to degenaracy. more and more people getting atheistic: hedonism and materalism in disguise

>> No.14732031

* complete world population converting to islam

>> No.14732070

Sex only seems good if it's with somebody you genuinely love, or at least enjoy being around. Prostitutes and one night stands don't interest me at all.

>> No.14732090
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You got a blowie from a whore on the side of the road.

It's not like you made love to someone who cares about you. Don't act like you know everything about sex

>> No.14732100
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Instead of "have sex," we should say "make love"

>> No.14732117
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>> No.14732130

Sounds exactly like mainstream porn desu? Idk why I'd want to bother unless I am emotionally attracted enough to want to put my tongue into her mouth, rather than my dick (which is by definitionlogically impossible when it comes to roasties). Which ironically must work much better in fantasy than it would in reality. Though I wouldn't know, by virtue of being a neet virgin and all. But thanks for sharing your trauma, Anon.

>> No.14732140

Sex is boring man, never got the fascination with it

Can think of 100 things I’d rather do

>> No.14732151
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Currently casually hooking up with this girl. I guess i don't make her feel wanted sexually enough and she wanted me to take one of those male enhancement pills she got from a sex toy store but that shit has ball cancer all over it.

I guess i just don't enjoy sex unless I'm in love.

>> No.14732163

You underestimate the intoxicating effect of confidence on a woman. A 5’ guy with a great sense of humor and loaded with confidence can choose from lots of great women. The problem is there aren’t that many because guys think height matters. Correlation not causation.

>> No.14732174

>Sex should be only for reproducing , and not for else
Based. Protect your chastity until you make it, then find a Christian wife and give her lots of babies.

>> No.14732208


AAHHhhhhh... ahhh hahaha 5'0 damn you got me bro

I don't think you realize how short 5'0 is. A "really short girl" is 5'0 for fuck's fake

>> No.14732271

I'm usually the guy saying that 'manlets' are too worried about their height, but you're totally right. 5'0 is pygmy tier

>> No.14732301
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>She wanted me to take a male enhancement pill

>> No.14732304

>Expects second round of me (oh boyyy )
lol high expectations. the vast majority of males wouldnt be able to immediately go for round 2

>> No.14732336


>> No.14732343

lol. I know a guy who was like 5'5 and pulled like crazy and he was considered short. 5'0 is pushing it though

>> No.14732353



>> No.14732366

ive seen this exact thread a month ago

>> No.14732386

>Sex should be only for reproducing , and not for else
Only ugly people say this. Sorry anon.

>> No.14732458

this anon gets it. the real key to good sex is violating your girl hardcore. for me it's doggy style anal while I'm pulling her head back by her hair and choking her. she calls me daddy, I call her a whore. the sex is great.

redpill on sex is it's all in your head. you need to learn to push her brain buttons.

>> No.14732512
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My dick is fine. Maybe don't last THAT long but i just am not constantly horny or anything. Sex once or twice a week is fine, but i don't even care these days. Would rather just read or something.

I wish i had a real gf

>> No.14732514
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>Sex is overrated af, dont worry if youre a virgin with 24+y/o . ITs totally boring.

Thanks fren for testing the waters out there. :)
At least I know I'm not missing out on anything significant.

>> No.14732535

I lost mine at 26 last year too to my first ever gf and yea the physical feeling is underwhelming. Doesn’t feel quite as dirty to do it with someone you love though. Mostly I learned that the sages and hermits are right, seeking sex and truth are mutually exclusive

>> No.14732548
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Why do you think the J's get rid of the foreskin to lessen the sensation? ;)

>> No.14732575
File: 5 KB, 182x268, MV5BZjQ0MzU3MTEtNDZmNC00ZGQ1LWFmNzQtZWNlMGE5ODA2YjZjXkEyXkFqcGdeQXVyNjUxMjc1OTM@._V1_UY268_CR147,0,182,268_AL_.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>solution: complete world population converting to islam
>no more wars anymore bc there is no one to fight against.

pls be bait

>> No.14732586

He busted in her throat if this isnt pasta that counts 100%>>14731714
Facts. Unless its a baddie who knows how to fuck with wet juicy vagene

>> No.14732693


>> No.14732754
File: 118 KB, 674x505, 1558805664149.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

My losing virginity story

>bitch from high school starts talking to me over MSN messenger
>we start texting
>then we start sexting
>after many days of sexting I invite to a friends house to get drunk
>we get drunk and go back to my place
>I'm totally smashed
>start banging without a condom
>all I remember is her calling me the wrong name and I punched her in the back of the head during doggy style enraged then fell asleep
>wake up
>bang her again this time with a condom
>she tells me she is 4 hours late for work
>tell her she has to take the bus to work(I could've drove her but I wanted to play some hearts of iron 2)
>she keeps texting me after and wants to be my gf, ignore her because sex is an overrated meme and I'd rather play hearts of iron 2
>months later get super drunk and harass her over text
>she has a bf now and he replies telling me to leave her alone or he'll beat me up
>now she's a single mom and random started talking to me on facebook

>> No.14733070

>hearts of iron 2

top kek, based boomer

>> No.14733321

Tfw no hearts of iron 2 gf

>> No.14733598

This is true... esp with a swallower

>> No.14734419

>being this fucking new
Jfc just end me now

>> No.14734423

it's disgustingly overrated
nice for like 2 minutes of afterglow but it's 2+ hours of bullshit to get there

>> No.14734451

>sexual alchemy doesn't exist