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14726251 No.14726251[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Did you ever criticize your parents for mutilating your penis? If yes how did it go? Or do you just pretend you are happy?

I am interested in getting into the industry, seems profitable.

>> No.14726367

I have told them that it pisses me off that they took part of my manhood and they justified it with muh evangelical christian jew worship and also "it's just a useless flap of skin anyway, it doesn't change anything." No apologies, no ackowledgment that it was a bad idea to mutilate their son's penis without his permission.

>> No.14726372
File: 104 KB, 883x829, maisie.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

No female has ever told me circumcised penises look or smell weird

Plenty of females have told me uncircumcised penises look or smell weird

Also you shouldn't be able to slap on stupid shit about profiting or whatever so that you can pretend like this is a biz thread.

>> No.14726470 [DELETED] 

why do uncut dicks look like mushrooms though? isn't it possible to attach skin from your belly to the dick to repair it? market seems huge

>> No.14726486

it is terribly bluepilled to care about what females think of your dick. the dick is supposed to give YOU pleasure not somde dumb bitch

>> No.14726532

why do cut dicks look like mushrooms though? isn't it possible to attach skin from your belly to the dick to repair it? market seems huge

>> No.14726549

And it does

>> No.14726560

Why are third world shitskins so mad that their dicks look disgusting and animalistic? Just get it snipped. Much more hygenic

>> No.14726581

>caring about what they think

>> No.14726594

I’m not on speaking terms with because of it.

110% serious

>> No.14726605
File: 68 KB, 750x953, IMG_6195.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

wars between France and Germany always started because of one thing : Germans are jealous of the french because they are way more aesthetic and they fuck all the women.

Germans are so jealous of the french they tried to invade them many times but the french is courageous and so manly he never surrendered even 1 centimeter of the motherland.

God, it feels so good to be french.

>> No.14726613

These kids don't get pussy yet so they don't know man

>> No.14726616
File: 128 KB, 1456x970, SQYmt5tr.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

> Being out of touch with your penis's target demographic

>> No.14726619

are you sure? i wish i had a dick like that, just look how thick it is with foreskin. i hate my parents for this shit.

>> No.14726626

No my cock is beautiful and I enjoy not getting made fun of by the women I have sex with.

>> No.14726636

It's surgery to stop you jerking off. How much more cucked can you get.

>> No.14726651

Wait but I still jerk off

>> No.14726664

i am not even german faggot
cucked af

>> No.14726665

You sure? I can jerk off just fine but I actually get pussy on a regular basis sooooooooo enjoy the anteater dick i guess

>> No.14726687

> Cucked for having a penis women love sucking sitting and farting on
Cope, hoodie

>> No.14726732

is this what all germans look like? wtf lmao

>> No.14726891
File: 90 KB, 810x433, Screenshot_20190711-123314_Messages.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Cope harder cutfag. I've been with plenty of women and they've always fallen in love with my dick.

>> No.14726979

jesus christ you're pathetic. always remember to wash underneath the hood!

>> No.14727001

I did a year or so ago. My dad has been dead for over a decade and my mom genuinely felt bad for it. Said she was sorry and if she would have known more about it she wouldn't have done it. I do not resent them, I resent the kikes that pushed for it so hard here in America. Same way I resent the Sackler family and the Rothschild family.

>> No.14727002

Nobody wants to see texts from your grandma weirdo

>> No.14727016

Don't bump your head on your way into the oven Goldstein.

>> No.14727036

That's your grandma retard.

>> No.14727063

Dumb cuck, women love to lie. You are the one who is out of touch lmao

>> No.14727073
File: 60 KB, 600x399, women-laughing-and-having-fun.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is how these threads always go

> i am soo happy my parents cut my willy when i didnt have a say in it! i now enjoy sex way less than everyone without a mutilated penis.
>Thank you based parents for adhering to abrahamic/jewish/muslim practices

>cope cope cope

>> No.14727104


>> No.14727116
File: 41 KB, 600x586, 1557942006271.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

> Damn I've made a fool of myself
> Better call him Jewish so I win the argument
You already lost when you entered this thread, pal

>> No.14727143

That's because you live in a country where all your females have been subverted by kike propaganda.

>> No.14727155

Its fucked up. Confronted my mother. Dad is gone. Dumb bitch. It comes in its own protective case. Why fuck with that. Stupid bitch will turn around and buy non GMO all natural right?

>> No.14727157


>> No.14727158
File: 27 KB, 540x540, DoeII0NW4AAhBJG.jpg_large.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I have made peace with my numb dick. I get pussy regularly and my GF is beautiful and I have had many good encounters (as well as bad ones) with women. All in all, there are pleasures greater than how your penis feels during sex and there are people born into horrible deformities and 3rd world countries so overall I am grateful. Yes, I have yelled at my mom about it, no she does not admit any wrongdoing, and getting pissed off doesn't make me feel better, makes me feel worse.

>> No.14727215

Oh good then my cock fits perfectly in this market

Why would they lie about weird alien uncircumcised cocks when I've already completely rearranged their guts with my giant cut hog?

Double cope

>> No.14727264

Not only am i cut but i got a skinbridge from it. All these cut fags talking about aesthetics, its not very aesthetic if you get a skinbridge. I have a son now and he is un cut.

>> No.14727302

you do realise that having a circumcised dick gives you more pleasure due to the delayed orgasms, right? like, do you know the difference between cumming after 5-10 minutes and barely feeling anything and cumming after it built up for more than half an hour and feeling like you're exploding in extasy? that's how having sex with a cut dick feels like every time.
all this "muh less pleasure when cut" sounds really dumb because it's literally the opposite. i got circumcised when i was 17 so i experienced the difference

>> No.14727372


>> No.14727375

you can do the same with discipline, kegels, edging, ball clamps and equipment. but hey, shave the top off

>> No.14727413

>you can do the same with discipline, kegels, edging, ball clamps and equipment
yeah kek i'm glad i just got mine removed for medical reasons and can enjoy the benefit without having to do any of that

>> No.14727450

> Thinking needing all this extra shit is superior