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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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14725718 No.14725718 [Reply] [Original]

I absolutely do not understad what any if the threads in the catalog are talking about, i checked the two stickys and there is no link or reference to beginner information like what /fit/ has.

What do you suggest i read/watch first to understand?

>> No.14725740

Hello there sir
No time to explain but tell your mother sell her earrings buy LINK that's EL EYE EN KAY LINK it is going to be approximately 1000 us dollar in 12 months time from now
Thank you good night

>> No.14725766
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praise vishnu look at the toilet on that bahabat

>> No.14725777
File: 98 KB, 996x720, 89035FF8-D2F3-49B0-BA62-EB05E7DEEBCA.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How much do you know about crypto/stocks??? Just read for a bit and then start commenting. People will talk shit to you, but just ignore them

>> No.14725815
File: 148 KB, 598x600, check 'em.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>How much do you know about crypto/stocks???
None, i know NOTHING!

>> No.14725849

Take every coin shilled here with a grain of salt. Do your own research. Go on the actual fucking website.

>> No.14725915

Check the smg threads >>14724334
Those have good basics and discussions fairly consistently.

>> No.14725930

All women are whores.

>> No.14725974


>> No.14725985

As contrary as this board may make you assume, buying high and selling low is not the wake of make it.
This is board is both a buck of screeching pajeets plus some decent threads sometimes.

>> No.14725999

Make an account on coinbase and buy as much LINK as you can.

>> No.14726022

just buy bitcoin and hold.

>> No.14726047

>As contrary as this board may make you assume, buying high and selling low is not the wake of make it.

>> No.14726048

Smg are the dumbest fuckers on biz. Ask them for proof that they make good calls. You won't get it.

>> No.14726109

>What do you suggest
Marry a man who has demonstrated his competence in crypto. How much crypto a man has is an objective measure of evolutionary fitness.

>> No.14726121

you’re new here so i’ll give you a pass this time but i think you will quickly find that this board doesn’t look kindly on the kind of misogynistic ideology espoused in your picture. just something to keep in mind, enjoy your stay and hodl :)

>> No.14726129

All men are retards

>> No.14726176

50% of men are retards and all women are average brainlets. Look up the stats.

>> No.14726391
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You'll fit right in then

>> No.14726447

I suggest you Google cryptocurrency beginners guide you little prick

Use coinbase as your on ramp (bank account $$->BTC or whatever the fuck you want to buy)
As far as what coins to buy, do your own research

If you want to be a sheep and go with the overwhelming majority of biz buy LINK , that's what 75%+ of us own.
Not gonna explain why, do your own research or just tag along and hope we're all right

>> No.14726485

Sirs pls buy LINK. $1000 eoy or I fuck your mother