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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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14720018 No.14720018 [Reply] [Original]

>told my drug dealer about crypto one day months ago while we were smoking a j together
>he just texted me a few minutes ago saying that i can pay in xmr now
>just sent him .9 xmr for some weed and testosterone
>he says he'll tell everyone he deals to to try to deal in monero for safety and so he's not carrying a lot of cash around all the time
based and redpilled

>> No.14720046

>Not buying from a high iq boomer hippie that looks like a mad scientist

If your drug dealer wasn't already using xmr then he's retarded so why would you buy drugs from a retard? Buying drugs from a retard is a bad idea since he has to buy his drugs from somewhere too and it may be the case that he has been ripped off, fucked with, or was led to believe something else and now he's passing that misinformation (about drug) to you without knowing.

>> No.14720050


>> No.14720055

what y'all don't realize is that once hookers accept crypto it will take over humanity like an uncontrollable mania

>> No.14720077

my dealer accepts LINK he accumulated around 600 LINK between 50 cents and $1 just by selling me bud

>> No.14720107

i've known this guy for awhile and he's discreet and never sells bunk shit. he makes bank but lives in a small house, drives an old car, dresses like a regular guy, no jewelry, doesn't invite ho's over to party, etc. he also has a strict rule that he won't sell to niggers and won't buy from them, which is a huge plus for me

>> No.14720230

He'll probably murder you if it dumps

>> No.14720249

he's a mid-40s white guy in the 'burbs and he understands the volatility of the market.

>> No.14720271

>he also has a strict rule that he won't sell to niggers and won't buy from them

>> No.14720272

How the fuck do you fags find drug dealers. I'm 26 and have never met one in my life. In fact I've only met a small handful of people who have even done drugs in my entire life and it was when I lived in a shitty sharehouse for 6 months in a poor area.

I kinda want to try weed but no fucking clue how to obtain any.

>> No.14720283

>I kinda want to try weed but no fucking clue how to obtain any.
your safest bet as an autist is the darkweb

>> No.14720285

hope you guys sell immediately into btc instead of holding xmr otherwise have fun losing sats.

>> No.14720301

yes i'm accumulating btc by trading shitcoins. but in the end i'm going to hold most of my stack in XMR so the glowniggers can't see it

>> No.14720304

I'm not an autist though. I just have the bad luck of not knowing anyone who does drugs and thus not knowing any dealers. The only time I knew someone personally who smoked weed was a housemate in that place, and he wouldn't tell me his dealer since I didn't know the guy well enough at that point.

I don't trust the darkweb either. And if I buy more crypto I will feel like it's an absolute waste to spend it on drugs instead of Link. So I will end up just dumping it into Link again.

>> No.14720310

dude I can walk into any country on the planet and score some weed. last time in the US I bought from some bellboy at the hotel. in thailand from some rasta thai in a bar. I can sniff out a stoner from miles away and then you just hit them up. dont really smoke anymore but its easy to find pretty much anywhere. how can you NOT have ever met a drug dealer?? in my current job I could probably hit up my boss or coworkers if I wanted to score some.

>> No.14720313

where do you live? if you're in the US odds are one of the states near you has legal weed

>> No.14720316

ask a friend or relative you know won't care then. most are only a couple of people away from it.

>> No.14720318

>I don't trust the darkweb either.
it's more trustworthy than any dealer you're likely to find

>> No.14720356
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>Martin Luther King Boulevard

>> No.14720366

In Australia. I live rurally too, so that's part of the problem. Just country folk living around here.

Strange you mention Thailand. I actually did meet a dealer there, but I was too scared to do anything. I was on walking street and some cunt came up and asked if I wanted weed, didn't want to go to jail so just turned and got the fuck away from him. Shame that's the only fucking place I've met a dealer. But I forgot about it until you mentioned it kek.

I don't suppose you know places in Sydney Australia to get weed?

My brother has been researching drugs lately which is peaked my interest and makes me want to smoke weed and try magic mushrooms. He lives in the city and knows how to get it through his old uni friend, but he landed a cushy high paid corporate job recently so he doesn't want to risk anything for like 6 months he said. I've been asking him to buy some weed for months now and come out to my farm. Faggot wont do it. To busy with his office cuck job.

>> No.14720371

yeah if you want to get robbed by some crackhead

>> No.14720413

>I don't suppose you know places in Sydney Australia to get weed?

whoever told you drugs are traded on this board is wrong. what a waste of public money.

>> No.14720436

Do I sound like a federal agent? This is the problem. My fucking roommate from years ago got the same suspicions. Fucking christ.

Weed needs to be legalized already so people like me can just walk into a store and buy it. None of this dealer bullshit and secrecy.

>> No.14720452

Your drug dealer is an idiot, he has to pay tas now

>> No.14720455

ask on 420chan, they might help. Weed in Australia is very expensive, you'll have to pay at least 25$ for a gram. Here in Germany it's 8$/g

>> No.14720464


>> No.14720495

Well fuck that. Fuck I hate this country. Everything is so fucking expensive here.

Guess I will either take a holiday to Colorado or just wait for my brother to get some from his friend, probably around christmas. BTW are weed infused drinks/food memes or is it at good as smoking it?

>> No.14720572

>BTW are weed infused drinks/food memes or is it at good as smoking it?
if you do edibles your first time you're going to have a really bad time

>> No.14720575

Smoking weed is actually the worst way to consume it. you waste a lot through the burning process.
Eating and vaping is top tier, I had some edibles in Amsterdam and they were amazing

>> No.14720595

Why is that?
So it's even better? Neat I think I will just eat it. I'd rather do that than smoke it.

>> No.14720604

Good luck cashing out. What a retard

>> No.14720615

they're really strong and the high lasts like 3x longer than smoking so if you get too high it takes longer to come down. if you smoke too much you'll freak out for like 30 mins and be done with it

>> No.14720623

I thought weed was legal in Canberra. Just go there.

>> No.14720643

>Good luck cashing out.
i've been selling bitcoin for cash locally for years to pay rent. there are plenty of buyers. just go on craigslist or localbitcoin or some darkweb sites to sell your crypto for fiat.

>> No.14720645

he sounds like an absolute chad

>> No.14720676

also, he could probably just use his xmr to buy his supply from his suppliers. i'm sure he buys from smart people and they'll likely get into xmr soon if they aren't already

>> No.14720743

From that description the edibles sound fucking awesome. I want to try them even more now.

Just looked it up, it's not but they are trying to get it legalized. Will probably take years as this country is a joke.

>> No.14720766

>From that description the edibles sound fucking awesome.
depends on you, i guess. but you don't know what "too high" feels like, and it's not pleasant. imagine being incredibly anxious and paranoid, it's not enjoyable

>> No.14721559

Edibles are a different high, but just go for cookies or brownies or some shit, infused drinks are real but marked up to all fuck for no good reason they're kinda a meme

>> No.14721579

>dealing with niggers

>> No.14721592

they just buy the shit from the dark web and sell it to you

>> No.14721600
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>a desperate thug and criminal knows I’m stacked with crypto

>> No.14721608

>i didn't read the thread
illiterate nigger detected

>> No.14721622

>tfw you have to pay a drug dealer to provide a hormone your body needs

>> No.14721796

you could just grow your own buy some lamps and seeds. its not really that hard.

>> No.14721879

>I kinda want to try weed but no fucking clue how to obtain any.
Honestly you could make a fucking add on craigslist with a vaguely scrupulous title

>> No.14722598

Sounds like a brainlet college student dealer

>> No.14722802

Read the thread you stupid fuck.

>> No.14722933

Download Gay apps or dating apps. Say looking for tree. It really works.

>> No.14722968

>from the country
>cant find a dealer

wtf am i reading? how is this even possible? must be a shut in or something

>> No.14723028

>not killing your local drug dealers

>> No.14723041

>hey man, got my weed
>yeah dude
>lets now wait for 2 hours watching each other on this dark alley waiting for the confirmation bro

>> No.14723090

try talking to people in your social circles maybe? you know...hey do you know anyone who sells bud? oh wait, this is biz, you autists dont have any friends.

>> No.14723145

OP basically delivered the argument why Monero will be banned

>> No.14723167

the no-nigger rule makes him an excellent tradesman

>> No.14723204

which is ironic considering DASH is the one used for CP

>> No.14723221
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Cant be banned.

>> No.14723232

Dash being used for CP is because its big in non-white countries who resort to abusing kids for money, like Venezuela.

>> No.14723262

>can't be banned
it can be banned from exchanges and all stores, which makes your shitcoin's only usecase buying drugs

>> No.14723326


I care about my August bretheren, so for the love of God please understand that it's an actual drug with consequences. If your first experience with weed is even a mild edible, your concept of reality is going to be nuked from low orbit and it won't be even slightly fun. You sound kind of naive so you really need to protect yourself here. Somebody you know smokes it and will sell you some I promise

>> No.14723361

It's value can be destroyed very easily by the state

>> No.14723422

but dont they have their own crypto? Their liquid money is basically toilet paper to wipe the cum off your recently raped 9year old sold by their parents to pay for the latest Avengers movie ticket

>> No.14723483

>it can be banned from exchanges and all stores, which makes your shitcoin's only usecase buying drugs
Theres plenty more Monero can be used for and it can be traded on decentralized exhcanges etc, or in person for other crypto which has value. It wont get institutional money, its not the "investment" currency but its one you actually use when say donating to a white nationalist group.

/pol/ has plenty of reasons to like Monero. Personally I advocate investment buying in Litecoin

>> No.14724350

>Monero will be banned
imagine being this stupid

>> No.14724429

yeah, just like the value of drugs, illegal guns, prostitutes, etc., are destroyed by the state

oh wait the state's attempt to ban that shit has made them even more valuable. if the state ever attempts to "ban" monero then you better buy all you can as fast as you can because it's going to the fucking moon

>> No.14724443

buying litecoin...why don't you leave your front door open for public? or go naked? do you have something to hide, dont you?

>> No.14724544

too inconvenient to acquire and pay in that. he will lose business.

>> No.14724549

Go to a party.
Go to shows.
Socialize in general.
Everybody smokes weed so I don't know how this is even possible for you to not have met a dealer.

>> No.14724574
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Buy some on the tor markets using bitcoin and have it mailed to your house brainlet

>> No.14724580

edibles are easy to overdo if they're strong. you could get uncomfortably high to the point of freaking out and not feeling good. dont say you werent warned.

>> No.14724598

Throws off my blood pressure these days.

>> No.14724600



Hookers are easy to buy with cash.

>> No.14724618

hookers get robbed all the time, and as much as niggers like to take pics with their drug money, having that much cash on you is a liability

>> No.14724648

this. i will never EVER again buy locally.

>> No.14724660


>> No.14724666

how will you enforce the ban, genius?

>> No.14724680

like cocaine and heroin, right?
just ban it, bro

>> No.14724683
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Fucking roiding manlet

>> No.14724712

5'11'' king of manlets. i'm shooting for a 7 plate diddly, 5.5 pl8 squat, 4 pl8 bench, and 2.5 pl8 ohp

>> No.14724722

I'm natty long arm fuck and have 3pl8 bench. Not some half rep bouncing trash though.

>> No.14724733

OP, why the fuck are you buying drugs from the street? use the dark net and get better prices and quality drugs. Use this link on TOR http://dreadditevelidot.onion/d/DarkNetMarkets

Or just go directly to Empire market. Here are the links for the remaining markets https://darkwebwiki.org/

>> No.14724737

What are you lifting right now? And BW?

>> No.14724741

noice. mirin

>> No.14724749

I tried ordering speed paste off the darknet once and it never arrived.
The guy had good reviews too...

>> No.14724752

Does Monero also work when your are dealing in sex trafficking you fucking degenerate?

>> No.14724782

around 180-185lb. i just started juicing last week. current lifts:

>squat: 335 3x5
>diddly: 450 3x5
>bench: 260 3x5
>ohp: 145 3x5
i have a nagging shoulder injury that i hope the test helps me to heal up

>> No.14724793

>privacy bad
says the NPC

the dude delivering the package probably found it and snatched it for himself

>> No.14724794

the problem is that there is no simple way to get xmr

>> No.14724796


>> No.14724811

you can buy xmr with fiat on bittrex (or a similar exchange i don't remember which exactly)

>> No.14724823

you have to actually talk to people autismo.

>> No.14724831

/fraud/ can help you with that shit, don't know much about roiding myself. Although it pretty much guarantees improved recovery. /plg/ if you want a proper strength programme.

Your bench is already pretty good for your weight. 3pl8 seems reasonable with juicing. OHP is a bit weaker though.

>> No.14724834

shit happens. I've lost a few drug packages in the mail but I've been ordering since 2012. I probably lost a total of 5 packages but I've ordered over 100 packages. and it's usually big enough quantities to feed me and my homies.

>> No.14724844

>/fraud/ can help you with that shit
ya i know i've been on /fit/ for years. i don't like generals though, too many attentionwhore tripfags

>> No.14724865

>OHP is a bit weaker though.
yeah my shoulder refuses to heal

>> No.14724873

monero is going to be 5% of a bitcoin this time next year, though...

>> No.14724901

the difference being an automatic felony for controlled substances crossing state lines, vs me "hanging out" with some hippie for 15 minutes
most people don't understand how to maintain opsec to beat a case anyways, i really think most normans should buy local for their own sake

>> No.14724918

Are you retarded?

>> No.14724952

>anon has a farm in rural Australia
just grow your own, it will be better quality and you'll have more fun

>> No.14724995

>package is intercepted
>wow i have no idea who mailed that to me and i don't know what it is i'm clueless lmao!
and if you VPN into tor using a burner VM and use XMR to buy then no prosecutor can build a case against you if you just keep your mouth shut

>> No.14725002

Jesus fuck are some of you poor bastards actually this autistic?

>> No.14725007

Yea, /plg/ is full of fags forcing memes know. There were some decent helpful trips before. /fraud/ has some borderline schizos.

>> No.14725017

>what's with all the autists on an anime imageboard?

>> No.14725045

Youre supposed to have friends who know people who know people.

>> No.14725059

If you’re 26 and saying this you probably have autism

>> No.14725088

anon obviously lives in a good neighborhood in a county that isn't degenerate

>> No.14725099

in my area (florida) if i just go to a sketchy gas station, i'll have the colored folk by the door selling the drugs

>> No.14725106


>> No.14725116

good neighborhoods have the best drugs and dealers in my experience

>> No.14725126

this isn't an argument. it's putting the burden of bad behavior on the utility used to conduct said behavior, instead of condemning the behavior itself and the circumstances that led to it.
if a sex trafficker is arrested with 500k cash are you upset at the US dollar? of course not, you fucking retard.
NOT AN ARGUMENT. privacy is a human right.

>> No.14725145


enjoy sterility

>> No.14725147

it's the same non-argument as blaming cars for car accident deaths

>> No.14725153

i never said it was impossible, but please understand that if you are able to VPN into a burner VM to use XMR then you are already in the top 1% technically literate...
try explaining that to the average drug user lol.

>> No.14725156

juicing doesn't cause sterility unless you overdo it and don't do a proper PCT like a dumbass. dyel?

>> No.14725162

oh, and your phone has to be clean too. that will get seized in a controlled delivery. most people slip up.

>> No.14725183
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>want to buy $20 4chan pass
>go put $27 into bitcoin atm
>buy pass
>$1 left in my wallet

truly the future of currency

>> No.14725201
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>I will feel like it's an absolute waste to spend it on drugs
That's because it is. Stay wise and invest it all.

>> No.14725209

>oh, and your phone has to be clean too
my dealer tells me to leave my phone at home when i come over and puts his in the microwave

>> No.14725233

They do

>> No.14725252

And it has

>> No.14725258

Xmr is super fast ever since it got bulletproofs. takes about 20 seconds

>> No.14725273
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>honestly believing this

Go do a sperm check. Ill bet you its already abnormally low. I advise you freeze sperm ASAP before its too late.

t. Urologist

>> No.14725294

>puts his in the microwave
tell him if he sells drugs he can afford a real faraday cage
also tell him that his phone disconnecting service every time a customer comes through is just as telling as a customer's phone connecting to his wifi every time, too. it's all about patterns. don't make any.

>> No.14725303

>honestly believing this
yes, i do.
>t. Urologist
ok so you're a retard. i work in a hospital and i'm not impressed by you docs googling everything and handing out kike pharma pills like candy. kill yourself if you're actually a doctor. thanks in advance

>> No.14725306

just dont

>> No.14725356

great, you just shilled him a coin that's about to plunge in value. poor guy will have much less money in a few weeks/months

>> No.14725399

>that's about to plunge in value
maybe in the short term, but if you don't see the value in xmr then you're an idiot.

>> No.14725415

wait, did you never try weed, amphetamines, coke, xtc/molly, codeine, or mephedrone with your friends at parties when you were like 16-19? wtf have you done bro it stops being fun in your 20s. i remember feeling like the king of the world when my uncle finally allowed me to have a few lines of coke and whiskey on my 15th bday.

>> No.14725421
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Told my drug dealer about crypto while we watch porn jerking each other off I told him he can stick his linky into my stinky

>> No.14725487

sounds like a good time

>> No.14725495
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>getting this mad at the truth

>> No.14725508

do you even know what during- and post-cycle treatment is? using things like clomid? they block the negative effects on your testiclites, mate. you're a pretty shitty urologist

>> No.14725519

kekes, here in france i pay 4 euros for a gram of premium moroccan hashish, live in Niggertown in the outskirts of Paris tho

>> No.14725545

i went to colorado a little while ago and bought an ounce (28.35g) for $160. and holy shit it was strong.

>> No.14726162

Hang therapy, thank me later

>> No.14726237

based ja/ck/ poster

>> No.14726376

3€ Spain. KEK

>> No.14726426


>> No.14726478

>the darknet is so scary, it's even called dark!
get out of my thread, boomer

>> No.14726534

That testosterone doin' for you?

>> No.14726546
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im implying your product could be tampered with. The "safest" option is to grow it yourself numbskull.

>> No.14726584

>im implying your product could be tampered with
dumbshit boomer confirmed

>> No.14726670

In Russia it's the only way to buy a quality product by using online marketplaces and crypto, all junkies know how to deal with crypto

>> No.14726701

The grass could be "laced" man

>> No.14726713

You can use a credit card on Poloniex now. Kraken has had fiat pairs forever. Koreans have a very liquid market. Every altcoin market in existence has btc pairs.

>> No.14726720

we'll see, i'm only on week 2

>> No.14726755

Many thots already take crypto.