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File: 179 KB, 1200x1358, memeredone1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
1471538 No.1471538 [Reply] [Original]


www.trumpcoin.com <--- Brand New & Improved

TrumpCoin ANN Thread


>Community member makes video and spicy memes.

TrumpCoin tipbot! /u/mags tip

https://twitter.com/TrumpCoinTweets <--- Official Twitter
@raexno92 and @TrumpcoinG are community contributor handles.

www.trumpcoin.info <--- Official Wiki-like website

Now an officially registered LLC!
>SCC filling

When TrumpCoin was established, a substantial fund was set aside to support the election of DJT for President of the United States. By using TC, you're helping support the value of the Trump Fund so we can make a Trump sized impact this November and beyond.

TrumpCoin is a cryptocurrency that trades on numerous exchanges online. The price of TrumpCoin is dictated by the supply and
demand of traders on these exchanges, much like a stock market. What this means is that the higher the value of a TrumpCoin
becomes, the higher the dollar value of the Trump Fund becomes


>Sicc new TrumpCoin block explorer

www.makemoneygreatagain.org/Content/Guides/HowToBuyTrumpCoin.aspx <--Buying with Circle
www.trump-coin.info/get-started/ <-- Buying with localbitcoin

>What is TrumpCoin?

>Introducing: TrumpCoin


Spread the word and MCGA!

>> No.1471554
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>> No.1471615

Page 2 with 1 reply. Is Trumpcoin dead?

>> No.1471621
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Gotta rest up before the big months ahead

>> No.1471624

There isn't much to say until there's an update

>> No.1471641

i sure will hold until the update. But they have to deliver.

>> No.1471668

its got much more tense in these threads as we get closer to september. especially with the last update saying stuff starting within 2 weeks. 2 weeks was up 3 days ago.

>> No.1471685
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>> No.1471696

Yup, they habe to deliver in september or the community will lose hope

>> No.1471728


>> No.1471731

Can't wait.

Daily reminder Trumpcoin is a scam.

>> No.1471751
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>> No.1471770

Hell yeah! MAGA!

>> No.1471780


No turning back now, It's chad or die.

>> No.1471784

Dad just called me up. He saw a Trumpcoin poster on Facebook. Asked him about it and apparently it had like 10k shares.

>> No.1471794

but your dad is ded

>> No.1471829

People are tired, and we know we have a big couple months ahead of us so we're conserving our energy.

>> No.1471861

Am I better off buying 5k TRUMP or 25 XMR

>> No.1471863

then who was fone?

>> No.1471867


If trump hits $1 then you'll be rich m8

>> No.1471875


>> No.1471877

Give me your price predictions assuming ideal outcome in september

>> No.1471881

I bought the dip, good idea?

>> No.1471887

You'll know soon enough

>> No.1471895
File: 141 KB, 480x782, Capture+_2016-08-29-11-00-02.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Okay guys. So let me guess this straight.

1. Buy TrumpCoins with Cash/paypal w/e
2. Wait until September or when Trump wins
3. If Trump wins, TrumpCoins become extremely valueable, convert TrumpCoins to USD and live worry free

Is it seriously that easy? Im having doubts, i want to buy some but I want to be 100% sure. Its not even about trump losing, but like how do they get valueable once trump wins?, i dont get it

>> No.1471911
File: 29 KB, 409x377, 1469924516080.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm only gonna put in 40 dollars. So if it reaches a dollar i'll at least have 1000 made...

... but then i'll probably regret not putting in more


wat do?? it DOES seem too easy

>> No.1471926
File: 102 KB, 1550x949, 1471008614401.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You need to research more. It's not that easy. Read the bitcointalk thread and understand what is supposed to happen in September.

>> No.1471930

This coin provides no value aside from having a meme name, also someone using trumpcoin to purchase overseas goods would be counterintuitive to trumps vision, because you would be dodging the tariffs from china for example, this coin is lame-o

>> No.1471933

3-4$ but it could even go to 40$

>> No.1471938
File: 324 KB, 480x782, Capture+_2016-07-02-14-18-14.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I think we should just take the safe route. I dont know about your life condition but i work 2 PTJs for mininum wage, Ive been selling gold as my 3rd revenue by explioting some anime mmorpg that Ive been playing and hacking for years. Still barley makes much for me so im looking for new ways. If 40 == 1000 after trump wins that already covers 3 months of rent or possibly enough to do medical billing school or find a job for data entry, something

But yeah, it just sounds too easy. Ill just lurk around until friday, put in my 20$ and hope for the best.

>> No.1471942


well. looking at past updates I see they teamed up with pay services I really think they've been working on a simple fiat=trump type exchange. Also the only reason I can see they wouldn't be able to release info for "legal" reason would be because of the super pac. Then all TC would need would be the media attention, which I'm sure the Trump campaign wouldn't mind tweeting and giving a couple shout outs to it. $5 a coin seems realistic if all that plays out. If Trump himself just mentions it or dare I say promotes it aggressively. TC overtakes Bitcoin as the number 1 cyrpto currency by Nov.

>> No.1471960
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Imagine if the big news they're talking about is that Trump actually endorses it and partners up with them, but he wants to time it's announcement closer to the election.

>yfw Trumpcoin soars to $100 overnight

>> No.1471963

You also need to read more. If things go as we are led to believe then it will be used to fund a PAC. This has nothing to do with purchasing things overseas.
It's been attempted before with a bitcoin PAC and they want to do more than that one was able to.

This is about a PAC that is open to any trump supporter worldwide, improving cryptos perception in politics and potentially funding further causes with the added bonus of potentially profiting from selling your coins.

Someone said it in a previous thread. This is a PAC first and altcoin second.

>> No.1471997

Worst case scenario I'm out 500 or so dollars. Best case, $500000 + profit, who knows how much, especially if the Chinese and Russians support it in order to support Trump, or when he wins. I'll take that chance.


>> No.1472013

I agree. It is a long shot, but it's so cheap that it costs only $10 to get 200 of them. And there's a lot of profit potential from name-power alone, so investors don't stand to lose much of anything right now, but they have much to gain from investing.

>> No.1472017

>worst case scenario im out 500 dollars, best case half a million profit
Nice logic fuckwit, since the latter has a 0.0000000000000000000000000001% chance of happening. Shill harder faggot

>Especially if china decides to support Trump
Just lol@ your life

>> No.1472020

I'm currently in a position on TC.

If Trump loses, what is the most realistic scenario for Trumpcoin?

If Trump wins, what is an actual realistic price target aside from the MOON TO 100 memes?

I think it could go either way.

>> No.1472026

I'm not a NEET so $500 isn't a big deal for me B^).

Cope on my friend.

>> No.1472038

I think a cryptocurrency with a namesake like Trumpcoin would have some kind of future as long as Donald Trump is alive, and possibly even after he's dead (think of it as continuing a legacy).

Now, if Trump were to win, I think the coin could easily reach $10, if not a bit more. I like to keep my estimates conservative. RonPaul coin got up to $40 and he was merely a marginally popular candidate back in 2012. Trump is, obviously, a front-runner for president right now, so who knows how high it could get, if it follows the same fate as RonPaul coin.

I'm optimistic in either scenario.

>> No.1472042

The Chinese have told me they're gonna invest millions if we get the PAC.

>> No.1472047


It could even spike as the elections come closer as his supporters worldwide go into a frenzy trying to help.

Why doesn't /pol/ know about TC?

>> No.1472049

Gains with TC are all based on association with a PAC, but it's become apparent that this is not happening. Even if Trump wins, without any real association with the campaign, there will be no gains for the coin.

If you actually think about it, TC is almost anti-Trump. Ideologically, it's a flawed endeavor. Why would a pro-American candidate like Trump endorse a store of value which actively undermines USD?

>> No.1472065

Some do know. Some don't like the coin because the_donald told them not to trust it. Based on no proof just annoyance at messages from trumpcoiners a few months ago.

>> No.1472069

I think that is a good point. Do you think it is possible for Trumpcoin to become relevant and make gains without an endorsement from Trump?

>> No.1472072 [DELETED] 
File: 39 KB, 789x344, Screenshot_3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You guys should really try and spread the word. I'm surprised that the media hasn't picked up on Trumpcoin, but that only means we'll have to take matters into our own hands.
Pic related.

>> No.1472074

It's probably best to wait for the PAC and then go full out media mode

>> No.1472094
File: 15 KB, 476x300, 3cfeb23a93c0c6c069e8c314e7ecf7d1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


nah i saw that shit. What happened to this post? We're really about to take off aren't we?

>> No.1472105

Basically. I deleted it because some idiots like chicken65 browse these threads and might spam the journalist with memes and ruin the delicate conversation I'm having with him.

>> No.1472108

don't risk anything you can't afford to lose, but if you can make it through without the $20 then i think you'll find it worthwhile. currently Trumpcoin is around $0.05. whatever happens, it will be higher than 5cents a coin.

hope it works out for you dude.

>> No.1472114


You have the right idea anon, god speed!!! I'll try to do my part as well. I really think we have something here.

>> No.1472224


It already did. Look on coinmarketcap. It mega pumped on the rumor of a media mention

>> No.1472296
File: 130 KB, 700x463, 1471282797317.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Does anyone know how to turn of these fucking mining sounds? I can't believe im complaining about making bank, but fuck.
Volume mixer doesn't have an option for the wallet.

What do?

>> No.1472298

Anyone willing to trade some coins for Steam game codes? I want coins and don't want to wait till the fiat to Trump comes since that'll increase prices.

>> No.1472301



>> No.1472302

I changed mine to make a chaching sound lmao through windows sound settings

>> No.1472319

When is fiat to Trump expected to happen?

>> No.1472320

kek, that's a great idea.
Where are those settings under? volume mixer? System sounds?

>> No.1472454

5k trump

>> No.1472457

How long does it take to get ID verified by Circle?

>> No.1472480

Took me 3 days, then they emailed me asking for photo ID and a selfie then I was verified instantly through the app.

>> No.1472552
File: 54 KB, 981x591, Screenshot_2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How do I know if it's working? Is there anything else I need to do?

>Wallet is Encypted and Unlocked
>Not Staking because Wallet is Syncing
>3 Active Connections to TrumpCoin Network

This is my very first time using a miner by the way.

>> No.1472563

Looks like mine. Don't deposit coins until it's synched. They would get there, but may not show quickly

>> No.1472588

What was deleted? Without giving too much away

>> No.1472604

100$ per TC confirmed

>> No.1472612

/pol/ doesnt espacially like us cause they are retarded to a degree, the even think bitcoin is a scam. Well atleast some of them made their ownnresearch and are here now

>> No.1472622
File: 18 KB, 366x380, 1346115484921.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

W-wha? That makes no sense what so ever. /pol/ is Trump's friend and TC is basically a counteract of CTR Shilling, if not even better. We should still convince /pol/ that TC defeats CTR.

Ahh okay, so pretty much just leave the program the way it is, Thanks

>> No.1472625

Sadly it is reality. Everytime we make a thread the /pol/ neckbeard virgins come and cry about TC being a scam, about BitCoin being a jewish scam.

>> No.1472631

Yup and it also shows the influence of the_donald on pol. They call it a scam months ago. I don't believe it's coincidental.

>> No.1472641

Yeah r/the_donald seemed to be run be leftist idiots until they had all the admin drama

>> No.1472645

Great, what was the post about?

>> No.1472651

Maybe the most successfull CTR correction

>> No.1472694
File: 142 KB, 704x396, ITS OVER.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.1472718

Vegeta, what does the counter say about trumpcoin future price?!

>> No.1472764


>> No.1472811

Sold off my trump for a loss to get in Monero, made a ton of profit, now taking some of that profit and putting it back into Trump. Should I wait a bit to get it below 8k? I know it's low volume right now, so I might just buy it at market.

>> No.1472860

It's already below 8k

>> No.1472871

Just set up buy order below 8k and it will probably be filled. Someone did it for 75kish trumps

>> No.1472897

Good job, also waiting for a dip mang

>> No.1472916

We have got a dip now guys (on ccex at least)

>> No.1472969

Relax lads, the calm before the storm. All the more reason to buy a few extra the now.

>> No.1472996

You are right, i think

>> No.1473049
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>> No.1473059

Where do people get the $28 figure from?

>> No.1473103

financial experts calculated the potential of TC, factoring in the time thats left plus incoming volume 28$ per TC is confirmed by september.

>> No.1473126

I hope those experts are right, want to see all the faggot ctr fudders an hero

>> No.1473188

I think it's from the guy who started saying about Chinese involvement. A rise to $28 then drop to $14 and $100 million market cap.

Let's actually get the PAC confirmed and see what happens

>> No.1473229

Are there any links/screenshots available?

>> No.1473302

Not that I have seen.

>> No.1473308

The only reason we fell down from the last peak was because people wanted to make gains from other coins while we put everything in place and the election approached.
All that money is gonna flow back.

>> No.1473312

Why the fuck can't I see the Rich list on the block explorer..? its been like this for a month now

>> No.1473313

Yes and when the chinese and russians come we gonna have a helluva payday

>> No.1473315

There is a screenshot showing someone's comparison to RonPaulCoin and there prediction on $4.

September is the month that matters according to the last update. They say nothing will be revealed early because of legal and marketing reasons. Volume will remain low until then probably. If anyone's been cashing out it has been for a pitiful amount.

>> No.1473317

Check the thread for links to two new explorers.

>> No.1473318

Wtf u talking about? Its fully visible on blockexperts

>> No.1473323

yeah but not the block explorer listed on here...

>> No.1473325

Is it a Sept 1st situation, or just sometime in September?

>> No.1473370
File: 124 KB, 430x600, 1471339124768.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How many trumps do you need to hold in order to become chad prime?

>> No.1473372
File: 365 KB, 1264x1819, explain.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Can anyone explain pic related? I'm genuinely curious.

>> No.1473382

WTF? Are you trying to troll or are you genuinely curious? That's from 2 months ago and no longer applies.

>> No.1473385
File: 28 KB, 601x508, 2f7.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>google trumpcoin
>image was one of the first results
Sorry I will admit I am probably retarded. What has changed though is there like a wiki for this shit?

>> No.1473391

No dates have been confirmed.

Someone made that shortly before the current devs were involved. If chicken65 was still lead then it would be relevant, but he is not.

Things have moved on since then.

>> No.1473395

Read through the bitcointalk threads to catch up.

>> No.1473399

Actually, there is a Trumpcoin wiki http://trumpcoin.info/

Though its not the best. But really, the guy making that post is ignorant of cryptocurrencies. Using his logic, every single cryptocurrency made since Bitcoin itself is a scam.

And he's wrong. Many altcoins, especially the newer ones are actually quite innovative, regardless if they will "take off" or not. Currency is like anything else and dependent on the perceived value of that item and how many people adopt the currency.

Just the way this guy talks and explains cryptocurrencies makes me cringe. it's a shame that screenshot has been passed around, it just screams ignorance (just like that embarassing Reddit thread)

>> No.1473409

But yeah, management of Trumpcoin has changed hands and Chicken65 the original developer and creator is no longer directly involved in the development of the coin. He pushed himself out.

There is a new team of crypto and Trump enthusiasts driving the coin forward and they are 100% grassroots and real people. I believe they are genuinely working to make Trumpcoin a better coin.

>> No.1473433
File: 1014 KB, 2560x1920, MAGA.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Thank you friends.
>pic to prove I'm not a troll/shill. Is my MAGA hat and external hard drive :^)

>> No.1473459

Stop spending your mom's money on kiddie toys.

>> No.1473465


The whole site has an error atm but here is the trumpcoin faucet lads - http://crypto4free.ml/index.php/trump-faucet/

>> No.1473466

People try to shill a ton of coins on here.. most never make it past 5-20 posts before they die.

Every single TC thread goes to 150-300+ posts. Even dedicated ETC/RISE/WAVES shills didn't/don't accomplish this.

Just something to think about before you shit on this coin.

>> No.1473474

I think it's the PAC. Obviously we want to profit, but the it's PAC m8. I want to see it help Trumps campaign, she can't win. I'm eagerly waiting for it to be announced.

>> No.1473486

There will be glorious features and documentaries on how the dedication and commitment and BELIEF of a community paid off.

>> No.1473489
File: 246 KB, 651x641, 1469928534168.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

My mom is dead, she died a few years ago from cervical cancer. Only spent my own money breh

>> No.1473500

I'm sorry your Mom died.

>> No.1473520

Sorry anon.

>> No.1473602

Who still top 100?

>> No.1473609

just pmed the faucet guy hopefully its back soon

>> No.1473670

How likely is it that this project will end in legal troubles similar to Coinye?

>> No.1473675

Trump is different because he is running for president and a public figure now

>> No.1473676

It's possible, but not likely.

>> No.1473731

Why is only depredation posting? I checked the official Twitter but it's not been active this last week

>> No.1473735

@TrumpCoinG is what you should be following.
If we moon that guy should get a lot of credit.

>> No.1473758

Don't know, but Signal7 has logged on Btctalk nearly every day. He may not be posting, but he's active.

>> No.1473767

Haha you guys are being punk'd. Occam's razor bitches.

>> No.1473772
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Sorry for your loss. Just remember, we're all gonna make it brah

>> No.1473788

I'm just a bit impatient as we get closer. If it's quiet before the storm then great.

>> No.1473792

Does anyone here listen to "The Dick Show" (Dick Masterson) podcast? He has a pretty big following and he's super alt-right and legit worships Trump. He's even mentioned /pol/ by name on the podcast - i bet if we ask him to mention TC on the show there's a pretty good chance he'd talk about it. You can leave comments directly on Thedickshow.com and they have their own subleddit that Dick is very active in: reddit.com/r/thedickshow
Might be worth a shot, he has a show every Tuesday.


>> No.1473794
File: 14 KB, 329x449, love you brah.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.1473795

Thanks man. I just had an argument there. Got called a white FAT pig and blocked by a fine Dem lady. It's okay if THEY do it, r-right?

(Sorry, but donations are very welcome. I don't have much. Address on twitter.)

>> No.1473809

there's also this list with Trump coin posters, if you want to join, just sub or pm. I just don't think there's a lot of motivation before the update happens


>> No.1473827

Everyone should be hitting up ghost radio.

Dudes show is basically about Trump.

>> No.1473885

I agree, we should be reaching out to guys like him. With a confirmed PAC though.

>> No.1473904

I'm in it. He pm'd me.

Other big lists will work great for us. I'm added to a shitload of crypto fintech lists.

Also got two or three blue ticked followers. Actor, journalist, author etc.

>> No.1474138

Is there a guide for mining these?

>> No.1474148

Trumpcoin can easily snowball into something huge.

But the PAC and support from devs is needed first. I assume this is why they havent posted just yet.

The $28 figure requires a huge marketcap, way higher than what we've seen now, but given the track record of crypto, it is possible - especially given how everyone saw how Monero performed.

Unlike Monero, Trumpcoin is a PAC Causecoin and is pretty much guaranteed to be the real deal once it gains official PAC status.

>> No.1474164

Why is it that EVERY SINGLE GOD DAMN TIME after I put a significant amount of money into some fucking crypto, it drops just a few hours afterwards?

>> No.1474179

Because you're watching it. Stop watching it and come back later when it goes up.

>> No.1474184

Trumpcoin is now proof of stake. Interest is given on coins that you hold in the wallet when it is set to stake.
http://trumpcoin.info/index.html Should give you enough info.

That's what we are all waiting for m8, just need that PAC and mention

Its been 6k-8k a while now, don't worry yet.

>> No.1474316
File: 1.01 MB, 940x688, 123.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.1474352 [DELETED] 

Does chicken pay these hero members to post about him or something? Nobody would mention him otherwise.


>> No.1474591

>Does chicken pay these hero members to post about him or something? Nobody would mention him otherwise.

Does chicken pay people to delete their posts?

>> No.1474672

faucet is back up

>> No.1474770

It doesn't. It's a scam. Their plan makes zero sense, they're first saying it's a coin for fundraising for Trump then say it's value will skyrocket if he wins.

>> No.1474772

And maybe Buffett will pick up Trumpcoin too! And Soros and Gates and Zuckerberg and Goldman Sachs.

>> No.1474779

It's illegal for foreigners to make campaign contributions. If this ever goes big it'll be shutdown since overseas people buying it violate FEC regulations.

But maybe the Dev team can argue just 3% of it is actually going to Trump so it's not really donating.

>> No.1474782

>believing anonymous strangers on the Internet

What is it about get rich quick scheme people that make them so desperately wishful.

>> No.1474788

Random Internet strangers.
Who exactly are these "financial experts"?

>> No.1474795

Nothing is wrong, it's perfectly true. Honestly if you can't tell a scam when people tell you the Chinese government is interested in one of thousands of crypto offshoots you deserve it.

>> No.1474797

This kind of fud works only on reddit.

>> No.1474798

99% of crypto is a scam. Bitcoin is the most serviceable and widely used which is why it accounts for 80% of all crypto. Some other coins have interesting technical features and got a lot of retailers to use them and they've achieved caps worth something.

>currency is dependent on the perceived value and how many people adopt the currency
Yes, which is why Trumpcoin is a scam.

>> No.1474805
File: 19 KB, 443x332, 1472252902494.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I, who have no Trumpcoins, am somehow interested in lowering it's price
>while you, who has sunk all his savings into Trumpcoin, is an unbiased source of truth and predictions

>> No.1474881

>comes into the thread to complain and bumps the fuck out of it instead of making a single post

>> No.1475031

Nope. Realised I was giving him attention and that's probably what he wants.

>> No.1475074

Hahaha the fudders are really desperate

>> No.1475075

Meme Magic is Real

>> No.1475108

why does the wallet take like 5 days to sync?>

>> No.1475115

You r a fag-o

>> No.1475121
File: 85 KB, 300x300, Donald-Trump-1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

And dont forget the massive amounts of truss

>> No.1475134

Yeah we truss eachother

>> No.1475152

Thanks for the bumps!

>> No.1475163

Should take 1-2 days at most

1 day until the supposed month of trumpcoin triumph begins lads. Muh hands couldn't be stronger but I'm nervous

>> No.1475182

Me too but i will hold until we get to the moon and fucking beyond!

>> No.1475185

Atleast 3k

>> No.1475206

120k if you wanna hit supreme chad levels

>> No.1475210
File: 5 KB, 250x167, Robert-Kiyosaki.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>not using kiyosakicoin

>> No.1475223

Yeah thats the right amount

>> No.1475232

Do you think the update will come september 1st or a bit later?

>> No.1475275
File: 632 KB, 804x932, 1469096577930.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

probably a bit later as they said "september full throttle", but i might be wrong. Well see, so strap yourself, make sure that your hands are strong as fuark and try to not impregnate too many stacys after we moon. MAGA and MCGA!

>> No.1475332

I think mid September and whoever asked dep only got told September. They aren't letting anything out.

>> No.1475342

Things are about to get pretty hairy. Depending on the news off what the devs having been cooking up.This may be one of the last times to get out before it tanks. Or get in before the official space launch...

>> No.1475396

If the update isn't within the first few days of September, there are going to be more weak hand sell offs. Could be a good time to buy, but the devs should at least announce the pending update more formally tomorrow.

>> No.1475398

Haha ok will try to do my best

>> No.1475406

Yeah could go either way, but hopefully launch

>> No.1475420

I don't have a drivers license, do I need to send them my passport ? That screams to me UNSAFE

>> No.1475435
File: 415 KB, 800x500, shanghai-china.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Also, I'm pretty new to cryptocurrencies... Why is it saying online that TrumpCoin is worth 4cents yet on C-cex it is saying that it is worth 19cents?

>> No.1475469

It's because of kyc laws that they ask for it. I didn't need to do anything other than link my debit card to circle and I get a £200 weekly limit.

Do NOT give c cex your bank details. Transfer bitcoins in if you want to buy any coins. I would choose yobit.
It is 19 cents because someone is choosing to sell for that much.

>> No.1475527

Yeah would be nice to know when things start to get moving

>> No.1475534

Do not give any exchange your bank details. The only company I personally trust with bank information is Coinbase.

>> No.1475547

Good advice

>> No.1475652

>the Chinese government
nobody said it was the chinese government. it is a group of chinese crypto traders who started off involved in mining btc and moved onto everything else.

perhaps people have extrapolated wrongly and repeated their wrong ideas.

>> No.1475677

nobody but that superb thread bumper has said the Chinese government. We've only repeated about Chinese that are involved in crypto

>> No.1475684
File: 54 KB, 800x519, h9rpbrlwwdyxdj7xwvn8.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>that superb thread bumper

>> No.1475808

Perfect name haha

>> No.1475836

Yo bros, once I sell off my trumps for BTC I plan on exchanging the BTC for gold via bitgold. Is this a good idea? Or should I just hold all my BTC. I figure BTC to gold to USD is the best way to cash it out.

>> No.1475901

Why do you think it's the best way? I think if you have a certain amount of gold they have to report you to the relevant tax authority.

>> No.1475921

Well order your gold from diffrent sources so they dont fuck you over and exchange them for benjamins if you got a connection

>> No.1475923
File: 21 KB, 405x350, Donald_Trump_leads_opinion_polls-405x350.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ive read somewhere that in some countries you can buy gold for btc, then hold that gold for 6 months and then sell for fiat tax free. Basically a legal method to stick it to the tax man.

>> No.1475940

Or you have someone who will exchange it for cash

>> No.1475941
File: 77 KB, 620x415, 1468158483463.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

But i would recommend hiring some good tax lawyer. I mean, you will be sitting on a massive amount of BTC right? you will be rich so you will be able afford that.

>> No.1475949

There are some big buy orders on ccex right now

>> No.1475961

Yeah let's wait and see what happens first. I'm optimistic but still have a healthy amount of skepticism until we see something solid.

>> No.1475974

This is actually beginning to be my plan. Seems like the best way to get non meme advice.

>> No.1475975


Scroll down.

>> No.1475980
File: 209 KB, 1086x811, 10-donald-trump-debate.w750.h560.2x.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sure m8, nothing wrong with being optimistic, and even hyped tho. MCGA

>> No.1475995
File: 737 KB, 351x262, YEAH.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

m8, once that PAC is announced I will be HYPE. I'm conserving my high energy for that day. MCGA

>> No.1476054

deleted already

>> No.1476066

This was a good run, only one tried to correct the record

>> No.1476303

Devteam here

It's officially going to explode.

>> No.1476312
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>> No.1476328
File: 810 KB, 601x261, NEET2WOLF.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

My body is ready

>> No.1476339


do what you want with my body. I'm nervous but ready.

>> No.1476349

Oh shit

>> No.1476350

Donald Trump here, I've been accumulating coins. Just sit back and watch during these next months.

>> No.1476361

wtf I forgot there even was a dev team

>> No.1476393
File: 1.01 MB, 2966x4544, 1472676916055.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.1476402

I don't trust anything anyone says here.

>> No.1476433


>> No.1476469

Provided you actually are devteam and not just some fag, can you provide us with any figures or projections?

>> No.1476480
File: 944 KB, 1920x1080, 1469548880693.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i say it will be 45$

>> No.1476489

You mean 450$?

>> No.1476492

Where do these numbers come from? Everyone has stated $28 and $45 but no one has given any source or reasoning for these figures.

Not FUD btw, I'm on this ride too. Just trying to establish a reasonable target.

>> No.1476495


I know devs follow these treads so ill bite. give us a hint of whats ahead in sept.

>> No.1476505

$28 was from some guy saying Chinese would make it that price then fall to $15 with $100 million market cap.

$4 was someone comparison to ronpaulcoin. There's an image showing how they worked it out, which I don't have.

It reached 25 cents based on a rumour of media mention last time and that was before current devs were involved.

You just have to wait and see because none of us know.

>> No.1476520
File: 5 KB, 335x103, d922273cedd36eee09a167ed0ce7e4ef.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Something is making it pump

>> No.1476525 [DELETED] 

Might have something to do with Clinton's unavailability levels rising.

>> No.1476528

Might have something to do with Clinton's unfavorability levels rising.

>> No.1476558

more like the success of trumps visit to mexico. honestly one can trade this just from news.

"Trump shows decline in polls" sell
"Trump visits Mexico reaches agreement" Buy.
"Trump Polls Level Rise" Buy
"CNN: Trump May very well be our Next President" Buy
"Trump Wins Election" Sell the wife, all in max leverage Buy

>> No.1476565


looks like someone knows something...guies whats happening?

>> No.1476574

We're close m8, the time left to get potentially very cheap trumps is diminishing.

>> No.1476602

TC has risen whenever Trump showed upper hand.

We need to spread more and more stuff that reveals Hillary's true face. Focusing on race.
It's retweeted by some very popular Hispanics.

>> No.1476609


Holy shit...TrumpCoin tweeted "Big news to be released in September. Stay tuned."

#Trump #Trumpcoin #finance #2016elections

I-I think it's about to happen

>> No.1476624

That is not official twitter

>> No.1476628
File: 1.00 MB, 1600x1200, 0698394.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's Over, nobody is buying this scam anymore

>> No.1476656

who else wants to get high when trumpcoin moons?

>> No.1476660


I'll be high as the moon already my degenerate friend.

>> No.1476663

Quints and its going to $100 before October

>> No.1476665
File: 1.44 MB, 1920x1080, MAGA Overwhelming.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.1476666

Huh. Must be going even higher

>> No.1476668

its confirmed

>> No.1476675
File: 65 KB, 1031x1070, 1472676562399.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Turbo satan quads confirm, 666$ per trumpcoin!

>> No.1476695

lol I cant believe that will happen. But at the same time I do because our gov if fucking retarded and will start inflating money with negative interest rates, and once cash is abandoned and trump is king I mean president then this coin will moon shoot.

>> No.1476699


the devil has confirmed over 100!....yay?

>> No.1476719
File: 236 KB, 1600x1101, o-NUCLEAR-EXPLOSION-facebook.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.1476790

Which is the official one then? I thought it was Trump_Coin

>> No.1476802 [DELETED] 

*/Didn'tGetMoneroGeneral/ gener


>> No.1476812

You people are pathetic. You should've bought Monero. There's probably still time to get in, but I honestly hope you don't so you know how dumb you are.

>> No.1476821

When Trumpcoin moons in September, you'll wish you had bought some.

Still time to get in, by the way. :^)

>> No.1476835

Funny how you never see a trumpcoiner calling another coiner pathetic or insulting them

>> No.1476839

I got in on Monero and cashed out at .014. Currently seeing if it's going to dip again (which it looks like it will) before mooning.

>> No.1476842


Monero has already pumped and stalled out for now. TC has more room to moon

>> No.1476847

Monero? Are you nuts? It already mooned. It's not gonna go any higher. Monero will probably crash, if not its barely gonna stay at the level its at. Its just how crypto markets work.

>> No.1476876


yep look at etc. people thought it'd have a second big pump too now they hold bags of garbage. Monero will fall a bit and stale out. but holy shit etc's going subatomic. lol what a mess.

>> No.1476980


>> No.1476983

And who are these traders exactly, because I've never heard of them

>> No.1477020

Why the FUCK does the trumpcoin website use that bullshit mega site to dl the fucking client what the fuck god dammit so confusing unprofessional.

>> No.1477044

September is upon us, gentlemen.

>> No.1477096

Oh yeah

>> No.1477262

Here we go!

Please have boarding passes ready when you reach the gate.

From all of us here at TCG we would like to welcome you onto our first public interplanetary flight. Please prepare yourselves and enjoy the ride!

>> No.1477273

Because we want our bizbros to join us as we fly past the moon

>> No.1477274

I've been holding for so long that these posts have actually started tilting me.

>> No.1477295

>we want our bizbros to join us as we fly past the moon
indeed, you plan on burning their corpses to fuel your rockets.

>> No.1477297

No. A successful PAC doesn't come from just biz money coming into the coin. We are preparing for it to happen and just letting everyone know they can still get in before anything major.

>> No.1477334
File: 284 KB, 408x414, 1472676788038.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Cant wait

>> No.1477361

are all the fees for selling coin in btc or can you pay in usd

>> No.1477364

They just take a bit of the coins you sell for themselves.
It's not something you pay separately.

>> No.1477424
File: 1 KB, 90x183, 8a228e38f8b8ef3be894b83af9f001c8.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.1477435

We will go even higher than in july

>> No.1477454
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>> No.1477610
File: 270 KB, 1809x1024, 1471209719356.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

gogogo TrumpCoin MCGA MAGA

>> No.1477613

Still waiting for Circle to verify my account

If I miss this blast off then just fuck my shit up

>> No.1477620


>Financial experts

I'm bullish on TC but, lel

>> No.1477624

It's not doing anything, retards.

>> No.1477637

Where did you get this image from? Trumpcoin isn't doing anything yet dummy.

>> No.1477639

Thanks for correcting the record

>> No.1477641


It's up over 20% in the last 24 hours you melon

>> No.1477699
File: 229 KB, 1290x774, 21.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

he was just trying to correct the record

>> No.1477702


>> No.1477771


>> No.1477804

What do you mean?

>> No.1477825

When the PAC is filed and official we should be able to find it here.

>> No.1477843

Yes but i cant find shit, it is not showing any Trump related results whatsoever

>> No.1477868

I am going to sleep now, there better be some real, actual, valid hype when I wake up.

>> No.1477885
File: 55 KB, 1155x661, rer.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

as if we needed any more proof trumpcoiners are retarded

>> No.1477925

The devs never said "September 1st!" They just said September. Do you niggas even read the fine print?

>> No.1477926

Search for committee ID C00584870

>> No.1477929

fuckin lel

>> No.1477937


this link always shows the newest PACs

>> No.1477972

that wasn't my point? I just pointed out that the site works perfectly.
Btw they had promised amazing stuff before the end of August and literally nothing happened. I honestly don't care though, do whatever you want with your money

>> No.1477981

Well they said "in the next two weeks" in mid august and nothing happened, so I can understand the fudders

>> No.1477993

The devs never hinted at anything specific. The news could be something else. They seem pretty confident about whatever it is

>> No.1478022

I Want to start investing but I don't want to start whit too much money as I am a beginner. Is trading cryptocurrencies better for starting? does it have lower fees? My bank as a 10$ to buy / sell shares and I don't want to blow 1 grand only to pay the fees.

>> No.1478056

crypto is actually good to learn, because you can practice with just a few cents worth of coins.

It's not hard to gain something from it. But it's very easy to lose money.

Don't bet anything that you can't afford to lose.

>> No.1478067

You'll have to buy some BTC from wherever to get started, and you'll get a bit less than your money's worth. After that you can trade your BTC around on exchanges with very small fees.

>> No.1478075

Well I think I'm out 650 coins

>> No.1478094
File: 152 KB, 640x960, 1468955619092.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

My levels of truss have never been higher.

>> No.1478095
File: 135 KB, 640x1136, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

They should be on here eventually wich would be news look at the names of some of these pacs i mesn one is called straight "fuck you trump" so idk why trumpcoin isnt a pac yet

>> No.1478101
File: 139 KB, 640x1136, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Bwahaha top kek

>> No.1478105

But why is it pumping and has a good volume?

>> No.1478107

Does someone have insider info?

>> No.1478114

i imagine some people just bought some more before the update. It can happen any minute from now i think.

>> No.1478116

If they do they aren't gonna tell you that's why its called insider info...

>> No.1478135

Nah some anons posted things which came true, thats why I am asking

>> No.1478138

what came true?

>> No.1478144


Lol wtf? Yea if anything the process may just be taking a little longer than expected.

>> No.1478153


Damn coinbase and their week delay. I'm gonna miss out on the last time to buy cheap trumps

>> No.1478154

Is there any way of turning off the chat on Yobit? Its getting annoying constantly chattering away on the side.

>> No.1478157

Payservices, New videos and even LLC i think

>> No.1478162

turn it to another language and check if you stop paying attention

>> No.1478166

please happen

>> No.1478170
File: 249 KB, 450x429, Wad o&#039; dosh.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Alright this might actually be retarded but i have a question.

If i buy bitcoin for my 5000 trump right now and buy back my trump when the bitcoin is worth more, will i have more trump? I believe this is correct but some people seem to disagree.

>> No.1478175

Depends on whether or not the gain of the bitcoin value exceeds the gain of the trumpcoin value.

>> No.1478183

Makes a lot of sense. Thanks bud

>> No.1478186


>Wad o'dosh
>not loadsamoney


Anyway, it should be ok, assuming the price of bitcoin does actually go up and the price of trump stays the same or falls. If trumpcoin shoots up or bitcoin falls badly, you may lose out.

>> No.1478190

No problem buddy. Good luck to you on your money making adventures.

>> No.1478193

>not loadsamoney
He calls it a wad multiple times during the song, buddy.

>> No.1478210

>not lodsofemone

>> No.1478226


>the song
>which is called loadsamoney
>sung by the character loadsamoney

>> No.1478233

Also in the last update signal wrote "before the month is over", shit i am getting worried

>> No.1478260

I'm hoping he's got big news, but something got delayed and he doesn't want to speak before it's handled.

>> No.1478268

Have a strong hand, we will see what's coming.

>> No.1478269

Yeah he was online 2 days ago, but i think its just some delay

>> No.1478270

Giving my best

>> No.1478272

yfw they announce that trumpcoin will be recognized as a form of payment for all things trump (I.E. resorts,merch,etc.)

>> No.1478273

yfw you log onto yobit one morning and Trumpcoin has a 50,000 btc trade volume

>> No.1478279

fuck yobit, yfw when you wake up and trump is on polo with 50,000 btc volume

>> No.1478280
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>> No.1478283
File: 581 KB, 1536x1902, 1464047030493.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Post >yfw trumpcoin reaches $1381 per coin

>> No.1478287
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>> No.1478291


>> No.1478292
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>> No.1478293
File: 1.12 MB, 4128x2322, zoiMecG.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>mfw when I cash out with enough money to move to an isolated region and survive to upcoming nuclear apocalypse.

>> No.1478300

Any legitimate possibility of this occuring? Did BTC make it this high?

>> No.1478301
File: 1.28 MB, 330x312, 1469269577365.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i would never have to work again

>> No.1478308

Ha, that's the most conservative estimate out there friend. Smart money is on it peaking at just over $14421 before settling at $3901.

>> No.1478310

kek no. If we see the PAC and the mention think about it going to a few dollars. dont get your hopes too high yet.

>> No.1478313

Btc's highest price ever was $1216.73 and it has a supply of about 16 million. So with trumpcoin only having 6.5 million, it's equivalent would be $3000

>> No.1478314

Time for a new thread yo

>> No.1478317

Someone make a new thread

>> No.1478318
File: 1.71 MB, 600x334, 1471026884844.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>yfw the dev team were all just made up and trump was behind everything the whole time

>> No.1478326

Think of some names for the new planets we will soon discover


