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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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File: 17 KB, 700x490, harmony.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
14710338 No.14710338 [Reply] [Original]

Redpill me on Harmony

>> No.14710383

Just sold it again.
>Bullish signal

>> No.14710453

Will flip ETH and NEO in the near future

>> No.14710484

A couple days ago I was literally laying in bed and weeping, punching my mattress as hard as I could and covering my face up with a pillow to scream as loudly as I could without disturbing the neighbors.

This coin is the reason for my mental breakdown.

>> No.14710514

Sergey and Vitalik suck Harmony's dick.

Can't get more bullish desu

>> No.14710535

depression stage confirmed

>> No.14710549

+ Charles from ADA

>> No.14710560

Will unironically be $25 at some point, just HODL.

>> No.14710591
File: 794 KB, 1125x2436, A1B8C65A-EB5C-49CC-9DD3-0F246820927C.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

No matter what any of the pajeets on this board try to tell you, this will still be the chart

>> No.14710610 [DELETED] 



>> No.14710627


Looks good to me. I wanna invest as low as possible, if a project has strong fundamentals.

>> No.14710675
File: 1.18 MB, 1100x8589, 1562664016613.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This. It's tech is better than all of theirs, and they acknowledge it.

Pic related is the full rundown OP.>>14710338

>> No.14710704

>Not waiting to fomi after it has already gone up 10x
This is the wrong board for you.

>> No.14710715

Out of all the coins that /biz/ is constantly talking about, there's only ONE that hasn't mooned yet.

>> No.14710735
File: 2.56 MB, 322x178, 3F7BED78-7C21-4678-8991-CA433EF2F361.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

eth is a clusterfuck - neo is a total joke but you're a fucking mongloid if you think this slapdash piece of shit is going anywhere bit down

>> No.14710736

Fundamentals kek. This is one of 50+ ETH killers to come out in the past 2 years. Look at all their charts post mainnet if you want to see how this plays out.

>> No.14710801

Except it did. It shot up 10x right out of the gate and then bled out. Most textbook pump and dump of the year.

>> No.14710841
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>> No.14710850

I am hodling my 100k stack since 0.024$ and I will keep hodling and buy more. the market cap of ONE is 35M now and can EASILY be 350M or more. Im all in

>> No.14710889

how is harmony's tech better when it's a copy paste of eth? TELL ME, MOTHERFUCKER

>> No.14710892

>All Time High: $0.030689 USD (Jun 06, 2019)
>All Time Low: $0.013046 USD (Jul 10, 2019)
how did you pass 3rd grade math class, anon?

>> No.14710904

100x eo2020

>> No.14710924

You do realize that the difference here is that other projects release a year or more before mainnet to ride the hype, and then people are knowingly disappointed when it releases and nothing changes.

Harmony is releasing their mainnet a mere 2 months after launching the token. The situation is completely different, and instead of mainnet being the hype, it's completely skipped it.

It's free from the curse of "WHEN MAINNET??"

>> No.14710925


TRX marketcap sure is hurting compared to this coin

>> No.14710944

He’s retarded but he’s right on this. ICO price was .003

>> No.14711019
File: 543 KB, 1191x2981, onepager.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Are you actually this fucking stupid? Here's their one pager which explains everything. It's what ETH 2.0 ultimately wants to achieve, a full year before they get there.

Their whitepaper is also on the website which is detailed as fuck. Stop deciding to invest based on how well anons can shill something and start READING NIGGER

>> No.14711083

I mean the most obvious point if their details are too technical for you is it already has proof of stake and sharding that scales up to 100k tps.

>> No.14711088

okay but can you tell me why they copy pasted 90% of their code? that tells me they're lazy and there won't be anymore developments until eth updates their code.

>> No.14711115

This is a close to Chainlink that I can hope to make it.

>> No.14711122

You're a retard.

>> No.14711137

What fucking code lmao. How any sources for your claims?

They have shit ETH still hadn't even come close to releasing, how could they possibly copy the code?

Don't you ever get tired of spouting unsubstantiated nonsense?

>> No.14711146

>daily pics of the team hiking and bbqing
i'm getting REQ vibes

>> No.14711174

They just copy and pasted the client and evm compiler, there’s no need to rewrite that stuff especially if you want to be interoperable with existing Ethereum tooling like metamask and Web3

All the sharding and pos stuff is new code

>> No.14711209

It's also called not reinventing the wheel. In development basically nothing is ever 100% done from scratch.

This is like wondering why a piece of software didn't just invent their own programming language.

>> No.14711249

If they upload a photo in one of Gordon Ramsay's restaurants it's time to run for the hills.

>> No.14711834
File: 87 KB, 518x587, 1558896457541.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Coin with good tech that's being acknowledged already. Chainlink is porting to it, Vitalik sounded interested (that he even bothered to check it out should tip you.)

You put $1500 now and I'm wrong, you lost $1500, big fucking deal, I'm right and you walk out with the best investment if your life. You listen to FUD - pic related - and you'll want to kill yourself.

>> No.14712465

FML, the risk reward with this shit is so fucking good.

if I ever sensed a 100x, this is it

>> No.14712559

agreed, the only questionable thing to me is their devs look too normie, if i sensed more autism id go balls deep in harmonys ass

>> No.14712663


kek. they look like utter autists imo. normie because they do BBQ? to me they look like squirky awkward characters out of bigbangtheory, just like any person i have ever seen in cryptosphere

>> No.14712683

what type of token is it? is it possible to put it in a cold storage?

>> No.14712723

try storing it in your Binance account and then locking your pc/notebook in the fridge

>> No.14712748

You may be able to generate a cold storage using an air gapped version of trust wallet.

>> No.14712790

why is it not on idex?

>> No.14712799

Please be real.

>> No.14712813

It's your own fault anon. There is never an excuse to let a coin fuck you to that extent. You bought too much

>> No.14712816

gotcha. so it's a bep2 token?

>> No.14712860

I feel like a degenerate gambler but I'm so tempted to put my whole stack into this thing

>> No.14712861

If there was more autism involved they would actually be fudding like skelly constantly does
Is that what you want?

>> No.14713434

Volume increasing...

>> No.14713950

*Ahem* Harmony $25 EOY

>> No.14714087

Swinging this inside the bollinger is like free money.

>> No.14714303

Can someone explain to me why people claim coins like this with billions circulation can ever be worth more than a few dollars? Why do people say 1000$ eoy? No coin will ever be worth trillions of dollars in market cap. It's an absurd idea. I imagine this will top out at a dollar or two like XRP. But it's utterly ridiculous to assume Harmony will ever be worth fifty, hundred etc dollars

>> No.14714360

bitcoin was an absurd idea to begin with. no one thought it would ever reach $10k. anything is possible.

>> No.14714382

Bought 200K of this stuff.

>> No.14714385
File: 1.55 MB, 1368x1479, 1504891148014.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.14714460

Imma bout to jump back into this,

>> No.14714472

Imagine the gains once it gets listed on coinbase

>> No.14714489

>> 14714472
30x gains and the listing is imminent since the mechanics are almost the same as ETH

>> No.14714493

No it really isn't. Harmony being worth a thousand dollars would put that market cap several orders of magnitude above bitcoin because there's hundreds of millions of one floating around. It's utterly nonsensical to even suggest. There's 18 million btc. Theres TWO BILLION one. Even being worth ten dollars would put the marketcap at twenty billion. 1000 dollars is fucking impossible

>> No.14714509

lmao ONEtards are delusional

>> No.14714554

This. You can make HUGE gains off of this but don't go comparing it to bitcoin now son

>> No.14714641

the bot action has finally returned

>> No.14714669

Bullish af confirmed $1 eow

>> No.14714704
File: 211 KB, 730x783, a1c.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.14714738

who cares what they say lol just think for yourself haha

>> No.14714827



>> No.14715587

Is 200k enough to make it ?

>> No.14715857

easiest 20x of my life

>> No.14716008

CZ pump your fuckin IEO this instant!!! My bags are heavy mufucker

>> No.14716164
File: 66 KB, 500x533, brainletgrayons.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I've never seen anyone say ONE will be $1000 eyo, you are thinking of Link

>> No.14716714

i bought this morning and i'm 20% up

>> No.14716732

And tomorrow you will be up 50%. Nice isn't it?

>> No.14716755

only if Raulito wants

>> No.14717032

>squirky awkward characters out of bigbangtheory
Hence, normies.