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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/biz/ - Business & Finance

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14710409 No.14710409 [Reply] [Original]

Still near ATL against BTC, but look at that volume.

Marketcap: 6M$
Price: 23k sat ($0,90)
Circ. Supply: 6,736,208
Total Supply: 18,400,000
Features: Ring Signatures, written from scratch in Golang
Combines a PoW (Proof-of-Work) #blockchain with a #DAG (Directed Acyclic Graph) block structure
TX's are processed within 12 seconds in avg
privacy focused cryptocurrency with transactions which are as fast as possible
Private smart contracts, e.g. when companies want to use a smart contract but not reveal transactions on the blockchain

When Dero Foundation is establshed in Q3/4 it's going to take off like a fucking rocket ship & never come back. Look at Monero in 2015.

>> No.14710440

Wasn't there something fishy with the project lead and the community manager?

>> No.14710451

thread archive bug, please report to jannies

>> No.14710559

This project is probably one of the most hated on /biz/ and has contiuned to keep itself going and improve, respect. I'll probably buy around 1000 for some suicide insurance, well once it dumps again.

>> No.14710579

Can someone verify I'm thinking of dropping an ether on this.

>> No.14710674

If you go into their discord off their twitter page they might be able to tell you. I think it was because someone got greedy and wanted more money and when reufused they tried to crash it.

>> No.14710703

rofl why would u buy this garbage that isnt even special in anyway over Beam which has superior privacy compared to any other privacy coin out there and Confidential assests.

>> No.14711156

IIRC there was a personal fallout between the lead dev and the community manageress, but that was last year and the project sure has recovered from it.

>> No.14711283

Hmm, ok, seems I remember now. The community manager was a roasty.

Looks actually decent, might buy a 500 suicide bag, thx.

>> No.14711306

there are like 7 accounts holding this coin do not buy it's an obvious scam. all they do is copy monero

>> No.14711337

Weak sauce. Look at Crypto Twitter, they know a thing or two and they are waking up to it: https://twitter.com/cryptonator1337/status/1105860183249555456

>> No.14711393

Imo they surpassed monero a while ago. XMR is just relying on it's own hype at this point.

>> No.14711437
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Dero? More like Zero. Ahahaha. Am I right guys? Zero! Like its price 3 months from now. AHaHAHAHAhaHahahAHA