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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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File: 147 KB, 675x675, 1561727453825.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
14703884 No.14703884 [Reply] [Original]

Help me frens. I want to be in the BrapFam. Did you all just get an airdrop? Do I need to buy in now?

>> No.14704055

I need to lay my eggs in her

>> No.14704132
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i love that pic

>> No.14704197
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>> No.14704269
File: 1.87 MB, 498x280, wow....gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Go away gramps, don't blame us for your dick not working anymore

>> No.14704372

if your dick didn't work, you wouldn't have a problem with porn obviously, brainlet as it would cease to distract you.

>> No.14704391

scary masonic woman

>> No.14704573

The contract address is 0xa0cca3cf5c64152883f4c947c404e46996593fa7

Go to etherflyer or forkdelta (there are a few other exchanges that trade it) and sell ETH for BRAP

>> No.14704756

Someone needs make a video on how to buy and send/trade it. I bought it from etherflyer and it was a pain in the ass. You faggots wont sell more unless someone makes a toturial on youtube

>> No.14704974

nakadashi nakadashi

>> No.14705132
File: 96 KB, 714x1024, 1505408245069.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i got one of the 69m air drops. Currently only have ~150k left.
want them?

>> No.14705148

>Someone needs make a video on how to buy and send/trade it
>not knowing how to use DEX's

>> No.14705292

If you're giving them away this poorfag wouldn't say no

>> No.14705445



>> No.14705482
File: 34 KB, 750x730, 7057332A-1216-4A67-BF05-4EECA81AD368.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Honestly you would increase volume by A LOT if you did a video on how to use etherflyer. None of the videos on etherflyer are in English. Make fun of me all you want, but you know I’m right. You want the value of fartcoin to go up? Make it easier for regular people to buy. Make a fucking video about it. You will sell 10 times more of it.

>Most of the people who don’t know how to buy/trade it are too scared to ask how
>The current instructions on youtube are awful

>> No.14705521

The last airdrop on this board was a scam, I never got my brapies.

>> No.14705592

I do not care about the value of brapcoin.
I got an air drop because i frequent /biz/, and proceeded to sell it once it was actually worth something.
If you cannot figure out how to use a DEX on your own, then i honestly would stay away from one. You will mistype something, and lose your $.

>> No.14705595

We stopped airdropping on biz like 2 weeks ago. Most you have seen have just been lemmings dropping their addresses because some other dumbdumb did it.

I want to say someone was working on this, but not sure. I'll verify and if they aren't I'll pay someone to do it.


>> No.14705639

brap me up senpai


>> No.14705850

ig: x.leah.x0
she looks plastic as fuck

>> No.14705944

Based and wholesome

>> No.14705971

lmfao people are still buying this token?
The dev admitted to selling all of his crypto to buy Brapper. Xander is going to dump on you all so damn hard.
They are already broke, and flat out lie about contacts. These guys are fucking hilarious.
>Girls can put their brap.me on pics for more tips
They've already proven how bad an idea this is by stealing pics from the internet and putting their own brap.me's on it.
>It will take the adult industry by storm
Many have tried, and there are already a ton of sites doing this already. Brapper is nothing new.

>> No.14705995


I would gladly take those brappers off your hand

>> No.14706032
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Help a girl out and brap me up boys!


>> No.14706104


You can buy BRAP on:


I believe airdrops are over, but the devs are handing out sizable bounties for anyone who can get a cam model / streamer to rep the brand.

>> No.14706168

>dev sold all his crypto to buy brapper
Dev didn't have to spend money to "buy" anything.
>They are already broke
Most of us are actually quite well off.
>Stealing pics
No one has done this and it is forbidden to be posted in any chat, regular user or admin.
>Many have tried
Yes, and we have covered why we think we will do better. We are not platform specific nor are we specific to one particular person or genre. Plus, we are not trying to limit ourselves to porn. This token can and has been used for many different things.

I'm willing to hear people out and answer any legitimate concerns to the best of my knowledge, but I don't think it is necessary to try and smear shit on the project with blatant lies.

We already know what the cause of the crazy (almost irrational) amount of FUD was yesterday, and it was a pump group that was working with someone attempting to drop the price to get in before they did their scumbag shit. That issue has been dealt with, harshly.

Feel free to ask questions and I'm aware that I will be called a shill. I am using my name so that there is no doubt as to who I am and so that you all will know that I do not need to hide this fact.

>> No.14706232

Aren't we building a verification service that will eliminate pic stealing once and fir all?

>> No.14706327

Yes, that system has an ETA of July 31st. With that in place, we will allow people to have unique addresses that can't be faked or tampered with.

I'm not a lead on that project, but that's what has been shared with me.

>> No.14706495

Also, since we have been listed on DDEX, you can now track BRAP on delta app. Keep in mind that it hasn't quite started trading hard over there and it is a non-US exchange like binance, but it's an option.

For the US guys, Blockfolio is our tracker.

>> No.14706594

OP here pls help me anon-kun

>> No.14706624

i bought more today for the lulz and then read through the whitepaper and holyshit, its not much but this shit could be worth something in the future
i consider a suicidestack for everybody

>> No.14706631

This sounds promising, I really like this response if you are in fact one of the deva

>> No.14706642


This is a video guide on how to use etherflyer btw, not made by us so before you spam me with Pajeet, just know that it was something we found online.

>> No.14706719


>> No.14706804
File: 109 KB, 430x465, 1562780714485.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Dev didn't have to spend money to "buy" anything.
Xavior did say he sold all his chainlink in the telegram.
>Stealing pics
>No one has done this and it is forbidden to be posted in any chat, regular user or admin.
One of the main threads yesterday had exactly this. I've also linked a currently active thread where this is the picture. I think we can all agree that isn't another anons leg.
>Plus, we are not trying to limit ourselves to porn.
All of your past marketing disagrees with this. Based off the telegram you are all switching your ideas on the fly with-out a firm end-goal.

I genuinely wish you the best, but I struggle to trust. So many of your ideas have come from random input on the telegram, and not yourselves. This could be a good thing though I understand; More input more ideas. Other anon's have shown your code to be shit, and you currently don't have much more than a URL shortener. You learned of custom QR codes from another anon on the telegram as well and were all blown away. Clearly you hadn't done your research.

Change my mind with some credentials, but it feels like you are all brand new and biting off way more than you can chew. I don't want to see other anon's get fucked.
If I'm wrong; awesome and everyone prospers. But if I'm not you're gambling on thousands of dollars from anons with only goals and not a lot of hard action to show.

Best of luck, and I hope all anon's buying in keep a close eye on the devs.

>> No.14706917

he sold his chainlink to sponsor the listing not to buy more braps

>> No.14707028

Work on using brap as a currency for subs on porn/cam sites. Got a milli brap, not much but whatever, I plan on buying 1m more daily for a little while. Some porn sites already offer payments in crypto, get brap rolling and I’m sure a site like Dogfart would be happy to accept a Brap partnership. Pay for interracial porn with brap

>> No.14707037
File: 94 KB, 341x605, 1407446477843.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

address saved. will send them when im done at the gym.

>> No.14707043
File: 181 KB, 341x472, unknown.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>>>Stealing pics
>>No one has done this and it is forbidden to be posted in any chat, regular user or admin.
I just got these off your discord pinned post.

>> No.14707067

Xander and no he didn't. He has sold crypto to pay for listings, as have other people. Listings cost money, it's not to buy his own coin.
>That picture
Not on our chat, so we can't moderate it.
>Past marketing
I am aware that in the past and even our current whitepaper describes it as an adult thing, however the goal has been adjusted since we can't really grow how we want if we limit ourselves to that. The telegram is mostly spitballing, which is why it looks so scattered. There are smaller chat groups with only devs that are far less hectic. From there, the final decisions are made by Xander and a couple of the higher tier guys and then passed down to the main chat. If Xander himself doesn't say it, it is never to be taken as the actual plan.
>Random input on the telegram
We are the token of the people. Everyone that owns a share is welcome to an opinion and all will be considered.
>our code to be shit
There is only a couple of people in that department and I believe they are talented. We always welcome more skilled coders to lend a hand and be compensated for anything they do that helps. When someone is "blown away" by a QR code, understand that not all admins are coders, so some of them might not even grasp what it is until it's explained.
>Brand new and biting off way more than you can chew
We are and we do have a full plate, which is why I personally have been offering to pay for help from people that are more experienced in certain sectors. I have paid out over 2M in the past 2 days for translations, pictures, and ideas. There is an offer from me for 5M in exchange for a quality BRAP specific trading tutorial for EtherFlyer. Why is this? Because I don't really have the time to do it myself and understand that there may be someone very talented in this area.

I saw those, they were not posted by an admin and I don't have any control over on discord. Ty for bringing it to my attention.

>> No.14707116


These aren't tagged with brap.me wallets.

>> No.14707121

You better be doing full squats and none of that quarter squat shit, anon.

>> No.14707129
File: 183 KB, 1278x720, AMeowBE[1].png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is what I'm seeing, I can't find the picture itself. Mind being more specific as to where you saw it?

>> No.14707189


>> No.14707217
File: 358 KB, 1218x827, Capture.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>>>our code to be shit
>>There is only a couple of people in that department and I believe they are talented. We always welcome more skilled coders to lend a hand and be compensated for anything they do that helps. When someone is "blown away" by a QR code, understand that not all admins are coders, so some of them might not even grasp what it is until it's explained.
This is fair. I'm not a coder and am going off other anons. I'm glad you all feel skilled enough for this. Again as much as I struggle to trust you I don't want failure.
>>Xander and no he didn't. He has sold crypto to pay for listings, as have other people. Listings cost money, it's not to buy his own coin.
Why did he have to sell his crypto to list?
Sounds to me like you needed some money?
>>We are the token of the people. Everyone that owns a share is welcome to an opinion and all will be considered.
Your demographic can't be everyone. That isn't the way the world works.
>>From there, the final decisions are made by Xander and a couple of the higher tier guys and then passed down to the main chat. If Xander himself doesn't say it, it is never to be taken as the actual plan.
Brapper Token is a terrible name for anything other than porn.

Best of luck Brapper. I hope all this helps you find a firm plan of action. At this rate you'll burn out and take a ton of fellow anons with you.

>> No.14707258

Google also sounded like a crappy name to most who first heard the name.And lets be honest, fucking ellen degeneres has people twerking on her show now and talking about badonkadonks aka ass.Ass slang names are mainstream now, like it or not.

>> No.14707281

How do I join the discord?

>> No.14707303
File: 27 KB, 485x443, 1518016545726.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Did Brad just discover concern trolling?

>> No.14707360

>why did he have to sell crypto to list?
It cost quite a bit and they wanted it in ETH, so the easiest way was to convert the link to ETH and trade it to them. He also gave them 696M brap to do the giveaway they are doing.
>Demographic can't be everyone
It's not, but think of it like this. We want to be a payment system for all content creators, not just a "hehe show me your ass and I'll give you some money" thing.
>Brapper Token is a terrible name for anything other than porn
I went over this in a thread yesterday. Brapper.com is a motorcycle social media site. "Brap" has been used in different ways for years. Rotary engine enthusiasts use it to describe their engine noise, rappers have used it as a sound to describe shooting at people, etc.

The only reason why we associate "brap" with farts is because we are from 4chan. Off of 4chan, it means something entirely different to a lot of people. I don't see us burning out as it is a community project. Everything we do is for the benefit of everyone, which is why complete strangers donate their time and efforts for a chance to make something big happen.

Could be, but I'll answer it honestly either way. When you have nothing to hide, you have nothing to fear. Not even Brad himself.