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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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File: 54 KB, 400x400, grave.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
1470456 No.1470456 [Reply] [Original]

how do you even think you can try to cope with the fact?

>> No.1470459

>We're all gonna die so why even bother trying?
And you say we're the ones coping.


>> No.1470481

With what fact? The inevitability of death? It's not hard. I will die, so will everyone else. Such is fucking life.

It also doesn't change the fact that living with money is way more fun than living without it. As I am still alive and can't do shit about dying I will focus on making money so I can live in the nice fucking house with nice fucking shit instead of in the rodent infested hovel.

How is this a question?

>> No.1470484

You're forgetting the baller-ass mausoleum for the richfag.

Plus the anti-aging treatments and overall better health.

>> No.1470487
File: 81 KB, 960x720, slide_36.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

all this cope already....

>> No.1470489
File: 140 KB, 592x333, rich-kid-poor-kid[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Second generation.
Look at Trump Sr., came to America poor, built real estate empire, now his son might be President. That's how anon.

>> No.1470490

I'm at acceptance faggot.

>> No.1470492
File: 15 KB, 306x306, 79e0f76f22f429dc6a79ebbe8f3b484d.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why do u guys keep responding to the same thread posted every 3 days?

>> No.1470493
File: 13 KB, 175x206, jesus-online.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

virgins tend not to reproduce ;)

>> No.1470593

I'm not dying.

I'm 20 and in perfect health. All of my grandparents have lived into their 80s and seem to be doing well.

I'm pretty sure ageing is going to be cured within 60 years, and I don't participate in any really risky activities like extreme sports, so I figure I've got a decent chance of escaping death for at least a few million years.

>> No.1470604
File: 363 KB, 2322x750, BS-0735.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>aging is going to be cured within 60 years
you think this is a fuckin game, kid?

>> No.1470611


60 years is a long time. It's certainly more than we need to do it.

I think it's probably likely to be done within 30 years; but I reckon I've got at least 60 until it would be time for me to expire.

>> No.1470624
File: 118 KB, 400x400, Brosus.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

/biz/ is a christian board.. We are blessed by the Lord with wealth in this life, and greater wealth and pleasure in the afterlife.

Eternal Winner

>> No.1470639

If you make enough money you can build yourself a pyramid and force people to care for it for all eternity

>> No.1470655
File: 5 KB, 276x182, pyramid.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.1470657
File: 54 KB, 674x446, taj.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


pic related is a mausoleum. So thats already 2 wonders of the world covered.

>> No.1470664
File: 85 KB, 460x288, armyteracotta.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The terracotta army of Qin Shi Huang, the first Emperor of China.

>> No.1470672
File: 52 KB, 962x685, Mausoleum-of-Hadrian.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ordered by the Roman Emperor Hadrian as a mausoleum for himself and his family, the Mausoleum of Hadrian also known as the Castel Sant’Angelo

>> No.1470674
File: 134 KB, 1600x1200, imam018.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The Shrine of Husayn ibn Ali is situated in the city of Karbala, Iraq is a renowned site of pilgrimage for Shia Muslim. Husayn ibn Ali was the 2nd son of 4th Caliph and grandson of Prophet Muhammad. He was killed in the tragic battle of karbala. Imam Husayn Shrine comprises the mosque and burial site of Imam Husayan. The grave of Husayn is enclosed within a cage-like structure, found directly beneath a golden dome.

>> No.1470873

>accept that you're going to die
>accept that you only get one chance at life
>accept that it's in your own interests to make the most of it
>we're the ones in denial, not the poorfag who is trying to justify his shitty existence

>> No.1470886


Power and wealth live on after death

>> No.1470895


I've never had a deathwish, it's just that I don't believe that I personally even can die.

>> No.1470897


And even if not I think we can extend our lifetime to at least 150 within the next 50 years.
Which would give us 130 years to find immortality.

>> No.1470899
File: 160 KB, 750x1000, IMG_0079-e1362324914359-768x1024.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.1471679

The pyramids disprove your logic.

>> No.1471681

what a pathetic way to cope

>> No.1471684

>a king and a peasant are equal in the eyes of Death

>therefore, wealth doesn't matter

>> No.1471686

lol this

i really need to stop competing in combat sports though

>> No.1472126



People are STILL falling for this bait.

>> No.1472142


Not pictured: the crypt I'm going to be buried in.

>> No.1472154

.9^999999/10 cope desu senpai.
cope harder nextime.

>> No.1472186

I get a prettier and more expensive coffin than poorfags though

>> No.1472403

I don't necessarily strive to be rich. I just want enough money to where I can live comfortably, do my hobbies and travel around the world.