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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/biz/ - Business & Finance

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14698322 No.14698322 [Reply] [Original]

>> No.14698334

go take a shit outside ranjee

>> No.14698361

I don't mind the pajeets, I'm sick of the fucking Britfag cucks always asking how to pay HMRC tax money and hearing the dumbest phrase in Business
>You need an accountant

Fucking pseudo intellectual britfag cucks

>> No.14698382

The new FUD for LYM is to call them Pajeets.

Enjoy being poor.

>> No.14699054

I believe its even worse. After link mooned, we got tons of boomers and plebbitors.

>> No.14699060

Unironically bullish af link fud thread.
This is literally huge news for link and the future price! I just bought 1k link, why wouldnt you too anon?

>> No.14699074

isn't it comfirmed that the devs are dumping hundreds of thousands of links into the market every day?

>> No.14699075

Worse than pajeets. They just shill their bags, /biz/ is infested with a bunch of cheap as fuck Fudders and shills that don't know what they do, no idea where they got recruited but I want to know, to avoid that place. And whoever wrote their scripts, fire asap and ask your money back

>> No.14699088

No, this is one of hundreds biz FUDs

>> No.14699104

They literally are pajeets. When a shitcoin suddenly comes out of nowhere with multiple threads with the same types of replies you know its a pajeet pnd.

>> No.14699205

post qt indian girls to distract them

>> No.14699217

i am indian and let me tell you, being indian is actually a great thing. we have beautiful people and we have ugly people. just like any race. I for 1 am a great person, have great friends, and i take care of every one that is in my life and i am glad to do it, and for that i have people that love me around me. also, indian parents are one of the best parents you can have. sometimes they can be really strict, but they will take care of you no matter what, and they will buy you what ever it is that you need. as long as your not a selfish shithead. Also, we all have great jobs, lots of money and a family that we all love and take care off. suck my dick op suck my dick.

>> No.14699243

>based pajeet
you tell 'em, Ranjeesh. tell 'em fuckin all

>> No.14699290

People like you are kinda sad, if you've been involved in the market in 2018 you should know about LYM. Was shilled by Mark Kuban and Caroline Wozniacki on it's way from 250 to 1900.

>> No.14699765

Omg right?

>> No.14699773

shut the fuck up dinesh. kys

>> No.14700209
File: 155 KB, 1080x1350, Sj1gHtp.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Guys ignore him Just focus on tits

>> No.14700224

Doesn't matter who's on the board Rakesh, learn to think for yourself.

>> No.14700331


>> No.14700414
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>> No.14700486
File: 32 KB, 780x438, 6bzrYbt.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
