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14687350 No.14687350 [Reply] [Original]

Are us neets the most intelligent people on earth right now?

>Live at home
>Pay little to no rent
>use neet bux to accumulate crypto
>play vidya all day

When the alternative is..
>Wage slave 9-5
>To accumulate money
>to buy a house
>to buy more THINGS
>to give half of it to a woman when she inevitably divorces you

Why do people choose this way of life? It seems mental when you can have it all just doing nothing.

>> No.14687373

jesus man, get your shit together

its just fucking sad

>> No.14687384

you have to go back...

>> No.14687426

Mehrune's razor my dude, sometimes the simplest answer is usually the correct one.

>> No.14687507

Not being self sufficient in this life is the most degenerate way to live. You don't need to get married but you should be providing for yourself instead of leeching from your ashamed parents.

>> No.14687600

Stop being fucking losers kids

>> No.14687603

>Parents finally get sick of you and throw you out
>End up starving to death because you have zero skills, work experience, motivation or friends
Great long term plan OP

>> No.14687707

>Mehrune's razor

>> No.14687712

Occam's razor. Mehrunes razor is a weapon from Skyrim.

>> No.14687742
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>> No.14687765

>Not getting a six-figure job and continuing to live with your parents

>> No.14687776

You must have shit parents

>> No.14687833


>> No.14687866



>> No.14688103

Neets are the biggest copecels ive ever met.
Real patricians have the financial freedom to live like a neet but actually are educated and have skills that let them own their own house and property while sourcing income passively from multiple streams.

>> No.14688154

NEETs have always existed, they've never done anything worth remembering or contributed to society so nobody ever cared about them

>> No.14688156
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Neetism is the extreme end of the specturm.
Wagie slavie is the other end.

Neetism explores leveraging your situation to the max in terms of life comfort. Many Neets see the pitfalls of wagies.
However just as many neets are scared to live or just autists. they aren't leveraging anything purposfully.
The truth is, somewhere in the middle is best. Leveraging your situaion to the maximum while minimizing the unnecessary discomforts of life which wagies fall for. Investing, not getting married, buying crypto and living at home or being frugal in general. not falling for the financed car meme or keeping up with the jones on credit like normies.

This kinda thing puts you behind normies for years, at least on the surface, till you surpass them dramatically and they can never, ever catch up.

>> No.14688201

>>to give half of it to a woman when she inevitably divorces you
Imagine being such a pathetic reject loner loser that women leave you even in your fantasies.

>> No.14688281

>he thinks the ALTERNATIVE way of life is making and spending money, buying shit you want and is just awesome to own, and living life to the fullest, doing whatever you want to do everyday at your own leisure.

Anon... I....