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1468414 No.1468414 [Reply] [Original]



>> No.1468424

I just added Monero to my custom bitcoin bot. I want to give all of you the bot for free but I need to make it send me 10% of all profits per trade. I'm having trouble with just that one thing (also I'm lazy). But this bot is 6 months old now and super advanced and profitable. But only I have it...

>> No.1468429

I'm the same guy who has been procrastinating about this bot on here for months now...But I just can't be bothered to monetize it for some reason

>> No.1468436


Bruh I got in at the last spike, holding for dear life till we see $10

>> No.1468466


It has to pass Dash eventually. Dash is now useless and way overvalued now.

>> No.1468470


It's only a scalper bot?

>> No.1468496

This is why retards will always remain poor and never make money. They never learn.

Its not too late. Buy monero

>> No.1468500

ya. although it adjusts how much it wants to scalp based on market conditions. it's dynamic in that way and other ways. it reads the market to the best of its abilities

>> No.1468521

I shilled the fuck out of this for the past few weeks. I don't think it's even near done.

>> No.1468535

I'm over 1k in profits so far
Thanks AB

>> No.1468568

Are you positive that it will net returns? If so, I would be willing to send you screenshots of transactions and 10% of my profit manually. Let me know, I am 100% serious.

>> No.1468652
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Just put $100 in XMR

>> No.1468666

Monero vs Zcash, what is technically better.
I find it hard to believe the Zcash team worked for 2 years to develop their anonymous coin when Monero already existed.
There must be something better about it

>> No.1468678

zcash is a premined scamcoin like all cryptos backed by private companies. part of the design of zcash is that you'll never be able to tell to what extend it was premined so you'll just have to 'trust' them.

it'll never get traction even if it is slightly technically superior.

>> No.1468730

I don't think you know what you're talking about.
The Zcash company is going to make their money by taking a cut of mined coin for the first 4 years.

>> No.1468740

So I was reading a bunch about Monero and its relation to other anonymous cryptocurrencies and read this:
> The sender of a transaction can provide a view key to prove where the coins came from.
Shit, nigga, so if my drug dealer gets busted the feds can trace all the payments I made to him back to me?
Fuck that.
That means I need to keep mixing my coins.

>> No.1468839

>It has to pass Dash eventually. Dash is now useless and way overvalued now.


Dash is the better Bitcoin alternative.

What makes Monero more attractive to the end user?

>> No.1468842
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>Shit, nigga, so if my drug dealer gets busted the feds can trace all the payments I made to him back to me?
Only if YOU provided him or the feds with the view key to prove that you did send him the money.

>> No.1468846
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put in 10K @ 79. This was after I sold 5 BTC worth that I had bought @ .002 @ .0087.

Have 40 BTC in ETC still tho... so this is just making up my losses.

>until ETC moons again :^)

>> No.1468855

tfw u miss the bus AGAIN

nocoining is tough m8s

>> No.1468866

serious question

As more people , big players on the darknet see bitcoin = arrested, wont they all just fuckoff of bitcoin and into monero?

So are we going to see something amazing soon, monero supply on poloniex is not that high, this can if no hang up climp to the reaches of bitcoin no?

and with that said should we withdraw NOW from poloniex because Mtgox style poloniex 2.0

seriously this shit is 97% on poloniex

we have low sell side, if it doesnt resist it will break up to the hundred fast

bitcoin back in the day jumped from 100s to 1000s but this is switching from a 10 billion dollar cap to a 60million

im nervous and about to pull all my monero out of poloniex

i wanted to ride the swings but shits go tme nervous senpai desu

>> No.1468870

darkcoin/dash scamcoin shills trying their hardest to keep their sinking ship afloat

If one guy didn't own 90% of dash via his premine scam, the price would be below 50 cents.

>> No.1468887

>If one guy didn't own 90% of dash via his premine scam, the price would be below 50 cents.

citation needed

>> No.1468893
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take warning anons

>> No.1468898

Didn't bitcoin spike in a similar way to monero and then come crashing back down and slowly decline for a year?
Is that what's going to happen to Monero?
Its price is going up way too fast

>> No.1468910

So how to I buy some and get rich quick?

>> No.1468926

What is a good amount to buy to get started? $200? $2000?

>> No.1468931

It's like you don't want to get rich. Sell your car your house your girlfriend.

>> No.1468935
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>up 70% the past 24hrs


>> No.1468970

fuck my life, buying bitcoin in australia is so fkn hard. setting all this shit up better take less than 24 hours. I want to get on this fkn moneroship

>> No.1468976

Fuck this is up so much lol... I have 32 btc.. What should I do? Is it too late

>> No.1468977

You have $18290.56 sitting around?

Like you couldn't trade one in for xmr?

>> No.1468978

I could.. but it feels retarded to because I saw monero at $2.30 and didn't buy it, contemplated but decided against it

>> No.1468979

this is only the beginning boys. XMR vs BTC parity quite possible in a few years

>> No.1468982

>just started studied cryptos more intensely in the last few days
>realized this potential like yesterday
>don't have money to spend till 1st September

fuckme I'll catch another wave I guess

>> No.1468991

It's a well known fact that the dash dev and friends got way too many coins at the start of dash "by accident". Search bitcoin talk or google for details.

>> No.1469024

it will be worth more than $7 at some point in the future. that's a 100% guarantee. so diversify. put 5 btc into monero. that way if btc crashes for whatever reason or monero goes crazy, you're set.

>> No.1469030

If monero is over $10 when I wake up I'm going to cut my wrists for not buying it

If it's under $5 I'm going to buy a $250 steak and ribs combination for telling myself I was right

>> No.1469032

im also gonna kill myself. I could've bought in last week at ~$2

>> No.1469037

why not buy dip if it goes under $5

>> No.1469039

will it dip before 1st sept?

>> No.1469040

yes it will, since cryptos are like that.. but good outlook on the long term.

>> No.1469049

>Be blockchain analytics software dev
>Buy monero
>Get paid to help police find and arrest bitcoiners

life is good

>> No.1469061 [DELETED] 


Damn it feels good to be a meme trader

There are a lot of similarities between XMR now and ETH prices in january. In ETH, the price tripled in 1 month, but the floor was only 15% lower.

Then february came and price tripled again.

If XMR gets bigger and starts to mess with bitcoins marketcap the same way ETH did, I'll sell, but otherwise ive got all the drugs I want for years now so good luck trying to shake me.

>> No.1469194

To buy or not to buy now at 0.0127?

What a gamble.

>> No.1469204

im still longholding some as i beleive in XMR.. but also doing micro trades here and there. a gamble indeed. No risk, no rewards

>> No.1469205


Im gambling that the following two statements are true

1. people are going to continue to be addicted to drugs
2. people do not want to go to jail

I've got a good feeling about this one.

>> No.1469224

Yeah but XMR was availible for ages and it was stagnant, everyone used BTC.

Also BTC will have increased anonimity in the future, rendering all those niche anonymous coins useless.

Not to mention you need BTC to buy XMR... so I dont know.

>> No.1469227

How many loaves of bread can I buy with monero?

>> No.1469234

as much as you want, if you buy from darknet bakery

>> No.1469242

From Draknetmarkets.

Not even remotely. All of this is pump & dump speculation. Previously it was DASH and Ethereum, now we've moved on to the next shiny object.
In terms of ease-of-use, Monero currently offers little, if anything, beyond bitcoin. By all means, play around with Monero, but it's going to go nowhere on DNMs, certainly over the short term. Look at how much confusion you yourself are having figuring it out. When it's enabled on AlphaBay, I'd be very surprised if it was used in more than 1 every 500 transactions – and those few transactions will be done mostly by people who have already accumulated some through mining.

>> No.1469253

Just reached 0.015

>> No.1469261
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/biz/ had been warned for weeks and months.
We really wanted to give you the NEET handouts.

>> No.1469280
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We're at 8.50 now. Hope you faggots bought.

Even if you didn't, IT'S STILL NOT TOO LATE.

>> No.1469287

should i sell or hold?

>> No.1469305

da real question here
also long or short?

>> No.1469307

I'm a dirty peasant with $20AUD to my name and no experience with cryptocurrency. How do I get in on this wild ride?

>> No.1469308

I have bought so many altcoins. Everytime the price goes down. I considered XMR a few months ago. It was the only coin I didn't end up buying.

God hates me.
Then again, I could singlehandedly crash XMR by buying right now.

>> No.1469318

I have bad feeling that we can't see the dump just because of people like you buying in right now

If you still want to fo it:
-buy bitcoin somehow right now (I guess coinbase or something that works well in AUS)
-Sign up on Poloniex
-deposit your bitcoin
-buy XMR for your BTC

hope it goes to the moon
if it goes down just hold it and wait

>> No.1469327

You have less than an hour to sell

>> No.1469331
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Don't listen to that other faggot. You should buy more, we just left the atmosphere, but we're not anywhere close to the moon. Hold for the long term. BUY MORE IF YOU CAN.


>> No.1469333

From the chart I'd think the same, but there might be a lot of people who are willing to hold it at least for a week

>> No.1469334

You should sell.

>> No.1469336

>>Crash XMR
>>By buying

>>What is Economy 101

>>What is cause and effect

>>When can what not why that how?!

>> No.1469337
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Still worth it at this point ?

Just waiting for my btc to appear on Poloniex

>> No.1469341

>By buying

Econ 1 was pretty tough, huh lad?

>> No.1469342

>I could singlehandedly crash XMR by buying right now


Seriously though I don't really understand how you could consider Monero and not buy it. It's practically the only coin I believe in.

>> No.1469346

He might be a so infamously bad trader that when he buys something everyone gets scared and sell:D

>> No.1469361

Eth and Monero.

Eth is I think going to be the big suprise in the next 5-10 years.

Monero might get to maybe $100, maybe $200..

But Eth will probably crack bitcoins $1k per coin record when the dapps get going.

>> No.1469365


im kinda skeptical about them since another DAO-like hack could happen again

>> No.1469418

I'm in New York ;_;

>> No.1469425
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Withdraw you monero to a safe location

You have been told

>> No.1469445

Holy shit I went to sleep with $60 of Monero an have $83 now?

I have a personal (non-exchange) wallet. How do I withdraw to it and put it back on Poloniex later?

>> No.1469524

How to do it? How do I secure my XMR? How do I create this wallet and save to it? Monero des not even have a client.

>> No.1469543

My fuckin simple wallet is synching with the block chain. How much time we have?

>> No.1469551


It has a simple wallet.

I'm getting an error saying my wallet cannot connect to the Daemon.

>> No.1469581

Url to the wallet?

>> No.1469584

Is mymonero.com good?

>> No.1469585

Be sure to be running bitmonerod.exe and synch up before running simplewallet

>> No.1469591

So it will be added but not used like darkcoin?

>> No.1469594


>> No.1469609

yeah seems like it

>> No.1469646

Syncing is getting an "unknown top block" and staying 78 days behind.

>> No.1469689



Buying Monero from those who profited from selling to you.


Seriously. Buy low and hold. Don't buy high and hold until price falls.

>> No.1469732

>implying you know where each other is

These things are only obvious in highnsight

>> No.1469746


XMR value against USD is higher today than one week ago. This is seen on all the charts and graphs.

Look at the buy and sell numbers in the orders.

Are more people buying or selling?

>> No.1470032
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more buyers than sellers

>> No.1470038

This shit is unstoppable. Unfortunately I only put in 1 BTC when it was at .007. Been waiting on a purchase from coinbase and it's going to be too late by the time I receive it.

>> No.1470160

mfw i follow and own monero since day one
mfw i mined many blocks the first week
mfw i sold most recently and it continues going up

>> No.1470225
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>> No.1470237

XMR to the fucking moon, bought in at 0.00835800 BTC and now it's at 0.01635800 BTC

Thanks for the tip /biz/ I will never doubt you ever again

I'm going to sell on August 29th ought before the dump

>> No.1470249

just dont sell all of it, it might moon some more after sept. Im holding some for the ultra long term

>> No.1470258

Nah, I'm going to dump it and then buy it back at the dip. I already doubled my money

(disclaimer: this was my first order ever on an exchange and I only bought 1.3 XMR LOL FUCKING KEK)

>> No.1470295
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Are you 16?

>> No.1470299

I was just on AB, and it looks like a good percentage of merchants have already implemented it into their payment options.

I dont think this is true, personally.

>> No.1470330



I have made over $600 in the last two days and am taking profit constantly

>> No.1470332
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Just breached $10.



>> No.1470352


Yep the consensus is like 60%+ implementation already.

>> No.1470357

bitcoin seems like a scam perprtated by anons

>> No.1470418

Compare Monero now to what Bitcoin was in 2013. She's about to go to the fuckin moon

>> No.1470518

XMR dipping

is this time to buy?

>> No.1470531

I don't think so.
Everybody on poloniex was screaming "It's just a whale, it'll go back up!".
Now it's down another 20%

>> No.1470536

isnt something happening on 1st of sep

>> No.1470539

> making decisions based on the troll box

>> No.1470542

Biggest darknet market will start to accept it for transactions on sep 1st.

>> No.1470547

so why would people sell now?

>> No.1470548

Alphabay will start accepting Monero.
Doesn't make much difference when it's enabled, just that they announced they were going to enable it.

>> No.1470551


Price is hype. Needs correcting. It will pump up more and become even choppier till it collapses. As people use it for drugs, it will see real growth and become very stable above $10

>> No.1470554

I just got BTFO. I bought at 0.0185 then INSTANTLY it crashed to 0.0145. My margin got called and I lost ALL my money.

Wow...Fucking fuck.

>> No.1470557

Im long from .0186, thank fucking god i didnt get MC'ed...

I feel your pain man, Im close to killing myself.

It will likely go up again though.

>> No.1470567

Down another 10%.
At this rate today is going to end in a negative price change.

>> No.1470570

Yea it's already going up. It's just amazing because this is the 20th time in a row I've entered a trade and it just crashes to zero. I've never had a successful trade I think God hates me.

I'm pretty sure just the act of me buying XMR is what made it crash.

>> No.1470576

I feel the exact same way, shit aint fair man.

I don't understand why people would sell now..

>> No.1470583

Bought 46 at 0.01213573 yesterday.

>> No.1470586

Thanks. Bought 1000 at 0.001 a year and a half ago.

>> No.1470591

you went all in at an ATH with record volume, classic beginner mistake. Also, this thread is encouraging people to BUY monero, not BORROW. Its still a good idea to buy.

>> No.1470603


IT WILL GO TO 0.02 RIGHT?????????


>> No.1470608
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Got in at 0.008, sold everything at 0.018

>> No.1470618

i got in at 030k sat.. sold 80% of my holdings at 100k

I got too greedy and went back in again at 120k sat. My greed payed off and sold everything at 170k sat. after i sold it, Got the dip bowl ready at 140K sat. and bought it back at a cheaper price.


>> No.1470696

Fuck dude that's nice

>> No.1470715

>August 29.

How do you know it will dip today?

>> No.1470718

>I feel your pain man, Im close to killing myself.

>Being emotional about investments


>> No.1470725

those slavs at AB are prob pumping xmr to dump then exit scam everyone

>> No.1470747

how will they proceed with that?

>> No.1470761

This, I felt something fishy so I'm not falling for this monero meme

>> No.1470763

as long as you sell off and have a sound exit strategy, you should make profits

>> No.1470812

Buying up shit ton of xmr then announcing it will be accepted form of payment instead dumping and shorting it while stealing all the coins in their websites wallets. Exit scams are a common occurrence in Dmarkets
If you made a shit ton of money of this already it would be a good idea to cash out at least some of it pretty soon just in case unless you trust an anonymous drug/credit card fraud website run by russians

>> No.1470815

Stay poor sour grapers.
Beta cuck coins like ETH and fiat are what you deserve.

>> No.1470821

I made $10k+ from ETH and about $4k from XMR
No were near a whale but a good amount for me, if "cuck coins" are gonna make me 500% returns then ill be investing in em since i'm not in love with my investments and end up bagholding

>> No.1470878

Remember: Everything is a pump and dump (even Bitcoin itself). Never hold expecting 1 coin to reach 1 million dollars. Always buy at 1 cent and sell at 1000 dollars before it dumps back to 500 and stagnates badly. Like ETClassic did.

>> No.1470907


I'm debating selling the rest of mine at .0165 or waiting for another spike. I am in the money and would only be out of it if it dropped to .01

>> No.1470925

Ouch man, I feel your pain. That would have been me like 3 years ago.

How much did it cost? The hard lesson.

Next time, buy after a dip. I mean if you expect monero to get to $1000 or something there's definately going to be more dips on the way there, it's not like you get in on this 0.018 or you miss out forever.

>> No.1470946
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Buy honeypotcoin

>> No.1470949

what a shitcoin

>> No.1471246

>they trade with emotion

lol plebs, I made a few hundred dollars on this pump. Thanks /biz/

>> No.1471264

ahahahahaha, loser

>> No.1471283

This. I'm still in the green and can just play off my profits, so I might withdraw my initial investment amount, if it's about to dump, and hold the extra for shits and giggles.

>> No.1471370
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Get ready for space, gents.

Newbs want in but they stupidly waiting for the wallets to come back online. Once they're up they're all going to buy in and we'll blast off. Haven't been this hype sine btc was $130

>> No.1471390

Thanks for that Anon that mentioned a dump. Set stop-loss just in time.

>> No.1471433

what program do you use for trading crypto's?

>> No.1471453



>> No.1471468

Which cryptocurrency to mine? Is Monero suitable for me?

Here are my requirements:

#1. Must be minable with modest hardware. I don't have FPGA or ASIC rigs. ie. I'm looking for something that's profitably CPU-minable.
#2. Must be tied to or easily exchangable for BTC so I can convert it to USD and cash out at some point.
#3. Would prefer something with GUI-based interface for mining for ease of use. Can be Linux, Windows or Mac OS X, doesn't matter.

What do you recommend? Is Monero suitable for this purpose?

>> No.1471490

I'd wait until semptember 2nd to decide wether to mine monero or not since ab may exit scam

>> No.1471508

This Monero pump certainly brings out the cope in full force. Delicious.

>> No.1471592

Is it possible that there will be privacy upgrades to Bitcoin or Bitcoin wallets that will render monero useless?

>> No.1471634

Never will happen
Ethereum is testing early alpha ring signatures tho which was triggering fluffypony the creator of monero

>> No.1471669
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>lol plebs, I made a few hundred dollars on this pump. Thanks /biz/
me, too.
Still holding on to a few XMR.

>> No.1471729
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good luck trying to get that money out without gov tracking your ass lol

>> No.1471759
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>gov tracking my ass
>In some shitty dysfunctional eastern european country.
>Gubernment & banks here can't even keep track of their own money

>> No.1471767

how much can you do with 100 btc in eastern europe?

>> No.1471836


>> No.1471848


What was your initial XMR buy at?

>> No.1471880
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Average buy in price is 0.00286.
Lowest ist 0.002516

>> No.1471884


Ah yeah I saw the average in the SS right after. Good job. I only got in at .004ish but still nice gains. Only using 1/10th the capital as you though. Did you know about the XMR news early or you just supported the coin in general?

>> No.1471889


>> No.1471918

is this how nocoiners cope?

anyway, buy ETC before next pump

>> No.1471974

what site do you use for trading altcoin

>> No.1471981

It was 363$, luckily I can spare that amount every month to experiment but...Still

>> No.1472271


>> No.1472272

Its going to pump soon right

>> No.1472294

one more pump after all the weak hands get shaken off

>> No.1472946
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Thanks anon. I listened. :)

>> No.1473830

do you guys hold your value in BTC?

>> No.1473852
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no, I swap all my earnings to my gold dealer who provides sweet deals on chains

>> No.1473858

aww shit senpai, i've been playin the game wrong

>> No.1473882
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>Did you know about the XMR news early or you just supported the coin in general?
Have held the coin for a few months before.
I have a portfolio of five coins (currently BTC 25%, XMR 19%, MAID 23%, FCT 12%, Agoras 21%) so there is some diversification but not too much. One can keep track of news and profits still depend on individual coins rather than the average of all Altcoins.

However, it is still diversified enough to protect against freak drops. E.g. if XMR loses 50% of it's value the portfolio only goes down by 9.5%.

>> No.1473888

when was your entry point?
Show polo XMR stats pls.

>> No.1475054

should I buy in again now?

>> No.1475065


>> No.1475203


It's a good coin and you should hold some long term. Go learn about what they're doing that's different from other altcoins. XMR has potential to replace BTC in black markets.

>> No.1475211

XMR still has some pump potential left in it.. Im still buying the dips

>> No.1476212

How is XMR better than Shadowcash?