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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/biz/ - Business & Finance

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14682524 No.14682524 [Reply] [Original]

Are they exit scamming?

Don't really want to fud, but those devwallets are dumping more fresh link to the market and they are not stopping anytime soon

>> No.14682540

>to the market
Are they though? Have you even checked?

>> No.14682562

700k every 6 hours

>> No.14682575

2 days ago devwallet sold 800k Link

Yesterday they sold 700k, today there has also been 700k of lINK moved to Coinbase address and Binance address. So they have sold about 1,5 million link in the last 2 days

>> No.14682581

Do you think a well managed company starts one day, randomly, selling millions of dollars like that? This is almost worst than bitconnect

>> No.14682597

Yes, they are selling. Im a bit scared.

>> No.14682603

>what are operating expenses

>> No.14682623

This. Jesus so many dumb fucks here. Thanks for letting me know im not the only one who sees this pattern. 700, 700 and 700 is not a cashgrab ffs

>> No.14682630


>> No.14682638

So what do you prefer?
1. Dev holds their link to 1000, making it a Damocles sword above the heads of all investors

2. Diversify links, so the it becomes decentralized at 1000

Dev selling now is the most responsible thing to do long term

>> No.14682640

let them sell. they are not worth to know

>> No.14682641
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what are the fucking salaries for everyone, 2mil/year?

Unless the town crier acquisition cost them like $20 mil, even paying everyone a retarded salary of millions they don't have that many employees with $32mil

>> No.14682659

kek the team is too incompetent to get funding from other avenues instead they just market dump their shitcoin on the poor link holders

what, their 32 million ico wasn't enough? scammers

>> No.14682662

Where are the ICO funds? 34M already wasted?

>> No.14682667

So they went to exchange wallets and not a new wallet that Binance setup separately?

>> No.14682683

No scam required. Ico investors gave 32 million to purchase a bunch of unlicensed security tokens to a team with no working product and nothing but a dream and a whitepaper.

What did you expect to happen? Did you really think they wouldn't cash out at the top?

>> No.14682692

the devs are not dumping you stupid fuck they are moving links and you can't follow them because they move it to binance so you can't follow them you autist

>> No.14682697

If you're not selling right now, you're fucked. This is literally your chance. You've seen them exiting before you get fucked. People are still buying thinking this will be $5 end of month. Sell anon. If it settles and smoke clears, re-buy for a small loss (maybe even profit) but if not, you're golden. Be smart.

>> No.14682725

you had 2 years

>> No.14682726

>he believes everything the scammers tell him
ATH Delusion.

>> No.14682733

bro imagine getting fucking dumped on literally right this moment and all you do is cry about how retards on /biz/ don't understand operating costs lmaooooo these poor faggots are getting rekt in real-time

>> No.14682742

They cant even use limit orders, icebergs or any other impact-minimizing tools either. Really shows how much they give a fuck about bagholders lmao

>> No.14682759

It's gonna be so funny when this shitcoin dumps to sub $1 and you'll all have to eat your hats.

>> No.14682770

dude let them sell.... be happy about low prices

>> No.14682784
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JSON Parser dumping

>> No.14682856

>Devs release 900,000,000 LINK in curculating supply instead of the current 350,000,000 LINK.
>A few big players pick up the majority of the 900,000,000 supply and now control the entire network, with nothing that the team can do to prevent it.

There's a reason the majority of the supply was locked up.

>> No.14682882

delete this faggot. no one is supposed to know this

>> No.14682890

If you care so much go in telegram and ask Rory about it

>> No.14682935

Fucking this

>> No.14682946

what was stopping them from doing it at $1 or $2 or $3? Seems like it would have been smarter to sell into the pump rather than after days of dipping

>> No.14682965

Yes. More delusion, excellent.

>> No.14682985

>hurrr they are dumping on bagholders to pay for new devs
What, 32 million dollars worth of eth runway over 2 years wasn't enough? Without a working product or any traction at all?

>> No.14683188

Rekt. Linktards will dismiss this into delusion land.

>> No.14683744

To anyone with weak hands thank you for helping me increase my stack. To those with iron hands isnt it great to get all these extra linkies. To the moon alice

>> No.14683787
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Agree, CYA at 10$.

Here we go!

>> No.14683825

Yes. Sergey was spotted backpacking in Southeast Asia and nobody has heard from him for weeks

>> No.14683838

>not realizing these are getting distributed to staking pools so the exchanges can run nodes
How fucking spoon fed so you idiots need to be?

>> No.14683857

>they were securing a decentralized network
>by centralizing it

H M M M . . .

>> No.14683865

I'm hodling and been hodling for years. Whether it goes to 0 or 1000 I don't care anymore. I've been holding for year and I will see this meme through to the end

>> No.14683867

let me spell it out for you

binance stands to lose a lot of US customers due to the regulatory crackdown coming in september, but they don't want to lose those customers and will do whatever they can not to. they need US people to trade on their new US exchange and not run off with their assets to other exchanges. how do they do that? list assets that people in the US really want to trade and that are compliant with regulations enough to pass whatever litmus tests they're using. now think about this, if coinbase, a US based exchange with fiat onramping (which requires more regulatory compliance) listed LINK, do you think binance US maybe wants to follow suit and not lose customers?

>> No.14683888

Oh so they're wash trading. Even better... Wow you're a dumbfuck. The chainlink team is getting out like almost anyone with an IQ over 120 would do. If it don't make dollars, it don't make cents. Get it? Now kindly fuck off because there's a lot of bizzers who are gonna lose their life savings

>> No.14683902

>what is 32mil raised at ico

>> No.14683913

My friend bought a shitload at $4.30 and told me he is talking to a lawyer about how the team is dumping on him. LMAO.

>> No.14683930

Yeah sell and fuck off

>> No.14683933
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>> No.14683981

>by centralizing it
They are personally seeing to it that the 650,000,000 LINK they had control of goes to creating as many nodes as possible in order ensure decentralization. You can't just make 5,000 nods out of thin fucking air. The less nodes on the network, the more vulnerable and centralized it is. With this supply, they can take the steps necessary to create a truly decentralized oracle.

>> No.14684044

Are you just assuming this?

>> No.14684118

Will you retards stop spouting shit about 32 million dollars. That is literally almost the same as zero dollars for a company like Chainlink. It's not relevant, they didn't ICO for the money, only other retards are believing your fud.

>> No.14684132
