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14678397 No.14678397 [Reply] [Original]

Good morning, frens. I'm back http://boards.4channel.org/biz/thread/14609854/

No, nothing's changed and I still stand by my previous statement.

I know for a fact that Samsung and Lympo signed a written partnership agreement last month.

The first step of this partnership is to add Lympo app to Samsung's blockchain wallet and publish the app on Samsung's dapp store (it's a new thing that Samsung's pouring money into).

Lympo will be the only wellness app featured in this new app store. This means the app and LYM tokens will become instantly available to tens of millions of Samsung device owners.

US and South Korean users will be the first ones to access Lympo app in the Samsung dapp store. Many more countries will follow.

There's only one thing I can't tell you -- I'm not aware of when and how exactly the announcement will be made. All I know is that all of this was already pre-planned weeks ago to go public this week.

Thank you for reading and stay tuned.

>> No.14678452

>You better buy because I'm can't tell you when it'll be announced!
>Jump on board anon!

I'm not going to. It sure is nice for the team but it sounds like many projects will follow.

Also priced-in. KEK.

>> No.14678461

Is it possible to dig some info on when the next announcement will be? I havent bought a LYMPO bag yet

>> No.14678469


holy shit this is fucking huge to the point of being too good to be true. pls keep on delivering, anon

>> No.14678493

very nice. Im loaded for a run to 25 cents

>> No.14678566


Priced in? Please do leave the childish comments outside of this thread. The current price is nothing compared to where it will be after the official announcement. The partnership deal is real but the public doesn't know whether to believe it until the official announcement is made.

>> No.14678594


Do you know what are the other milestones they've agreed upon?

>> No.14678656

Use this next time fag

Also LYM can be useful in lots of turd world countries that also use Samsung so we're looking at huge gainz.

>> No.14678659
File: 146 KB, 1796x940, enjchart.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

ENJ went x7 parabolic after the Samsung news this year

>> No.14678713


LYM will go way more then 7x ENJ was already at 40 million MC. LYM at 10 million MC.

Add in Binance listing (if this happens) and we could be in for the run of the year.

>> No.14678732

Mentions lympo being added this week.

>> No.14678742
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Why do you think that will be such a big deal regarding the price? They're already partnered up with apple, google and garmin, and that didn't change the price one bit. So why would samsung?

>> No.14678784

binance is dreamland let me remind you they only said binance is a goal and binance is a goal for every crypto project so yeah.

>> No.14678796
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>Add in Binance listing (if this happens) and we could be in for the run of the year.

Binance or/and other major listing will happen for sure after the Samsung rumor is officially confirmed. Ladies and gents, it looks like we hit a goldmine

>> No.14678850

I would think they will list on a American exchange also, like Bittrex, because they are focusing on USA also. Just a guess.

>> No.14678865

Imagine using a fitness app that’s called lympo. AHAHA. No srsly though, just type lympo in google and see what comes up. That s the most retarded name for a fitness app one can come up with

>> No.14678885


>> No.14678898

So, no one's gonna address this? Are you completely fucking deluded?

>> No.14678908

These are mere integrations, not partnerships. The Samsung deals on the other hand is a literal thing, a written agreement that was brokered over the course of several months. Samsung's R&D department is directly involved in this, and that tells a lot to the people who understand how this industry works. Samsung will do their best to use this partnership no just to promote itself as a blockchain-ready tech company, but as a serious use case for their major plans to become the #1 dapp platform. This is huge news for Lympo.

>> No.14679018

Yeah, I don't know man.. The name kinda sucks. They should rebrand themselves.

>> No.14679038

they wont rebrand.

>> No.14679054

Also, to those who compare ENJ to Lympo. ENJ and Samsung partnership had only short term effect on Enjin token. IMHO it happened because ENJ doesn't have a real life use case. Or at least not the one that's built for the masses.

LYM has a very different business model that's build on rewarding fitness-obsessed normies with valuable credits (from their point of view) for their daily physical activity. I'd bet my money on this business model since it looks very attractive to Joe Sixpacks.

>> No.14679073

while you know this from persumably a third party. how come there is no inside trading for this? I would guess that your venture capital friends buy the shit out of this over a period of weeks but there was very little volume?

>> No.14679185

How much would you recommend holding? I got a small 10k suicide stack in case you are not larping. Was thinking about buying something between 100k-1mil but I would have to sell a bit of my LINK stack for this

>> No.14679457

I can clearly see several 60-70% spikes in daily trading volume a few weeks before

>> No.14680252
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>> No.14680563

Buy whatever amount you can afford to put in this, mate

>> No.14680925
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>that's build on rewarding fitness-obsessed normies with valuable credits
you almost had me until that.
I'm not staking any holdings into a service that has a target demographic of fitness normies.
first time glazing over these lympdyk threads I had assumed it was going to be some kind of native nfc payment system.
you fina tell me its literal gold star points for fitspo normies?
gonna keep accumulating stink insted thanks kid

>> No.14680988

> you fina tell me its literal gold star points for fitspo normies?
No, it's an advertising platform for gadget and sports brands that targets normies.

>> No.14681159
File: 38 KB, 625x625, 1562541838738.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>normies get gold stars for achieving (((goals)))
>use gold stars to buy products
and if I acquire enough gold stars right now, I can dump my stack of gold stars on the tyrone's, becky's and shaniquas that just want the newest yeezys

>> No.14681182
File: 38 KB, 506x284, 2a6po9.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Stupid question but Im kinda new to this stuff if I buy some on Kucoin should I keep it there or in a wallet if so wich one thanks ?

>> No.14681186


>> No.14681657

kys you will loose all your money. summerfag.

>> No.14681790

tony G it's gonna expend your moneys tilting on a high stakes poker game

>> No.14681809


Kucoin is fine to leave it on senpai

>> No.14681835
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2017 gook scam vibes.

you got a skateboard with an apple sticker too?

>> No.14682142

And what the fuck will these LYM tokens be used for? I highly doubt a wellness app will reward you with real money.

>> No.14682164


You can purchase items in the app. Pretty smart concept.

>> No.14682216


>> No.14682247


I bought in the other day. Writing is on the wall and fat Americans will love being able to buy stuff for exercising.