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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/biz/ - Business & Finance

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File: 273 KB, 1032x611, 1562594776309.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
14676195 No.14676195 [Reply] [Original]

All you need is a phone number or facebook account to sign up. It’s available on iOS and Android.

>100k members and growing
>extremely normie friendly
>you increase mining rate by inviting people

Literally everyone is getting on board. Stop missing out and get in before the next halving so you have a fat stack of Pi, you're technically still in very early, no doubt that this project will reach 1 million users by the end of the year, especially with normie adoption

You need a code to sign up, so use mine: Ronn1

The mining rate just halved, but you can still make it if you get in now

>> No.14676214

Use code k3nnysan for MAX mining! I'll add you to my elite security circle so you get a headstart. REMEMBER code is k3nnysan.


Also remember to toggle hide real name in the options menu

>> No.14676262
File: 66 KB, 720x720, 68747470733a2f2f73332e616d617a6f6e6177732e636f6d2f776174747061642d6d656469612d736572766963652f53746f7279496d6167652f4c6e36436f6e796349736c7431673d3d2d3333323536353835302e313438356533653731373334336566303636313735333730353038342e6a7067.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

No hardware or internet drainage.
Takes about 30 seconds every day to start.
Accumulate until coin matures and normies flood it

Ambassador code (+25% mining rate)


>> No.14676325

GoldKnight is the best referral code there is. So shiny, so gallant!

>> No.14676890

Use code: Lamb

Auto adds you to our security circle for mutual gains.

>> No.14677116

Anything in crypto with a referral code is utter garbage. Prove me wrong.

>> No.14677159

invite code oliver4p1
I need u becos i have no irl frens:)

>> No.14677714
File: 1.70 MB, 1438x2112, SmartSelect_20190708-220147_Pi.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Need a code? Join the 60 of us.
Get a 25% mining bonus.
>Pi's Core Team

Dr. Nicolas Kokkalis
Head of Technology
Stanford PhD and instructor of Stanford’s first decentralized applications class; combining distributed systems and human computer interaction to bring cryptocurrency to everyday people.

Dr. Chengdiao Fan
Head of Product
Stanford PhD in Computational Anthropology harnessing social computing to unlock human potential on a global scale.

Vincent McPhillip
Head of Community
Yale and Stanford-trained social movement builder on a mission to democratize how society defines, creates, and distributes wealth.

>use code tfue
Use code tfue
Use code tfue
Use code tfue

>> No.14677762


>> No.14677871
File: 46 KB, 444x960, FB_IMG_1562509889958.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Was told by cryptogod that I would earn real money if I joined so I joined and it was all lies. Just look at him bragging in the chatrooms on the pi app about how many suckers he has got and the mods and devs know all about it. Pi is clearly a scam

>> No.14678665
File: 714 KB, 884x874, 1561320890693.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Get in while you can

If you do use code Kozii for 25% mining rate

Get in and get komfy

>> No.14678678

Get in marines, filthy nulinkers gtfo missing out and coping with pi.

Join me: Mizzimo

>> No.14678881

Looking for more of you blunts to join my circle

Use code: lemonnies

>> No.14678950

One person using shitty referral tactics means the whole thing is a scam? Fucking retard.
You should be grateful that man lied to you, otherwise your dumbass wouldn't have gotten in on this fucking goldmine.

>> No.14678977

How can I tell the value if each coin bros? It's a funny concept

>> No.14678998

I have no friends bros, use my code please: ironic

>> No.14679101

Just signed up with your code, everyone else use code: brap69

>> No.14679134

Use my code alexm9393
Otherwise your mother will have an unfortunate accident while she is sleeping, between the hours of 19:00 tonight and 06:00 tomorrow
Or she may not. But do you want to leave that to chance?

>> No.14679151

Thanks fren

>> No.14679161

No problem Thomas

>> No.14679177

animegirl best ref code

>> No.14679212


>> No.14679422
File: 1.73 MB, 1435x2112, SmartSelect_20190708-000053_Pi.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Need a code? Join the 60 of us.
Get a 25% mining bonus.
>Pi's Core Team

Dr. Nicolas Kokkalis
Head of Technology
Stanford PhD and instructor of Stanford’s first decentralized applications class; combining distributed systems and human computer interaction to bring cryptocurrency to everyday people.

Dr. Chengdiao Fan
Head of Product
Stanford PhD in Computational Anthropology harnessing social computing to unlock human potential on a global scale.

Vincent McPhillip
Head of Community
Yale and Stanford-trained social movement builder on a mission to democratize how society defines, creates, and distributes wealth.

>use code tfue
Use code tfue
Use code tfue
Use code tfue

>> No.14679502

There are no elite circles, or higher mining rates, all invite codes are equal. Here's my code friends:


>> No.14679574

Don't listen to the shills.
Brap69 if you want a brapper in your bed tonight.

>> No.14679587

Use code ironic if you ever want to make it

>> No.14679599

Someone use my code:

If it moons I'll fly all of us autists out to vegas and headbutt some coke and hookers