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14676718 No.14676718[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

>> No.14676724

but climate change is real

>> No.14676739

Yeh like the moon landing!

>> No.14676743

>mixing work and politics

Fucking brainlet.

>> No.14676749 [DELETED] 

>low effort memeing
The left really can't
go away

>> No.14676768

what's your opinion on it

>> No.14676797
File: 40 KB, 600x615, 3B7FBDBA-AFBC-4B0E-B482-9E0271421A6E.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

you are an insufferable cunt. i can smell it from here

>> No.14676801

If you don’t believe I’m glad your retarded ass got fired

>> No.14676808

I know, this dumb bitch was having a spergout watched some climate change documentary over the weekend and all i said was "haha yeah well how much this change is due to humans and how much is just from the natural swings we've seen from ice cores remains to be seen"

she called me into her office just now and told me how she didnt feel "safe" around someone with my views and that they were going to cancel my internship

>> No.14676819

literally how

>> No.14676824

>talking to your boss about anything but business ever

>> No.14676828

*Throws chicken nugget at Tasha's 300lb face
"No you absolute, bitch, Hitler did nothing wrong, that's why they are trying to frame him for greenhouse gas!"
"OK, anon, well on behalf of Burger King we're going to half to ask you to leave-"
"I said NO, you stupid bitch!"
"You can expect a check in the mail in 3 to 4 business days."
Customer: "Yeah can I get uhhhh...."

>> No.14676838

just sue her

>> No.14676847

why the fuck would you discuss your political opinions at work you brainlet?

>> No.14676864

Well thats an easy lawsuit and compensation. GG anon.

>> No.14676869

bruh she was the one talking to ME. I can;t just not respond to her conversation like some autist

can I really do this? under what grounds could i this fall on?

>> No.14676878

I dunno why people are hating on you. Seems a perfectly reasonable view as my mate is a scientist working actually in climate change and thats basically where the science is right now.

I dunno if you have any rights as an intern but I would sue the bitches ass for unfair dismissal. You can't fire somone for having a perfectly reasonable personal view. People are getting scary brianwashed right now.

>> No.14676898

If its for actually what you say then its probably unfair dismissal.

>Your dismissal could be unfair if your employer doesn’t:

>have a good reason for dismissing you
follow the company’s formal disciplinary or dismissal process (or the statutory minimum dismissal procedure in Northern Ireland)

>> No.14676929

how would I start this? would i just submit an application to a district court/disputes tribunal or or something?

>> No.14676932

There are basically no worker protection rights in America, assuming OP is a fellow burger. As long as OP didn't make a religious argument (which could be grounds for a suit), they have every right to fire him, and that probably goes double for interns. I mean, maybe there's some lawyer willing to pick the case anyways knowing they can force the company to settle for some quick and easy bux, but if it comes down to the line, employers can very easily fire over speech.

>> No.14676951

I'd call Citizens Advice, they'll steer you right

>> No.14676956

Am also a scientist and there's enough evidence to suggest this cycle is different, and coincides with our modern way of life

>> No.14676975


Which country, and how long have you been employed by them?

>> No.14676978

Scientists at uni seminar told me it's definitely anthropogenic, so either I was lied to or your friend scientist is in a minority position.

>> No.14676983


>> No.14676986


So you basically admit there is no scientifically reliable evidence at all.


>> No.14677013


>Scientists at uni seminar told me it's definitely anthropogenic

Thats exactly the same if scientists hired by tobacco companies told you that smoking does not cause cancer.

>> No.14677026


Oh you're an intern? So you'll have less than 1 years employment. If you're in the UK, you cannot take an employer to tribunal unless you've been employed at least 2 years (except for some circumstances)
> Time to buy some kneepads

>> No.14677027

Unfair dismissal

>> No.14677042

I'm suggesting the exact opposite
How are the two alike? Tobacco companies stand to make money by saying cigarettes do not cause cancer. How do universities make money by saying climate change is real?

>> No.14677063

The university doesn't the government does

>> No.14677078

Sue for wrongful termination

>> No.14677080

i'm sorry anon but i laughed a lot at this, gl out there

>> No.14677097
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>he didn't hide his powerlevel

>> No.14677102

we need to gas every single middle aged left wing female

>> No.14677112

you were lied too

>> No.14677114

everybody agrees that co2 emissions are increasing and that humans controbute to thise with 2 to 3%

>> No.14677123

I hate this boomer argument so much.
>Did you know scientist were actually paid by tabacco industry to say it wasnt bad!!!!
>This is 1:1 the same sitaution we have with climate"scientists"

The small but important difefrence is that the absolute majority of funding for climate science comes from either the national budget or Non profit organizations.

>> No.14677129

How? People spend more? On what?

>> No.14677132

>talking to female coworkers
>having a female boss
>discussing climate change at a job as if you fuck-all opinion benefits the workplace
You sound like a faggot anyways, find a new job and don't be a faggot next time. This goes for any non-work-related positions, just don't fucking talk about it. The last thing you want to hear is Stacey talking about how cool it would be to watch an all-female superhero film or female star wars or vote for a female president, so why the fuck should people have to hear your opinion on inane Billy Nye-tier shit.

You probably expected to come off as smart and got nipped in the process, get fucked retard

>> No.14677138

hes an intern - means unpayed not employed how the hell can it be unfair dismissal. you should have kept your mouth shut when around the sensitive bitch

>> No.14677143


>I'm suggesting the exact opposite

Not really. You're just saying that at most there is some correlation. That's not reliable scientific evidence.

>Tobacco companies stand to make money by saying cigarettes do not cause cancer. How do universities make money by saying climate change is real?

The "scientists" at university live by the grants and "climate change science" is full of grants if you just give them the results they want. These "scientists" are swimming in grant money in order to make propaganda.


>> No.14677158

Co2 tax
building more retarded alternative energy sources that only work half as well
building more infrastructure for these energy sources
in Germany they shut down nuclear plants because of muh climate change. now we almost had blackouts this year because everything has to be bought from other countries (which sitll use nuclear plants!). the electrical grid has to be upgraded which costs billions. its a giant racket.

>> No.14677168

yes, talk to a lawyer

>> No.14677195

Easier to put bullshit carbon taxes (and alike) on everything.
Also gets for funding for the Uni because it's sooo important

>> No.14677199

>in Germany they shut down nuclear plants because of muh climate change
This is retarded because Nuclear power is clean and climate scientists are recommending to build more.

>> No.14677214

lol what non profit is going to fund a study disproving climate change? also universities are overwhelmingly left wing in western countries. You cant trust them or fox news to give you unbiased information. need to read and verify it yourself.

>> No.14677229


>building more retarded alternative energy sources that only work half as well and pollute twice as much

That pollution is the real deal too, not some phony pollution like CO2. Who the fuck thinks CO2 is a pollutant?

>> No.14677237

>Tobacco companies stand to make money by saying cigarettes do not cause cancer. How do universities make money by saying climate change is real?
You should really proof read your posts before you hit the final post button.
>Tobacco companies stand to make money by saying cigarettes do not cause cancer.
>Universities stand to make money in climate change research grants by continually suggesting there needs to be more research into climate change because we don't know for sure
>Failing to understand in both instances both entities stand to make more money by saying what needs to be said to acquire said money
And I'm saying this as someone who doesn't generally know/hasn't reliably looked into it myself.

>> No.14677238

You sound like a retard, for many reasons.

>> No.14677269

Climate change is not an opinion.

>> No.14677277

>The small but important difefrence is that the absolute majority of funding for climate science comes from either the national budget or Non profit organizations.

And nations and NGO:s don't have anything to benefit from being able to cause mass hysteria to their population in order to force through new retarded laws and taxes. NGOs are a front for individuals and groups that stand to benefit from this hysteria.

You're seriously deluded if you think that "this time it's different" just because you agree with it. It's a fucking business the size of hundreds of billions of dollars.

>> No.14677291

Yeah it's a fact that the climate is always changing and will always and humans couldn't stop it if they wanted to.

>> No.14677295

the root causes of the changes are though.

>> No.14677314

Climate change deniers, anti-vaxxers, flat earthers, chem trails believers, Trump supporters, all of this anti-scientific trash comes from that decadent shithole filled with uneducated white trash we call Fatfuckistan

>> No.14677320

you're right
it's a tax scheme

>> No.14677322

1) its real
2) sue them, they cant fire you for being a retard

>> No.14677336

oh forgot my
3) everything the democrats want to do about it is retarded and worthless

fucking clown world

>> No.14677399

you guys ever think that maybe it's not actually getting hotter but rather people are getting fatter and thus think it's getting hotter?
cause when you look at the data, the 98% of government employed scientists are obviously lying

>> No.14677423

Spotted the NPC

>> No.14677435

Anon, you need to call HER boss and tell that person you got fired for being TRANS. Problem. Fucking. Solved.

>> No.14677452

you guys take the bait. every. time.

>> No.14677463

>feel "safe"

fucking faggot society, always "feeling" never thinking, fucking animals

>> No.14677485

You misunderstand.

The Germans WANT more climate change.

They shit down their nuke plants to buy coal power so climate change will accelerate. They are going to benefit from it, Germany will be the world’s first full industrialized tropical paradise. Never underestimate the diabolical Germans.

>> No.14677488

>Not really. You're just saying that at most there is some correlation. That's not reliable scientific evidence.
how do you think science works retard

>> No.14677494


climate change is real idiot. Human made co2 climate change is a hoax.

George soros invested and created fridays for future and a lot of anti coal lobby while he made a shit ton with shorting coal. Just to buy coal stocks after that.

>> No.14677499

Just call her a fat bitch because that’s the only way to shut up self righteous fat bitches.

>> No.14677509


Germany did not shut down the nuclear plants because of climate change. They did it because of fukushima.

>> No.14677522

Wasn’t al gore paid millions to propagate the lie of climate change? Isn’t it based on natural fluctuations over thousands of years.

>> No.14677560

Should have farted in her office before leaving.

>> No.14677568

Not even did Al Gore created the "in 2020 we will have an water level increase by 7 meters" he also got an peace noble price for that. Even though that even 6. graders know that shelf ice melt cannot cause water level increse. So even with the whole north pole ice melting. There will be no water level increase.

>> No.14677586

As a boss, I'd fire retards too.

>> No.14677606

>Germany did not shut down the nuclear plants because of climate change. They did it because of fukushima.
Sounds like a panic sell.

>> No.14677616

Plenty of internships are payed, you uncultured brainlet, and have specific worker laws for them. OP would have to look up how it works in his country.

>> No.14677624

literal retard can't type english lol

>> No.14677633

The Germans invented Lition to let Trump supporters pay for their fully industrialized tropical paradise.

>> No.14677642

Like nations cant tax the ever loving bejesus out of people thx to muh climate change. Conflict of interest is easily 10-15x bigger than tobacco lies.

>> No.14677647

Huge risk of earthquakes and tsunamis in Europe, good move

Reeks of kikery if true

>> No.14677648

UN scientist dabs on man made climate change memers and co2 larpers

>> No.14677673

That's what you get for being a retard deep in Dunning-Kruger.

>> No.14677674

lake leech is a giant volcano actually and has recently shown some signs of life
an eruption could wipe out a lot of europe

>> No.14677676

Thats exactly what it was and it was paid in tax money. Its was literally a sell, then a fomo and then a sell again.Here is the reason why.

former Bundeskanzler shröder wanted to leave nuclear power because he was in a coalition with the green party. They created a contract to end nuclear power in around 20 years. Industry had to agree.

Then Merkel got elected and went out of the nuclear power contract. Because it was a contract break the tax payer had to pay the big power companies.

Then Fukushima happened. And Merkel went out of the contract to enable nuclear power again. Which also was a contract breach, which also was paid by the tax payers.

>> No.14677706
File: 32 KB, 632x245, D0R0031121436.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>He does not know about the Lachener See.

>> No.14677734


There is ice that is on land, you idiot. Where will the water from that magically disappear when it melts? Also ever heard of heat expansion? The sea level rise are at the highest level predicted by IPCC. Even a 6th grader would bother to do more research before spouting ignorant bullshit.

>> No.14677755

ironically this guy was the sea level expert at the UN
you should watch the video

>> No.14677817

>There is ice that is on land
Yeah at a place called antarctica. It has 90% of worlds ice.


>> No.14677842

This is why women should never should never hold positions of power over men.

>> No.14677868

such a shit larp

>> No.14677929


By scientific method, twat. Repeatable experiments that always produce the same result.

Nothing in "climate science" has anything to do with scientific method. All they have is a bunch of excel sheets.

Not to mention that IPCC has been caught falsifying reports and lying. There is lots of evidence in the leaked emails from some "researchers".

>> No.14677944


It was Margaret Thatcher who wanted some leverage over the workers in coal industry.

>> No.14677946

that extra 2% that wasn't there 100 years ago is whats doing all the damage

>> No.14677972

Do people ITT really think its impossible for humans to change the climate? Like you really think those factors that are spurting out clouds of black smoke and causing entire cities in China to be covered in smog have no effect on climate?

>> No.14678001

Imbeciles tend to get fired, unfortunately.

>> No.14678015


The fuck? Sea level was supposed to rise 7 meters by 2020 "quote from Al Gores film: An inconvenient truth". Sea levels have risen barely 4cm and thats supposed to be a lot? Are you joking?

>> No.14678031


Damage? care to elaborate?

>> No.14678033
File: 34 KB, 500x601, DNC-donor-usd-sadface.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You retard oil shill, even if the land wasn't already full of ice, just the tips from all the icebergs are enough to raise the sea levels enough so that many coastal cities will need billions to future proof themselves

There are no worse cockroaches than oil and nuke shills. You would sell your own mothers for $$$ you worthless pieces of shit

>> No.14678112

>The small but important difefrence is that the absolute majority of funding for climate science comes from either the national budget or Non profit organizations.

>nonprofit organizations

tell me, do nonprofit employees not have salaries? Do scientists not compete for grant money?

It is essentially the same thing. The worse climate change is, the more grant money will be allocated to study it. When entire careers are made studying solely "climate change" you can bet the scientists involved will be unable to look at things objectively.

>> No.14678127

If he's living in Europe, this could be very real

>> No.14678138
File: 10 KB, 188x267, Talmud_set2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Dude im not going to spoon feed you. Just use your brain. Why would george soros create fridays for future and on the other hand got a lot of cheap coal stocks + heavily invested in real estate while shilling migration?

Read the talmud.

>> No.14678152

>I'm a constant fuckup at my job
>Inspite of this I get promoted and get raises because I and my boss are the only 2 redpilled people in the SJW company

Feels good man

>> No.14678169

>Got fired for disagreeing on Climate Change
I hope your job doesn't involve research or environmental consulting because if it does you are retarded.

>> No.14678187

If you're in an at will state there's nothing you can do

>> No.14678206

>she called me into her office just now and told me how she didnt feel "safe" around someone with my views
Retarded views aside. Why do they use that fucking word to point out shit they don't like as if you were going to rape them the moment noone is looking? I am really tired of this bullshit

>> No.14678238

idk man you don't need to be a scientist to measure sea level rises and all kinds of ecological devastation coming to a slow boil. there are tons of politics around climate change that can and will muddy discourse, but there are serious facts out there. personally, I believe we're pretty fucked. regardless of what happens, just living on the planet is going to be a nightmarish experience as the effects start to ripple. retards will keep producing children through it all, though.

also, regardless of human impact, it'd be nice if we could use technology that doesn't hurt the environment. fuck pollution, air and water and land shouldn't be flagrantly ruined so some faggots can make more money.

>> No.14678284

>boss giving up opinion lectures
>means he needs validation
>not using this knowledge to make him his personal slave

>> No.14678302
File: 73 KB, 249x249, 1562134552946.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Whether you are right and they are wrong or it's the opposite it's completely irrelevant.
You never talk politics with coworkers. You never talk politics with people you barely know. Yes, "climate change" is a very political topic.


It only shows you're a person of little culture, no interests and, honestly, talking politics is one of the most tasteless things a person can do.
On addition to that, by talking politics with another person (and a woman at that!) you're inviting them to give you their opinion, and implicitly giving that person an equal standing to you. If you really have an informed opinion you should refuse to discuss such things with plebs that just watched some propaganda.

And on top of that, you did that in a place where you have no social capital and you're completely expendable (1 month internship!). You got nobody to blame other than yourself.

>> No.14678476


And in reality nothing will happen, just like nothing ever happens. The hysterymongers always say there are 'facts', but never name them, or give any proof as to why they are facts. It's always, always just appealing to authority like the IPCC.

>> No.14678482

Sue the cunt. Unless you were rude as fuck, this isn't ground for firing you.

>> No.14678490

>also, regardless of human impact, it'd be nice if we could use technology that doesn't hurt the environment. fuck pollution, air and water and land shouldn't be flagrantly ruined so some faggots can make more money.

With this I can wholeheartedly agree with. The only thing I have beef with is how climate change is being used to raise taxes and force out laws that drive the (comparatively extremely clean) indistry to some shithole country where it they don't give rats ass about environment.

>> No.14678525

Learn your place, wagie.

>> No.14678534

>your choice of wojak
>your being shocked

>> No.14678547

>reddit leftist on biz
go back

>> No.14678555
File: 63 KB, 1280x720, maxresdefault-2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.14678565

Sue her right now. Tell the court she asked you to eat her pussy

>> No.14678584

The moon doesn't even exist

>> No.14678603

I was shopping just now in the supermarket and some poor chick just got fired in the most humiliating way possible.
the boss was probably one of those jerks who gets off on humiliating people because he made sure to make a show out of it.

And people wonder why I dont want to wageslave.

>> No.14678653

Most of the scientists who signed into IPCC did do to be a part of the panel but not because they believe in anthropogenic climate change. The 98% number is misleading.

>> No.14678669

Heh, sux to be chump. I have a 50% VA disability rating. It is illegal for an employer to ask about your disability. So I keep fucking up and saying its my disability, but Im not comfortable discussing it. Eventually they will fire me and then I will sue. Lottery ticket lawsuit here I come!

>> No.14678699

notice they stopped calling it "global warming" because people are becoming aware that the earth is not a globe
>hurrr flattard
imagine believing what government "officials" tell you

>> No.14678745

>can I really do this? under what grounds could i this fall on?
If you're in the U.S. I'd say no. I'd be surprised if you even found an employment lawyer willing to take your case.
Political views are not a protected class.
Typically, an employer can fire you for a good reason, a bad reason, or no reason at all, as long as the reason is not because of your: Race, Age, Gender, Nation of Origin, Religious Persuasion, Physical Disability or Pregnancy.
>Keep /pol political views to yourself at work
>You might get fired

>> No.14678758

This. You couldn't sue for "unfair dismissal" as the other anon put it, but you sure as shit could sue for Slander. If you can get her to write her reasoning in an email, then maybe, maybe even libel. Calling OP "unsafe" is damaging to his reputation, and may even prevent him from future gainful employment.

>> No.14678768

Haha being so retarded you think climate change isn't real is actually less retarded than being so retarded that you lose your job over not being able to hide an opinion.
Incredible work anon.>>14676808
Ok actually that's bullshit. Sue. But still learn to keep your mouth shut

>> No.14678778

>regardless of human impact, it'd be nice if we could use technology that doesn't hurt the environment
Like less CO2? when CO2 levels are so historically low that plants are near suffocation levels? another 50ppm removed and plants start to die off in an extinction event, no joke. It's so bad that green houses pump CO2! Think about that.

>> No.14678795

Then start working illegally without papers, painting houses and stuff. You don't have to pay tax and the only requirement is being fluent in polish.

>> No.14678797

>maybe there's some lawyer willing to pick the case anyways knowing they can force the company to settle for some quick and easy bux
My prediction would be the employer would refuse to settle. If a complaint were filed, it would likely be dismissed for failure to state a claim upon which relief could be granted.
That's assuming there isn't an arbitration clause, which are extremely common with large employers.
I wouldn't take OP's case. I prefer to work on cases that have a chance at making money. OP's claim is dogshit. Might even get rung up for frivolous lawsuit attorney fees.

>> No.14678799

yes it doesn't make sense in the grand scheme of things, the planet survived a meteor and all kind of natural disasters like giant volcano eruptions, nuclear bombs, nuclear reactor melting down, endless forest fires etc and so on
but burning coal, farting cows and some smog above a city is somehow going to end it

>> No.14678814
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Here's the real redpill on climate science. You don't know shit. You have created an illusion of understanding by observing the most easily digestible "data" related to the field and by your ego's requirement you've either been swayed by what you saw and interpreted or succumbed to confirmation bias to be able to tell yourself you now possess knowledge. You don't. When you go talking about ice cores, charts and cycles you sound like an ignoramus to anyone versed enough in a scientific field. They know that their ability to assess the credibility of the researchers who present the result, that is that it is overwhelmingly likely that humans are the main cause for the current climate change, is their only ability to assess unless they put in the work to become proficient in the specific field of climate science or something sufficiently related.

>> No.14678820

>Am also a scientist and there's enough evidence to suggest this cycle is different
No shit? This ought to be good. Been waiting years to hear this. We can finally put this global warming thing to rest.
What is the evidence?

>> No.14678836

Are you completely retarded?

>> No.14678839

climate change is not politics rofl, miserable brainlet, climate science is actually a science

>> No.14678856

>How do universities make money by saying climate change is real?
The only way you get research grant money is if you're conducting a study to further the man-made paradigm. If you're trying to prove that it's really all caused by the giant ball of nuclear explosion in the sky, then nobody is going to fund you.

>> No.14678863

Are you? Look at the CO2 levels going back further than the last 10k years. Ever notice how the charts climate change faggots show are always cut off to only show recent times? CO2 only affects climate for the first 10ppm put into the atmosphere, after that the effect on temp is negligable. Of course, they never mention that fact, do they?

>> No.14678886

sue them for discriminating against your religious beliefs

>> No.14678925

That isn't going to work either. First, she didn't communicate anything about anon to anyone else. Second, even if she did, truth is an affirmative defense to defamation claims. If she told anyone what anon said, he did actually say it.

>> No.14678940

They usually put stupid fat cunts in hiring positions. It usually doesn’t end well.

>> No.14678941

good argument

>> No.14678987

No, he's not. Plants breath CO2, and then emit Oxygen for us to breath. Look at the biosphere experiments where CO2 levels were elevated. Plant life increases, which increases Oxygen, animal life increases. Elevated CO2 unironically creates a more vibrant biosphere.

>> No.14679015

biztards btfo

>> No.14679032

Average level bait 5/10

>> No.14679047

>climate change is not politics rofl, miserable brainlet, climate science is actually a science
It's not though. It's labs, and coats, and measurement devices. It looks like science, and the whole thing is reliant on stupid people to not be able to tell the difference. But, it isn't science. It's politics. "Scientists" have even been caught redhanded manipulating the data, and nobody cared. The media ignored it. It doesn't fit the political agenda.

>> No.14679052

you cant sue but you can try to create a public outcry. hit up some news sources and shit. say youre being oppressed for common sense or something.

>> No.14679057
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which side of the argument were you on? There is also a middle side: it exists but it is overblown by media. If you were on the side of " we are all going to die in 12 years " you are a brainlet but there is some truth in this, if you were on the side of "there is not human made climate change" you are a full blown brainlet.

>> No.14679089

I can tell you from my uni that the dept. in charge of environmental research is so underfunded that they still use lab equipment from the 80s

The same across most of Aus and the US afaik

The money is in denying climate science and grants come from either private companies or the govt.
Have a good look at western govts right now and tell me they have a climate agenda to push. The vast majority fund fuck all in the way of environmental sci., most biological grant money goes to medical science

So the big money is in private grants

Have a quick look at the top 50 companies and tell me how many would benefit from climate research you fucking nigger

>> No.14679097
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yea brainlets don't zoom out

>> No.14679098
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BTFO retard

>> No.14679108

You can tell its not science because they say "its settled, dont question it"
Thats not how science works

>> No.14679113
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basically this. You can give some half baked answers but keep it classy. IF you have better knowledge of one of your coworkers, you can go into politics but try not to do it. Also do not trust women for very obvious reasons.

>> No.14679124

It's funny how temperatures just keep rising...

>> No.14679128

>land of the free
>not allowed to have opinions

>> No.14679152

Why did Al Gore release both of his clime change documentaries during a solar minimum cycle? Was it to capitalize on the effects the solar cycle has on Earth's climate?

>> No.14679153

Come on people!!!! He LITERALLY fired me JUST becaUSE i DISAGREED with him on CLIMETE CHANGE#!!!!!! WTH!??????

>> No.14679154

This. Global Warming alarmists are looking at the one minute charts.

>> No.14679168

Damn anon, you’re gonna make it just from suing this dumb bitch into oblivion. Congrats!

>> No.14679227

It is the land of the free. In my company, when I hire people to perform my jobs, and do my work, if I don't like them, I can fire them. I don't have to worry about bullshit tribunals like eurocucks do.
And to add to the irony, in the U.S., we can brazenly stand in public and say the Holocaust didn't happen and the government can't do shit. Try that in your European freedom country and get back to us with the results.

>> No.14679235


>> No.14679629

Usually this is a short indicator.

>> No.14679803

>law of dimminishing return
The more co2 we make the more we need to make infinitely to catch up with past temp increases. It’s impossible for co2 to get too bad, in terms of temp change.
Eg. 1 “part” co2 added today make more %change on temp than an increase of 1” part” tomo does. So to keep up pace with temp increasing we have to make accelerate VERY fast to keep the temp rising at this past rate. The more we make the less affect it has % wise.
This shit is a distraction so we dont notice asian and india destroying the planet with literal shit, harsh chemical, all kinda of trash, burning trash, etc etc
Cause if americans want it stopped big industry would be hurt. We butch about something that doesnt matter so the real bad stuff can continue

>> No.14680033
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>"not women"
>"feeling before thinking"
What? up next" society bleeds once per month and is moody during the bleed.

>> No.14680822

lol thinking you can turn to a "tribunal" for help when fired in the US.

>> No.14680932

>These "scientists" are swimming in grant money
How many of them do you know? How many are "swimming" in money?
Fucking shill kikes

>> No.14680933

>How are the two alike? Tobacco companies stand to make money by saying cigarettes do not cause cancer. How do universities make money by saying climate change is real?

holy shit talk about a non-sequitur

>> No.14680962
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>politics at work

>> No.14681350

>This shit is a distraction so we dont notice asian and india destroying the planet with literal shit, harsh chemical, all kinda of trash, burning trash, etc etc
>Cause if americans want it stopped big industry would be hurt. We butch about something that doesnt matter so the real bad stuff can continue
Exactly this.

>> No.14681490
File: 1.14 MB, 3447x1375, F29F5923-768C-47C1-BBF1-1C0DE214676F.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It’s real but not in the sense that it is being manipulated in any significant way by human activity. All throughout history we had drastic changes of climate that happened naturally.

Climate change is a Jew psy-op to get more shekels in the form of carbon-emission taxes and costly “environmentally friendly” policies. If people truly cared about nature they’d get rid of niggers, Jews and Chinese, the 3 prime destructors of our planet Earth.

>> No.14681727
File: 2.47 MB, 2666x1665, E8A2231F-BADF-405E-95E5-1D9D0BD8F57E.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Looking at the geographical equivalence of weekly charts

>> No.14681916

>bruh she was the one talking to ME. I can;t just not respond to her conversation like some autist

she probably suspected you held these views and baited you into arguing with her like the autist you are. you took the bait and lost your job.

and yes you're screwed in an at will employment state. worship your job creators!

and my dad works at nintendo. what we're seeing on the right is the change from "climate change isn't happening" to "it's happening, it's just not human caused" which is a step in the right direction. as the science gets more irrefutable, they'll come over. it's just going to take a long time because their financiers are vested in high pollution industries.

>> No.14682358

>You probably expected to come off as smart and got nipped in the process, get fucked retard
This. You deserve it

>> No.14682391

pol please leave

>> No.14682435

nobody wants to work with idiots

>> No.14682487

this board is /pol/

>> No.14682525

drastic changes happened over millions of years not 50

>> No.14682647

Its an opinion and hardly a fringe one. Id go up the chain and point out someone this uncomfortable hearing such opinions or is unable to act rationally when in disagreement shouldn't be in charge of other people.

When firing off the e-mail make it sound that you're concerned about what appeared to be a breakdown. Seriously make the tone such that you think that maybe the company should offer her a counciling service.

>> No.14682796

she was not upset about climate change but she assumed op is an alt-right gun nut trump supporter that's why she is not feeling safe.

>> No.14682913

We probably won’t see any significant results of climate change/global warming in our lifetime so why do you even care? Treat this earth like a used car. After we die nothing matters any way. Also, why do humans feel entitled to live on earth forever? What if the human purpose is to trash the earth and drive ourselves into extinction so a new and improved apex creature can flourish? That makes us selfish

>> No.14682923

>talking controversial topics like politics, climate change or pc culture at work ever
Why would you do that, let alone care what they think about it.

>> No.14683057

>>go back
you're a 4chan-flavored npc

>> No.14683065

>We probably won’t see any significant results of climate change/global warming in our lifetime
well according to the leading scientist of the field we already are feeling it. basically it's already check-mate. there is nothing we can do that will have a positive effect on the next 50 years. life will survive humans too but the current biodiversity probably not.

the problem is not with the warming, we have evidence that canada had tropical jungles at one point and all earth was one big desert at another. also the definition of an ice age is the poles are permanently covered in ice. the glacial periods have been getting more frequent and longer lately we are headed to a whiteout and it's nice to know we can turn it back by hacking the carbon cycle. we overdid it however. the problem is the rate of warming which is unprecedented.

>> No.14683123

okay but trump is actually cool, not like I wanted him specifically but like fuck the dnc bro

>> No.14683152

jesus, look at all of the fucking climate change cultists here. can you fucking imagine believing something literally solely because that's what YOU'RE TOLD to believe?
>of course I believe humans cause climate change, I BELIEVE IN SCIENCE!
fucking NPCs everywhere.

>> No.14683154

>but trump is actually cool
he is one of the least cool persons i ever saw. and let's forget his entire politics and habits... just the way he looks and talks.

>> No.14683169

oh yeah denying it will make it go away i'm sure.

>> No.14683205

>the world is on fire but at least my favorite organism is at the helm not doing anything about it

>> No.14683218

I love that term, too, "denier." gotta make sure you have a slur you can use to keep people from dissenting from your "settled science."
>lmao it's SETTLED SCIENCE anon, how do you not BELIEB IN SCIENCE??? it's LITERALLY SCIENCE lmao

>> No.14683295

slur? what are you smoking? i'm just saying just because you keep saying the climate is not changing life will still get pretty shitty for everyone here the next 20 years. and we can no longer do anything about that thanks to imbeciles like you who actually think they are smart (for whatever reason but most likely lack of actual education) and somehow better than the "rest of the sheep" but in truth just awfully lazy and entitled.