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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/biz/ - Business & Finance

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14668862 No.14668862 [Reply] [Original]

LOL holo got dropped today by Promether. Promether was supposed to add a layer of privacy to holochain. RIP.

>> No.14668876
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Trannies BTFO

>> No.14668906


>> No.14669008


>> No.14669046
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>> No.14669049

Well, It's shit. What do you expect.

>> No.14669108

I expect the retard shills from the previous threads to capitulate

>> No.14669125

told you fags to buy btt instead

>> No.14669267

>mutual consent
>holochain got dropped by promether

promether has made next to no progress on its own meanwhile awareness for holochain has literally exploded over the last year. the rust refactor had 3 independent code audits by cyber security firms to ensure there are no security vulnerabilities in the core architecture. promether was in no way integral to holochain and to be honest i had almost forgotten about the partnership given how long ago it was announced. i really appreciate the transparency, it kind of reassures me that holochain is actually working with partners instead of just using partnership announcements to pump the price.

>> No.14669323

>promether has made next to no progress
yeah and neither has holo

>> No.14669367
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>> No.14669381
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>> No.14669401
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3. These fucks can’t even program properly YIKES!

>> No.14669425

HAHAHAHAHA even that rgrpark is scared. L O L!

>> No.14669428

some pajet fud, nobbody knows promether

>> No.14669441

sick burn!
i am following the developments in the mattermost and nothing of that is true. it's not the first time people are fudding in the telegram it happens all the time, holoswingers can get desperate.

>> No.14669627

Bagholder cope. Don’t listen to these pajeets.

>> No.14669698

I know and >>14669441 is clearly delusional. If you read the messages you can see that the guy asking about the validity of the code is not trying to FUD and is genuinely concerned. Either you have terrible reading comprehension or you're a scammer.

>> No.14669736

I’m glad I sold my bags at 33 jesus christ what a mess

>> No.14669827

Good move

>> No.14669968

I'm going to keep bumping so more people are aware of this shit scam

>> No.14670069

It could be because they already added the later of privacy.

>> No.14670136

Please clear the fud in holonaut then.

>> No.14670297

lol he can't. Its over.

>> No.14670313
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Sick larp. I double checked BP and the GitHub doesn't lie, they can't even connect 5 nodes.

>> No.14670364
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There is going to be a Class Action Lawsuit against them soon. Should be a good lesson about getting scammed for future investors.

>> No.14670460
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Being a holochad sure is suffering
We keep getting JUSTed, token keeps bleeding sats, holoports were promised to arrive a year ago.
Not to mention the devs. This is the biggest project in github and the devs are either boomers with vision or fucking idiot white hating feminists. That's just fucking toddler vidion and incompetent people, fuck this shit

>> No.14670492

I talked to Arthur at the Zurich meeting. He showed a full installation of a Holoport node. Don't believe the FUD.

>> No.14670495

people shouldn't cruise GitHub if they have trouble tying their shoes, leave this for the educated to understand

>> No.14670540

God I want to dump these bags. It’s my own fault for not doing enough due diligence before buying. Arthur Brock is a literal who , whose worked for a bunch of little non profits and half finished projects. I get the idea from his blog and linkedin that he is super ambitious with a lot of lofty ideas, that starts a ton of projects but has very little track record on delivering anything

>> No.14670568

Please explain more
What can you do if the team refuses to Give updates

>> No.14670610
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misery loves company and lots of people trying to get you to sell your hot when its at or near all time high

>> No.14670640

Cut my losses with this utter shitcoin weeks ago. It's clear its going nowhere.

>> No.14670645


failing tests is part of a normal development and isn't a cause for concern

the tests run with 3 or 4 nodes for performance reasons, it would very expensive run the tests on 5000 nodes every time a dev pushes code

>> No.14671174
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And this is it right here. What I keep trying to tell people. Of course we are plummeting in sats now... BTC has 4x'ed in the last couple months so no shit the sats are going to drop. The brainlets here apparently don't understand what having a USD pairing means and don't understand since USD pairing was released the price has stabilized and started climbing and we recently hit ATH in USD around a month ago.