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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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14668498 No.14668498 [Reply] [Original]

There's an AI living on the blockchain.

>> No.14668555

Her name is Vishnu

>> No.14668572

its a vishnu called poolip
dont confuse the mythology!

>> No.14668613

Suck on my trips

>> No.14668624


Can confirm.

Had and continue to have requent nightmares about a demonic entity inhabiting the block chain on via a pinpoint between ethereal realm and quantum realm.

Our demise is upon us.

My dreams always come true.

>> No.14669156
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>> No.14669182


>> No.14669330

Bitcoin was unironically created by AI. Why do you think it needs more and more processing power?

>> No.14669348

>muh halvingz

Naah.. Bitcoin is nothing but an AI trying to accumulate more and more brainpower.