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14654177 No.14654177 [Reply] [Original]

Two years ago my friend told me to invest in crypto multiple times and I didn't listen. Since then he's made over a million dollars, possible more. He quit his job, travels all the time, posts crazy expensive food pics on instagram, bought a fucking 100k tesla, and fucks legit famous porn stars left and right (he lives in LA, cause he's a faggot).

And he's not larping. He actually showed me what he did and some of his accounts that he reinvested into.

I can't fucking stand it. Every time I see him I get fucking pissed inside. This faggot deserves nothing, he doesn't deserve to be happy. He's not smart or talented and just got lucky gambling on crypto. Before he was making minimum wage as an assistant in some company. The kid is a fuck up, he was making way less than anyone else in our group of friends. This is fucking disgusting, I cannot believe his luck. This fucking kid always gets lucky, even when we were younger. I fucking hate that retarded faggot.

I've found this place from Reddit and have been watching you guys for a while. Give me something good to invest in.

I have Binance, Bittrex, Coinbase, and Kucoin. I've already bout some chainlink on coinbase. Tell me what to do.

>> No.14654193

Cool bait. Not taking it

>> No.14654198
File: 12 KB, 696x449, 0_Qy-SGTvLM9SjdzWD.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's not too late.

Pic related.

>> No.14654203

50/50 split of vidt and lit. Welcome to capitalism.

>> No.14654209
File: 305 KB, 610x449, 1561548600602.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.14654234

do not invest in link. it's a scam run by a russia . almost all you see on here is paid for.

try i vesting in VIDT or ONE (harmony), those are going to take off soon and make lots of moeny.

>> No.14654242

> Sees an investment opportunity and takes a big risk on something people like yourself are unwilling to risk money on
> "Lucky"

>> No.14654249

this turned out to be the best advice for newfags

>> No.14654253
File: 102 KB, 811x1070, 90DA4AD8-F0AA-4E85-8C79-D2B16DC69718.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

All in on nuke but you won't and you don't deserve the gains anyway

>> No.14654254

Bitconnect, request, and Iota. Thank me later.

>> No.14654256

shut up faggot

Is this an ICO?

Those sound like scams, like FTM and REN

>> No.14654264

>token niggers in every aspect of life

>> No.14654311

Oof literally not gonna make it.
I’m all in LIT and as soon as it 10xs I’m going all in FTM. It literally is that easy.

>> No.14654310

which pornstars? :P

>> No.14654345

>Tell me what to do.
suck your own dick *dabs*

>> No.14654404

Short BTC 100x on Bitmex.

>> No.14654425

>Tell me what to do.

step1.) fuck off back to r eddit

>> No.14654443
File: 246 KB, 777x759, 1562133186987.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

1. Checked
2. I've seen this fucking thread before and it always goes: Hey OP, you're actually a shitty friend and this dude gave you solid advice that YOU DIDN'T LISTEN TO
3. Those girls are gross and not wife material at all. That one on the left, her legs make me want to pull her apart like a piece of fried chicken.
Over and out.

>> No.14654782

ANY SOURCE? The same was with BTC, Ethereum, f***load of shilling on biz...

>> No.14654849


"The kid is a fuck up, he was making way less than anyone else in our group of friends."

Maybe when you start to put your wageslave energy into crypto you can make it as well.
Its all about risk taking, being an brave worker wont give you anything extra.

Just grow some balls OP.

>> No.14654851

also Op is trolling

>> No.14654892

Good bait until you said "i come from reddit"
you fucked up op

>> No.14655059

>He's not smart or talented and just got lucky gambling on crypto.

The only one who was not smart is you you fucking faggot

>> No.14655107


>> No.14655447

fuck you
you'll never be rich you jelly fuck

>> No.14655724
File: 167 KB, 785x393, C344FD03-B276-4F3A-B95E-A5C2A675A78F.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You’re friend saved as much as he could with his low wages, and poured it into an investment with huge potential at an age he could afford to recover from it if it went bad.

That was an extremely clever, forward thinking idea to leverage his situation to the maximum.
Ur friend is probably a lot smarter than you or you other friends op. You just dont realise it or have tue capacity to leverage yourself that way. Now you are a wagie for life because you cant think for yourself.