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14650198 No.14650198 [Reply] [Original]

how much money do you need to make it

for me, its $50,000,000.00 (fifty million american dollars)

>> No.14650658


>> No.14650668


>> No.14650702

I'm lazy, 4mm

>> No.14650716

for me? it's about 100 billion dollars enough money to try and eradicate a certain tribe.

>> No.14650725

For me, its three million

>> No.14650739

jackie chan

>> No.14650747

$3 million would make me the richest person in my family so I'd be cool with that. It'd be funny BTFOing my uncle who acts like a hot shot flying around the world for his job by buying magic internet coins

>> No.14650787

This. 3mm. Need a 10x and I'm there.

>> No.14650960


why is everyone set on this 3-4 million number? Whats special about it?

Thats only like 100k a year in passive income

>> No.14650992

Apaches? Navajos? Sneakajus?

>> No.14650997

That’s 120-150k based on the 4% rule. That’s a fuckload, you NEET right now for 20k a year and are complaining about sextupling that?

>> No.14651008

That’s 120-150k based on the 4% rule. That’s a fuckload, you NEET right now for 20k a year and are complaining about sextupling that?

>> No.14651012

because it allows you to be free. In every sense of the word. More is cool but it doesn't buy freedom the same way these first few million will.

>> No.14651014

Thats enough to be a McMansion NEET rather than a middle-lower class NEET I guess. You could live as well as the average person with a good job while being NEET

>> No.14651019

Maybe at 10k, at that point might as well hold till 20k to join the 3 comma club after tax

>> No.14651023

Same. To answer the anon below, it is enough to buy a house and live passively on median wage

>> No.14651035

That's plenty for middling ambitions, tons for NEETing

>> No.14651064

I have 9K link literally all I want is to not work is that too much to ask?

>> No.14651071

A few hundred thousand should do it, a million is cash out and leave the table money.

>> No.14651072

10 million would be a sweet spot for me. Enough to buy a nice house and enough to fund my failures on my next adventure until I make it. I’d like to have my own restaraunt.

>> No.14651092

Spoiler alert:
None of you are going to make it. Remember this post when you turn 50.

>> No.14651100

Nah fuck you I'm going to make it just to spite you.

>> No.14651101

I'm at the point where I might peace out at 500k. Live in a single wide and live off eggs and ramen.

>> No.14651132

Seething boomer detected, plenty of people who frequent this board already have

>> No.14651154

i'm a simple man with simple tastes. $2m

>> No.14651170

i only have 200 links and if that shit hits 1k ill be good enough to be a neet for the most part.

>> No.14651173

Dude I'm about to be 29 have yet to make more than $25k in 1 year (EE with no social skills and an absolute shit hand in the game of life), $100k per year would be significantly more than I would know what to do with and I'm probably gonna be pulling close to $200k/year. I'm gonna be buying research equipment and building labs on my own land in my own house. I have zero desire for flashy lifestyles and even ugly women don't like me because I suck so bad at small talk. I will have more time and money than I can even use.

>> No.14651190

long nosed tribe

>> No.14651191

I legitimately hope that you do.

Tiresome and predictable reply anon. Are you really dumb enough to believe the larping on a Mongolian basket weaving forum?

>> No.14651409

Are you really dumb enough to assume that nobody here held more than a few hundred ETH when it was under $1 and frequently shilled here? How about Bitcoin itself which was part of the reason this board was created in the first place? There are plenty of crypto projects shilled here that have done more than a 10X in the past.

You are the one who isn't going to make it, and the reason why is obvious. You likely go to SMG, work a 60k/y uneventful job and have done so for the past 20 years, and through a life of hard work have earned a fraction of what people who simply hold onto good projects in crypto have. If you want to miss out that's your problem, but remember that you and the other boomers are alone in this on this board at the very least.

>> No.14651596

2 million, little over halfway there.

>> No.14651616

$3-4MM clear.

>> No.14651644

I'd like to cash out about 4m when that is half my stack so I can let the rest ride, and I would probably keep cashing out half each time it doubles until lifestyle doesn't really improve much (so probably total of 3 cash outs for $12m cash and $4m crypto riding always)

>> No.14651645

You saying 100k/y doing LITERALLY FUCKING NOTHING isn't a lot?

>> No.14651687

You buy an passive income annuity. Guaranteed to pay $10,000 per month for LIFE, until you die. Up front cost is $3 million. If you can't get NEET and be happy with $120K/year for the rest of your life, you might want to reassess what you want in life.

>> No.14651699

Really though what are the best methods of passive income through investments? Obviously we could stake our link but are the returns on that really going to be of any significance? I admit I haven't really done much research into potential link staking gains

>> No.14651705

won't last if you carry on like that, son. *sips*

>> No.14651715


>> No.14651723

I am ok with 10

>> No.14651724

32 million
I made it in 2017 by writing a philosophy paper during the ICO craze, now I just fuck cute German couch surfer girls who are delivered to my apartment

>> No.14651825

did he say fifty million american dollars?

>> No.14651876

Larping or real?

>> No.14651897

A decent house costs a minimum of $1 million, and then you have $2-3 million left to spend on things you enjoy for the rest of your life. You can live a comfortable upper-middle class lifestyle without ever having to work again.

>> No.14651966

Well that's subjective, We all have different views on what making it is. Some people think making it is just and playing vidya games neeting for life, So the budget for that would be at most 2000 a month. So around 26-30K a year, You would need only $500K to accomplish this with dividends. Some of us think making it is being middle class-upper class so 70-100K is what they would want and therefore you only need 1.5-2M for this to happen. And so on and so forth. To be objectively rich? 3-4M+ dollars to afford a mansion and a couple of super cars. 10M+ is god tier tho and at this point you make enough passive income as a CEO does.

>> No.14651997

lel, you can build a new 3000 square foot house with a 3 car garage and a few acres for 300k anywhere besides either of the coasts.

>> No.14652010

To add, Most of us will be just fine with 1-2 Million dollars for the rest of our lives IF you aren't a nigger with your money and now how to use it wisely. It also depends on where you live, 1-2M dollars off dividends and passive income in california is basically still lower class, but in texas that amount of 30-60K is middle class or average. Another thing is that you are just not middle class, You are actually above average and the middle class because you don't work for your money therefor you are better than normies waging for 50k a year living paycheck to paycheck.

>> No.14652047

Go back to fucking reddit or facebook or pol. Wherever the fuck you came from.

>> No.14652092
File: 767 KB, 1214x577, sdasdasd.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

A normie house in texas costs 190K-200K all day long. usually 3 bed 2 bath. To get an actualy mansion cost less than 1 mil lmao.

>> No.14652343

>Buy passive income annuity
>Use income to get 3 million dollar loan, interest repayment approx 2k per week
>Buy passive income annuity....

>> No.14652350

wtf why is it so cheap?

>> No.14652404

you ever been to houston?

>> No.14652469
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everyone, this is your OP. point and laugh.

>> No.14652481

Sergey is gonna pump btc to two million or I get the hammock again

>> No.14652482

no im ride kangaroo to work

>> No.14652487

2 million

>> No.14652490

21 bitcoin

>> No.14652503

100k GBP would do it i think. i already own a house, so if i buy another for 100k i can rent it out and live on the income for life. won't be much, like, at all, but it should be 'enough'.

too much of a poorfag for it to be likely though. only have a couple of grand's worth of crypto and all my holdings have a huge mcap. too scared to shoot my pittance at potentially worthless moons.

>> No.14652555

kek. assuming you aren't a boomer, that $120k/year is going to be the equivalent of about $30k/year in 40 years. Enjoy dying old and hungry.

>> No.14652578

>what is a variable annuity

>> No.14652586

because it's a 1400 sq ft cuck shed

>> No.14652612

10MM because I have no concept of numbers and that sounds safe

>> No.14652638

>tfw born into ~60 million
>tfw doesn't feel like nearly enough

I feel like I'm not rich if I can blow my entire net work on a single thing from Sothebys

>> No.14652660

there's no guaranteed return on a variable annuity you fucking mong. if the underlying investment is underperforming (ie during any recession), you get jackshit unless you start pulling out principal. the iq on this board lately...

>> No.14652664

ever seen the prices in england? madness. but... not everywhere. i'm in a 5 bed, 3 storey house with 9ft ceilings and 20ft rooms, and it cost me less than 80k in the north of england.

>> No.14652675

go work at mcdonalds for a month or so and it won't feel like so little after that

>> No.14652678

That's why you reinvest the money retard. Who tf is gonna spend that much if you're living a NEET life

>> No.14652707

not everyone wants to live in mommy's basement playing video games and jerking off to tentacle porn. I haven't lived on less than $120k/yr since my third year out of college.

>> No.14652737

Literally how? Food, entertainment, insurance, girls, vacations, even a car every year, that would barely be half for me. You're wasting money if you need that much to live

>> No.14652741

I'm shooting for 2mil
>Rental Properties
>Industrial loft style home, I hate houses
>Start a weed farm
>Fuck brap thots till the day I die

Will is written on a series of smart contract and if than,else statements.

>> No.14652746

how the fuck do you even spend more than $80K/yr? Are you the same nigger that was saying he basically gets cucked in California and wastes money like ghetto trash on "nice things"? If your definition of making it requires you to constantly bleed out money on retarded bullshit no amount of money will satiate you.

You could have 500K/y and will still come here bitching about not having more.

>> No.14652748

>have 3 million
>buy overpriced annuity
>reinvest the proceeds

>> No.14652760
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$4 million american dollars after a 30% tax cut, then I'll live happily ever after

>> No.14652761
File: 463 KB, 446x591, gotem.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.14652776

do you live in the US? this hypothetical $120k is going to be about $80k depending on where you live. living somewhere that isn't a flyover, having hobbies that involve more than sitting inside, and just generally having an active social life cost money. it's called "making it" not "surviving".

>> No.14652784

I'm not the one that said buy the annuity, that's not what I'd do but just saying your money wouldn't be worthless after 40 years if you play your cards right

>> No.14652792

low tier mansions about 800k-1mil yeah

5 mil for an actual mansion complete with a fucking pool, tennis court, guest house in the backyard etc.

>> No.14652793

see >>14652776

I don't live in CA, but I live on the coast. unless you want to live in some hills have eyes zip code, cost of living is expensive.

>> No.14652806

you dug yourself a hole, now lie in it.

>> No.14652827

But then you have to live up north. It will be much better moving to a dirt cheap living cost country with a mil and living like a king.

>> No.14652848

Damnit you just lost.

>> No.14652852


"As Sotheby’s celebrates the 50th anniversary of the Stonewall riots with its BENT. auction, Charles Kaiser looks back on how the uprising ignited the gay rights movement."

>mediocre paintings of niggers
Do rich people ACTUALLY spend money on this shit? The jewelry does't even look good either, I'm in the wrong business

>> No.14652857


you’re a financially illiterate idiot if you dont use 1 million to generate the cash flow to pay for your hideous mcmansion. the absolute state of common core mutts.

>> No.14652859

1 million canadian.

i'm a simple man and am redpilled on (((consumerism)))

>> No.14652864

100 ChainLink

>> No.14652870

yeah the north is pretty naff. you don't actually get all that much though abroad, not even in third world countries like cambodia. it's surprisingly expensive to live in a remotely tourist-ey area. not sure it's worth the hassle.

>> No.14653043

50M is the exact amount for me too. enough for several properties around the world, several cars and maybe a nice boat, a state of the art home recording studio with all the instruments and gear i could possibly want, the ability to travel first class to anywhere in the world whenever i want to go and stay at a nice hotel for as long as i want, being able to sit front row at any concert or sporting event, going to lectures, starting up a record label or maybe a vidya studio or a studio for animating a fantasy series i'm working on.... there's a lot of shit to do and i don't want to have to worry about money at all

it's a shit ton of money but not enough to be on anyone's radar. i'm not hanging out on yachts or owning private jets or sports teams or any bullshit like that. just a decently rich motherfucker doing a bunch of cool stuff

>> No.14653063

this, imagine getting 3 million and then blowing a third of it on a fucking house. you invest the 3 million and finance the house with the return

>> No.14654390

You mean that's a high end professional wage guaranteed for the rest of your life no work?

It's absolutely liberating, you can work for extra sure but you don't need it. Don't want to go into work one day? Just fucking don't. Work part time, full time or no time.

>> No.14654886

For me it's 10k LINK, or approximately 70 million USD.

>> No.14654899


>> No.14655017

Kek I got 168k link and just have to wait until staking starts. Life is comfy