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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/biz/ - Business & Finance

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File: 134 KB, 668x1000, hhhadf.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
14648386 No.14648386 [Reply] [Original]

Who is the anon shilling EVE with these pajeet thot memes? You're ultimately creating FUD with half this board being from /pol/. Please fuck back off to reddit.

>> No.14648570

Who is even buying this anyway? Its had no volume for almost a year.

>> No.14648815

Smart money clearly

>> No.14648838

12/10 would colonize.

>> No.14648857

My wife??? She was sold for two goats and a mule last year.

>> No.14648897

That’s some hot curry

>> No.14648957
File: 204 KB, 640x800, 1766370883749.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What's the matter, anon? Dont have a suicide stack yet?

>> No.14648967

How much for a suicide stack?

>> No.14648973
File: 124 KB, 540x540, 33k.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

These boys know.

>> No.14648989

I hope I’m not reincarnated as a jeet.

>> No.14649006

Three rupees

>> No.14649011

At least 10k. It's an easy unironic 5-10x if you dont have weak hands.

>> No.14649041

What do you think you're getting across with such poor memery?

>> No.14649084

we warned you for 2 cents, don't be angry when the price hit $1

>How much for a suicide stack?
Sorry, I do not know. This word carries a negative. we are very positive future whales
whale stack ~ $ 1600

>> No.14649134
File: 133 KB, 540x540, rakesh.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You'll never know what a sweet rupee can get you cus you're not gonna make it. I'll be sure to throw some rupees down to you from the top of the caste, fren.

>> No.14649186

ok then shill me.

>> No.14649291

The coin's whole mcap was sub-200k a week or two ago. It's absolute trash

>> No.14649333

I think it was just a forgotten token from the 2018 bear. There are others like eve that have had significant development in the last yeah but hardly any press about it. Safe bet to hold a small suicide stack of this incase this moons

>> No.14649399

100k eve only a thousand people can have such a stack.

At the same time, this is a protocol that any developer can use to develop any applications for tracking goods in the blockchain.

You cannot imagine the scale, it is a platinum ticket. This command works with UN.


>The coin's whole mcap was sub-200k a week or two ago. It's absolute trash

Why is UN to mess with them if it's a trash?

>> No.14649506

Look up Don Tapscott's talk on the completely untapped $50,000,000,000,000 supply chain market. Companies are using archaic technology to authenticate their products and protocols. With blockchain technology already being adopted and tested this is going to be huge and its going to seem like it happened overnight. Plus EVE uses no gas and VeChain is btfo. We're headed to moon, you coming?

>> No.14649586
File: 307 KB, 1080x1350, 22432623859.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Look into the project and you'll see there are great developments being made. Theres a reason why it started pumping out of nowhere and its not discord trannies.

>> No.14649617
File: 521 KB, 2361x1262, Screenshot_9.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

EVE is used to fuel the verification process. Applications will recieve EVE token as payment for hosting verification applications on the Devery protocol. Consumers using these applications will require EVE to mark on the blockchain, this EVE is then transferred to the application host as payment for hosting the applications via the protocol.

’Bokky’s Token Teleportation Service’ (BTTS), allows users to send EVE tokens without required Ethereum as a gas cost. Users can send message to third-party services to process their transactions and pay the gas cost on their behalf. In return, the user pays the service provider a percentage of EVE tokens. This provides a practical means of using the Devery protocol without requiring retailers and others users to hold EVE and Ethereum.

TL;DR brings a ton of new abilities to ETH to be the only public blockchain with a supply chain protocol that's open source and able to be customized.

We're not just memeing this shit for muh quick pnd. It's got a ton of potential with adoption. They've completed a trial with the UN and have worked closely with retail giants to develop for literally hundreds of usecases.

>> No.14649833
File: 14 KB, 222x227, honked.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>retail giants

name names.

>> No.14649944

i'm assuming you're talking about this

i just dropped 2k on VET kek. nice shilling, faggot.

>> No.14649990


>EVE uses no gas

And instead uses a centralized sidechain the Devery team maintains.

You niggers deserve to be poor

>> No.14649996


>We're not just memeing this shit for muh quick pnd

The scammer reveals himself

>> No.14650064

American companies will use software from Asian companies? This is even non-open source.

>> No.14650091
File: 42 KB, 521x600, evelink4.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Nope. It transacts on the ETH mainnet.

How BTTS works:

"BTTS allows a token owner to sign a message cryptographically using the account's private key, allowing another account to execute the transfer(...), approve(...) and transferFrom(...) functions on behalf of the token owner. The BTTS Service Provider will be the account that executes the signedTransfer(...), signedApprove(...) and signedTransferFrom(...) functions. The BTTS Service Provider will pay the ETH to get these transfer transactions mined on the Ethereum network. In return for paying the ETH to execute the signed*(...) functions on behalf of the token owner, the token owner's cryptographically signed function also allows the BTTS Service Provider to transfer some tokens to the BTTS Service Provider's account - this is the fee that the token owner pays to the BTTS Service Provider to execute the transfers on the token owner's behalf."

From Bokky himself on the Devery reddit.

Dude ive been using this name for the past 3 days.

>> No.14650171

JD.com and associated Chinese merchandisers
LL Bean
Members of the American Apparel & Footwear Association (specifics under NDA)

There's actually a ton under NDA that we've had to dig up piecing relationships together through LinkedIn, vague team updates about their project and location, and industry association newsletters that specifically mention Devery.

There's a lot of shit under wraps that may not ever divulge, but there absolutely is activity with their smart contracts on Eth mainnet. Items are being marked and tokens are being burned.

>> No.14650309


discord jeet spotted.

>> No.14650348

almost had some nice digits on this one
australia based actually

>> No.14650376
File: 37 KB, 521x600, evelink6.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hi I am a Irish an polish Christian and I beliEVE

>> No.14650401

I am a Jewish pajeet and I beliEVE

>> No.14650535
File: 75 KB, 500x625, sessi.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

My name is Patel and I beliEVE

>> No.14650649
File: 103 KB, 500x717, rik.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You seem bitter, nonbeliEVEr.
>Hare Krishna

>> No.14650696
File: 43 KB, 521x600, evelink8.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Eve and link???? Is it a match?

>> No.14650721

did some more research and bought 5k kek. it'll probably dump but i dont wanna kms just in case.

>> No.14650978


So you pay the gas fee in EVE or Devery foots the cost. All you've done is shift the cost

>> No.14651010

You take away the need for users to own eth and EVE now they just buy eve. This means that more EVE is being held in reserves at any given time by users because they are paying both fees and gas with it.

>> No.14651030


>not buying TRUE for 61% cheaper than other exchanges
>Doesn't know how to use real decentralized IDEXs
> Not shorting OKeX
No wonder you're poor

>> No.14651096


It's still a erc20 you absolute brainlet

>> No.14651115

Imagine that no one has done this before.

>> No.14651116

LINK is still an erc-20
REN is still an erc-20
QNT is still an erc-20

it has everything to do with implementation. there are hundreds of projects that are absolute trash on ethereum.

>> No.14651118

Dropped a hard eth

>> No.14651147

but it is a scam?

>> No.14651152


Transaction fees are now paid to app developers, hosts, and everybody in the chain of custody that is a "good actor". Like any verification scheme bad actors are punished and removed from the network of trust. This, in addition to a minimum of 1 EVE burnt for every unique ID hashed, creates a market traps the true cost of supply-chain data within both Ethereum and the Devery ecosystem. It adds value to both, nothing is being "shifted".

>> No.14651165
File: 75 KB, 521x600, evelink3.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

No sir, go with piminer or brap token. zuck bucks seems to have a promising use case, too.

>> No.14651180

Any guidance on finding other arbitrage opportunities / any you would suggest?

>> No.14651185

thanks anon

>> No.14651194

based and EVEpilled.

>> No.14651224


>Transaction fees are now paid to app developers, hosts, and everybody in the chain of custody that is a "good actor".

So just being shifted then. Great talking to you again, raj. Sorry no one is buying your pnd.

>> No.14651252

Damn wish I knew about this a week ago. Still, nice arb

>> No.14651276

Devery has an erc 20 component an erc 165 component and an erc721 compenent. Together they form the devery protocol to look further into how devery is not just an erc20 checkout


And also the raw smart contracts at


>> No.14651291

Shifted yes that's the point. Shifting it to an eth node holding layer allows the app developers to simply the end user experience.

>> No.14651338
File: 4 KB, 214x236, download (48).png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>doesnt understand how POS ethereum will function

>> No.14652231

Yes BTTS will work nicely with ETH 2.0

>> No.14652264


>Devery adding a tax or subsidizing tranaction costs with their own shitcoin instead of just paying gas

thanks just bought 100k

>> No.14652296
File: 55 KB, 851x714, DzJJ2pNWoAAaTHu.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>still doesnt get atomic swaps

>> No.14652339
File: 81 KB, 645x729, bottomlessPit.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]



atomic swaps are useful technology,

your shitcoin is not,

please seek help