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File: 177 KB, 728x812, 21smg.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
14643386 No.14643386 [Reply] [Original]

peachy keen edition

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>> No.14643393

first for... uh...

>> No.14643414

that picture looks like she's levitating an inch above the tombstone

>> No.14643555

I've been on a bender since the 4th, what have I missed?

>> No.14643661


we're still FREE
Europe and China are still not free and fucked

>> No.14643833

This is real thread.

>> No.14643897

neither thread is the real thread
the real thread is the friends we made along the way
the real thread is hidden deep within the CBOE servers under multiple layers of encryption

also the irc is #/smg/ on rizon.net ;)

>> No.14643907

Deleted mine. We don't need thread wars.

>> No.14643993

Thread wars are good and easy to win

>> No.14643995

What if I told you we didn't need any new tripfags?

>> No.14643998

I think i should have shorted the Nasdaq 100 before Friday close.

>> No.14644030


>> No.14644052

We don’t need any old tripfag either.

I do want to see how dobber’s portfolio is holding up, and hear some gommunisthomo FOMO, but it’s not like they need to post under a trip to identify themselves

>> No.14644094

It won't be long before I'm the only tripfag. And you'll beg for me.

>> No.14644124

Deutsche Bank is fucked my dudes. Its all gonna come tumbling down.

>> No.14644151
File: 20 KB, 630x244, 1557054107112.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Deutsche Bank is fucked my dudes
Really? What gave it away?

>> No.14644338

>And you'll beg for me.
Maybe to leave

>> No.14644494

Just buy a $100 RCL call with like 3 months left at market open and thank me later for paying your rent you queer

>> No.14644533

Any source on that or just speculation? They just announced some big changes cutting 18.000 people and getting out of investment banking.

>> No.14644578
File: 103 KB, 430x292, opinion.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

time to long Deutsche Bank

>> No.14644770

they calculate with 2nd quarter earnings of -500m euro or -2,8 billion after tax
there will be no dividends this and next year.

if you can read german: https://www.welt.de/wirtschaft/article196502363/Deutsche-Bank-Radikaler-Umbau-neuer-Vorstand-18-000-Stellen-fallen-weg.html

>> No.14645043

ignore DB
ignore Euro
ignore Eurozone, Dax, even FTSE
ignore it, there are enough opportunities elsewhere

if you have SICK unbelievable intel, then play it
otherwise make plays elsewhere

>> No.14645238

Yeah, that's my typical move. Drop $1700 on options because a brand new tripfag has "invented" an entire new strategy without researching the value of the trade and having a lick of faith in the company.

>> No.14645254

It really shouldn't seem like witchcraft to you.

>> No.14645317
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More like douche bank, amirite?

>> No.14645446
File: 641 KB, 900x1200, 521febd9d88e9965a4ee29c8c63806ea.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

me want eat lobster now

>> No.14645501

It doesn't. Just hair brained.

>> No.14645536

lmao /pol/ predicts total financial collapse on monday

>> No.14645576


>> No.14645673

God I hope so

>> No.14645679

Insolvency isn't a problem in itself, what, you think US is solvent? HAH!

>> No.14645697

-5000 opening

This is it boys, the big Juan

>> No.14645715


how will market react if the POTUS is implicated

>> No.14645754

how would he? he's the only one that helped the FBI when Mueller was investigating Epstein. Trump even said Epstein was going to have problems like a year ago.

>> No.14645765
File: 1.15 MB, 1200x743, 1531653891340.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Scratch that, what's the market reaction if California slips to the ocean overnight

>> No.14645774

Pizzagate was real?

>> No.14645778

please feel free to explain why thanks

I am totally open for somebody to show why my method is bad I am actually begging for it

>> No.14645790

You're more likely to see Hillary implicated. She may have sucked the blood out of children and consumed their flesh. Epstein can arrange it.

>> No.14645835


Why would he have anything to say about that?


I believe parts of it are plausible. The meme would have fizzled shortly after it began if there was nothing there.

>> No.14646013

Yeah, they got him this time it really is over for Trump

>> No.14646033

Because it could go up or it could go down. It's a coin toss, unless you have some fundamental reason you believe it will be going up.

>> No.14646038
File: 52 KB, 770x433, CJ-1-770x433.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Futures open in 10 mins

>> No.14646047

You absolutely do not understand the concept of DITMLCSMM at all.

>> No.14646054

If dubs he'll resign by Friday and we all need to go short.

>> No.14646055


>> No.14646066

Long platinum short palladium, seem good guys? Palladium is at like an ATH and Platinum is a local low.

>> No.14646077

I thought your "password" might have been DITMLCSMM, but I was wrong

>> No.14646085


red or redder?

>> No.14646087

I do, it's just not that great of an idea. It's not a new idea either. Yeah it'll work just fine until it doesn't just like all options strategies, except for the one where you buy undervalued options in stocks that increase in value. That one still works.

>> No.14646101
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>> No.14646106

My strategy has nothing to do with picking stocks. It is a method for how to deal with stocks that you have picked. Fucking idiot.

>> No.14646122

You were close, my password is a key fundamental of how I pick stocks.

>> No.14646127

I am thinking of selling my Deutsche Bank Stocks tomorrow when the chart blows up.
Bought at 6 Euro for 15k. I might get 30% profit and that sounds perfect for me. You think the price will go up even more in the next months?

>> No.14646181

You're assuming it's not going to crash tomorrow

>> No.14646203

I think green my dude

>> No.14646204

FACT: Duetche Bank is the Gamestop of banks

>> No.14646215


>> No.14646227

fag why didnt you just stay in the thread you copy pasted that from

>> No.14646245

What’s wrong with GameStop?

>> No.14646258

But i thought that you picked stocks based on hundreds of different indicators.

>> No.14646263

Futures are fuckiing NEON green, get the fucking champagne our we're hitting 3k tonight!

Also all the /pol/ doomers are going too pump my GLD when DB implodes tomorrow!

>> No.14646264

Because nobody is in that thread and what I'm asking is relevant to this one you stupid fucking tripfag. Why do you guys always act like passive aggressive women

>> No.14646280

Try dartboard, that's how I typically pick mine.

>> No.14646286
File: 28 KB, 1031x400, Untitledbiz.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

it's going well, switched over to some tqqq itm calls that I just roll over to the next week for ez gains, and QYLD of course.

>> No.14646288
File: 268 KB, 1200x758, 1532829185352 (1).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I made this thread

Disclosure: I am 100% long in FNGU

US stocks will go up as the EU collapses, US stocks are the ONLY game in town

>> No.14646290

>dead flat

>> No.14646305
File: 4 KB, 165x157, lS8H5KF.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

what the actual fuck is this image

>> No.14646328

>A fucking leaf

>> No.14646336

better than /smg/ desu
Yes I do, and using DITMLCSMM isn't part of that. DITMLCSMM protects me from the fact I can only marginally predict the future.
probably because most of the people ITT are wagies that have lost all of their $$$, I've no expertise in rare metals but I'd suggest that any of them will continue in rarity in a similar way water will.

>> No.14646359

>a new trip thinks he's hot shit
90/90/90 rule

>> No.14646370

ancom vs ancap is my guess

>> No.14646383

Reminder rule #1 of /smg/ is it is free money fading any tr*pscum opinions or calls

>> No.14646389

I know people jerk off to that though, but a earthquake in the desert doesn't mean anything. At least there people attempt to earthquake proof their homes. Nobody died yet in 2019. When an earthquake of the exact same amplitude happened in mexico in 2017, it was a complete disaster.

>> No.14646390

You'll be sucking my dick by the end of the week.

>> No.14646409
File: 36 KB, 500x375, 1524843184414.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Pumpe oot, goolden bool

>> No.14646415

Well the rumor that they gone fire 20k people has been going around for a week and it pushed the price. The conformation should let the stock explode tomorrow.

>> No.14646417

Alright. Go right ahead and place a put on my $100 RCL call expiring September 20.

I dare you.

>> No.14646434

Really annoyed that I need to download a Chrome extension to filter out this fucking new tripfag

>> No.14646444

You buy options, that's all i need to know lol. im just gonna tell u this once as a gesture of kindness: you should be writing options instead.

>> No.14646456

You can trade commodities futures on any number of brokerage accounts, I'd assume there are people here who are familiar with the markets. Take off your trip, you are not contributing anything worthwhile that is deserving of a trip.

>> No.14646458

This futures market is faker than the moon landing and gayer than Pendy.

>> No.14646460
File: 98 KB, 430x337, shake it up.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Buildings in CA are made by Mexicans yeah, but are made above Mexican standards.

>> No.14646481

>he wasn't successful so he looks down on others treading the path he couldn't

genuinely want to write your mother a letter

>> No.14646484

>probably because most of the people ITT are wagies that have lost all of their $$$
I can't dispute that, but for the record I'm a wagie that still has all my $$$ but these threads provide great entertainment value.

>> No.14646496


>> No.14646507

Should I long SPX500 with 20x leverage?

>> No.14646517


>> No.14646540

I just called my personal Goldman Sachs broker and ordered them to buy 30000 50 strike puts on RCL

>> No.14646576

I wish you weren't shitposting desu

>> No.14646587
File: 162 KB, 847x793, 1557853224263.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ok guys it's going to actually happen this week. It better go down fuck this fake market

>> No.14646610
File: 25 KB, 1038x400, untitledbiz2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

if you're gonna be a colossal faggot, at least post some all times.

>> No.14646619


>> No.14646634

lmao your all time is a week for me

>> No.14646645

He posts, with no picture

>> No.14646698

you were exactly like this guy when you first started tripping, btw

>> No.14646712

Sub $500 account detected


>> No.14646716

>tripfag catfights
Why do I even come to this board

>> No.14646734
File: 210 KB, 720x1280, PhotoEditor_20190707_183140773.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

this is all you get to eat

hope it fills you up

>> No.14646744
File: 129 KB, 595x382, Workhorse.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Buying as much WKHS as I can right now.

>>Electric Trucks and Drones
>>Finalist for 5 billion Dollar USPS Mail Truck Contract
>>Rumors of discussions with Amazon for Drone Contract
>>In talks to Buy GM Lordstown OH Plant
>>Connections to Key Lawmakers and Politicians
>>Trump's blessing, he tweeted about it. Ohio Jobs are important and its an american compnay
>>Currently 65 Million outstanding shares and a 180 million dollar market Cap.

Current Share price: $2.81

Any Contract News or confirmation sends it through the roof. It's gunpowder waiting to go off.

>> No.14646750

tu quoque

>> No.14646783
File: 1.14 MB, 1007x663, 1561257786226.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.14646790

Someone post a screenshot of this same app without covering the numbers so we can check the width of the text he shadowed. I'm guessing it's 3 digits ($XXX.XX)

>> No.14646824

it's robinhood
also looks like 3 digits to me

>> No.14646831

It's definitely not more than 4,

>> No.14646857



>> No.14646891

for the record I'm just keeping track if it
weak willed haters that will never make it meanwhile I will DITMLCSMM all the way to 7 figures

>> No.14646955

deep in the money long calls suck massive meat

>> No.14646960

tripfags are the fucking worst. Baggie and Dobber are okay though.

>> No.14646967

explain why, thanks

>> No.14646988

because i literally do the inverse of buying deep itm, see >>14646610

you won't make it.

>> No.14647001

Any stocks with upcoming catalysts or the possibility of Trump backing?

>> No.14647003

So wait, you've been shilling options that you can't afford? Classic /smg/

>> No.14647026

Good thought process, bad method. You should have a good method instead.

>> No.14647064

You will learn.

>> No.14647139

So, now I'm just curious here, do you honestly believe that you're the first person with this idea? Do you think that no one's tried before? If it was truly this easy wouldn't everyone be rich?

>> No.14647178

what are the spreads like on these long itm call/put options. I have a feeling you'll just get fucked with liquidity issues.

>> No.14647179
File: 196 KB, 301x166, wkhs logo.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


I've been buying this as much as I can. I think its going to be huge.

>> No.14647266

im trying to deduce the smm, is it spreads maturing monthly?

i can advocate for itm/atm debit spreads, but it has to be much longer than a month. 6 mo minimum. Also you have to write otm credit spreads as a hedge on the position; those can be monthly/biweekly.

>> No.14647268
File: 2 KB, 225x225, DBK.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Why yes I support Globohomo how could you tell?

Lads the empire is crumbling.

>> No.14647316

The same deceit was met by Jesus. You will believe soon enough.

>> No.14647400

Ultimately theres no limit on expiration however 6 months is more than enough and I dont play longer than that. 2 months is fine youre simply trying to avoid the final 30 days. So a 2 month contract is actually a 1 month contract understand? SMM is sideways movement method. Most people would try to swing options with only a 1-2 week contract, this is absurd. They are also probably doing it with meme stocks. No need to hedge the sell point is always 30 days remaining if you haven't yet made profit. If your abstract reasoning isn't giving you a 90%+ success rate with this retard proof method you should give it up.

>> No.14647443

No I mean I think his idea will get you fucked on bid/ask spreads. Usually deep ITM options have retarded spreads.

>> No.14647477

Look, if you don't understand what I'm doing it makes sense that you think it won't work.

Don't even bother if you don't understand me.

>> No.14647517

Rate of decay is how the jews win. Never allow it.

>> No.14647532


>> No.14647554

The Dean Foods bottom bollinger band is at -1.49 cents

>> No.14647572

These threads SUCK

>> No.14647573

>1 post by this ID

>> No.14647582

Hey friend I like your name so I think I'll take it we can share we'll just have different trips

>> No.14647590

If you've been to a walmart in the last 5 years you would have noticed that milk is being sold for like .68 the fall of dean is a direct result of walmart... solely responsible actually

>> No.14647602

>couldnt guess my password

lol imagine being so low IQ

>> No.14647620

I didn't try my trip password is always nigger

>> No.14647663
File: 32 KB, 800x600, 1561064985150.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>The same deceit was met by Jesus
>I'm basically Jesus

>> No.14647672

makes sense

>> No.14647687

No I mean usually when you try to sell a super deep ITM option the only buyers are bidding like less than the cost to just execute the option and then sell the shares. The Jews always win bro.

>> No.14647689

Did Jesus not provide food for all that were hungry

>> No.14647702

It's much harder for OTM. I chose the easier of the two.

>> No.14647723

Yes, let's do that.

>> No.14647726

Ok this is epic. I filtered the other one.

>> No.14647731

I don't like this new tripfag :(

>> No.14647741

It's not about the trip, it's about confusing newfags

>> No.14647742

Come my followers, come rejoice

>> No.14647761

Why are you replying to yourself?

>> No.14647778

/pol is calling doom....again

is something happening or we good???

>> No.14647784

/pol/ has been calling doom since /new/

>> No.14647785



Women crave the DITMLCSMM

>> No.14647820

it never happens :(

>> No.14647859

Well, it's your money, do what ever you want. The only other thing though, you're setting your self up to be more exposed to Rho and Vega than I think you realize. Going deep in the money you're essentially making your Delta 1 and taking Gamma out of it, but your price is still going be impacted by changes in volatility and interest rate. When we open I'll take a look at some stuff, but I just honestly believe unless you're trading these on some blue chip that gets tons of volume on a daily basis, you'll get fucked on your spreads.

>> No.14647892

>blue chip with tons of volume

That's the name of the game, you need buyers, and volatility isn't actually a big deal.

>> No.14647954

>volatility isn‘t actually a big deal
on a long itm call
with over 2 months expiry
lol u have no idea what you‘re doing

>> No.14647982

No. You have no idea what I'm doing. I need 1%-3% movement for my profit.

>> No.14647999


How are the futures looking?

I think DB will actually rise on this news, since this feels like the setup for a bailout by Merkel

>> No.14648015
File: 156 KB, 1635x853, Untitled.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If Deutsche Bank goes under, what happens to the Index Swaps that ProShares has with Deutsche for their short exposure ETFs?

Asking for a friend.

>> No.14648021

Some people learn one way, some people learn the other, some people never learn.

>> No.14648046

I mean, percentage is was matters but 1-3% on 34 dollars and a pack of gum is a long road to riches.

>> No.14648047
File: 295 KB, 450x452, MfjJqaB.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

based and baggiepilled

>> No.14648070

cast your stones

i will turn thy cheek

>> No.14648090

You'll be turning both your cheeks, in opposite directions, to pay the bills one day not too long from now.

>> No.14648131

what happened to DB confiscating all that Venezuelan gold?

>> No.14648142

OTM, ATM, ITM all net very similar % profit given a fixed amount of movement

>> No.14648150

Fuck y'all I did it

>> No.14648176
File: 63 KB, 640x640, 1493949844630.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw gonna cash out a third of my portfolio (at a loss) to pay debts
>probably gonna move most of my holdings to index funds in an IRA once my other holdings settle

The boomer pill is a tough pill to swallow, but I will return once I have read more books and can make more confident market decisions

>> No.14648203

We're going to hit 3000, and we'll make some money.

>> No.14648210

Rule #1 "What would the Jews do? Should I do what they're doing, or the opposite?"

>> No.14648239

WOW WTF just happend to the futures! I had the champagne all ready and shit. Now I'm going to have to put it back in the fridge for another decade.

>> No.14648250

Godspeed, anon

>> No.14648261

go to chabad.org and ask a rabbi.

>> No.14648263

wait a sec are u trying to trick me again
(I just secured my trade anyway)

>> No.14648281

>(I just secured my trade anyway)

Trading futures contracts?

>> No.14648298

fun on the weekend too

>> No.14648324
File: 274 KB, 1743x883, 123341234.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Keep a tight stop on that thing, this is how things look before they get ugly.

>> No.14648341

SCVL has BEASTmode financials, just bought 100k

>> No.14648358
File: 125 KB, 500x902, diduknow.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Always do the jew.

>> No.14648359

yeah it already triggered, I made one whole buck lmao
will re-enter if we touch 2982

>> No.14648388
File: 25 KB, 720x623, 1561492028137.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If I knew I'd be winning.
Thanks fren. Need to control my impulses.

Speaking of which, how's this for an IRA spread?
60 percent VTI
30 percent VT
10 percent BND

>> No.14648515

I like it. Maybe throw some VGT in there if you're willing to accept a bit more risk.

>> No.14648586
File: 105 KB, 675x1200, 1554786070208.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I like it. Maybe throw some VGT in there if you're willing to accept a bit more risk.
Cool. I changed it to
50 percent VTI
25 percent VT
15 percent VGT
10 percent BND.

Im young, so I can get away with SOME risk in an IRA. After I finish sacking my swing and day trading portfolio, I'm gon a switch it over to a dividend portfolio and try and get that going. Then I'll probably divert some money towards crypto and stonks for fun. Really trying to give some rhyme and reason to my investing right now since I'm burning money pretty hard with stupid decisions.

>> No.14648634
File: 36 KB, 778x512, Helper3.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.14648646

That's a good plan, and it's pretty much what I did. Once I got the SIMPLE/Roth shit established I stating putting aside money to trade with for fun.

>> No.14648692

Delusions of grandeur. Trading strategy difficult to explain with no evidence of profit. Off putting religious and spiritual references. Narcissistic replies. And a 3 figure account. DIT is a legit new tripfag. I will get much joy out of these posts.

>> No.14648733

Where we at with the futures, Baggie?

>> No.14648788
File: 250 KB, 1762x797, 123341234.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

no 3000 party yet.

>> No.14648796

>he thinks it's my job to make things clear for him

o' father forgive them for they know not their trespassings

>> No.14648804

3000 cancelled. Everybody take off your party hats.

>> No.14648831

But what do I do with this hard on?

>> No.14648852

put it in the fridge

>> No.14648853

Stuff it back in your pants. I'm sorry. Maybe later this week or next.

>> No.14648872

Wait, if the price moves you can make profit depending on where you positioned yourself? Jesus, I've been looking at this all wrong this whole time.

>> No.14648948

I'm 20x long again, we gonna hit 3k baby

>> No.14649001

$3500 to invest.
Have a Vanguard account.
Any advice?

I have some tesla shares already.

>> No.14649126

Max your ira

>> No.14649163

I only have a 401k.

>> No.14649175

-UVXY (9x leverage recommended)
-Random scam biotech sub $30 million cap

This is Warren Buffetts portfolio right now

>> No.14649278

No penny junk. At least say albemarle
Macy's is better
>I don't leverage x2
Seriously, cocaine?
Money, so do they make it?
Lord this advice is so bad.
WB my ass

>> No.14649351

Open an IRA

>> No.14649366

Fuck these futures are making me sick. We're going to be fucking red as fuck. Trump is even turning on Fox news now. It's all ogre.

>> No.14649386
File: 651 KB, 1100x460, 1551316832281.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I have a theory that a good dividend portfolio with at least monthly dividend payouts reinvested over the entire portfolio will beat conservative index funds over long term. I've seen some simulations around here I think that can confirm that, but anybody have any thoughts and opinions?

>> No.14649406

There's only one way to find out if it will work.

>> No.14649444

See you in 40 years

>> No.14649467

But I don't care enough about future me.

>> No.14649560

It's ok, future you doesn't care that much for current you either.

>> No.14649621

I care about future you.

Do it faggot

>> No.14649622


>> No.14649666

He's turning on Fox? Did he tweet or something?

>> No.14649681

Futures not even that bad wtf
We for sure gonna be back at 3k

>> No.14649690

Just buy VTSAX (a total stock market index fund) and forget about it
It's a Vanguard mutual fund designed to mimic the performance of the entire stock market as a whole, instead of any one stock in particular

That's the joke

>> No.14649737

Watching @FoxNews weekend anchors is worse than watching low ratings Fake News @CNN, or Lyin’ Brian Williams (remember when he totally fabricated a War Story trying to make himself into a hero, & got fired. A very dishonest journalist!) and the crew of degenerate...........Comcast (NBC/MSNBC) Trump haters, who do whatever Brian & Steve tell them to do. Like CNN, NBC is also way down in the ratings. But @FoxNews, who failed in getting the very BORING Dem debates, is now loading up with Democrats & even using Fake unsourced @nytimes as.......a “source” of information (ask the Times what they paid for the Boston Globe, & what they sold it for (lost 1.5 Billion Dollars), or their old headquarters building disaster, or their unfunded liability? @FoxNews is changing fast, but they forgot the people who got them there!

I guess I have to watch CNN and MSNBC for all my news now.

>> No.14649747

Oh shit

>> No.14649770

>Buying a fund that trends the market when the market is at the highest it will be for years
Maybe over decades scale it will work out. Just buy in a year when the market is tanked.

>> No.14649796


Never change 4chan.

>> No.14649849

Well there's a shitty new tripfag but at least the thread has been active today. See you tomorrow/smg/

>> No.14649983

https://threadreaderapp.com/thread/1147878009870983169.html fucking hell, none of this sounds good

>> No.14649989

Alright boys, went 20x long yet again into SPX500 at 2982.91. Liquidation 2908.43, set a TP at 2999.7. Going to bed now, hope to awake with some buckaroos.

>> No.14650046
File: 55 KB, 500x265, 1552475678115.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tried buying more DB puts last friday
>didnt go through
well probably wont go through tomorrow now... but on the bright side the ones i already have might make me cash moneyz

>> No.14650079

No awfully trade but WTF
You taking way too much risk WTF
you risking nearly 80 points for 15
Completely ludicrously number for futures

For 20x leverage me would risk maybe just ONE OR TWO ticks mae
What you doing 100% unsustainable OMFG

>> No.14650109
File: 31 KB, 317x473, survivorship bias.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>>every tripfag when they "discover" a new strategy that is "free money"

and yet they usually disappear within a week or two, when things stop working well...

>> No.14650180

ASIA BLOOD RED. This feel like the beginning of the big one. Barely any room to cut rates this time. Hope you are heavy in cash/fixed income.

>> No.14650208

Gold is going to moon when the Eurocucks wake up and see DB is on fire.

>> No.14650220

6 hours from now is London open, that's when we'll see Gold get long squeezed. $1500 per ounce EOD.

>> No.14650232

Reverse long squeezed.

>> No.14650307
File: 109 KB, 850x537, 1541184479701.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

glorious, DB should have died about 15 years ago, at least

i can already smell the money (might need to drop a long dividend holding or two though...)

>> No.14650387
File: 285 KB, 1071x1073, Screenshot_20190707-223026_Brave.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>nobody talking about AMD
I fucking hate this general

>> No.14650410

Any reviews yet?

>> No.14650423

It started being sold this morning and sold out instantly across multiple sites.

>> No.14650435

Oh I missed the "sold out" bit. That's good news, thanks

>> No.14650436
File: 1.73 MB, 400x300, 1531751840792.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

nigga what? people slob on AMD's knob all day every day

/g/ is where specific hardware discussion belongs however

>> No.14650440

They're about to announce this shit tonight or tomorrow and AMD will shoot up at least 4 dollars before the week is over.

>> No.14650469
File: 453 KB, 577x672, 1555202827451.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is a very based post

>> No.14650496

Sure but today was the release of their new processor line. That's what Anon meant.

>> No.14650543

GPUs and Motherboards launched today as well, but that's besides the point, since they're not doing as well as the processors, which again, are Sold out on multiple sites, including the big ones.

>> No.14650562
File: 42 KB, 472x461, 1492603026900.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>every tripfag when they "discover" a new strategy that is "free money"
>and yet they usually disappear within a week or two, when things stop working well...
Yeah... but no..

>Seriously, cocaine?
yeah man.. yeah..

>> No.14650605
File: 168 KB, 1440x2960, Screenshot_20190707-225041.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Caring if random internet strangers know how poor you are

How insecure are you?

>> No.14650618

could be a sell the news type play..

>> No.14650639
File: 74 KB, 640x656, 1531065407927.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

soo... uuuhh... how was life during that drop?

>> No.14650661
File: 11 KB, 234x240, 1419317976577.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why would we talk about a sure thing. AMD is only going up, anyone with sense bought into this train a long time ago.

>> No.14650710
File: 12 KB, 258x245, 1489614825759.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>he buys stocks
I'm here to make money, friend, not retire at 65 or whateverthefuck.

>> No.14650713

people used to bash AMD back when it was under $4 just like how people bash LCI now...... really makes you think...................

>> No.14650719


watch SGMO tomorrow

its gonna fucking explode up

>> No.14650783

I told you all to buy under $9, I told you all to buy under $10

road to $20 paved with successful drugs

>> No.14650791


>> No.14650800
File: 331 KB, 584x875, 1419321870172.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

50 state legal gambling isn't going to make you rich unless you get lucky friendo. Might as well gamble on horse racing.

>> No.14650802

Bet edit wins long term

>> No.14650817
File: 67 KB, 540x547, 66452877_10157311974077381_6879889712375398400_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Had to pull $2k out last October, which was of course terrible timing (worst time to sell stocks for cash, would have been best time to buy stocks), but managed to make it work since then

>> No.14650818
File: 195 KB, 1280x1920, 1517797109313.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i didnt say every tripfag, just the ones who have miraculus epiphanies of some high risk strategy options strategy

Baggie does good, doesnt win every time but he doesnt try to hide his losses or pretend

big planes guy seems to do ok too with his options playes around big P&D (never specific or posts proof)

there have been a bunch of one trick chumps who crash and burn when their perfect strategies stop working (and they lack the flexibility to change their strategy)

>>people used to bash HMNY back when it was under $1 just like how people bash LCI now...... really makes you think...................

>> No.14650832

yeah man, vix up .75% looks like the end is finally here the bears are going to get their sweet revenge of a .33% down day

>> No.14650841

I actually bought at 9 and sold at 12
then I got back in at 11.50 and ate shit when it dropped back to 9
been bagholding for a couple months now

it was only a phase 1/2 readout honeslty though, nothing to get TOO excited for at this point. literally 10 patients data, basically nothing. But hey their zinc finger gene editing thing is looking safe and effective

>> No.14650893
File: 88 KB, 1465x806, ES-7-7.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

liquidation price of 2908 very bad too X_X
there was gap up @ 2904 that no been filled yet

>> No.14650982

prices were higher in may, that's not a valid open gap

>> No.14651167

Hey, guys. I know you've been wondering where I've been all this week, and I wanted to just check in. Everything's fine. We had our third baby and last week was really hectic. Things are still busy but starting to settle down a little. I won't have any money to buy more stocks in the near-term since I'll need to save up to compensate for medical bills, but I'll try to get back on track with reading these threads. Best wishes to all.

>> No.14651422

dont know who you are but good luck with your medical shit

>> No.14651436

Man I was wondering how you were doing.
Glad to hear that everything is OK.

>> No.14651837

do I short the SP500?

>> No.14651871

One should always be adjusting their strategy.. just not their focus... build an edge... have patience.. have confidence.. it's a marathon not a sprint.. buy low... sell high.. reduce your risk... you know.. all those things..

>> No.14651902


The setup was alright as of Friday close but i'm not sure it's worthwhile after open tomorrow. Depends on how you trade. As I opted not to short on Friday I'm more looking for another long setup later this week if the chart abides. Fair warning that shorting the S&P is a good way to lose money, generally speaking. Supports are well defended and money flows right back in if they hold.

>> No.14651964

>I believe that there is no upper limit to the number of humans which this ecosystem can support
I've got a bridge to sell you

>> No.14652027

> third baby
Homie you done fucked yourself, the third baby is literally the hardest.

t. father of 4

Yes 3 is harder than 4, don't ask me why, I don't have a fucking clue.

>> No.14652043

GFD. Someone has to be around to pay for your social security after you fail at this like you do at everything else.

>> No.14652046

Any penny stocks that actually have a chance of developing and aren't pure scams?

>> No.14652125

Also does anyone have a notion if NAK is going to successfully get the Obama EPA veto overturned? If so what does that mean for the stock?

>> No.14652137

You guys just suck at parenting. Ever thought of that?

>> No.14652485
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>> No.14652520

Look, DTIMSUZBE8SNAOW is here to help those who will listen to his message. I've listened and hopefully I can share some of DITMKSBDOAMSHDK's message for you, as much as I can understand. Apparently if you pick a stock using literally hundreds of data points for reference and then take an option position, either long or short, the price of the option might change from 1-3% and you can sell the option and keep the money. This is a new idea he's come up with here, but apparently Jesus is on his side and so should we. Just have faith.

>> No.14652575


Penny stocks are very vulnerable to manipulation with relatively small capital required. The company could very well be a good one with promising prospects, but the shareholders are going to get dicked around all over the place until such time as a material breakthrough occurs and penny stock becomes a big boy mid cap stock.

You're much better off trading options on stable large cap stocks. Upside is similar if you're good (and lucky). Risk remains high depending on your options strategy but there's less chance of being blindsided by some bullshit only insiders would have known about ahead of time.

>> No.14652652

Or you could simply buy penny stocks at their (hopeful) bottom and place sell orders at their normal swing price and wait. It's shitty low gambling but sometimes it works.

>> No.14652670


then blam support folds like wet toilet paper and you get stopped out.

>> No.14652687

Why put stops on penny shit gambling? Are you penny shit gambling or trading? It'll maybe probably come back hopefully, so why put in a stop?

>> No.14652694

Macarthur Minerals $MMSDF about to rally like a motherfuck again, just trust me.

>> No.14652713
File: 266 KB, 1920x1080, o____-Crossbow.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>It'll maybe probably come back hopefully

Never. Never ever ever baghold a penny stock.

>> No.14652715

> just trust me
No, give me a reason.

>> No.14652726

are you that same canadian from months ago?

except you mention it by the OTC ticker.
Who are you and why are you pimping this one?

>> No.14652742

I literally don't put a dollar into penny stocks that I'm not ready to run into the ground. That's my rule, it's like going to the casino. Don't buy chips if you're ever going to need to see that money again.

>> No.14652752
File: 195 KB, 1024x576, 1562389064156.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

maybe you right
but for sure as comfy losing money

2904 WILL be revisited


>> No.14652886

Hell yeah man
No stop limits. Go in raw

I never let a boomer tell me what I should do
Never in my LIFE

>> No.14653352
File: 344 KB, 600x754, 1561621873309.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Alright i'm going to bed. Let's see some cheapies tomorrow.

>> No.14654083

we should start twitter signal service O_O

>> No.14654417

What do you want to tweet about....

>> No.14654429

>TUSK up 6.38%
How is it possible that I timed the bottom?
No way it continues it's downward trend.

>> No.14654907

So anons, what events, catalysts, pricepoints, etc. are you looking for tomorrow or the rest of the week?

I know we’ve got some Powell stuff midweek, Do we have any more dem debates or anything scheduled?

Isn’t mueller supposed to testify soon?

>> No.14654913

Trailing stop triggered too early today, fuck me. I'm missed out on 2% gains.

But do people really expect AMD to shoot up today? Reviews were decent, but Ryzen only reached parity in gaming (while continuing to destroy Intel in other tasks).

>> No.14655445

wednesday FOMC minutes are interesting, but any bullish sentiment created then will be undone on thursday when we get the inflation report

im bearish on oil for the entire week

>> No.14656066

This week, Federal Reserve Chairman Jerome Powell will be delivering his semi-annual Monetary Policy Report to Congress on Wednesday and Thursday, and the Federal Open Market Committee (FOMC) will also release its June meeting minutes on Wednesday.

>> No.14656282

god damn SPY why you gap down! I don't want cheapies I want to sell $300

>> No.14656311

literally why?

>> No.14656373

I'm holding a lot of amazon, is it gonna be fucked by government or should I hold?

>> No.14656383

I blame DB

How this wasn’t priced in already? . . . We all knew DB was a controlled demo

I think Turkey Lira dump pushed bank over the edge

>> No.14656514

look at asian markets, they are all in the red

>> No.14656577

selling off so people can buy zongzi for the dragon boast festival, happens every year

>> No.14656586
File: 96 KB, 1277x773, 1556292235567.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Well well well what do we got here

>> No.14656741
File: 481 KB, 141x141, dude.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.14656825

Your JFK's father and you fuckign ability to sense market suck.

>> No.14656872

is AMD going to surge at open? Worth a day trade if so

>> No.14656889

Overhyped and disappointing once real reviews came out as usual. Intel still destroys AMD in gaming. There's no reason to frequently upgrades CPUs unless you're a gamer. I see Intel still continuing to dominate cpu market. Ryzen appears to be a flop similar to RTX.

>> No.14656895

Anyone have ideas about BABA?

>> No.14656900


>> No.14656935

yes dumb money going to pile in at the open, then sell off for the rest of the day

>> No.14656983

SNSS fucking mooning holy shit

buy at open sell at 9 got it

>> No.14657015

fuck yeah! $50 well invested!

>> No.14657020

SGMO doing very well in pre-market
absolute chad of a stock here

time to fire up the grill

>> No.14657115

SNSS anon here, you guys are welcome

>> No.14657176


>> No.14657272
File: 30 KB, 500x334, discomfort.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

W..we'll gap up at the open, right anons?

>> No.14657284

Not today. The S&P 500, 3000 party has been postponed until the Cory Booker Administration.

>> No.14657304

SNSS hitting 2-3 dolars by end of month

>> No.14657307


>> No.14657330
File: 35 KB, 1018x655, Untitled.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Deustche Bank up 3.9% at open
>falls by 5.4% over the day

Markets are retarded. What's different from 9am yuro time to now? Nothing. Just investors perception.

>> No.14657337

Source of holiday selling behind Asia dip?

>> No.14657339
File: 346 KB, 795x1099, 1561280641714.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

big surprise bullshot incoming. not today though

Jerome will make a cut by 25. I still don't understand why, but the resons don't really matter anymore. the fact is, everyone has given up on the cut now, the case now seems weaker than last time around. so it's going to happen.

are you looking at the gap down in the ~2955 region? or are you seeing some other gap that's open in market-hour SPY but that has been filled in the futures market?

>> No.14657347
File: 170 KB, 716x716, 1559754493173.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Bought at $0.68, when we selling boys?

>> No.14657363


China's ultimatum for tariffs to be cut before a deal can be reached.

>> No.14657370

in about 30 seconds.

>> No.14657382

SNSS has the potential to match ARQL since they are in the same market and SNSS has a better product. This will be $2+ by end of month, could be as high as 10 by end of year.

>> No.14657397
File: 181 KB, 761x446, honkler.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Someone bake new bread pls

>> No.14657453
File: 1017 KB, 2351x2352, wild-card.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm thinking about rebuying now, but the problem is the opening instability. We'll have to see in the evening.

>> No.14657462
File: 111 KB, 530x1146, original_169818939.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's the butthurt shorters trying desperately to not get demolished.

>> No.14657465

Buy teh cheapies!!!1!1!!

>> No.14657482

>mfw I thought Friday was the cheapie opportunity


>> No.14657492

>2th red tide because positive jobs report

>> No.14657496
File: 76 KB, 1920x1080, 286.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>near ATH

>> No.14657499



go to

>> No.14657502


so, guys, do you trust your company heads to be innocent

>> No.14657506
File: 79 KB, 675x895, 35ac8a000d6262c2cabb52d4bc044c5f.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Just in case you guys didnt catch it, short DB. Ror! On personal leave from work. Will probs come back soon. Hope you guys dont miss me too much. Also buy LCI, not too late. And fellow spiderbros, we're gonna make it. KBLB up 72% from my end. Good luck boys!

>> No.14657514

This comment aged well...

>> No.14657599

You realize that value is subjective?

>> No.14657654

How do you get level ii market data to show up?