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File: 49 KB, 740x493, claire-abbott-1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
14639629 No.14639629 [Reply] [Original]

Why is chainlink so clear to us yet obscure to everybody else even people specialized in the field

Are we truly the only remaining non NPC and high iq corner of the internet?

It just seems so simple and obvious once you've assembled all the pieces of the puzzle, yet the clarity of our collective vision, insight and knowledge remains limited to our little in group of intj autists no matter how much we spoon feed other communities

I could literally write an entire thesis about why chainlink is mathematically fated to succeed with literally thousands of convincing arguments of pure logic and factual data, but it doesn't even matter, the herd is simply unable to compete with our advanced hive mind 4 dimensional understanding

The full scope of what's at play here has frankly been nothing short of extraordinary, and we've all accomplished this unparalleled process together, never could have been achieved elsewhere. Realize we beat the entire market, the pros, the think tanks, the institutions etc all while under the camouflage of being seen as toxic retards and untrustworthy schizos. be real proud of yourselves, my dear autists. You were just a NEET shitposter a few years ago, a complete social outcast with no future and in a few more years you'll be retired in South East Asia fucking three different ladyboys every day. Just because of memes and autism. Congrats on this, biz

>> No.14639640

I wonder how this bitch looks like now. Probably hit the wall hard

>> No.14639647

Came for the whore, left because of the wall of text

>> No.14639648

The right collection of circumstances can lead to something spectacular.

>> No.14639650

Mmmm snowtitties

>> No.14639658

Smart contracts are a meme and the oracle problem cant be truly solved. You can still make tons of money in a cult tier board with an unregulated illiquid premined shitcoin with 65% in devs hands so 1k eoy goyim

>> No.14639682


Took me 6 months to realize LINK was worth buying a suicide stack of, took me a year to realize its the only project worth holding, and now here i am, quarter mil in LINKies.

>> No.14639719
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because anyone with half a brain will just make a website scraper with javascript to get their external data, rather than buy some retarded ass tokens

>> No.14639725

based anon, please lead me to the path of enlightenment. I want to believe. Are you the White Rabbit?

>> No.14639737

Oracle problem you fag

>> No.14639761

>I could literally write an entire thesis about why chainlink is mathematically fated to succeed with literally thousands of convincing arguments of pure logic and factual data
literally give me 4 solid arguments, I bet you can't

>> No.14639768


>> No.14639810

The humanity is getting more and more stupid, the comfort is helping it. Also multiple gender and all this stuff is just retarded, and publicly accepted.
Happy at least some people stayed sane or at least clear minded.

>> No.14639813

>Why is chainlink so clear to us yet obscure to everybody else even people specialized in the field
>absolutely nobody gives a shit about this thing that doesn’t even have a finished whitepaper, how come we found out it’s immense value guise??

Imagine being THIS fucking deluded.

>> No.14639843

How do you think Sergei convinced Oracle to back his project?

>> No.14639849
File: 223 KB, 1200x1600, Claire-Abbott-Nude-TheFappening-7edit.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

She got fat at 17-19, came back and dropped nudes after she got back into form at 20ish.

Pretty reasonable redemption arc

>> No.14639861
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>> No.14639867

you understand that the developers are dumping this worthless trash on you as we speak?

>> No.14639888

tranny moon whores trying the pnd with LINK have merely enough funds to bring it back to 2.2

>> No.14639898

Because LINK’s exponential potential isn’t something that is easily discerned. To truly understand the multiplicity of implications one has to employ higher-order thinking.
Abstract cognizance on this scale requires a statistically superior IQ. One has to envision scenarios, weight them by probability and draw lines connecting the many seemingly random dots of information surrounding LINK to form a coherent picture.
To actually pull the trigger and put your money where your mind is requires high risk tolerance and a cavalier attitude, which are also in short supply.

>> No.14639949
File: 247 KB, 1400x700, Rick-and-Morty.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

To be fair, you have to have a very high IQ to understand Chainlink.

>> No.14639989

1. You just win
2. You just win
3. You just win
4. You just win

>> No.14640015

Clear and simple? Nigga this entire crypto currency is one giant enigma wrapped in a mystery. I may have only just started using things like ETH and MEW, but this shit is extremely convoluted and confusing. Even now I'm trying to lurk this board as hard as I possibly can to make heads or tails of what I need to do in order to understand what ETH is let alone make a profit from it. Chainblock, chainlink, Etherflyer, I mean there are just so many ways to approach this market and almost none of it feels natural. Not like anyone here is really willing to help out in any way either aside from a few tips or tricks I don't even know how to use. Basically, the whole cryptocurrency exchange feels very exclusive and extremely hostile towards newcomers, so it shouldn't be any wonder why this industry hasn't been fully integrated into society yet.

>> No.14640043
File: 450 KB, 1242x2208, Claire-Abbott-Nude-TheFappening-11.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The use case for CL is literally: "every other blockchain project, past present or future, that wants to interact in any meaningful way with the outside world REQUIRES CL. Also, it allows the largest companies on earth to finally monetize their data, something they've been struggling to do for 20+ years".

I don't understand how brainlets can't get it. Everything needs it, and Google/Amazon/Microsoft/Oracle are all freaking out because they're going to make trillions by using it. 3 dollars.

>> No.14640049
File: 146 KB, 512x512, 1516098694059.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

fuck off

>> No.14640050

We have it wrong


They know but want us out


We are smartest

>> No.14640069

Why are you trying so hard? The pointlessly complex sentence shit is so transparent.

>> No.14640075

Someone needs to tell this fat hog to shut up and post tits

>> No.14640106

>slightly above average sentences
>whY aRe u tRyIn sO haRd?
you probably don't even watch rick and morty

>> No.14640115

ummm why would I invest in autofilling contracts when I could invest in digital bit coin gold? I am pretty sure autofill already exist haha

>> No.14640170

It solves the most important and economically valuable problem in the smart contract space and has no competition, swift and Google alone should tell you all about how link is already the industry standard and that's just the tip of the iceberg, just consider how financially disruptive automating agreements will be for the derivatives industry alone and take into consideration the tokenomics and how the Chainlink network is designed to bring all the data providers on board and offer them an entirely new and easy way to monetize their data and remember how huge the data economy is as well, the new oil etc we've all discussed everything here a thousand times, the god protocol, the fourth industrial revolution, the trustless contracts leading to automation and cutting out the legal middlemen and back offices, the eventual convergence with IoT and ai and machine learning and big data etc it's in all the industry reports we've dug up and it's the main reason enterprises are interested in blockchain tech, just listen to the WEF, gonser or blythe masters or the ctos of the biggest enterprises, the legal heads, the consortiums, isda etc it's all laid out in plain sight if you know where to look, then realize how fundamental links connections are, all the people who have already endorsed it, how it's already being integrated in all of the base and backend protocols like the developer stacks and enterprise blockchains and how highly modular it is, seeing their long term goals of being an marketplace with thousands of oracles, now seeing their bullish expansion plans, seeing how they've unironically been the top major performer in the bear market, the sheer level of fanaticism from its community unlike other projects and without any artificial hype and marketing, shit dude idk my stream of consciousness just starts going crazy and in all directions when I start thinking of all the major things associated with it and it's all just the tip of the iceberg

>> No.14640200

U got trolled

>> No.14640222
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I ran out of air reading this.

>> No.14640296

And how are they going to make money off it? Selling API calls for chainlink?

>> No.14640323

>appeal to authority

>> No.14640377

Because it solves a problem that could just be solved without being lazy. We can already just transfer crypto to our bank then use swift etc. There is no use for the token etc.

I'd much rather hold ENG Tbh even tho I don't.

>> No.14640402

Let's be real cunt bought cuz of the biz meme because he is not capable of thinking on his own.

>> No.14640451
File: 293 KB, 824x813, 1561588430432.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How new are you? How was that a serious question, but phrased like an impossibility?

>> No.14640456

Yeah but the token cant be worth too much cos you need to stake them, not everything is worth 1k haha

>> No.14640550

Case and motherfucking point. Thanks, Anon. You truly are the perfect example.

>> No.14640552

Appeal to common sense and reality of market demand. That's the problem with too many retards, think crypto lives in a vacuum. No, if you want to win long term you invest where adoption is likely to be, where there are efforts towards lobbying, standardization, consortium, and that means you follow the industry big dicks. Oracle enabled smart contracts = automating key enterprise processes and enabling massive savings. It's where the demand for adoption is, and it's where the speculative fomo will occur as a result. It's the same thing that happened between btc and eth with the EEA.

You don't understand the oracle problem at all
Is absolutely right

Feels like I'm just talking to ignorant people when talking with fuders. You either get it or you don't. You either have done the research or haven't.

>> No.14640567
File: 238 KB, 1200x1200, chainlink is a scam.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Why is chainlink so clear to us yet obscure to everybody else even people specialized in the field
because you've been scammed. The chainlink tech has been proven to be bullshit time and time again

>> No.14640674
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You don't want a younger girl who looks more mature, you want a more mature girl who looks young.
This is unbelievably comfy, I'd say it's still too early to call it a sure thing, but it's looking pretty imminent. This is our redemption arc, for me it was around the time of 9/11 when I started getting into occult/conspiracy stuff and for nearly 20 years it's been eating at me but there was nothing I could do. Now it seems not only is it all true, but myself and a bunch of other autists are being given the means to pull the world in the right direction. I think by this time next year the vindication will be pretty intoxicating. Just remember to stick to your roots, don't become the enemy.

>> No.14640754

Go back to rebbit queer