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14634576 No.14634576 [Reply] [Original]

>Implying literally every renderable and computable thing in the future won't use iExec.
Oh honeys, I wish you knew.

>> No.14634598


>> No.14634625


>> No.14634668
File: 157 KB, 540x897, 20190703_120530.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Pic and link related yo

>id: ygI+bDhR

>> No.14634724

You guys really have no clue what is about to happen. Do you know how much shit is rendered/computed and how fast that accelerates upwards in the future?

It's a fucking lot. The whole world could be using this shit for a plethora of things. Wanna edit a video on your phone but can't render it on there when you're on the go? Or a shitty laptop? Just send it to the iExec and you get the product. No annoying rendering downtime or anything. Not only that but imagine the AI capabilities and so on. This coin could really go absolutely insane in the next 2-5 years.
In a 100T crypto marketcap, iExec would easily take 1T of that. It actually may end up supporting or helping Amazon or other centralized competitors.

It's really bigger than even I can comprehend.

>> No.14634740

The big reason why this is so important is because of the simple understanding that the future is digital. Imagine having a superpowered decentralized cloud-AI on you at all times that can help you with everything, can see stuff, and do whatever. It truly enables the possibility of machines that begin to "think" for themselves.

>> No.14634746

>Do you know how much shit is rendered/computed and how fast that accelerates upwards in the future?
give me an example of this

>> No.14634747
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I offer you a choice, bend the knee and join me, or refuse and die.

>> No.14634756

To clarify even further, the reason why you would want your AI or robotics to be decentralized is because you wouldn't want corruption to bleed over into AI/robotics or it could eventually spell the end of the world because our government cannot catch up or are forced into making the 100% correct decision every time. Technology and AI will outpace the regulations and safeguards. Decentralization removes most and all potential corruption, and could be open source to help humanity.

>> No.14634757

Goddammit OP give me a few months to save some cash and invest, being in a shithole ain't easy

>> No.14634803

please answer >>14634746

>> No.14634816
File: 235 KB, 480x346, 2345225.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ok so I obviously cannot write literally every computable thing in the world but I can tell you that in the future, the amount of needed computer power will be simply massive due to the fact that there will be more humans and more technology surrounding us. It's almost like Moore's Law.

I guess some things would be(edit things on a weak comp>send to iexec, or even general enterprise use as well, can save a lot of money on hardware).

Video rendering, Movies, Music, Pictures(photoshop), 3d renderings, machine learning, data renting, dOracles, dApps, maybe AI for videogame choices when low latency comes, and idk what else. Maybe you can come up with some.

The amount of potential money that could flow through iExec is extremely high. Once v4+the sidechain comes, it should begin to get quite interesting in terms of usage/development/seriousness as a project in the space. It might take ~2+ years to really kick into gear though.

>> No.14634859

Also the main reason why iExec will begin to compete with huge corporations like Amazon/Google is because a centralized service cannot compete with a decentralized one if the decentralized one offers the same or better product. iExec will eventually do that.

Another interesting thing is that these giant corporations could use iExec on the background, almost like out-sourcing, but out-sourcing to a decentralized market.

>> No.14634874

alright, i'll get a small stack, can i ask your opinions on other coins?

>> No.14634893

Sure, I don't really research other's that often because I came to the conclusion a long time ago that iExec is the best bet in this area because of the PoCo and team.

>> No.14634909

what do you think of WABI and CND?

>> No.14634955

Seems like it wont be needed in the future. Idk though, it just seems like vapor ware but maybe I don't understand it fully.
If what I'm seeing it's just a prediction thing. iExec will have a prediction dApp out with Intel sometime soon...so I think CND is vaporware

>> No.14635052

thanks, checked also

>> No.14635251
File: 49 KB, 731x265, 1562475096611.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

before transjeets came into light the only legitimate fud was on tokenomics. tokenomocs will be fixed with V4 sidechain staking, thefefore the only fud now possible is american exchanges, and gilles confirmed that usa lawyers dont think that iexec is a security, other fud is tranny posting. due to low volume whales cannot accumulate a lot, therefore they hired trans pajeets to spread fud. pic semi related

>> No.14635266

I'd unironically rather buy brapper than this shit

>> No.14635274

post you bags

>> No.14635291

Iexec is at a extremely low sats price. Imo the team needs to do more marketing. Got myself a small bag :). Your posts were convincing.

>> No.14635374

Explain or you're not gonna make it.

>> No.14635384

link does everything iexec does but million times better

>> No.14635393

No it doesn't actually. It does nothing that iExec does besides oracles.

There are countless videos of iExec doing really niche and cool things, there are no videos of link enabling the same type of stuff.

>> No.14635427


> my daddy is a million times better than your daddy

>> No.14635479

Huuum, nop, sadly. And i own both. But i have more expectations for iExec than CL for the near future.

>> No.14635488

I think you fell for the buzzwords.
I’ve never thought “I wish I can render this video but I’m on my phone”

>> No.14635496


>> No.14635523

You miss the point entirely. Millions of people in the world work on the go and use "underpowered" technology that would easily benefit from iExec. Do you know how shitty it is to render projects on a laptop? Pretty fucking trash I'd say. Not only that, this is just one use case...it does so much more that I can't even fathom because I'm not informed enough. I'm just saying, having a decentralized super-cloud-computer available to access at all times for cheaper and more reliable than centralized alternatives is going to change the world based on the general knowledge of technology and human usage of it.

>> No.14635525
File: 510 KB, 992x558, Linkunit.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You better believe daddy Sergey is the best daddy a boy could ask for

>> No.14635534

and also, I'm mostly interested in the data renting and AI aspect of it over the simple rendering.

>> No.14635546

>for when you want to use a token to do something that has no benefits but many downsides if done on blockchain
Hehe when moon guise??

>> No.14635557

Did people thought I wish I could play freemium games, check my email, browse the internet and watch millions of videos on my mobile phone before smartphones existed?

>> No.14635564

>hasn't done a single minute of research into the project and thinks he knows anything

>many downsides if done on blockchain
Name 3.

>> No.14635566

and i base it on my portfolio holdings, hehe

>> No.14635625

Cmon it can't take you that long to list 3 if there are "many"...

Oh wait, maybe that's because things aren't only done on-chain, thanks to the PoCo algorithm.
Oh wait, maybe that's because with v4 we get the sidechain.

>> No.14635651
File: 61 KB, 917x799, RlcShillsB.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

> shilling hard

>> No.14635654

Where are you from?

>> No.14635668

Isn't off-chain open for manipulation? Genuinely asking. I remember that debate when the lightening network came around

>> No.14635682

No. Read more about iExec and look into the Proof of Contribution algorithm.

>> No.14635726

Is PoCo an off chain or an on chain protocol?

>> No.14635742
File: 127 KB, 1280x720, rlTr.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

> Pajeets DEBATING
> Vaporware Copypasta
> Used mostly from Gilles Fedak to pay tranny parties

>> No.14635751

When do you expect this to moon? Are there any major announcements coming soon

>> No.14635752 [DELETED] 
File: 69 KB, 640x640, 1562156960397.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I have a confession to make. Since my early teen days I was a raging faggot. No amount of dicks could satisfy me. This ruined the family, my dad left my mom. Later I tried to fuck my moms new boyfried while he was sleeping and he beat me up bad, doctors told me that I have a permanent brain damage and apparently this turned me into trans. While studying in France I've got to know Gilles Fedak, it was a love from the first sight, you can't imagine how masculine, how perfect that man is. However my advances were turned down multiple times because he thought I was a MAN! I am a beautiful WOMAN! I got a sex re-assigment surgery and he still turned me down!!! At that day I swore to make Gilles life a hell, thus Transjeet was born.

>> No.14635757

PoCo is an onchain consensus algorithm that hashes the result of a computation, the computation may be reproduced by other workers to check your computation is correct, if you cheat, you lose the stake. You will also lose reputation points for cheating.

>> No.14635763

It's on-chain I believe, but if I remember correctly you can even use iExec without PoCo.

Here's a description: "A major quality of PoCo lies in the fact that it is a modular protocol. It comes with features that are context-specific."


It will moon at least 10x this year minimum before december, I think it will probably go into the top 25 though.

>> No.14635770

What's up with the FUDders? Do they plan to release any announcements btw?

>> No.14635785

Just a bunch of retards being retards I guess, dunno. I don't go on the telegram really. It's pretty funny though.

>> No.14635823

> Pajeets keep DEBATING to "inform" people about this wonderful solution to lose everything and allow Gilles Fedak to have more tranny parties

>> No.14635856

If iexec really were as great and inevitable as you claim, then you wouldn't need to shill it this hard every fucking day after so long still.

You're obviously a desperate man.

>> No.14635865
File: 9 KB, 225x225, gill.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I wonder who this mysterious op could be

>> No.14635880

How about the LINK threads? The amount of spam and shilling is 100:1 compared to everything else. Do your duty and spread your schizo aura over there too.

>> No.14635897

This is a coordinate shill, you deserve to die Gilles

>> No.14635901

Link threads were many people over a long period, and they turned out to be very right.

This is the same faggot shilling his bags over and over and over because he bet on the wrong horse.

>> No.14635903

Imagine the smell.

>> No.14635923

In the time it took link to 20x iexec will 40x.

>> No.14635965
File: 197 KB, 746x479, bll3.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

> In the time it took link to 20x iexec will 40x.
Before v3 the very same indonesian faggot was saying exactly the same

Rlc was dumped hard by devs and lost more than 50%

>> No.14635976

Now we have dOracles and they shit on link's. v4 is going to change the game.

>> No.14635978

devs havent moved their coins since ico

>> No.14635986

> this time will be different, believe me!

>> No.14635990

How does it feel to know that your singular use coin (oracles) gets shit on by a coin that does so much more and has better oracles without KYC nodes?

>> No.14636000
File: 104 KB, 900x506, mcr.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

They must have some hidden Tranny wallet and dump hard at every version to fund the parties

>> No.14636002
File: 237 KB, 2000x1372, 155367321204.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Oh Oh, wait I know, "muh google blogpost".
Hahahaha oh wow.

>> No.14636097
File: 118 KB, 708x633, pajeetlies.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So absolutely no large companies will use RLC's oracle.

>> No.14636124

Are you implying that KYC nodes are imperative to large companies using it? Because if so, then you're an absolute retard.

>> No.14636128

>8 posts by this ID
>every RLC thread
Pajeet, I...

>> No.14636147

Rlc is a good idea but no way those thieving baguettes can pull it off.

>> No.14636149

>KYC nodes
>Chainlink gets inevitably hacked. >personal information and credentials leak everywhere
>mass media coverage
>price plummets
>partnershibs disbanded
>everything went better than expected

>> No.14636152
File: 254 KB, 455x333, dgs.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

> ^ 23 posts by this ID
Sorry, i forgot, he's SPREADING AWARENESS

>> No.14636155

>Moore’s law
Fuck off craig wright

>> No.14636174

Thats \because you cant do it

>> No.14636178

kek, rekt
>being this retarded
kek, rekt