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File: 45 KB, 711x682, FUCKING ETH.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
14633685 No.14633685 [Reply] [Original]

Alright biz bros I've got like 500 ETH I've been holding since April 2017 or so. Two years later and it's literally the same price as when I bought it. Meanwhile I've missed every moon mission you fucks have been apart of from Antshares to Raiblocks to LINK.

Worst of all, I traded my precious bitcoins for it since it was memed into a SoV. If I had just been a chad bitcoiner and left my btc on coinbase and fucked off and never bothered to lurk here or read about crypto at all I'd have double my money now.

I'm about to head over to IDEX and put 100 ETH each in Quant/VIDT/LIT since I can't bear missing another rocket while watching you fucks celebrate onboard.

Biz, am I a genius or a complete inbred retard who is gonna miss the ETH recovery while getting dumped on by some pajeets?

>> No.14633693
File: 10 KB, 200x200, 819.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Patience will be rewarded my friend. Buy BitBean.
Bean cash will be the next world reserve currency.

>> No.14633698

ETH is now a dead stablecoin

>> No.14633728

ETH will go up again but don't sell so much of your ETH especially for the shitcoins of the month. It's weird that you also didnt mention buying Link, as if that rocket has already left. Just get your suicide stacks and forget about it

>> No.14633763

Markets are for the patient. The Ethereum infrastructure is the only thing that matters in blockchain. Hold your ether. Progress is happening very rapidly. I also have 500+ ETH and holding since August 2017.

>> No.14633772

eth 2.0 hype will be starting within the next couple months. If you've honestly been holding for 2 years, might as well see it through until the new year.

>> No.14633781 [DELETED] 


>not buying TRUE for 61% cheaper than other exchanges
>Doesn't know how to use real decentralized IDEXs
> Not shorting OKeX

>> No.14633785


>> No.14633791

damn your picks suck, you'd be better off long term in NANO, NEO, and LINK

>> No.14633805

vidt is the next moon mission i'd put even more into it

>> No.14633810

You think Link has that much steam left for the year though?
What makes you remain bullish on eth and think that it is not still tied to the btc price? Serious question not trying to flame
This is a good point but for the sake of profits there are moons that happen in the matter of 3 days with a nice 5x gain and that could overall increase my eth stack

>> No.14633826
File: 7 KB, 225x225, image.87368372.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Nothing is going to happen to Eth, it's going to fade away. Get in some moonshots like RAVEN protocol. They are competing with AWS and google cloud. Some anons here on biz are saying it's going to get listed on binance this month.

>> No.14633830

Nano seems like a good buy based on fundamentals, link as well. What is the driving force behind NEO?
What makes you so bullish? I am trying to get community perspective on the project

>> No.14633859

Won't LINK make ETH rise a decent bit?

>> No.14633863
File: 92 KB, 730x411, Atlantis.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Just put it all in Ethereum Classic

>> No.14633872
File: 258 KB, 1100x1060, 1557413490433.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

1. Eth is really underpriced right now, monero and ethereum are set to explode in value very soon.
2. The fact that you broke even is not too bad due to this bad bear market, at least you didn't invest in toxic stinkers shilled in 2017 early 2018.
3. Bitcoin will never die, at least not for decades. This whole industry was forged on its back... for me btc is to crypto as IBM is to computers.
4. You have not missed the LINK rocket yet, not even close. Btc was worth $0.20 and you missed it, but I bet you'd kill to be able to go back and have bought it at $3.50.

>> No.14633873

china and neogas

>> No.14633914

Any guidance on learning how to spot good arbitrage opportunities? Any good tutorials/guides on this stuff you suggest?

>> No.14633959

How do you think the market cap will be similar to btc for chain link? Will it be that btc falls in value because use case is limited? I definitely agree, btc failing at this early on would be a significant loss for crypto as a whole
>didnt invest in stinkers
>bought req
Monero because the desire for privacy coins are on the rise, some new updates to the platforms?
I don't understand how link would make eth rise, while it is good news for eth its good for crypto in general and won't just be on the ethereum block chain
I understand the china part but just because you can get gas from holding it makes it worth it?

>> No.14633964

There won't be too much in July but the lead up to Trufflecon in August and the future announcements in September added with the 50 startups and whatever other random news we get makes me think Link is still a really good thing to get into. We're looking at an indefinite supply of news once September comes around and don't forget ETH 2.0 and Bitcoin halving should be enough to start the next big bullrun. Link is the new crypto on the block, just dyor on it before you throw your ETH away

>> No.14633982

Fair advice, thank you for your input, link is definitely on my radar, wish I would have gotten in sooner, but I guess thats always the thought

>> No.14634014

dropped a hard eth thanks

>> No.14634030

Based nice gem desu

>> No.14634042

Go back to plebbit

>> No.14634063


>> No.14634090

No that’s smart. For all 3 once they hit 50% gains take out your intial investment and let the rest ride. They’re all pretty much guaranteed another +50% short term so little to no risk

>> No.14634241

wish i knew about this a week ago. still, good arb anon

>> No.14634297

>l'm about to head over to IDEX and put 100 ETH each in Quant/VIDT/LIT

Gay LARP is gay.

>> No.14634311


>> No.14634496

>pretty much guaranteed another +50% short term
sell signal

>> No.14634971


>> No.14634984

The minute you sell it will moon. However, ETHplode is a good low market-cap bet that hasn't taken off yet.

>> No.14635004

All in on $QNT. $QNT will go over $1k

>> No.14635042
File: 115 KB, 709x519, 1562198502317.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

bitbean unironically

>> No.14635122

Buy some brap while you're at it

>> No.14635411


>> No.14635433

i'll sell all my ETH for BTC today

>> No.14635490


>> No.14635540

Because ALT-Season will never happen

>> No.14635569

Eth is not really a regular "alt" though..
I hold btc and eth

>> No.14635863

Go check the BTC/ETH price , BTC is about to fuck eth in the ass , eth numbers my seem stable relative to btc but the reality is that eth is lossing it's position fast.

>> No.14635878

Buy link retardo

>> No.14635888

you still have a huge opportunity cost holding ETH instead of BTC

>> No.14635909
File: 52 KB, 800x1294, 800px-Ethereum_Classic_Logo.svg.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ethereum Classic is better. The same tech as ETH, but ETC is actually the original Ethereum running on the original blockchain. Not to mention there are rumors of Vitalik leaving for Ethereum Classic if ETH2 fails

>> No.14635951

Eth 2.0 soon

>> No.14635955

pretty cheap too. Might specualte a bit in this.

>> No.14635980

BTC u mean BlockStream chain hahahaha they control the core devs.

>> No.14636016

Yeah QNT/LIT/VID especially with 20% of your stack. Maybe even 40%.

>> No.14636036

Ur so good at missing moon missions pla Sell so it can actually do something

>> No.14636168

you mean Phase I of a multiple phase ETH 2.0. you know this right? it will also be delayed again and again. ETH is overvalued as fuck as well

>> No.14636444

Ask yourself how much an ETH staking node will be worth. Look at dash master nodes. 5k-10k eth Q1 2020 is not meme.

>> No.14637279

If ETC does a 6x it will be back at ATH. It's overpriced.

>> No.14637314

>How do you think the market cap will be similar to btc for chain link?
Read the white paper, dyor