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14628683 No.14628683 [Reply] [Original]

>> No.14628747
File: 200 KB, 1600x1150, Good-Fellas-Hilarious.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

RSR is a coupon to get 20% off a 1 dollar stablecoin purchase, it literally cannot be worth more than 20 cents.

>> No.14628760
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So what you're saying is, this is the next 60x?

>> No.14628772

So only like a 55x from here?

>> No.14628808

kek is this true? is that really all it does?

>> No.14628824

no. weak fud. its burned to keep the stablecoin stable.

>> No.14628852

I bet you 50 Link that you can't even explain what RSR does and what gives it value.

>> No.14629070

RSR is used to stabilize the price of the company's main project, Reserve. The purpose of reserve is to create a stablecoin that is stable relative to the currencies of economies with high inflation, in order to protect people's purchasing power. Suppose the redemption price of Reserve is $1.00. If the price of Reserve on the open market is $0.98, arbitrageurs will be incentivized to buy it up and redeem it with the Reserve smart contract for $1.00 worth of collateral tokens. They'll continue buying on open markets until there is no more money to be made, which is when the market price matches the redemption price of $1.00. The same mechanism works in reverse when demand goes up. If the price of Reserve on the open market is $1.02, arbitrageurs will be incentivized to purchase newly minted Reserve tokens for $1.00 worth of either collateral or Reserve Rights tokens (the latter only if there is an excess pool of Reserve tokens available), and immediately sell them on the open market. They'll continue selling on open markets until there is no more money to be made, which is when the market price matches the purchase price of $1.00.

I confess that aside from the function of the coin, the actual workings are copied from their white paper.

>> No.14629388

>Reserve Rights tokens (the latter only if there is an excess pool of Reserve tokens available)
This is one part I'm not really clear on. It seems to me that the arbitrage using RSR is only going to be available in situations where demand of RSV fluctuates quite a lot, causing a lot RSV to be minted which then has to be bought up using RSR and burned.
The total value of the RSR pool wouldn't exceed one half of the flux (since it's only used to reduce the value of the stable coin) in RSV value, or else the whole arbitrage mechanism wouldn't be profitable.
Question is, is there any way to tell how much of a flux in value that has to be corrected there is with this kind of a stable coin?

>> No.14629435

demand fluctuations but also fluctuations in the price of the vault assets (appreciation / depreciation).

>> No.14629517

RSR is just a placeholder ERC20 token that does not have any utility until Mainnet. It doesnt do nothing yet and the website clearly states the nobody yet really has a plan on how to integrate RSR into the ecosystem....its worthless so far and has no utility whatsover
also check the circulating supply vs total supply...they can mint 30x the current supply. Its so inflationary its insane.
Also up like 1k % from seed round...

>> No.14629535


yes if i can give a recommendation, then please fucking sell.

>> No.14629584

never bought it and never will.

>> No.14629598

What this guy said, essentially. The protocol detects fluctuations around the price where it's supposed to be stabilized. Initially that's meant to be one USD, but that's set to change. In the first phase of the project the price gains its stability from the Reserve token alone, but in the second phase the vault assets begin to use additional kinds of collateral so power isn't solely in their hands. The eventual goal being to decouple it from the USD altogether.

Can I have my stinkies now please

>> No.14629600

>RSR is just a placeholder ERC20 token that does not have any utility until Mainnet. It doesnt do nothing yet and the website clearly states the nobody yet really has a plan on how to integrate RSR into the ecosystem....its worthless so far and has no utility whatsover
>also check the circulating supply vs total supply...they can mint 30x the current supply. Its so inflationary its insane.
>Also up like 1k % from seed round...
fud. seed was 0.002 cents. they arent even 2x up yet. also their tokens dont unlock for years

app + rsv launch this quarter

backed by coinbase, peter thiel and other elon musk tier geniuses... you think you are smarter than them anon?

>> No.14629632

To play devil's advocate, what Peter Thiel might get out of this could differ from what some small investor might.

>> No.14629640

This! Fud protection by the Paypal Mafia.

>> No.14629645

didn't even realize there were stinkies on offer


>> No.14629778

If for some reason you feel my brainlet explanation was worth rewarding:

>> No.14629975

>RSR is just a placeholder ERC20 token that does not have any utility until Mainnet. It doesnt do nothing yet and the website clearly states the nobody yet really has a plan on how to integrate RSR into the ecosystem....its worthless so far and has no utility whatsover
This is wrong they already made the protocol design and launched on the ETH testnet u fucking ape
>also check the circulating supply vs total supply...they can mint 30x the current supply. Its so inflationary its insane.
This is wrong the the circulating supply is almost 4 billion out of 100 billion, but only 50 billion is allocated to the treasury the other 46 billion is lock funds of investors like Peter fucking Thiel. The treasury is controlled by smart contracts not some faggot named sergay or whatever. You should 100% rope Anon cause you're gonna be poor forever.

>> No.14630325

lel just a blatant lie.
Unlock is in 6 month(4 times current supply) and the seed was way lower

>> No.14630352

unlock in 2020... even just 50 billion is 10 times the supply.
and No RSR is still just a placeholder with no utility.
Stop talking bullshit

>> No.14630469

>lel just a blatant lie.
>Unlock is in 6 month(4 times current supply) and the seed was way lower

the tokens unlock 2 years from now

>> No.14630602

lel just read the whitepaper u fucking retard

>> No.14630799

I said the eth testnet u fucking rat you deserve to be gang raped but you'd probably like that cause you're such a faggot.

>> No.14631803

afaik its typical vesting schedule (cliff is mainnet, then a quarter each year over 4 years)

>> No.14631825

Read the white paper like a white man