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File: 204 KB, 1456x1941, 1539721440423.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
14624203 No.14624203 [Reply] [Original]


What's your IQ?
If you don't know, take your reaction time here and post it in this thread after 5 tries:


I'd like to know who I'm talking to.

>> No.14624470

250 ms

>> No.14624558

Nice IQ 100

>> No.14624560


>> No.14624669

395 ms

>> No.14624674


It’s impossible for me to understand abstract concepts and I don’t know anything about my job other than “it pays if I’m there when I need to be”. I also forget things after two days and it’s hard for me to remember names and faces. I don’t know how taxes or apartments work. I don’t know how to pay bills.

My plan is to build up as much passive income as humanly possible before I finish college so that I can have a part time, retard-tier, job without having to live in a box or limit myself to eating once a day.

My life is going to be suffering. I know that. The only thing that keeps me going is my ridiculous plan to pay for the college of my nieces and nephews because their parents are poor.

I just have to make it. Keep investing. It’s all I have. Fuck I made myself cry. I’m so scared.

>> No.14624685

Like 94 or something I forget

>> No.14624728

>reaction timing
I feel like this isn't the most efficient way to measure IQs

>> No.14624733


>> No.14624742

OP here,
I am 132 IQ, but I can't drive because of fear.
I wish I could have 97 IQ.

I'd be happy if I could just get a job and be there everyday all on my own, but I can't even do that.

I will have to get on SSI for autism.
I can only see my life ending in suicide.

I am too smart. I should be 75-95 IQ to be happy.

>> No.14624765

You're right, but it works well enough


^Just knock 10 IQ points off of that chart and you get your IQ

>> No.14624782

there is a positive correlation betwine reaction time and IQ. but that doesnt mean there arnt high iq people with slow reaction time. and low Iq people with fast reaction time

>> No.14624867

iq 135 (got tested at written mensa-test)
199 average MS here - but im old (32)

>> No.14624912
File: 23 KB, 480x480, 62012557_400273394162214_2424246795689109854_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>tfw clicklet

>> No.14625001

Wow, this board is packed with intelligence.

>> No.14625031

sub 70 iq here been shilling chainlink since 2017

>> No.14625072
File: 77 KB, 188x264, 1517103787269.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

122 brainlet reporting. Perfect balance of intelligence without being autistic. Stay mad

>> No.14625074
File: 204 KB, 277x291, 1463859827519.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>152 IQ

t-this can't be true, why am I hanging out with you brainlets? what have I done with my life? oh god

>> No.14625135

That's only 142 IQ

>> No.14625153
File: 133 KB, 529x430, 1562338196315.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.14625207

126 IQ
216 ms

good enough

>> No.14625272
File: 59 KB, 457x500, 3C66D642.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

My iq is potato.

>> No.14625330

It's like a thinktank, like an aquarium filled with brains that pulsate occasionally and some guy pours blended tendies into the aquarium and the brains pulsate more vigorously to consume the blendies and then the brains poo and the poo is used for creating the ultimate shitposts.

>> No.14625343

The test I originally took put me at 149, but different tests use different benchmarks.

>> No.14625387

>i hope this isnt correct im african and i was teased about being black and the kids said we have small brains. at first i blew it off, but days pasts and he presist eventually i found all these pages on race, intellegence and brain size… i read up on the information to find out about the depressing iq gap… i noticed the differeces in the shapes between skull and brains (esp blacks) any the evidence points to be true.
this test didnt help i got a reaction time of 323. and my girlfriend agreed to do it (who is dark skin black) got an average of 353… meaning our IQs’s would be around 75 and (both fitting decently into “black statistical norm”…can anyone help me with more research or other possible reasons?

>> No.14625424

He may be dumb, but at least he has a girlfriend because of it.

>> No.14625429

Die you data mining glownigger fags.

>> No.14625459

Realising that the reaction time depends on your monitor is the real IQ test.
199 ms

>> No.14625474

Correlations of simple RT means with AH4 scores were − 0.27, − 0.30 and − 0.32, for age 30, 50 and 69, respectively; and − 0.44, − 0.47 and − 0.53 for 4-choice RT. The underlying relationships showed evidence of non-linearity, particularly for simple RT, with stronger association at lower AH4 scores.

>correlation of .27@ age 30
>strong correlation
hmm 240 ms and tested 130 + iq back in HS...

>> No.14625547

Holy shit bud, just get your ass some 420 and chill the fuck out. Stop living in fear

>> No.14625632

dude do not listen to >>14625547
if you even have the slightest paranoid tendency
it will fuck you up

realize that you OK as you are and you don't need drugs or lower IQ or anything else to have a better life. Just accept who you are (however much of a shit you may be) and it will be a whole lot easier.

>I can only see my life ending in suicide.
dont kys, what difference would it make after all?
you don't have to be afraid of death or failure, this world changes too much for that

>> No.14625666

When I live in poverty and I have to walk to the food bank for a loaf of bread, collect rainwater in jugs, and then I come home to an empty hole where I will stare at the walls for 16 hours a day, it will no longer be worth living just to suffer.

I'd rather turn it off.

>> No.14625694
File: 11 KB, 512x401, rt.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm a 30 yo boomer, I thought I'd be slow as shit by now

>> No.14625709
File: 16 KB, 649x390, 185.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.14625732

I won't even have PBS to watch.
It will be worse than being a young boy with uncaring parents.

>> No.14625776
File: 55 KB, 1298x759, rt2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Oops, didn't see you had to do 5 tries. My average is a bit slower, I guess I got lucky on the first try. Still seems pretty decent though.

>> No.14625792

you have to do it 20 times

>> No.14625822

409ms on a phone

>> No.14625884
File: 809 KB, 500x281, LeafyInfiniteIberianbarbel-small.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

people are incredibly slow on these tests, i guess that is why 30% of csgo players end up as shitty cheaters, and even with cheats they struggle beating me =O

>> No.14625936

252 ms on first 5 average. 206 ms on 2nd 5 average.

>> No.14626900

Hell yeah brother i'm with you about 30 and around 170MS avg

>> No.14626980
File: 18 KB, 645x858, 1560459697692.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Nice, this site says my IQ is 244.

>> No.14627288

Just take an official IQ test, retards/ Why do /biz/lets cope by taking goofy online tests and then estat on some Bangladesh pig farming image board?

>> No.14627456 [DELETED] 
File: 39 KB, 355x500, 7920_normal.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

as it is known iq has high correlation with reaction speed it actually would be probably more accurate to use online reaction test that compares your results automatically to people who take that test than some random online iq. most people get 120-140 iq on those online tests, probably 99% of test takers, depending on the type of the test it is.

iq measures in general unintelligence not intelligence, lower than 100 can be charactarised as bad, and lower than 90 is severe learning difficuelties and below 75 or something is down syndrome. it was created to filter out people who have learning difficulties or basic cognition problems. does not measure creativity well, but is a good wage employee measure as many school systems use similar type of schooling test


>> No.14627494

According to that test my IQ is 152. My official score is 160 so It's not far off.

>> No.14627495
File: 11 KB, 377x377, 56669-1-1407109558.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

as it is known iq has high correlation with reaction speed it actually would be probably more accurate to use online reaction test that compares your results automatically to people who take that test than some random online iq. most people get 120-140 iq on those online tests, probably 99% of test takers, depending on the type of the test it is.

iq measures in general unintelligence not intelligence, lower than 100 can be charactarised as bad, and lower than 90 is severe learning difficuelties and below 75 or something is down syndrome. it was created to filter out people who have learning difficulties or basic cognition problems. does not measure creativity well, but is a good wage employee measure as many school systems use similar type of schooling test


>> No.14627598

135 IQ, 255 reaction time.

t. 30 yo boomer

>> No.14627638

130 iq
465 ms
19 y.o.
Its the alcohol isnt it

>> No.14628561

IQ 115
reaction time 210 ms

>> No.14628623

IQ somewhere around 180
Réaction time 196 ms (32yo millennial here)

>> No.14628630


fuck off and die data miner

>> No.14628672

I was global elite when I was 15. Now 18 and havent played in a long time.

>> No.14628686
File: 129 KB, 988x625, 1554977680239.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I am too smart. I should be 75-95 IQ to be happy.
IKTFB, I'm often the smartest guy in the room, which is both a blessing and a curse. Also I fucking hate the Boomers in my upper management, because they are dumb as shit, but at least I've weaseled my way into middle management.

>> No.14628783
File: 34 KB, 580x548, 1558234365643.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw only 207 clicklet
at least im 100% in link

>> No.14628791

I generally get around 140 on those online tests, so I’m assuming it’s around 120

>> No.14628796

ah my link

>> No.14628885


right you are m8

>> No.14628913

Oh I wasn't counting the screen lag, so would this put me around 170-200? I started getting sub 200 for a few minutes there maybe I need to sleep for more than 6 hours

>> No.14628936

WAIS-IV iq 125

Feel like Salileri in Amadeus. Smart enough to know how complex things can get but no genius like ability to come up with original solutions ex nihilo.

At least I have a 99< percentile when it comes to symbolic recognition so I can do multiple choice tests superfast. What a superpower ha ha ha...

>> No.14629006
File: 186 KB, 720x1280, Brave.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Thought I was a brainlet all along. Happy day!

>> No.14629148

110 iq
336 ms

>> No.14629177

>323 ms
>150 IQ

I'm literally known for my quick reflexes this is a silly thread

>> No.14629274

Apparently not if you got 323ms

>> No.14629294

I have the quickest hands in my city, you can get them if you want

>> No.14629357

IQ is, iirc 125-131 range

>> No.14629413

376 ms

>> No.14629417

30 year old boomer

>> No.14629452

you have to retarded to think people won't lie about their IQ

>> No.14629460

People with 100 IQ’s can be very rich and successful

>> No.14629505

Is the IQ the line you draw where you call someone retarded for asking a question on the internet?

>> No.14629552
File: 30 KB, 750x555, verbal&#039;tism.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

how about this one?
are people really that stupid that they can't remember 5 words?

>> No.14629569

207 ms
equals ~137 (don't know why you have to remove 10 points)
19 years old

>> No.14629709

high iq but still brain-dead.

>> No.14630121
File: 415 KB, 1482x1258, IMG-20190407-WA0007.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

IQ 139, what's up

>> No.14630735

The stats are messed up. When I did this last year, getting 155 points meant I was in the top 3%. 109 is probably top 10%.

>> No.14630840

about 130 id say
about tree fiddy

>> No.14630887

450 heh

>> No.14630933

Okay I switched from my tablet to my desktop and was able to get 216ms.

>> No.14631025

>In addition to measuring your reaction time, this test is affected by the latency of your computer and monitor. Using a fast computer and low latency / high framerate monitor will improve your score.

>> No.14631429

Best I got was 162ms.

>> No.14631561

>No 50 IQ option

It’s like you don’t want half of /biz/ to even answer

>> No.14631642
File: 611 KB, 594x557, AutismAwareness.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Sorry My IQ is so high it could not be measured by any test currently on this timeline.
You won't understand brainlette.

>> No.14631962

Made me kek

>> No.14632180
File: 45 KB, 512x288, AAAABfXAj9GDB_nRp6At0b3FMSpcgWkaFC4mIx332EwFywm7tfIeNPYMUAJ8N6xPZdej4fgCrdDi-y38fNYNf7V9OI_49KbWEzODKA.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fuk this bullshit test i beat doom 2016 on nightmare mode

>> No.14632183

>using a proper PC instead of mobileshit means you have dramatically higher IQ
Who would’ve guessed

>> No.14632216

Kek - well played anon - go BAT

>> No.14632548
File: 225 KB, 480x282, IMG_0915.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.14633063

Thanks anon I have to go replay now.

>> No.14633118

That was such a good game.

>> No.14633121

i got 260ms but im also drinking soooo lets just knock 60ms off and call it 200

>> No.14633180


To learn to drive with high iq, learn how engines work, how transmission work, unironically this will make you more eager to learn to drive rather than fear it

if you feel that learning about transmission, engine and other components is stupid, then you aren't high iq at all

>> No.14633590

>i am too smart
i get told this all the time, but i don't live in fear so life is pretty awesome.
t. 143 iq
>middle management
i used to do this as well; then i realized middle management is the pressure release valve for the machine. i had no desire to continue with the insanity, resigned a week later. good luck, friendo

>> No.14633622

Damn I got 33. Am not a retared really?

>> No.14633659
File: 33 KB, 754x541, Capture.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.14634643
File: 16 KB, 287x200, At+this+point+i+expect+everything+to+end+with+an+_f55870d66f2dc68aa48f7df6aba19ee3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

LMAO I got 358ms reaction time...
IQ above 130 though.
Working as a software engineer in silicon valley. Guess my reaction time is just trash? I was not expecting to only be in the top 15%...
Also, all the reaction time -> IQ conversions I've found are only based on assuming the distributions are correlated, with no actual correlation lol
Vintage meme attached

>> No.14634665
File: 158 KB, 780x380, Damn_493323_6202087.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You do realize you can better your life to the point where you're no longer the smartest person in the room?
You guys can complain about always being "too smart" but the reality is you make no effort to surround yourself with smarter people.
Get a better job, better friends, or go into academia at a top tier school or some shit.
Jesus christ.

PS: maybe if you can't surround yourselves by people you think are as smart, if not smarter, than you, then you're actually not as smart as you think you are...

>> No.14634697


IIRC the correlation is like 0.2 so pretty low. You can't really use such a small correlation to predict an individual's IQ.

>> No.14634767

I got like 450+ im crossfaded af, but aced the other tests.

>> No.14634912

how the fuck do you guys get <200ms am I sharing the board with literal bots

>> No.14635263

can't get lower than 230, so i guess im doomed for life, now i can drink without feeling ashamed

>> No.14635367
File: 216 KB, 1080x1331, 1561491459195.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Similar situation here, it took me a long time to come to terms with being a brainlet 95 IQ. I've spent the last 7 years doing the same shitty IT job with no career advancement but I've been lucky with some crypto investments that I'm not a total broke ass dumbfuck.

Literally the only thing that keeps me going is reading self help tier books every so often and some mental affirmations.

If I was born in any previous era of history I'd already be dead or be suffering peak destitution

>> No.14635420

You dum dums need to find religion. The beauty of religion is that there’s no particular advantage to being smart with it, and without it your life is just as fucked up regardless of how smart you are

>> No.14635439


>> No.14635470
File: 283 KB, 820x735, 1561091359512.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I was raised catholic but became more and more agnostic growing up.

When you see so much suffering in the world and especially when you've been browsing the chans for over 10 years and see gfs and webms of torture, gore, child abuse and your average garden variety nog getting worldstarred there's no fucking way you can believe in some grand narrative designed by God. I couldnt go back to religion if I tried.