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File: 22 KB, 284x305, 545DE2E0-9BDE-43AA-B2B9-01F8DAB976E3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
14621596 No.14621596 [Reply] [Original]

I am financially ruined.

>> No.14621614

But it hasn't even dumped?

>> No.14621680

You must be Blind, Dyslexic as well as stupid

>> No.14621702

you sold already? big mistake

>> No.14621726

price goes up = less buybacks
price goes down = more buybacks
it's destined to flatline

>> No.14621730

swingvidters get necked, if you bought the top we’ll be there again in no time

>> No.14621752

more business for vidt regardless of price means more buybacks. and business is fucking BOOMING so far this month

>> No.14621760

I told you faggots it cannot go up because of 11m tokens locked up, it cannot go down either because amspec would pump it with burned tokens, it's destined to go sideways for years, might as well swing it

>> No.14621856

How does it feel like holding Vishnu's Internet Digital Tokens

>> No.14621904

brainlet here. How do locked tokens affect?

>> No.14621955

Vishnu is good, Vishnu is great

>> No.14621993

the token's value comes only from burn and buyback, and knowing that new tokens will be dumped on the market nullifies that up until 2024, basically big investors won't be buying big bags to get dumped on, it's only held back by the the intermittent burns, if it went too low then the burns would pump it hard because amspec is very big, literally sideways until 2024, even if it gets new clients the amount of tokens to be burned is far greater than current burn due to last pump so

>> No.14621994

feels like widest of toilet streets sir

>> No.14622014

the amount of tokens to be dumped is far greater*
at current rate maybe 400k tokens burned per year

>> No.14622021

screen capped for when we’re at $3

>> No.14622052

If only they atleast kept the amount of tokens burnt consistent it might be a viable model.

>> No.14622261

it could go there if they signed 5 more companies amspec sized, I'm currently waiting for the new wallet to send tokens to see how not so big company does with burning tokens. because they got ibk as a client which works only in netherlands few days ago

>> No.14622324

people who shilled vidt to everyone are retards, they could have accumulated for months, and far more tokens would be burned, since july the burns are 3/4 times lower because of the pump, it's based on token price, it's a bit sad, amspec was sending 1000+ tokens transactions numerous times daily, they started around 25th june, and since july it's so much smaller

>> No.14622393
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I did my research, its a scam. Do not believe the shills, they want to buy your bags. USE COMMON SENSE, DONT BE STUPID.

>> No.14622427

Lol at the fud thread

>> No.14622433

Pajeets and trannies out in full force. They missed the pump oh no no no now they fudding in the hopes of driving down the price

Tier 1 exchange confirmed for Q3
Actual working product
Paying customers
Huge untapped market


>> No.14622447

>I did my research, its a scam. Do not believe the shills, they want to buy your bags.
Something doesn't add up here

>> No.14622457
File: 239 KB, 500x573, 1546632352290.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You still have time to buy EVE.

>> No.14622458

it's not a scam but tokenomics make it impossible to be pumped for a long while, just swing it and accumulate a big bag ready for 2024 when it will become a truly deflatianory token

>> No.14622465

Smells like curry and shitty streets ITT

>> No.14622507

checked and accumulated

>> No.14622509

get a handle on the English language before you try to FUD shit pajezzle

>> No.14622528
File: 172 KB, 600x600, majora.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Did you guys know that...

Coin is not worth more than 55 cents?
Coin is a chuck e cheese security token?
Americans cannot trade VIDT in about three months?
Team has no funds for Binance listing and tried to bribe them, ensuring they will never get listed?
VIDT will convert to VIDS so the top whale would agree to lock up his investment into a smart contract until 2020?
The coin is overvalued and the work of a pump and dump tranny squad?

>> No.14622535

hell we had one dutch guy in another thread admiting that the dutch are scammers.
And req was ran by french people...
And the chinese coins have mostly turned out to be a pile of crap.
Honestly your best bet is to bet american.
I hope the quant guy is not a low life bum too cause I'm holding quant.

>> No.14622579

I just had a korma that might be partly why

>> No.14623065


Req team is even located in netherlands.

I bet both vidt and req team have mozarella parties together

In all seriousness; i cant believe people are that stupid to believe in these coins; let alone the fact... imbeciles who even shill it

>> No.14623218

Not gonna lie, former investor here. This is fucking hilarious watching VIDT crash and burn. But in all seriousness we can't let them verify the nuclear codes

>> No.14623248

pedo coin is the stupidest idea i've seen in crypto yet, next to upfiring.
SHA checksums already exist and they don't require blockchain. If you even wanted to do that, you could even use bitcoin and store the hash in the message block.
its literal only use case is already done by bitcoin, it doesn't even require eth smart contracts its that fucking simple

>> No.14623291


>> No.14623330


It can even 2x, but all manipulated by pajeets. If you want to invest your money in this coin, better just gamble at a casino

>> No.14623356

You should notify Amspec and Airbus

>> No.14623377

This aged badly

>> No.14623389
File: 636 KB, 800x448, 1559329919774.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Discord trannies in full swing. Just bought another 20k, huge bull signal.

>> No.14623453

you don't get the idea of how it works, for example, a guy living usa, wants to get a job and sends a digital copy of a diploma he got somewhere say in berlin university, assuming the university uses vidt, the employer could go on their website, use vidt widget and verify that the file is legit instantly, this is what amspec is doing right now
the university could handle it themselves of course but the service is cheap

>> No.14623468

>huge bull signal
Yes, your wallet is going to get cucked any minute now.

>> No.14623481


>> No.14623483

that's great but there's still no reason to buy this shit now. They have been performing the same number of validations May-June and July looks like it'll be around the same. Amspec is only transacting like 50k USD worth of funds per month to them

>> No.14623505

>ID says coin is back to rock
All in bitches

>> No.14623506

How will vidt manage to keep the cost down fro network infrastructure and transactions? Hosting their blockchain network is extremely expensive and if their service is cheap, where are they making money

>> No.14623518

>What is EC20
>What is Ethereum

>> No.14623530

>where are they making money
Spoiler: They don't and using the overvalued VIDT to fund everything until things work out and get more clients (hopefully). They're operating at a loss.

>> No.14623547

does biz see price going down and immediately run to 4chan to post that the world is ending? JFC your attention spans are tiny

>> No.14623556

>They're operating at a loss.
So did Amazon for like 17 years straight. Shit has Tesla ever pulled a profit?

>> No.14623590

V-ID definitely has the same applications and potential as Amazon/Tesla. Everyone in the world should verify their Microsoft Word resumes on the blockchain.

>> No.14623614

that's what I said before? just swing it, it's gonna go sideways, july is gonna be lower, the amount of validations rose significantly thanks to amspec but the token pumped, and higher token price = less tokens spent

>> No.14623623
File: 197 KB, 774x850, IMG_1839.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

He probably fell for the fud and bought a shitcoin instead

Sorry OP

>> No.14623641

Grug, easy on the sips

>> No.14623642

You don't know about VIDT and social media profile verification?

>> No.14623648

For presumably not holding any, you sure are dedicated to fudding. Weird huh? Really strange. I wonder why that would be...

Also, as someone pointed out verifying academic credentials is big money. But Vidt can verify many other things that will be shared.

>> No.14623678
File: 58 KB, 640x384, twitter-account-verification-tick-mark-logo.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>social media profile verification

>> No.14623735

Yes, you are anon, please sell me all your coins!

>> No.14623922
File: 39 KB, 720x644, 1562365203423.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Holy fuck. You have to be a special kind of retarded to not see the value of VIDT.

>> No.14623967

>assuming the university uses vidt
that's the problem though. there's about 10,000 services that could do this already, but universities really have no incentive to bother with it.
there's no compelling reason to use shitcoin scam #47029 over anything else

>> No.14623995

Name one decentralized service that does this

>> No.14624031

And yet Airbus (#2 aerospace/defense company with over $100 billion in assets) decided to use VIDT. I feel sorry for you, but you have time to buy more even without fudding

>> No.14624069

don't bother with this low energy redditor

>> No.14624095
File: 638 KB, 1200x1392, swingVidter_die.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


> Die slow SwingVidter, you ain't never buying at 125k ever again, I spammed this all of yesterday and it still holds true. You will never buy back lower than or even at 125k Gwei.

>> No.14624097

Airbus literally has a greater market share than Lockheed, GE, Northrop Grumman and Raytheon and you're concerned about universities. Do you realize how stupid you sound?

>> No.14624265

>he thinks V-ID is decentralized