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14615317 No.14615317 [Reply] [Original]

If we all die then what is the point of becoming rich? Just to feel a little better until you death?

>> No.14615326


>> No.14615340

the only thing you will ever be CERTAIN to experience is the period of time known as your life. why not improve it as much as possible?

>> No.14615375

The best possible thing for me would've been if my grandfather had been extremely rich. He didn't pull it off, and neither did my father. One of us has to ascend the family line into the upper class if the genes are going to survive. It's my biological imperative. I try to push the family line as high up the ladder as I can. Make it as cozy as possible for my descendants. Nothing really rational about it. All instinct.

>> No.14615377

Give me all of your stuff and anything your parents would have lent to you.

>> No.14615380

1) cancer and aging could both get solved in the next 30 years.
2) the world is sliding into neo-feudal dystopia with no upwards mobility.
3) the very concept of human rights is hopelessly out of date and soon to be abandoned.
Gee I dunno, why would some people try to make money, seems crazy eh?

>> No.14615382

It is better to die rich than die poor.

>> No.14615416 [DELETED] 

And thank me later


>> No.14615443

yes. is that hard to understand or what? why the frick would you waste your only life working when you could have fun instead or learning about things that you think are interesting or important. Being rich buys you your freedom and maybe power if you play your cards right. That is 100% better than being a slave until you die .
>but i still die in die end
okay, but you will be forced to live until you die so you better make the best of it. Also i don't think life is a purely masturbatory act. There is something very cool about being alive on a deep level. Remember that you are made out of clay and sand and water and dirt.

>> No.14616165

You’ll live on in your children. Your genes, your cells. They came from you like a base expansion. If you raise then well your values, wants and dreams might pass on awell.

>> No.14616186 [DELETED] 

And thank me later


>> No.14616290
File: 37 KB, 500x374, AB4B7011-5B4B-47B4-AEBF-6E15FB7075D8.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I used to have a soul growing up. I put nature before money, believed in love, had best friends.
Then my brother died of cancer. I am the only one who can take care of my parents, and it’s instinct.
Then my best friend (besides my dead brother) an heroed a few months back.
The instinct thing is it for me, I’ll try to make money until I die, no matter how rich I become.
I tried to hike in one of my favorite places today. All I could think of was how I didn’t buy enough link, along with quant fomo. The other month was $DIS call fomo.
I’d rather feel fomo than acknowledge and explore the hole in me that went with my brother, or grapple with the emptiness of each day I feel b/c my friend felt he needed to blow his brains out. Fuck this

Oh and I have chronic neurological pain, so obsessing over money and living in my head is the best, non-opioid way of pushing through feeling like my face is on fire every fucking day. It’s not as bad as it sounds, I’m used to it so I don’t want to use painkillers

>> No.14616391

I’m afraid of what will happen when I make so much that I can’t spend more than I make.

>> No.14616578

immortality with crispr stem cells

>> No.14616594

yes, but replace 'little better' with 'much better'

>> No.14616639

Youre right, better to enter a stressful, unrewarding, urban wage slave lifestyle with a healthy hour long commute and spend the next 30 years losing my health because im worried the interest rate on my mortgage might increase by 3%.

>> No.14616642

thats cool, golem

>> No.14617392

>Just to feel a little better until you death?

Being poor isn't good. Living a healthy, stress-free, and enjoyable life requires money.

>> No.14617407

so i can do the things i want to do you retarded slave

>> No.14617443

>I tried to hike in one of my favorite places today. All I could think of was how I didn’t buy enough link
When Coinbase listed LINK I literally was getting distracted driving on the interstate cause I was just constantly thinking about how much money I was going to have.

>> No.14618122

Damn man, that's so deep and profound. You're absolutely right, I wish I could be as enlightened as you. I am merely a brainlet pleb that only cares about riches, but since you are above that you should send me all your crypto assets so you can continue to live your nihilistic existence until you die without worrying about earthly stuff like crypto.

>> No.14618172

When we die we must send the monolith so our legacy can be passed

>> No.14618384

Yeah, it doesn't really matter, but it's worth having if you have the chance

>> No.14618390


>> No.14618413

Yes, I want me and my loved ones to be as comfortable as possible while we're waiting to die.

>> No.14618418

too real man, life is a nightmare

>> No.14618432

one goal of being rich is just to shove your wealth in the faces of the people you don't like to have your 5mins of revenge.

its still 5mins though.

>> No.14618456

Also I hate people and being wealthy will allow me to not interact with them.

>> No.14618526
File: 1.46 MB, 2880x1800, 1561875584344.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fundamentally yes, Though we live in a sick world where we give the average person no time to be an actual human as intended by those before the time of private banks and 40 hour work weeks. Everyone is on their own path and it's for a reason, Some people will work their entire lives and it's for a reason. They have no learned to change their path so when they die and reincarnate they will be put on a similar path until they can learn from their mistakes and elevate from physical human nature into being one with the universe or one that helps humans with this such as Thoth and many other teachers that made the sacrifice of infinite peace and love to help humans achieve perfection in all knowledge and love of all things. Just by the very fact that we are here in this moment and being one of the maybe only thousands of people reading about LINK and other projects that will moon means we are destined to reap the benefits it gives in the future. Wealth does not matter in the grand scheme of thin, But it makes you immune to (((their))) tactics of long work hours so therefore you have the potential to advance and have an advanced consciousness now that your mind isn't worked to death.

>> No.14618546

Chainlink will end death

>> No.14618583


To ensure the success of your offspring, duh