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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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14614442 No.14614442 [Reply] [Original]

When will it crash?

>> No.14614458

when a democrat gets into office. so we still have 4 years left

>> No.14614477


>> No.14614489

Boomers retire and cash out. My boomers parents are, but not dead yet. 4-5 years and panic. There will be a selloff soon probably a shoulder

>> No.14614497

When tech stops advancing, so never. Might be able to time some little dips if you're lucky, but you'll probably fuck it up because if you were smart enough to time the market you wouldn't be asking that question on this board.
Tech singularity is a just a few years away, then the market is going to go fucking nuts.

>> No.14614506

Never because isn't especulation, the stocks have actual value

>> No.14614512

You know that's going to be a 10-15 year process and they won't all cash out at once right?

>> No.14614520
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fucking kek

>> No.14614524

My parents are boomers and they're all in bonds and cash, then they die I'll inherit a lot of money, which I'll proceed to put 100% in equities.

>> No.14614587
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>Uses a price weighted index of 30 stocks as a benchmark instead of a free-float market cap weighted index of 500 stocks like the S&P 500
This board never ceases to impress me.

>> No.14614633

it already did last year in december
that was it

>> No.14614748

The S&P 500 makes the situation look even more volatile.

That was before the yield curve inverted.

>> No.14614757
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>> No.14614777

real market only goes up

>> No.14614917

>That was before the yield curve inverted.
the benchmark yield curve never inverted.

>> No.14614920
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We won't see anything major in at least 2+ years, if that. Clearly Trump with his crew knows exactly what to do to "manipulate" economic statistics which is the reason it casually goes up on a bad report day.
I hope we see another financial crisis soon though just so we can get some cheap stocks, just imagine a 60%-90% drop in tech stocks before 5G and next generation shit.. please let it happen..

Microsoft for $50
AMD for $3
Nvidia for $40
Apple for $85
Amazon for $700
Intel for $25
Cisco for $20

>> No.14614948

Who or what's next?

>> No.14614950


There's literally no other currency that comes close to the stability of the dollar. Maybe the Yen in coming decades but China has problems.

>> No.14614953
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when Bernie sanders is elected

>> No.14614976


>> No.14615017

the yield curve refers to the 2 year treasury against the 10 year treasury. Everything else is noise from the fed changing from hawkish to dovish in a sudden time frame. No recession coming

>> No.14615032

This, and double dubs confirm.

>> No.14615115
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>> No.14615627

also since when are bond traders smarter than stock traders when it comes to timing

>> No.14615743

Except those have already inverted retard. There isn’t a single curve pair that isn’t inverted rn

We’re in for the worst happening in human history. Buckle up retards

>> No.14616243


Buying bond that give 1% interest when the inflation is 2%

Boomers are suffering from lead poisioning aren't they?

>> No.14616267

Haha, yeah, alright

>> No.14616423

This. The funny thing is while crypto would be a great hedge and all but at the same time blockchain technology might delay a recession just by increasing productivity alone. And blockchain is not the only thing in that regard a lot of stuff to come in the next decade

>> No.14616428

when the big player decide it.
they will dump and pump to get your money.

>> No.14616615

Except they will all go to pull it when the market crashes. The smart ones will be diversified and will maintain their wealth. The dumb ones who all inner the stock market to counter their debt ridden, over spent lifestyle (the majority) are going to shit themselves watching their accounts tank. They'll run on their accounts and cause the market to drop more aggressively.

>> No.14616696

Biztards never learn.


>> No.14617774

If that were going to happen, it would have happened last December.

October through December last year looked like the beginning of the big one. It's funny how little this is talked about too. That shit was fucking huge!

But it just turned around all of a sudden on December 26th, and then a few months later we were back at ATH, and nobody seems to remember it ever happening.

>> No.14617786


>> No.14617798

Bitcoin SV. That was the endgame from the beginning. It's why we're all here.

>> No.14617807

When Trump doesn't get reelected. Unironically.

>> No.14617809
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Blockchain isn't going to boost productivity until all the shitcoins are shoah'd.

>> No.14617908

Unironically any day now. May be next week, may be a few years. But it is coming.