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14578581 No.14578581 [Reply] [Original]


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>> No.14578649
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Happy Birthday America

>> No.14578682
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Im shorting the S&P500 @11x lever

>> No.14578975

Godspeed you absolute madman

>> No.14579461

I'm not going that far but I am gonna move some of my shit from stocks over to bonds on Friday

something feels really fucky and I want a little less risk

>> No.14579492

Thread theme:

>> No.14579507

Can we speak about some stock here?

>> No.14579548
File: 53 KB, 800x445, chicken-stock.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Okay. How would you like to buy my stock?

>> No.14579604

>using fresh vegetables for stock
>not saving skins and scraps
>missing out on the color given by onion skins

>> No.14579632

man if only there was a market that was open 24/7 365 days a year

>> No.14579662

yeah, like some kind of cryptographic ponzi currency market.... If there only was something like that.

>> No.14579789

cryptos are stable and I'm too much of a pussy to trade forex.

>> No.14580151

Hey duders
Stock market newfag here
I have no clue what to invest in - got any general tips?

>> No.14580195

yeah because sleep and days off both suck am I rite

>> No.14580231

smart boring answer: go for a low expense ratio index etf like VTI or SPY, keep adding to it

the people pushing garbage meme stinks will be along soon. don't let your meme portfolio represent more than 10% of your net worth

>> No.14580246

Digibyte, my n-word.

>> No.14580247

Invest 50-70% in SPY and other funds that follow the general market. Don’t look at that money until you’re ready to retire or are reinvesting into said funds. Put everything else into whatever interests you/makes you comfortable, as you’ll get a million different answers from a million different people on what is the best investment outside of those, do your own research

>> No.14580262

Just buy MSFT and forget about it for a year.

>> No.14580595

What's your expected gain on it?

Yeah I get you, but which one? There are literally hundreds out there

I guess that works with all blue Chip stocks or does msft have smth special?

>> No.14580625

>I guess that works with all blue Chip stocks or does msft have smth special?
Pretty much, I just like MSFT and have a lot of faith in them.

>> No.14580913


>> No.14580945

If you want to trade, use a small bankroll at first <$1000. Don't daytrade. Park 80-90% of your cash in an index fund, plan on holding for a long time. The market can go to shit for many years. You can time the market, but this also takes many years to be successful. Check out the benefits of Dollar Cost Averaging. If this is money you will need in the next two years, don't risk investing. I know you may look back and say "If I had only bought in ____ I'd have more money" This is not the right mentality. That said, now is not a bad time to buy even with all-time-highs across the board. If you want more risk - reward, look at individual stocks instead of indexes. One thing that can help to start your research is by seeing what companies make up the SPY, QQQ, DIA, and IWM percentage wise. Then look at how those stocks did compared to the index as a whole in a chart. Tradingview is a good chart to use for beginning. You don't have to look at charts if you are a numbers guy. Gl hf

>> No.14581276

Good insight, Anon, thanks!
I have approximately no experience in trading, so I will not get into it... Don't have the time right now to learn2trade
I am looking for a long term investment - I guess I will look into ETFs as you suggested

>> No.14581344

How's bynd doing?

>> No.14581353
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Hasn't moved all day

>> No.14581439

Let's talk about Forex?

>> No.14581497

Crypto for adults

>> No.14581541

What are some forex investment tools available other than directly buying those currencies?

>> No.14581682

Forex is doing nothing these days

>> No.14581686
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>> No.14582069
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I've had a EUR/USD short going for almost a couple weeks now with very nice results. Thinking about depositing a good chunk and setting up a carry trade for the long term to churn some interest.

>> No.14582128

I was thinking of putting some money into DBA which is an agricultural ETF. Smart or no?

>> No.14582167

should I buy some wheat?

>> No.14582423
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>>people respond to terrible spam

>> No.14582526
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Ryzen 3000 NDAs are going to be lifted on Sunday, since that's the official release date. Should I short AMD tomorrow? Historically, the stock has always fallen after the release and the stock price right now is still pretty high.

>> No.14582618

Show bellybutton then go to bed

>> No.14582843
File: 279 KB, 1200x1490, clom.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

there were rumours even ecb trying to push euro higher cause lots of dollar debts that will bankrupt europe like south america. if germans auto economy falls entire eu economy collapses. currently it is long term dollar bull but euro has short buying stints on the way down. eventually euro zone will likely break up and italy and spain have own currencies or then dual currency versio of euro to help exports. only country euro too weak is germany others now it's way too strong for their economies to be healthy especially italy france and spain

spy will climb higher as interest rates are now locked to record lows like japan 30 year 0% rates but still buying more at ath is bad

bitcorn harder to trade nowadays as all exhances have like 3% of volume at max so the whole thing gets really mixed and nobody knows who is buying or selling at each time

>> No.14583021
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It's so weird watching the European economy sort of collapse in slow motion.
I'm American but I work for a company HQ'd in Europe (and traded only on Euronext exchange).
My job should be safe even if my company falls apart ;)

It does feel like a huge amount of their exports are cars and planes (and some boats), and a big share of the rest of their economy is just supplying those industries.

>> No.14583256
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>> No.14583316

yes and it's not that you necessarily need exports but traditionally europe especially core (german speaking middle) is export model and if that starts to get sluggish it takes down other weaker european economies in same currency. ecb did a mistake allowing rates this low and cant get them up anymore probably ever with these standing debts and one currency same with japan. also both europe and japan suffers democraphy issue as population is aging fast unlike america

>> No.14583492

I think DBA is all of agriculture, not just wheat.

>> No.14583537
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we both know thats not how this works...

>> No.14583602
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>> No.14583709

I always assumed that the EU age distributions would match the US. I just looked it up, you are correct, there is a much larger imbalance for Europe.
I wonder how the boomers act/are perceived in the EU compared to the American boomers.
Those demographics suuucckkk for Europe, they really do have a lot of problems to deal with all at the same time.
I don't think they have it in them to have another war like they used to. Maybe the next few decades in Europe will be like the last decade in Spain. Not much working, not much spending, people just kind of there, surviving.
is anyone else playing TFT? I'm winning like 70% of my games and I'm already getting burned out on it...

>> No.14583887

>I wonder how the boomers act/are perceived in the EU compared to the American boomers.
See Brexit

>> No.14583975

the boomers voted for Brexit?
I don't know the specifics of how it broke down based on age.

basically what I'm asking is, how much of the old people's retirements in Europe are based on equity prices? Or is it all government assistance above a certain age?
There is plenty of talk in the US about the future of social security here, how it will be funded, etc. I'm not familiar with what the corresponding EU situation is. Is it all per-country, or is there some EU component of welfare for the elderly?
I'm completely ignorant. America's impending boomer retirement/old-age crisis is enough to worry about, but our demographics aren't as messy as the EU age bubble

>> No.14583994
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You do realize how many queers there are in todays world right?

>> No.14584062
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why would you ever think EU age distribution is similar to USA's?

USA hasnt dipped below replacement rate yet, i think most of the EU dipped under it in the fucking 80's

pic related, EU looks quite similar to Japan (2025), without the extra bump in the 70's age group (EU is fattest in the 50's and 60's age group)

>Maybe the next few decades in Europe will be like the last decade in Spain. Not much working, not much spending, people just kind of there, surviving.
EU has been looking like that since 2008, the continent hasnt truly "recovered" from the recession, they have just been kind of sideways since

>the boomers voted for Brexit?
old english people (as in older people south of york) are basically the only demographic that was more in favor of brexit than against

remain won with basically every other demographic: people under 60, people from scotland, NI, whales, people from London (which is majority foreign born) ectera all voted to remain

the people who wanted leave most are the same people who wont actually live to see a full Leave happen (lmao)

and of course UK population made the biggest mistake they could: they trusted UK politicians to negotiate the specifics of brexit

>> No.14584318

>and of course UK population made the biggest mistake they could: they trusted UK politicians to negotiate the specifics of brexit
It is physically impossible for them to negotiate a Brexit that would have no border between Northern Ireland, Ireland, England while still allowing Britain to have its own custom policy different from the EU. Hard Brexit is the only way, regardless of who's in charge to negotiate that, unless they can allow a border to be setup along any of those aforementioned locations

>> No.14584521
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yeah, i noticed that from the begininning they have done nothing besides weasel around that issue, because UK thinks they are still important player on the world stage

they shot themselves in the foot again again when they started to exit EU without any deal in place first. EU can literally just sit there and do nothing. there is no onus on the EU to make a deal, and no incentive to make a deal either (the small pennies they gain from frictionless trade is nothing compared to the tariff money EU could make from UK outside the single market)

the UK has no cards to play, its why Cameron said fuck this shit as soon as the brexit results came in

>> No.14584530


>> No.14584633
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yes usa have had plenty of immigrants (mostly from europe after ww2) that has tripled the popluation from 130m since ww2 to over 3m. casualties in war for americans were actually quite high, same rates as with nazis neighbors france and Uk. 400k deaths for 130m popluation, france 200k deaths for 40m population in ww2. so the baby boom been quite similar in usa and europe. germany population during ww2 70m, uk and france 40m

>> No.14584641

Thread theme


>> No.14584710
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man reading all this makes me really glad that I live in the USA and not in Britain or the EU.

it just so happens that on this same day, 243 years ago, there were some gentlemen feeling the exact same way.
some things change, some things always stay the same :^)

>> No.14584789

It's not necessarily that there are more queers, just that the existing queers are getting more attention on a societal level

>> No.14584898
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nah there definitely weren't as many queers running around even 10 years ago
they're on an exponential increase right now, every day goes by you hear about some person deciding they're gay or a woman or some kind of woman-gay hybrid creature.

now for most of you zoomers that's ""normal"" because you're all super gay and you never got to live in a sane world. but if you're old enough you'll remember a happy and peaceful time when there weren't fags crawling through our cities in broad daylight.

>> No.14585382

I've heard of kids (~14) getting picked on if they identified as straight. Basically now everyone is a fag.

>> No.14585389
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thankfully :)

>> No.14585586
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Boomer Report:

>Boomer Uncle
>$10M-20$M in real estate
>says he's going to market sell $0.5M of stocks Monday
>Put it in money market accounts
>Doesn't want to get hit if another "december" happens

No Larp. Anyone else have any interesting boomer anecdotes?

>> No.14585636

Where’s the real estate located? State or country.

>> No.14585701

I made 70k with crypto and cashed it all out. I now have 20k in SP, 10K in vanguard small cap, 10K in “Think global real estate ETF” 10K in amazon and the rest in a bunch of random stocks like alibaba and pharmaceuticals, airbus etc. Any tips?

>> No.14585768


Sell amazon. They’re going to get regulators sniffing around their shit in the coming months. FAANG stocks are going to be getting fucked in a year or less.

>> No.14586059
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>London markets close red as US jobs report tomorrow is awaited


>> No.14586380
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>> No.14586389
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What kind of bonds? Government, corporate, emerging market, long, short?
Even though everyone is lowering rates some countries are still over 5%

>> No.14587053


>> No.14587297


>> No.14587399

Wonder how long it takes the market to realize the recession just ended

>> No.14587412

What recession?

>> No.14587436
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No one ever mentions the great happening at the end of last year. When we fell 20%. No one is to be honest about anything ever.

>> No.14587451
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>> No.14587476

Yeah, my 15 year old cousin now wants everyone to call her Francis and stop referring to her with her pronouns that she's been called her whole life because, to her, these pronouns were forced on her by society and she's been wronged by that or something.

>> No.14587479

So I'm about to start reading some finance books to get better. Any tips on absorbing the info better?

>> No.14587517

Um, excuse me, that was just a correction. It's perfectly natural for everything to fall apart at once every once in a while.

>> No.14587618
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bull boii

>> No.14587782

so what happened with the G20 thing?

>> No.14588073

Hows friday looking?

>> No.14588150


G20 went well and everybody left happy.

>> No.14588271
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Guys I think my phone service provider is trying to threaten me. See, I want to cancel my landline and this is the screen they presented me with.

>> No.14588487
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You mean... the great buying opportunity of 2018?
When those with large cash supplies, like Tim Apple, were buying back cheapies hand over fist?

I love making bear money, but Bulls on Parade right now.

>> No.14588511
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Aaaaaand here's why you should buy the FUCK out of the FUD in MO.

Punch, meet counter-punch

Look into endocrine disruptors. Phthalates, Bisphenols, all these plasticizers we now have infiltrating the global water supply as micro and nano plastics, that are feminizing fetuses before they're even born.

People always attribute massive changes to social movements, when hormones need to be looked at. For example, those who claim feminism was responsible for women in the work force, when it could easily be attributed to the advent of hormonal birth control.

>> No.14589001
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what is ecig profit margin compared to finicky tobacco plant rolled into paper?

>> No.14589102
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Personally Buying the Crap out of WKHS Stock. They've got a Trump tweet behind them and they will flourish under the blessing of GM. Get it while its Cheap. Chads only.

>> No.14589184


vaping degenerate here: margin probably isn't great on the battery powered devices if they include li-on batteries. Good margin is batteries not included. Margin on e-juice is MASSIVE. E-juice contains a combination of the following things: vegetable glycerine, propylene glycol, liquid nicotine, and various flavorings. The only part of it that is remotely expensive is the liquid nicotine, and it's not especially expensive if you're doing your extraction in house or buying in bulk.

>> No.14589245

Buy why tho?

>> No.14589299
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no thanks

>> No.14589575
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Juul is just a fad like the Motorola Razr.
Everyone will start buying Vuse because its 50% cheaper cost per nic salt ml

>> No.14589663
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where does the liquid nicotine come from? because if its from tobacco it kind of seems like extra cost added into the final product there, although liquid is easier to transport than huge bundles of plant leafs, and logistically that can save cash...

but also dis;
and regulators can end any marketing advantage they have and then some overnight with a good ol'fashion ban

>> No.14590221

You're just biased towards BTI.
If there's a substantial advance in tech, Altria will pivot. They already have a foothold in the industry with Juul, they have less risk by not outright buying the company.

I do have a friend who uses a nic salt system that seems to be pretty cool though. Very intense hits.

(Maybe like Tyson selling off their Beyond Meat so they could leapfrog with their own shit. No idea if that will work out, they went in a weird direction with the "part-meat" products.)

>> No.14590615

Have any of you guys got involved in foreign stocks. If so what markets seem ripe for expansion?

>> No.14590671


>> No.14590841
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NFLX gonna pop to 390 from stranger things

>> No.14591090

Correlation ≠ causation
To conclusively say that hormonal birth control caused women to enter the work force, you need to prove that

>hormonal birth control causes masculine behavior in women
>masculine behavior in women caused women to enter the workforce

>> No.14591148

>Comfy is dead
>I'm still holding GALT

I win

>> No.14591187

you lost the moment you bought galt

>> No.14591401
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>> No.14591407

Adding this one to my collage for sure 100%

>> No.14591421

the best thing I can do for u son is pray and hope thatyou turn a new page in your life your one of the most ignorant naive low life scum that presents himself on this board, your the type of person who would wet his pants on d day on the Normandy beach and run away. I am confident to the mark ongalt to an A as was my father in d day I will pile drive your arseinto a mud hole u got that coward
into a mud hol the best thing I can do for u son is pray and hope thatyou turn a new page in your life your one of the most ignorant naive low life scum that presents himself on this board, your the type of person who would wet his pants on d day on the Normandy beach and run away. I am confident to the mark ongalt to an A as was my father in d day I will leinto a mud hole u got that

>> No.14591509
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I thought Comfy is just a normie

>> No.14591541

>where does the liquid nicotine come from?

It's extracted from the tobacco plant. Lately some liquids have been made with nicotine salts, which appear to have a greater concentration in a smaller base product size. I don't know if nicotine salt is cheaper overall than liquid variety.

>> No.14591862

Comfy is too mentally ill to be a normie

>>/biz/thread/S13607319#p13608321 (his reply to this post)

>> No.14591866
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>> No.14591897
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>> No.14591907

>talking to someone about merger and acquisition
>mention stock buying techniques
>he tells me that M&A has nothing to do with stocks
T_T nevery talking about financially again

>> No.14591930

At least you tried

>> No.14592008
File: 46 KB, 700x927, 64940182_10214326670745006_5246223357162029056_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>the GALT circle jerk begins

Well goodbye

>> No.14592097
File: 3.69 MB, 1990x1504, THIGG.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>pot calling kettle black

>> No.14592181

it was very frusterating because guy thought he was very knowledgable about wall st but he knew almost nothing

second most enraging part was his perception of trading was it was all equities ;_;
he had almost no concept of commodities, or swaps, or storage or cargo


>> No.14592344

What's gonna happen tomorrow /smg/?

>> No.14592350
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>> No.14592364

spy 300, green to celebrate, then drop off come end of day

>> No.14592390

Godzilla gonna attack new york and cause stock market crash and make me shorts go 100%

>> No.14592440
File: 16 KB, 1152x813, nasdaq golden bullrun.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

God sent california an earthquake on the 4th of July

it is a sign that the golden bull is ready to trample tech as it ushers in the greatest bull market of all time

>> No.14592473
File: 1.64 MB, 632x390, 1555947608971.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Golden bull resumes Monday.

>> No.14592492

I'm an idiot, market opens again tomorrow. Golden bull resumes tomorrow.

>> No.14592742

>thought he was very knowledgable about wall st but he knew almost nothing

It's always the people who know the least who think the know the most

>> No.14593013

Pendy getting all Chinese philosopher on this thread's ass

>> No.14593222
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>> No.14593243
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Well, trips don't lie

>> No.14593276

top kek

>> No.14593427

Its all about MAXR. Its gonna go to the moon with some Trump magic.

>> No.14593455

Trump magic is also bringing NAK up.

And probably UVXY.

>> No.14593490

>It's always the people who know the least who think the know the most


This one's DEFINITELY going in the collage.

>This (you) is free!

>> No.14593802

Good night guys, see you tomorrow at 9:30 sharp <3

>> No.14594108
File: 290 KB, 718x900, 1-sol-invictus-mysteries-of-the-christos-daniel-gautier.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

be there at 9:00am sharp!
for coffee and donuts as we discuss plan4tooday

>> No.14594148

Any other stocks that you think Trump magic is working on.

>> No.14594260
File: 27 KB, 850x633, gsy.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Imagine not owning this

>> No.14594281
File: 110 KB, 839x610, 1552754143944.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

oh jesus
oh god
oh jesus

me had joke orders of TVIX @ 16.70 made months ago
me completely forgot and they filled

TXIV now 15.50
oh go oh god oh god

>> No.14594288

>imagine not owning an ETF that went up from 2016 to 2019

wow that's really a gem you got there

>> No.14594298

Were they big orders

>> No.14594340

>$46.75 to $50.39

You could also have bought SPY in 2016 and made about 7x as much money

>> No.14594414

9% of portfolio apparently
me so screwed


>> No.14594704

Post pink wojacks

>> No.14594891

Who's ready for those lean hog export numbers tomorrow?

>> No.14595093
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>> No.14595792

>dividend capture
Is grabbing stocks a couple days before ex div and selling them as soon as I'll realize a net gain a retarded strategy? Let's say I only purchase a stock which hasnt closed on ex div lower than the dividend amount compared to the prior day or even tends to exceed it within the last 4 payouts. Is this a stupid strategy? I bought UVV on Tuesday expecting to sell tomorrow.

>> No.14595829
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>9% of big porty in TVIX already down 7%
ur pelvic floor manager gonna be MAD

>> No.14595915

how are you trading it?

>> No.14595982
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you're telling me it's been that easy this whole time?

>> No.14596057

I've done really well in my Russian and Brazilian equity ETFs (ERUS and BRF). I bought them after looking at P/E and P/BV. Not sure if I should keep holding. Made almost 20% so far.

>> No.14596103

stock price drops after ex.div

>> No.14596287
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Oh for god sakes.

>> No.14596299



>> No.14596874
File: 564 KB, 1605x391, oooooooo.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

PAK and NGE for me ;)
the REAL 3rd world
but I'm like 99999% more confident in the Nigerian economy compared to all of Europe

>> No.14597104

>tiddy ribbons
Is this that quintuplet thing?

How do you feel about Zambia?

GVXXF is mining uranium in both Niger and Zambia... I'm kind of interested but too tarded to do enough research into mining, local government, and current Uranium trends.

>> No.14597175
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it is from the 5toubun manga yes. She's just wearing some stylized suspenders, it just so happens that all the main girls (they are 5 identical quintuplets) have big old titties.
Basically it's a fantastic manga, good art, good characters, very good pacing.
But be warned, it will make you sad that you don't have a fun group of 5 gorgeous anime titmonsters all in love with you. Basically it is fun to read, but it will make your life more difficult.

No idea about investing in Zambia. I buy NGE because it's easy. Targeted investment in Africa can be difficult, and I don't want too much SA exposure. I'm confident in the Nigerien economy at least being stable and paying a nice yield (yearly), and possibly having a very nice growth over the next few decades.
Uranium future prices are just uncertain, no matter how much research you do there is a big uncertainty.

>> No.14597294

I can say a bit more about my opinion on international investments. There has been a bit of a meme, a self-fulfilling prophecy the past several years in the market that the US is strong and everyone else is weak (sort of). So in general, across the largest indices, the US has tended to outperform rest-of-world.
Some of this out-performance is genuine: other countries don't have companies that are generating value on the scale of our big tech companies, with the exception of China (which has comparable versions of our big FAANG stocks).
But some of the US out-performance on the indices drags the price of the 'normal' stocks in the indices up, while the prices of stocks in the international indices is depressed. And over the past few years, momentum has carried on in this trend.
So I think we are set up for an 'ah-ha' or 'eureka' moment sometime soon in the market, when investors figure out that there is some real value at a cheap price in certain international indices. Then the trend reverses, and momentum could carry a LOT of money into some of these countries. Even if this doesn't occur, there are safe, strong yields to be found internationally. I'm staying away from Europe, I'm cautious about east-Asia, but there are lots of good opportunities. And like I said, I think these are opportunities that the market will have a 'change-of-heart' about, so the current cheap prices might not last forever.

>> No.14597812

How to profit off of Reemergence of Japanese whaling industry?

>> No.14598669

you have to make a whale farm and sell whales to the Japanese
I don't think there is any way to invest in the whaling they are doing currently (even in Japanese public traded equity)

if you do make a whale farm I will invest in it (pending details)

>> No.14599047
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This thread will not die!

>> No.14599227

i want to die

>> No.14599298

how many /smg/ posters have to work today vs getting it off (assuming you have a job)?
I have the day off :3

>> No.14599392

I don't have the day off but I think I'm gonna take it because I've been up since 2. (Went to bed too early) and I could use a 3 day weekend. Work a second job on Sunday :(

>> No.14599616
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Me too friend. I work a double on saturday but I'm free till then.

>> No.14599719

Do l short Disney?
I think a lot of people wont take too kindly to this new remake of Little Mermaid

>> No.14599722

Got the day off as well. Cheers anon

>> No.14599723

Yes but I'm looking at stocks that close higher the dividend on ex div or the proceeding dates

>> No.14599741

+The stock is fairly overvalued

>> No.14599847

what's the difference between shorting and buying put options?

>> No.14599933
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What is SMG's favorite blue chip stocks?

>> No.14600022

Let me Google that for you:

Short sellinginvolves the sale of a security not owned by the seller but borrowed and then sold in the market.Buying aputoption gives the buyer the right tosell the underlying asset at a price stated in the option.

>> No.14600103

Why anon?

>> No.14600214

Where can we get the NFP report as soon as it's out?

>> No.14600231
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Screenshot this
By Mid 2020 AMD will have 10% of the server market and will trade for $55

>> No.14600237


>> No.14600240


>> No.14600371

probably here https://www.bls.gov/bls/newsrels.htm

or stream CNBC (they report on it live), or follow some finance dudes on twitter

>> No.14600454

Total nonfarm payroll employment increased by 224,000 in June

>> No.14600481


>> No.14600506
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futures down though

guess we have to work for 3000 during market hours

>> No.14600525

Today's the day my nig.

>> No.14600609
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>unemployment rate unexpectedly increases
>futures turn down under 2989

might have to wait until next week
the market might throw a little tantrum today
I blame the commie and the chinks

>> No.14600622

based gwim saving the day

doesn't sound that bad, you wouldn't place joke orders with your actual job account

>> No.14600637

Lol @ everyone that thinks Trump is a bad president.

> Economists expected 165,000 jobs

Must suck for everyone that hates him knowing he’s getting re-elected

>> No.14600644

holy cow the dollar is mooning

>> No.14600649

Because they aren’t going to cut interest rates this month

>> No.14600653

Ah fuck, we're crashing to hell boys. No rate cuts in July. The rally was fake.

>> No.14600655

Great jobs numbers, Gold is dropping out of the sky like a fucking fridge. Below $1,400 again.

>> No.14600667


it's fine, we just won't get 3k today

>> No.14600678

I got caught out again, fuck! This wasn't supposed to happen

>> No.14600721

are dividends enough to have a good income? do i fucking need to speculate like a motherfucker to actually make something?

>> No.14600740

Well yeah if you already have over a million.

>> No.14600753
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it's fine
we're winning
the rest of the world is garbage and can't make anything. they're all cutting their rates towards negative infinity because they don't have any other options
their pigs are dying and they have no FREEDOM

our equities are just under ATH, we just celebrated our glorious revolution. The sun is shining. Trumps sent Bolton to Mongolia so he can't initiate the Iranian war. It's all coming together. If you bet against the US, you SHOULD be paying the price for that mistake.


(as long as you already have some money and a job and no debt)

>> No.14600766

Depends. If you put significant sums of money into REITs it can be enough to live off of, but your goal should be market gains not dividend gains. Use dividend gains as a way to continuously reinvest money.

>> No.14600774

>Dow futures fall 100 points after strong jobs report dampens hope of a Fed rate cut

Good news is bad news. Bad news is good news.

>> No.14600793

Gotta wait it out. Buy the cheapies.

>> No.14600809

crazy stuff man

>> No.14600812

War is peace.
Freedom is slavery.
Diversity is strength.

>> No.14600830
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it's all good news baby
that just means we have more room to cut in the future.
points don't matter
wherever the markets are at, that's the ATH. but it's also cheapies at the same time. that's the golden bull. think about it

>> No.14601028
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me in the money
me in the money
do do do do de de do do do do do do

>> No.14601057


>> No.14601144
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shorting 3000 was most obviously thing yet
dont worry me closed @ 2983

*hands ratsu back used golden bull covered in drippy girly fluids*

>> No.14601170

Any ideas on where NVDA will be post-q3? They're not going to 200 again anytime soon are they?

>> No.14601326

Stop focusing on the short term

>> No.14601355

Wall street industry is literally 100% dependent on interest rate cuts.

We're fucked.

>> No.14601368

As long as they sell their shit-tier 12 nm cards, nope. They're not going anywhere until they release their 7nm cards in 2020, assuming they aren't another RTX debacle.

>> No.14601377

There is no short term nor long term. The current price is a reflection of the totality of knowledge about all different length of times.

>> No.14601380
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BRUH when is GALT gonna get a deal

>> No.14601414
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>It doesn't

>> No.14601447

next week
just got off the phone with some very well informed gentlemen
it's gonna be a big one, you do NOT want to miss out

>> No.14601459

You're all just shitposters and paper traders.

>> No.14601481

Cope harder poorfag.

>> No.14601486

Did anyone follow me with CBIO?

>> No.14601502

Be patient, fren
Just keep waiting
Biotech isn't for people who can't handle volatility and waiting

>> No.14601503

shit posters ya
paper traders no

we're losing real money out here ( ^ ;

Where is the VRUS poster?
Hey we need another VRUS pump
my other OTC stocks are still going up, VRUS hasn't moved since 3c

>> No.14601526

I'm gonna start collecting shares of this stock after leaving it for about 6ish months. Hope is to get around what i had before which is 555 shares and just sit. If it doesn't get bo by the time i'm 21 which is in almost 2 years than i'll sell.

>> No.14601532

It usually takes about 2 years (ARRY and TBRA as examples) from when big pharma expresses interest in buying a company to when that company gets bought out

>> No.14601551


>> No.14601553

Haven't they been with bb for over a year trying to get a deal now?

>> No.14601576

and gold is dumping hard

>> No.14601587


Interest rate cuts have preceded all of the recessions since 1980, but not all of the cuts since 1980 have resulted in recessions immediately.

In fact, the cuts in 1995 and 1998 fueled massive equity levels on the stock market and the Fed had to raise interest rates again in 1999/2000 for the bubble to pop.

The market is in a very precarious position right now. We need to melt up far beyond 3000 now to confirm the trend or we're going to have a breakdown and retest some lows.

I have a feeling Jerome Powell isn't going to cut rates with the stock market at ATH and employment this low.

>> No.14601589

wrong, i don't trade on paper or in the market.

buy and hold forever master race

>> No.14601590

Just setting and forgetting is the best thing to do here, imo
They already raised money with the RO, so there really aren't any potential downside catalysts coming up soon (no chance of dilution)
Only upside catalysts (finalized phase 3 protocol, enrollment of first patient, data from extension cohort of Keytruda combo trial, IO partnership or buyout)
These negotiations take a long time, and GALT still has Back Bay (the M&A firm it hired about 13 months ago) on its payroll
The fact that they've been so silent indicates they don't want to release meaningless PRs and attract shorts on each spike when they have something big coming around the corner

>> No.14601592

just a dip for gold. next set of geopolitical fud will bounce it right back up with stronger dollar backing it.

>> No.14601602

First time I've ever seen based Kernow get it's own ball, or be referenced in international stuff at all.

>> No.14601611

>buy and hold forever master race
Truly Chad as fuck.

>> No.14601615

These negotiations take a long time
Uihlein stated in December of last year that he was pleased with the progress Back Bay was making, if they weren't getting anything done, GALT wouldn't be paying them
It's absolutely haram to talk about ongoing M&A negotiations until they've been finalized, confidentiality is a big deal

>> No.14601635

Like i said i'm gonna get back up to 555 shares and sit maybe add more but if they don't get a bo i'm leaving before i turn 21.

>> No.14601639

Not cutting will cause a recession lmao. Let's get this shit over with.

>> No.14601665

>buy and hold master race
so when sell? when does the profit come? divvies? come on, you need a million for that

>> No.14601689

You need to understand that wealth is not limited to the amount of dollars in your account.

>> No.14601702

yeah, but if you just move your wealth from your account to stocks it just doesn't change your amount of wealth right?

>> No.14601713

>paper traders
That would require effort

>> No.14601715

Even if they don't get a BO, they should go up a decent bit on new immuno-oncology data and first patient enrollment in the phase 3 trial, so you should be able to sell at a decent profit by then

When a stock gets bought out, it usually zooms immediately up to an area just short of the price both companies agreed on and hovers around there for several months until the deal is finalized (there's a very small possibility that a BO could fall through after it's announced)
For example, ARRY got bought out at $48, and it's been hovering around 46 for a while
I've had all my money in GALT for so long that I would personally sell at the "just short of the agreed upon price" level for the sake of diversifying my portfolio a bit

>> No.14601722
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>strong jobs report = strong economy
>Stonk market takes a plunge
Wallstreet is a bunch of unpatriotic fucking cunts

>> No.14601746
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>> No.14601753

Nobody here knows how to hold

>> No.14601762

just bee yourself i guess

>> No.14601770

Except for >>14601635 >>14601611 >>14601589

>> No.14601793


Just goes to show how dependent the market is on central bank shekels.

In a normal economy, good news is good news. How could it not be?

But when the good news means that a rate cut isn't necessary, it betrays the fact that the market is advancing based upon easy money.

There is only two ways this ends: massive deflation or massive inflation.

>> No.14601813

massive deflation is unacceptable from neoliberal perspective. they would rather to go full inflation.

buy the gold dip.

>> No.14601832

This. And it'll lead to massive inflation and the economy tanking. Not as bad as the great recession but the inflation will hurt people a lot more than the great recession did. Hopefully the economy will continue to look strong and they keep interest rates steady or gradually increase them, like we should've done 5 years ago.

>> No.14601845

Damn that GLD swing was fucking great. 250% I'm going to put half the profits into QYLD cheapies, and then I need some ideas.

>> No.14601861

daily reminder that you're a larper and we hate you

>> No.14601895

thanks for the reminder. I almost forgot.

Wait so you're saying swing GLD long into the week's end?

>> No.14602084


buy some real GLD

>> No.14602124
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Guys what the FUCK happened to Kellogg's cereal? I haven't had a bowl since I was 15... they taste like microplastic gruel now.

The wife confirms they taste weird. Time to short this company until they change the recipe back...

>> No.14602226

Enjoy paying divvies all the way up to being liquidated

>> No.14602250


Everyone bet on inflation in 2010 happening because it was such an obvious thing: it never happened. All of it went into equities and never worked itself into price inflation because the deflationary impacts of immigration/non-unionized workforce and ever cheapening foreign goods.

It really depends whether in the event of another global recession, whether foreigners are willing to rush into US treasuries again as a safe heaven. If they are, it'll be deflationary. If they aren't and instead they go into hard assets like gold and commodities, it'll be inflationary.

>> No.14602419

Look up the definition for net worth.

>> No.14602492


>> No.14602510


Are you retarded? Sure, you don't realize your gains until you sell your stocks, but your net worth increases as equities go up.

There is a time to be in equities and there is a time not to be, but generally based on past performance it is the best place to park your money.

>> No.14602530


Meh, this isn't cheap. SPY @ 2100 is cheap.

This is a blip.

>> No.14602532

I blame all the healthywellnessmama.blogspot.coms for demanding they switch to all organic ingredients

>> No.14602534

Trump wants to win 2020. What he will want to avoid at all costs is a reccession before the election.
So coming closer to the election we can expect:
more careful trade and geopolitics
invcreased pressure on fed for fiscal stimulation

if that's how it will play out I would rather be long in stocks than gold

>> No.14602543

This, we're still way too high to buy

>> No.14602577

See you guys on Monday

>> No.14602612
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thanks but no thanks

gonna wait for power hour then probably buy FDX if its still under 160

>> No.14602628

I continue to stand by my opinion that the market is fucking retarded and that the efficient market hypothesis is an absolute joke

>> No.14602641
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OK damn KAYS is doing bitcoin numbers for me right now
I think I'm falling for OTC weed stocks boys
it just feels so good flipping garbage little companies

>> No.14602659

>t-the market is pricing in a 60.39299384930293839% of a rate cut this year

Complete bullshit

>> No.14602695

You're almost cryptopilled. The reality is that all markets are ponzi scheme. Some markets are more marketable than others, and that's all it is.

>> No.14602697


That's if his foreign partners play along though. If China feels sufficiently threatened they'll react and hope the resulting chaos in the financial markets will be enough to destroy his reelection chances.

Up until now China has done nothing in response, just counter tariffs on US goods. They have plenty of more cards up their sleeve that can seriously hurt the US equity market, and that's because the US equity market is now dominated by tech stocks. And guess where those tech stocks get their products made...

The Chinese are demanding complete elimination of tariffs before a deal is reached with the USA, so they smell blood and weakness in Trump after G20 and they are pushing as hard as they can.

>> No.14602757

I dunno, seems like fucking around too much would mean mutually assured destruction.

>> No.14602833

>They have plenty of more cards up their sleeve that can seriously hurt the US equity market, and that's because the US equity market is now dominated by tech stocks. And guess where those tech stocks get their products made...

It would certainly hurt the US, but shutting down trade with the US would kill the Chinese economy dead. It would be SUPER interesting to see what that would look like. There is no historical precedent for a country imploding it's own economy just to inconvenience another nation. I can only imagine the ramifications of shutting down hundreds of billions of dollars of economic activity so rapidly.

>> No.14602848

Yeah no if China can hurt the U.S. without hurting themselves they would have done it already

>> No.14602925
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Not yet. The swing setup for a long hasn't developed. Not liking the chart for a short either right now. I sold to 75% cash on Tuesday and am waiting...

>> No.14602926


Well the decision would be based on whether the leaders of the foreign countries think that the damage done to their country would be more or less than the damage their actions would cause the USA.

That tipping point would be when the Chinese feel that the USA is trying not just to delay China becoming the world's greatest economy, but stopping it outright like Japan.

>> No.14602999
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it's 99.3% change for a 25bps rate cut in july

>> No.14603020

China has options a Western "Democracy" doesn't, and a population with an entirely different view of what's acceptable.

>> No.14603104
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Just like the Scrumpet episode from Billions :3

>> No.14603116

China's population is not particularly pleased with their gov lately. It's a delicate balance they're running. They cannot afford to play hardball on a low percentage outcome.

I think trade deal will happen before end of year.

>> No.14603128


I'm not saying that China wouldn't be hurt, just that they would feel it necessary to do.


I don't think it would kill the Chinese economy. It would certainly HURT the Chinese economy, but I don't think it would kill it.

>> No.14603189

You forgot lower oil prices, this spike was a golden oppertunio to short

>> No.14603228
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if that's the case, I hope that 'not having a functioning economy' is part of their view of what's acceptable

this isn't the 80's anymore. China has massive logistical demands that can't just be switched off overnight. you can't have the majority of your economic activity be based on global trade and treat it as a trifling matter. you can't have millions of citizens entering the middle class every year and moving to mega-cities, and then suddenly cut off their income entirely overnight.

you can look up the numbers. their economy exists because of American dollars. Their currency is pegged to USD. You can't flip that off overnight. The citizenry would be starving and revolting, even with all the new and fancy tools of government control that they have. probably there would be a missive internal power struggle in the CCP and someone new would resolve it.
Fortunately for the Chinks, Xi is pretty shrewd, he's played his hand the best he can so far. I'm hopeful that he won't push things over the edge.
But if he does, it will be a hell of a story for the history books.

>> No.14603240


>China's population is not particularly pleased with their gov lately.

Where are you getting that from?

The Chinese are happier than they've ever been and they are deeply, deeply nationalistic.

>> No.14603257

So with the SNSS one of you got me to buy, I’m thinking of buying more. Maybe $500 worth of shares? Now I have done a shit ton of research and it seems like a good idea, but is there any negatives about the company/drugs they’re making that I may not be aware of? If this thing moons should I sell it immediately and never look back or hold it?

>> No.14603289
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We can still get a green day through sheer force of will

>> No.14603295

>According to data provided by the CME Group, on Wednesday traders were pricing in about a 29% probability that the Fed will cut interest rates by 50 basis points at their July meeting. But following the stronger-than-expected jobs number, the probability has now fallen to 11%

Guys, why doesn't Powell want us to be like a rocket ship?

Yellen would've taken us to SPY 300.

Japan, with their culture that values a highly stratified society, has shown that it thrives under the watchful eye of a higher power that places some value on humanity. Japan is cute as fuck now.

Maybe China needs some US military bases.

>I blame all the ... switch to all organic ingredients
But they didn't... that's why they're getting crushed
They're still sugared wheat and soyb garbage
(part of a complete breakfast!)

KHC fucked up big time, thinking cheezwhiz and spam would forever be staples of the American kitchen.

kek, pendu is a buy and HODLer, he basically is a crypter. He regards himself as a "value" investor, but doesn't have the patience for it, and shitposts every time his shitcoin moves.

Where the hell did you come up with that?
I never said anything about masculine behavior. It's not about masculine behavior, it's about control over the menstrual cycle and pregnancy.

You don't have to worry about this because you're prison gay, but ask your female friends. You have female friends, right?

>> No.14603326


>> No.14603331

Why else would hormonal birth control cause women to join the workforce
You can't just suggest a blatantly retarded idea like that and say it's common sense

>> No.14603350

As circumcisions decrease in the USA, the power of Kelloggs wanes.

>> No.14603370

Under your argument, it's not actually hormones themselves that caused women to join the workforce, it's a trend of fewer overall pregnancies

>> No.14603372

Biggest negative with SNSS is that the management is a bit stupid when it comes to PR. They aren't good at really spreading the news of their successes.

>> No.14603383


Because it allows them to delay accidental pregnancies during their late teens and 20s during their education and initial years at work.

Hence birthing ages for Western mothers is around 30 now.

>> No.14603385

Christmas in July

>> No.14603390

That may be more plausible, but you specifically said in your earlier post that it was hormones that caused women to join the workforce
And now you're changing your argument because you have no way to prove your original claim

>> No.14603404

I agree with that as a contributing factor, but he specifically said earlier that it was hormones, not women getting pregnant later and in smaller numbers

>> No.14603430

Hong Kong protests.

>> No.14603439

Are they going to release any data this month? They delayed it last month and I haven’t found any timetables of when they’re expecting to release results. Their quarterly earnings are coming out in August which should hopefully give them a little boost so long as they aren’t fucking up their financials.

>> No.14603467


Well since birth control does directly fuck around with women's hormones, I think he is right in a roundabout way.

But as to whether they influence women's behaviour...I think that may be true too. It's certainly true sexually, would you agree?

>> No.14603523


Hong Kong isn't mainland China.

>> No.14603548

Thanks for the idea of going long with SPY and GLD at these low prices. I'm already up 10% on the GLD and 30% on the SPY. See the people who are all taking the day off and shit aren't going to make it. Today was a great day to pick up some cheapies.

>> No.14603550
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>> No.14603594

IPO's are for faggots

>> No.14603620

hush child, go worry about where you're going to spend your $500 in GBP

>> No.14603644
File: 121 KB, 981x819, plebs.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Do you guys see what I'm dealing with here?
Can someone please help me out?

I can't tell if I'm being trolled or if the guy is this clueless.

More or less, this. Women can now choose if and when they become pregnant.

Also, they have much more control over their periods. It's not medically advised, but they were able to delay/skip their period by skipping the placebo phase of their birth control.

Women gained the ability to choose if/when they have periods and if/when they get pregnant.

>you specifically said in your earlier post that it was hormones that caused women to join the workforce
link me to where I said that, and you'll see that you are the one changing my argument

>you have no way to prove your original claim
>You have no way to prove that a multifactorial societal change that took place under the incredible technological changes of the past 60 years is due to one factor more than another
Oh gee, you think? You think I wasn't able to prove it unequivocally?

Dummy, we landed on the moon in that period, it's impossible to "prove" something like this. All I said was the role of hormones needs to be looked at, and hormonal birth control could just as easily be responsible for the shift in women in the workforce:
>People always attribute massive changes to social movements, when hormones need to be looked at. For example, those who claim feminism was responsible for women in the work force, when it could easily be attributed to the advent of hormonal birth control.

IPO market is one of the big market concerns right now. The RealReal IPO went unnoticed here, but that actually was under the CEO who IPO'd pets.com

>> No.14603690

Even if you're saying that the advent of birth control caused it, it's not the hormones themselves that caused it, it's fewer women getting pregnant
This is just going to devolve into arguing over semantics at this point, so I'm going to stop now

>> No.14603717

hey good luck ever trying to explain that to a woman these days lol
they will FREAK OUT if you suggest anything negative about the pill effecting their hormones or fertility (negative effects on their ability to have healthy kids)
if you're going to have kids, try your best to find a girl who has never been on contraceptive pills.

>> No.14603727

>continues to mischaracterize my argument
>semantics at this point, so I'm going to stop now

You're a bitch.
Just admit you were wrong you little bitch.

>> No.14603753

I bet you put money into SNAP for their IPO lol

>> No.14603756

Anybody here into quant/automated trading/etc? Is it bullshit? Should I not even waste my time? I've got a decent understanding of programming and finance. I was thinking about getting a Trader account and setting up a Python trading bot or something.

>> No.14603770

the sad part is that you're so new that you didnt get the joke

>> No.14603774

*Tradier, not trader. If you don't know what it is Google it. Has the best trading API and docs I can find.

>> No.14603813

Here you go Rat:


They skipped over the part where Nathan's inspired Upton Sinclair's "The Jungle"

>> No.14603841

I know what you meant. I'm new to biz not 4chan.

>> No.14603843


They FREAK OUT because they know it's a power play for the heart of modernity.

Our world as we know it simply wouldn't be possible without the pill.

>> No.14603896

What's up with LPTX? I can't find any news but they've been rallying. Glad I grabbed a small stack of 100 shares but is there some insider buying going on?

>> No.14603914
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hmm, didnt know it was the official hotdog of baseball

>> No.14603975
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I think they know deep down that it actually can have a detrimental effect on future kids after they've taken it. but they also don't want to admit that it's true.
Like a lot of these girls start taking it very young, in their teens, when they're not thinking of having kids. then they take it for a decade and then decide to have kids. And they pretend that having chemicals messing with their egg production and hormones for years and years won't have any effect on it. then they all have 5 pound babies a month early that end up gay, autistic, diabetic, transgender, etc. (if they have kids at all). but they really, really want super hard to believe that it couldn't have had anything to do with the pill (or any other health/life choice they made)
basically I prioritize 'not having ever been on the pill' on the same level as 'no tattoos' and 'not fat'.
It's a very high difficulty mode, sure, but I don't want to have kids with a girl whose 'kid having' system has been chemically tampered with.

>> No.14603976

Anyone eyeing CAT?

It's documented though that women change their preferences in men based on where they all in their cycles. (They like more masculine men when they are ovulating, which is generally when they're the horniest.)

R. Dorothy is v. kino. Finally you show some good taste.

Nah, good thesis but that doesn't seem to be it:

I wouldn't get TOO excited, could just be a pump and dump. But it's hard not to get a bit excited. Still below my basis kek, but I'm glad I didn't cut my losses.

>> No.14604022

Yeah I had a fatter stack at one point myself but got out before it really started walking the plank. I checked >stocktwits and there might be some data coming up I guess in the next week or so, so it is perhaps just some hype.

I might buy a few more stacks but I don't think the BIG ONE is until November if I remember correctly.

>> No.14604026

I don't know but I've heard whisperings that the 200mg data is supposed to be released this month

>> No.14604069

$300 SPY on Monday?

>> No.14604075

What's in November?

Insiders bought HUGE at 1.75. I wish I had bought a lot more there, but it felt too much like a failed thesis and I didn't. Also it had become an oversized portion of my portfolio.

Still learning every day...

>> No.14604155

thats how it felt when i was fucking my ex gf the other day

>> No.14604207
File: 55 KB, 760x366, Screen Shot 2019-07-05 at 9.23.55 AM.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I have a feeling Jerome Powell isn't going to cut rates with the stock market at ATH and employment this low.
[dick hardens externally]

>> No.14604239


oops, meant to quote

>> No.14604267

Bumping this. You mean to tell me nobody in these threads has a fucking clue?

>> No.14604279

Mirin how AMD is rising amidst the shitstorm.

>> No.14604301

just try it dude. sounds like a lot of work to me, but if you have the time, go for it.
but it's a big game, you're a very small player. there are a lot of much larger players with more resources and information than you
if you don't have any novel sources of information or analysis you probably won't be able to stay above water

>> No.14604321


No way you can compete with the big boys in that field m8.

>> No.14604371

The same holds true for retail investors that trade manually every day, does it not?

>> No.14604425



>> No.14604441
File: 55 KB, 904x719, 4L_jDwW2XkG.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>trying to keep this market down

>> No.14604453