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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/biz/ - Business & Finance

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14598671 No.14598671 [Reply] [Original]

Boomer here.

> What will be the ROE on staking these babies?

Love me some passive income asset

>> No.14598676

>he doesnt know

>> No.14598690

>he lacks knowledge

>> No.14598707
File: 82 KB, 400x350, chain.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Buy now or be left behind boomer this is the future, no boomers allow but we will make an exception for you

>> No.14598735

Don't you mean ROI? What the fuck is ROE? t. 20k LINK

>> No.14598764

Equity, it's a boomer term

>> No.14598807
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Correct, hence my question. Why do you zoomers have to make every interaction this complicated? Do you have a number?

Read more. Nice stack btw

>> No.14598895
File: 49 KB, 333x387, 1560590409609.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

> Boomer
> Doesn't invest in real estate for nice renting revenue

>> No.14598916

If you fuck up the data you lose all your link
no muah free money you degenerate generation traitor

>> No.14600123

If not bait, everyone is talking out of his ass. Nobody can quantify earnings currently, neither penalties

>> No.14600190

Just make sure you buy some gold with your gains.

>> No.14600255
File: 200 KB, 692x390, boomitup.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

To answer your question nobody knows because no information about it has been released. Pulling figures out of my ass you could probably expect 5-10% R.O.I.

>> No.14600291

no chance pal. eth pos staking will net 0.05% nothing personal, link wont be more than 1/2 - 1 %

>> No.14600322

Per month that's correct.
Link $1k eoy.

>> No.14600334
File: 100 KB, 981x544, photo_2019-04-11_06-01-16.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yeah probably. I could see 5% maybe from a super high value node (I.E. not one we will be able to have).

>> No.14601024
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>> No.14601096

>boomer here
please stop posting that stale energy drink viral marketing campaign from 2017.

>> No.14601140
File: 203 KB, 1622x1038, 1F7B09EC-92EA-486D-B3A3-4D566B71E921.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I’m saving this for later

>> No.14601479
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>> No.14601545

1 dollar per Link per month. 20k linkies staked = 20k$ dollars per month

>> No.14601582

>slaves can't think outside of salary
You will be paid per-job, with payment/penalties depending on your API matching consensus.

>> No.14601593
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>> No.14601603

Checked. Is that monthly or annually bro?

>> No.14601785
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Imagine idolizing a worthless manlet living off daddy's money

>> No.14601831

I’m mowing the lawn at 9am

>> No.14602555
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>> No.14602630

I fucking love the boomer meme. It is literally me.

>> No.14602680

Contract writers can specify collateral the nodes will have to put up. High value contracts will obviously be sent to nodes that can put up a lot of tokens to meet the collateral requirements. These nodes will also be able to charge more, as the node operator sets the price.

Now what I liked in the link whitepaper was that a node can be run from a raspberry pi with zero link. Obviously then you might not get much demand but if you may be able to charge a small fee for low value contracts.

I’m thinking of trying to set up a simple pi node just for fun experiment to get a better understanding of how will all work and what is really required.
You don’t truely know until you actually try to set one up.
Understanding this now could pay off big if you want to jump in and run a big node in the future and be early to the game.

>> No.14603179 [DELETED] 

Immagine taking 10k Links forever and investing the revenue in silver

>> No.14603198

Immagine staking Link forever