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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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14598613 No.14598613 [Reply] [Original]

Should I buy a stack of this shit???

>> No.14598619

No, be poor forever

>> No.14598623

Only if you are able to hodl for atleast u months. If you plan on swinging, you might aswell buy a rope

>> No.14598626

50/50 LINK & LIT = The Patrician's Portfolio

>> No.14598630

I bought my first link coins a couple of sec ago.
Tbh I doubt it will go over 4.40

>> No.14598642
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Yes buy now or stay poor your choice and to all our dear (((market makers))) who will appear in this thread, I have an annoucement for you goys...















>> No.14598660

wait for 25k sats correction

>> No.14598664
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Dear (((market maker))) I have an announcement
















>> No.14598744
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I'll give you the rundown because you're getting blown up by stinky linkies too retarded to swing anything so they just HODL and hope for the best.

I do recommend reading the whitepaper (or at least a few summaries of what it does) because it is still a useful token in the crypto space. It has some partnerships floating around, but the token itself still is struggling to find adoption right now. LINK currently has first mover advantage, and in the memecoin space, that is a BIG deal if it can find use cases before any other project presents a better solution. (Why do you think BTC, ETH, LTC all still have such a high market cap?) However, you should abandon hope of this ever mooning like stinky linkies say it will, because the token itself isn't meant to replace any of these systems at least from my understanding. So it'd be retarded for it to usurp ETH's market cap, and it'd be way fucking retarded for it to exceed BTC's market cap. (So if you see people saying it's going to make BTC obsolete, laugh at them and disregard their opinion)

That being said, the fundamentals all seem to be there, and there's enough support outside of /biz/ at this stage to make it a safe bet. To my knowledge, there aren't any projects on the horizon aiming to do what LINK did, and smart contracts themselves are pretty cool. If you got in under a buck, you're gonna be a happy camper if you put a good chunk of your folio into this. However, I don't see this being more than 1/5 or so of ETH's market cap, so I don't see it doing more than 5x the current price at it's ATH. I think it's worth having some skin in the LINK game, but I wouldn't go all in at this point.

>> No.14598786

go back to discord u imbecile

>> No.14598801
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Yeah bro keep screaming that LINK is going to be 1k EOY lmao

>> No.14598803

if you don't mind losing 90% when people realize the "partnerships" are fake then go ahead.

>> No.14598810

Based explanation

Memes are really making a lot of people FOMO in

>> No.14598833

>there aren't any projects on the horizon aiming to do what LINK did
what do you mean? All LINK did was centralized KYCed oracles, and there's been FREE frameworks to do centralized oracles for years. They've literally made no technological advancement towards decentralization whatsoever.

>> No.14598854

they love larping about their oracles being decentralized though, but no dev will ever use that. We just look at the doc and move on cause it's not useful/decentralized. I recommend you learn some programming so you actually understand what you've investing in.

>> No.14598874

Hey, I'm guilty as charged on that one. I really ignored this project BECAUSE of the memes (well that and because I was poor as fuck for the past so and so years). But considering that all this board can do is bitch and moan about reddit talking about LINK, really let's you know who REALLY bought this

Like? I'm not disagreeing or anything like that, but to me the power comes from the KYC aspects of it. I remember when it came out that you had to go through the verification, everyone threw a hissy fit, but from my perspective that's the ONLY way it could be perspective.

>> No.14598889

Prove they're fake.
Protip; you can't.

>> No.14598935

70/30 LINK & BAT = The stable man's folio

>> No.14599044

>absolute retard deduces that a token is useless
>token begins making large moves
>has a professional opinion on said token all of a sudden with price predictions and everything

What a retarded faggot

>> No.14599063

No, buy at 100 you nolinker piece of shit

>> No.14599064

Then you clearly haven't observed LINK's chart history. It has had huge let downs and you are still fucked if you tried to swing. It rebounds immediately most of the time.

>> No.14599091

are there legitimately anons on this board not holding a stack of this? After every knowledge dump over the last 2 years?
>you deserve to be poor

>> No.14599126

any real arguments friendo? Or are you just gonna cling to your MY LINKIES REMAIN STINKY claim?

>> No.14599151
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>> No.14599170

Its a premined shitcoin with no use cases for a technology that has no application yet.

They wont partner with Google or Microsoft. Those companies will just fucking make their own when the time is right. When the time DOES come, LINK will just get BTFO by the big guys.

>> No.14599171

Also I never said I deduced the token is useless, I just never cared. Do you know how many tokens moon and dump that get shilled here? Hell, I can think of a handful this year that have moved more than LINK moved in two years. You can claim you made a good decision backing link if you got in early, but I probably wouldn't have even gotten in before mainnet anyways because there just wasn't enough there for me to back it. Even right now I'm still hesitant on it because it doesn't matter how many partnerships it gets if it doesn't get real world use.

>> No.14599176
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>but the token itself still is struggling to find adoption right now.

ohh realllyy?? then what are all those companies doing? if not adopting link you imbecile

>> No.14599188

You haven't lurked enough yourself if you think that's how greentext is used.

>> No.14599219

>bunch of literal who's featuring some big name companies
wow congrats. None of this shit even mattered until Google breathed something about it. but you're going to need to get a majority of financial institutions on board with it before this shit is even remotely "adopted." Those will drive the price up because those are going to be the ones with the biggest interest in smart contracts.

>> No.14599224

>well i was wrong initially
>but now im right all of a sudden

>> No.14599240
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still no arguments? Wow it's almost like 70 percent of LINK holders on this board just bought for the memes and never read the white paper either lmao

>> No.14599261

My linkies are literally over 10x stinkier than when I bought them (you know, around that same time that someone as good of a trader as you deduced the project was shit) so that claim is valid as any other.

Hmm why aren’t you up 10x on your investment? Better yet, why give investment advice to people who are, and claim your mental diarrhea is worth anything? You had other people spoonfeed research to you and you were still too dumb to just look into it yourself for ten seconds. And you still have the confidence in yourself to even speak. You should be humbled from being such a mental midget and realize you have a lot more to learn before you can give anyone advice.

>> No.14599266
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I bought for the memes.

>> No.14599279

I just buy what I read on here. I’ll take the bait and gamble with some pocket change

>> No.14599307

WTF Is this pic moving?

>> No.14599362

>Hmm why aren’t you up 10x on your investment?
Idk, why aren't you up 3 times from investing in BYND? Why didn't you invest in BTC in 2010? Why did you miss out on BOMB, the BSV pre pump?
>You should be humbled from being such a mental midget and realize you have a lot more to learn before you can give anyone advice.
>hurr durr I bought this at the start
>I'm green on LINK THEREFORE I clearly know more than you
really summing up every post I've seen on this board

However, none of this changes my points. This still won't moon like anything the fags on this board think it will, and first mover advantage, while more powerful in a crypto space, still won't guarantee anything.

>> No.14599391


>> No.14599403

LINK is a helper oracle token that can unironically dethrone BTC by helping/sitting on top of ETH or any other dedicated smart contract platform. For that alone, the memes are more than memes.
You do have a very solid point about first mover advantage though. There is no guarantee that some currently unknown LINK clone wont just take the reigns and become the main decentralized Oracle solution. But not buying in and worrying about shadowforks has the opportunity cost you not buying in low and LINK actually being the right choice.

>> No.14599421

no one is gonna spoonfeed a retard like you, just stay in BOMB BYND and BSV, LMAO, no one cares. just hold on your shitcoins and pray.

>> No.14599433

just links energy building up ready to explode

>> No.14599438

Nice that’s literally me right now. Makes checking coinmarketcap scary as fuck.

>> No.14599439

I don't agree that LINK will dethrone BTC with thelp of ETH for the fact that I feel BTC/ETH have different use cases, but I see where you're coming from on that point. I was more referring to market caps, but yeah I totally agree. (That's why I'm actually gonna start shifting over to ETH instead of BTC if the bullrun happens). Spot on with the rest of your points though. But I think it's too late to be in LINK for you to sit comfortably with it being 100 percent of your portfolio. Congrats to those who went all in.

are you retarded do you even know what I was arguing

>> No.14599445

buy em if you wanna get poor. why the fuck buy overvalued meme coin? if its meme coins you're after, rather stack up on ZBUX, next 10x coin, cap this you tranny

>> No.14599501


The best part about link mooning is going to be daily footjobs from high end escorts. The second best part is going to be realizing that people like you will still be trying to catch Binance pumps in 2025, desperately clinging to the hope that you could find the next link when the opportunity was in front of you for years WITH anons trying to help people with understanding the project.

But honestly dude, seriously just stay poor.

>> No.14599509

>reddit spacing

>> No.14599526


>> No.14599527

I need my VIDT bags to pump quick so I can get the fuk back into LINK mayne

>> No.14599537
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just market bought 100k

>> No.14599551

Why wouldn't a dev want an established ontology for feeding outside world data into a smart contract? Personally I would think having to write your own JSON parser from scratch and having to map the data in god knows what way for every kind of possible data source you decide to write a smart contract on sounds like a nightmare, and also that it seems ten times more sketchy to use smart contracts when both the contract and the centralized oracles are being rolled up from scratch by god knows which outsourced Indian laborer. Much better to have an established platform thats considerate of privacy and security than to expect every normie business to consider and work around the pitfalls of smart contracts and making their own oracle protocols in house.

>> No.14599668

Naively condescending, quasi-intellectual, rigour-lacking, dialogical barf.

>> No.14599805
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>Should I avoid BTC and willingly loose money

>> No.14600129
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Frens be hones with me? How much will link be worth in 2 years? How much should I buy? I want to be a neet like you guys

>> No.14600204
File: 16 KB, 308x375, C35392FB-0D47-47B6-9D45-3BC201D61CE6.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Buy as much as you can but keep some cash for your expenses

>> No.14600227

If you're never selling, then what are you going to do with them? It's not like you can buy anything with LINK.

>> No.14600236

I mean, if you're comfortable with 1/10th the stack you could have had, why not?

>> No.14600246
File: 54 KB, 793x786, 360838D0-43F1-496A-8BAC-8BFB1EC3A8E3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I don't make much but I recently got a a meme certificate and will make a bit more money so I'll buy at least $4k in link. I hope you guys aren't fucking w me and this is a scam and later I tell you guys I lost money and then be told "it's your fault for being a gullible retard"

>> No.14600250

yes, buy someone else's 2,000% gains in two quarters. what could do wrong? surely it's not better to find a nice floor like CHR.

>> No.14600257

No one is buying your shit scam coin Pajeet :)

>> No.14600264

>what is staking
You are the reason you are poor.

>> No.14600277


>> No.14600404
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I am all in link myself, you won't regret it, no lies fren.

>> No.14600471

$156.09 is actually very realistic

>> No.14600557
File: 344 KB, 2000x1638, 0C96B9E8-4381-4B46-8C19-52E6D30C6093.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm cashing in my check later on today and buying 100 thanks

>> No.14600598

How the fuck is this meant to be read

>> No.14600647

From left to right

>> No.14600675

Yeah but he said he's never selling. So he's gonna get more worthless LINK.

>> No.14600703

if your e positive energy buy link if you're negative energy but hot, simple

>> No.14600723
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buy as much as you can frens

>> No.14600743
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>> No.14600748

We've already been $5 ez pz so move up to 2, slightly higher MC and bish bash bosh $1.4k EOY.

>> No.14600755
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don't kms yourself when chainlink moons

>> No.14600770
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sergey nazarov will deliver your waifu

>> No.14600772
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Nah just wageslave for 50 years lmao.

>> No.14601472
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Eth will literally just be the execution layer for link
Look more into TEE's, the Town Crier acquisition was fucking massive and no one realises

>> No.14601663

Yes, as big of a stack that you can afford to Hodl for 12 months.

>> No.14601697

I got 3 free spots left for 10 free dollars on coinbase

First come first serve, poorfags
