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File: 976 KB, 2040x1888, link.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
14595181 No.14595181 [Reply] [Original]

I dont think you all realize the potential of link.
Link at its max has a potential of 1 billion link.

One thing link has is the potential to do the derivatives market, valued at 1.4 quadrillion dollars. The deutche bank has said by 2023 crypto will be worth 10% of the global economy. If link manages to only get 10% of the derivatives market and nothing else (highly unlikely) 1 link token will be worth 140 grand. If it only gets half of a percent of the derivatives market and nothing else it will be worth 7 grand. Link long term stands to be the greatest investment in the span of human history. Im a nulink faggot with only 215 link to my name because I was a lazy retard who read dumbass pol threads and jerked off to /k/ threads so even a newcomer /k/ neckbeard neet like me can see the upwards potential of link. even a stack of 100 will be enough to make it in 5 years. 1k is FUD. Link can be worth 1 million in 10 years. This isnt just hope (although Id like to lose my virginity before im 30) This is plain math. >inb4 some faggot fudder claims link cant ever reach these numbers Link is currently the only smart contract crypto with the capacity for the derivatives market and microsoft and google (non derivative companies) have seen its use. In the derivatives market we have Swift one of the largest derivative companies already in the process of adopting chainlink.

If you hold 100 chainlink yo uwill have 10 million in 10 years minimum. Im an unemployed virgin failed buisness neet and even I can see this. Buy it while you can. Im considering getting a wagecuck suicide job just to buy a 100 more link.

>> No.14595208

what's a blog chain?

>> No.14595216

What if i told you... only true neets and autists realize this truth... link is a miracle indeed, only true autists will make it, normies just can't understand it, it seems npcs are just programmed to not be able to understand link

>> No.14595222

How come all this always starts with the same Deutsch bank shit, why are you all falling for this

>> No.14595229
File: 290 KB, 1080x1394, 2250b0aa6ebae8c20a2c36bb8ac31acd8d1010a94c16b505b5ca77cdebf1aa3c_1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yep, There's a reason why so much fudding and the news is not talking about. Even FORBES is fudding LINK right now. It has yet to go under 3$ for a whole week and sometimes went to $4.50. Strong resistance and by 2022 $1000 seems very possible.

>> No.14595232

Nah it's not going to pass $5 let alone fucking $1k

>> No.14595239

i want to believe this will really go to 500+/1k+ etc. it all feels too good to be true

t. 2k linklet

>> No.14595241

When does blog chain release anon?? I'm ready to go all in.

>> No.14595251

>comes to biz
>tells us we don't know the potential of link
Nigga pls

>> No.14595265

>muh derivatives market
>just 1% of 1.4 quadrillion
it doesnt work that way you retard

>> No.14595275

What is a Jason Coin?

>> No.14595850

please tell us how it works then, ill gladly post about how much of a retarded nigger I am if you explain

>> No.14595869

Seen alot of fudding around here >>14595222
Because It assumes 10% of the economy will be crypto. Personally I think this a no shit situation as crypto becomes the currency of the future. for the first time humanity can be free of centeralization. Freedom is around the corner. Personally i think link will be at least 300k in 10 years

>> No.14595904

extremely potent fud, well done op

>> No.14595925

The mature token economy cannot be predicted. Even in a case of mass adoption, a link token future valie cannot be predicted. There is no valuation model.

Microsoft the worlds largest market cap is only ~137 per share.

>> No.14595971
File: 46 KB, 540x532, 1562041295511.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Microsoft the worlds largest market cap is only ~137 per share.

>> No.14596004
File: 958 KB, 2032x1888, 1562300907237.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

There, fixed.

>> No.14596120


>> No.14596185

Only 82.8 trillion flowing into link? Fuck I guess I should sell now to save myself some embarrassment.

>> No.14596253

this. i tried explaining this to my brother who is a tech savvy normie and he says it's a scam and cant wrap his head around it. it's so fucking simple

>> No.14596309


ATTENTION DEAR (((Market Makers)))








>> No.14596363
File: 869 KB, 400x265, 1562093752647.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yeah sure whatever, nevertheless crypto will be banned by the governments of the world before it gives ANY REAL freedom to it's citizens

>> No.14596404


>> No.14596443

I know if it had the MC of MSFT, LINK would be 3k (1050k full supply)