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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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14587810 No.14587810 [Reply] [Original]

it appears all of you are retarded zoomers who hope to get rich to get "the girl", so its time i make some rules.
#1 you dont ask out girls at cashier jobs (that includes baristas)
if a girl works such job, or a waitress job it means she is a normie waste dead end loser.
why the fuck would you give her attention and make her feel desirable?
shes a loser...deep down she cant imagine herself being with someone succesful, she cant imagine herself being happy.
if you had 2mil usd from link she will still think you are a creep. she will get fuck by 20 niggers and still reject you. she is ALLERGIC to rich/good man and will always get beaten up and raped by poor losers because in her brain thats what she wants.

#2 you will surround yourself with succseful women who work in offices who will hit on you without you having to do anything but let them fuck your boypussies.
its literally as easy as saying "ok, im going to let you do whatever you want to me".

>> No.14587883

this is the "super secret rosicrucian knowledge" that no one is telling you.
shit/poor people are like that because they want it...subconsciously...and they need to be with another loser. so of course she will end up with some pimp or NEET nigger beating her every night. and she will be like that until the day she dies.

she wil never be attracted to you subconsciously even if you wear a giga chad suit and say all the right things. even if you somehow were together she would subcounsiouslly ruin the relationship.

why do you zoomer idiots continue to give attention and sexual value to complete loser women with IQ of 20. you got sexually rejected by a fucking barista/wairess....you were dumb enough to ask her out? are you kidding me?

#3 from now on you will treat every lower tier woman as trash and not give her an OUNCE of attention, is that clear?
you will get in good office jobs and surround yourself with educated, well paid manager women who will seduce you without you having to even do anything, just ler her rape you.

am i clear?

>> No.14587993

Based chad

>> No.14588018

Based illiterate scizo poster


>> No.14588048

i used to be like them. i was from a smaller town in shitty eastern europe where girls were total pieces of shit, just like your western girls.
then i moved to the capital, got a sweet office job and now women are casually flirting with me, women who probably make more money than me.

all i had to do was up my standarts and start despising loser women.

>> No.14588120

You cousin fuckers take anything trump says and force yourselves to make sense of it hunh? You’re clearly losers you have way too much time in your hands.

>> No.14588157
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>> No.14588160

sound like projecting

>> No.14588225

> them fuck your boypussies.
>its literally as easy as saying "ok, im going to let you do whatever you want to me".
Um, no, what even is this

God why do you schizo posters write such delusional scrambled text walls? Always full of run on sentences too.

>> No.14588266

can you tell more about manager mommys? Have any coolstories? I dont gave any at my job :(

>> No.14588318

you sound pretty based so give me some advice in my current situation. I'm dating a girl that lives in literal slums. She's a hot latina that is a cashier. She never wants to hang out because I think shes playing hard to get. But when I make it she'll be a good candidate because I don't want girls interested in me just for my money. If she likes me at my worst I think there's some value there.

>> No.14588357

how does it even make sense? those manager type females are already married or have plenty of connections to literal millionaire chads. This is some incel fantasy thread

>> No.14588545

OP speaks some truth. I was with a typical normie for a few years (a 8-9/10 one though) and was head over heels for her. She eventually left me for some dude she met at the skate park who was a deadbeat dad ex drug dealer and lived in his car. A year later they broke up and she comes crawling back to me to vent about the situation and how he was a compulsive liar and was talking to a lot of girls behind her back (you’re telling me the guy who was living in his car turned out to be a terrible boyfriend? No fucking shit)

Anyway in her drunken rambling she tells me that she always secretly felt I was too good for her that made her feel insecure and subconsciously pushed her away for me. I’m a pretty jacked chad, own my own business and have the intellectual capacity greater than a half eaten potato chip which places me ahead of your average retarded chad and wagecuck. Not to larp as I’m not the perfect catch by any means but am better than average at least

Last weekend I was out of town and met some super sexy 9/10 office chick working on her doctorate at the most expensive club in the city. We hit it off well and danced/flirted for like 5 hours, she even declined me buying her drinks and bought me overpriced $20+ drinks instead. She came home with me and teased me around a bit but ultimately didn’t smash (I was sharing an Airbnb with some friends for a bachelor party which didn’t help). And before anyone says “but you didn’t smash so the night was a fail” that’s already where you’re thinking like a faggot. Classy office women don’t fuck random bar dudes on the first night because they value their worth more than that. You plant the seed and finish the job later. I got her number and we’ve been texting/snapping throughout the week already making plans to visit each other again sometime

Tl;dr if you’re not a faggot and want to be successful pursue women of higher standards and not lower your worth to girls who are intimidated by success

>> No.14588567

I'm planning to just buy an 18 year old virgin qt from Venezuela.

>> No.14588658
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I don't understand how anyone would have trouble finding a girlfriend with the internet available to them.
It's just a numbers game. Make out a basic script and initiate conversations with as many women as you can till you get one that will date you.

>> No.14588670

Dumbest shit I’ve read on this sewer all week

>> No.14588679
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>guy browsing biz is only banging 9’s

>> No.14588749

>And before anyone says “but you didn’t smash so the night was a fail” that’s already where you’re thinking like a faggot. Classy office women don’t fuck random bar dudes
You know what else classy office women don't do..?
Look for relationships at degenerate clubs
Absolutely deluded

>> No.14588751

Not at all. Don’t get me wrong I’ve banged a fair share of 5-6’s. But when you’ve had sex with a lot of women in your life like most decent looking dudes of course some of them are gonna be extremely gonna good looking. And of course I’m only gonna long term date the ones I’m extremely attracted to, why would I date your average 6/7 when I can get their attention much easier than a 8/9? The thrill is in the chase, i’d rather put the time/effort towards dating an 8/9 than settling for the first 6/7 to come my way

>> No.14588768

She was in town for a bachelorette party as well. Right place right time. We both talked about how we usually never go to clubs like that

>> No.14588823

>wants a successful empowered bitch woman

Not gonna make it

>> No.14588843

Based retard

>> No.14588858

Based and red pilled.

>> No.14589071

first sensible post itt

>> No.14589152

Easter european smalltownfag here
Can confirm. lowering your standards makes you less valuable. It absolutely does not yield results.
Roastie entitlement is regardless of their actual status, if not slightly inversely correlated.

>> No.14589434

Rules of /biz/
1.) Nothin wrong with me
2.) Nothin wrong with me
3.) Nothin wrong with me
5.) Buy high sell low

>> No.14589463

no - what you want is someone who's family and peers all have the same wealth as you anyway so its unremarkable, not some slum cashier

>> No.14589487

I work in an office and have a woman manager, maybe mid 30s but still cute, I'm late 20s. She's married already, no kids and she works in a different city so I don't see her often.
A few months ago she was in town, so we had an in-person meeting with just me and her where we sat across from each other and talked and laughed about random shit for a few hours.
Near the end of the meeting she was starting to lean forward quite a bit more, not enough to be overtly sexual but enough that I got a better look at her cleavage down her white dress shirt.
I got a half chug right there instantly and I'm certain she saw me looking down at her chest way more than I should have - I really couldn't help myself, and she didn't adjust her position or anything, so I think she was into it.
Our whole team went out for drinks a few days later but nothing happened, .
I think if I could transition from professional talk to flirty talk and if we both got drunk together it could happen.

She looks like a slightly older, similar body and similarly dressed to the girl here https://www.xvideos.com/video11740061/sexy_coworker_corners_you_in_the_bathroom_for_teasing_and_taunting

>> No.14589608
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> 30s
> married
> drinking
> talk for hours

what the fuck man, have the words of OP penetrated your thick retard skull at all
SAGE low quality women
also she is just playing with you

>> No.14589777

kek I just kept talking so I didn't have to go back to work, I get paid regardless so might as well make the most of it.
if she is somehow playing me by showing off her body, who cares? I'll enjoy the show but I won't go out of my way to give her attention.