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File: 129 KB, 1247x558, 1555631653977(1).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
14589260 No.14589260 [Reply] [Original]

INTJ/Ps: "big picture" driven, connects existing ideas, pattern seeking, simplifies idea to the core; the most intelligent in Myers Briggs

There's a reason why INTs have chosen to go all in LINK. Non-INTs don't have the skills and intelligence. You either see the big picture and the patterns or you don't.

>> No.14589283
File: 114 KB, 1080x1308, 1560935946762.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The "big picture" is 2.50 by tonight faggot.

>> No.14589290

entp here, i did 0 research and just copied the intps. entp skill is to tell who's a real autist and who's just a dumb wannabe. thanks for your service

>> No.14589293


chainlink is fundamentally an intelligence test

>> No.14589312


i want it to go down, some of us poorlinkers aren't in a rush for 40 trillion dollars to come in just yet

>> No.14589327
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>> No.14589400
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But im so close to 30k :(

>> No.14589410
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ENTP is master race. INT fags might have a couple IQ points on us but they CANNOT apply their intelligence in a real world setting, sometimes cannot employ their intelligence AT ALL.

Literal babbling autists. Net effectiveness, ENTP is peak performance, you know it’s true.

>> No.14589436
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A community of deeply introverted shut-ins living completely isolated and disconnected from the real external world betting their entire lives on a technology that aims to connect isolated systems to external data from the real world... If successful, this will be their only chance to connect with the world. The irony is not lost on me. There's a reason why this one resonated so profoundly here of all places. After all, we're the only ones who can philosophically and emotionally relate to the oracle problem.

>> No.14589522
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This is true

>> No.14589545
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Yes there is definitely an interesting harmony to the whole thing, and don’t get me wrong, I love all my INT LINKY sperglords. I know that I would have NEVER found LINK on my own, ENTP definitely opportunistic vultures on the INTJ/P work done here, and I wholly appreciate it.

I hope all you magnificent bastards get to use your gains to get the social recognition you deserve but would otherwise always be denied.

Godspeed you magnificent, special bastards.

>> No.14589550
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>> No.14589559

Spoken like a true ENT who can't see the bigger picture

>> No.14589592
File: 64 KB, 600x817, giant-magnified-baby-head-gets-photoshop-treatment-30-photos-21.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This post made me realize how autistic I am.

>> No.14589616

int fags starve cause they can’t open a can of beans

intp/j are the most JUSTed types kek

t. infj

>> No.14589666

beans are for poorfags you faggot. get on my fucking level

>> No.14589676


It’s ok fren, the autism of this board will make you a millionaire and you can buy yourself a full time nanny with big milkers, and a fat BRAP just hang in there.

>> No.14589696

jokes on you faggot
im an ISTP and went all in at 33 cents
while you day dream with your 10k linklet stack

>> No.14589722

istps are based. you guys are a good time

>> No.14589728

I can not determine my type.

100% - INT
But now my actions are irrational, I make a plan and immediately break it.

>> No.14589733

INTJs are NOT big picture thinkers, they are hyperfocused creatures and therefore excel at extremely specific and cognitively intensive domains. The INTP is less detail oriented, but able to understand and synthesize the work of many INTJs. Society is built upon the backs of this pair, and to a lesser extent their extroverted counterparts (ENTP/ENTJ). Biz couldn't have latched onto this project so successfully without contribution from all parties. Fuck jannies and fuck S types

>> No.14589773

I agree with this, but think istps get an honorable mention depending on their specific autistic interest. they can be mistake for an NT type if they are high iq given the nature of introverted thinking being their dominant function.

>> No.14589857
File: 277 KB, 804x644, 61EABE29-114F-4DC5-832C-0ACC7E30D87A.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


To a “lesser extent.” ENT types do literally all the legwork and lip service. Every great leader in history is ENT.

Don’t discount how much effort and shrewd intelligence it takes to take some brainiac nerds cooked up fucking insanity and sell it to a crowd of normies.

INTJ/P are wizards, ENTJ/P are sorcerers. Intrinsically hateful of one another and don’t understand how the other works, incredibly dangerous and powerful in tandem.

>> No.14589861
File: 72 KB, 250x250, youdidnotlisten.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

INTP here we're going to make it fundamentally and unironically

>> No.14589882

What is this?

>> No.14589897

OP is right, ya know.

>> No.14589909

>2 years
>32 million spent
>no product

Sick project Rajeev.

>> No.14589964
File: 42 KB, 320x320, 1555998785289.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I was INTJ/INTP all my life
Now after wagecucking for 4 years, I get ISTP
Is this what waging does to people.

>> No.14589980


No idea, seen it a few times, must need to be be an INT spergmaster to decipher it.

>> No.14589984

it is actually worth more than $1 billion now, you should get your facts straight.

>> No.14590079

I remember it was posted with that gay ass moon bog puzzle that turned out to be a nothingburger, pretty sure it's just some retard being obnoxiously esoteric because they think it makes things have more depth or give the appearance it's more smart/interesting than it actually is.

>> No.14590121
File: 7 KB, 273x184, 95086D00-C781-4B76-B484-550791654EC3.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Myers Briggs

>> No.14590141

As an INTP you should believe my superior intelligence when I tell you that meyers briggs is a jewish meme. I can easily get whatever personality I want just by gaming the survey. The questions are super transparent.

>> No.14590158

>tfw figuring out chainlink for the first time and ecstatically walking around alone inside my apartment and thinking all the possibilities and how rich I would be

Looking back now I realize how autistic I am.

>> No.14590176

at a glance looks vaguely like a conway / cellular automaton visualization

>> No.14590195

the fact that you thought anyone wouldn't expect that all surveys are gameable is classic intp

>> No.14590215

Great, you can lie on a personality test. We're all super impressed.

>> No.14590252
File: 290 KB, 1080x1394, 2250b0aa6ebae8c20a2c36bb8ac31acd8d1010a94c16b505b5ca77cdebf1aa3c_1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sure buddy keep talkin

>> No.14590253
File: 168 KB, 1125x1948, egoq52n75qj11.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

ENTP's are the best entrepreneurs and salesmen. ENTPs are the ones making the big big money and living the life of luxury, INTPs are engineers and CEOs that make decent money but have to work themselves half to death in their life absorbing jobs.

>> No.14590316

Based as fuck autist

>> No.14590319

>I can easily get whatever personality I want just by gaming the survey. The questions are super transparent.

>lying on a personality test

How fucking life-crushingly autistic do you have to be to not understand the point behind a self test?

>> No.14590325

ESFP, kinda the opposite, and I have 10k. But I'm a notorious gambler and loved the memes.

>> No.14591607
File: 60 KB, 600x829, laughingelf.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>they don't know

>> No.14591760
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yep just some stupid esoteric shit