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File: 125 KB, 1354x938, D97C294F-C0E3-4B9E-992A-69DE8E6BC53C.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
14581814 No.14581814 [Reply] [Original]

For anyone who has been seeing RLC posts, and wanted a break down of why this token is the future, I suggest you give this thread a read. Theres some really solid info in there


>> No.14581893
File: 61 KB, 917x799, RlcShillsB.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Marketcap- ~30M

>Total Supply- 86,999,785 RLC
>Circulating- 80,070,793 RLC
>Developer holding- ~6,700,000 RLC(12.9%supply)
>Devs dumping on the investors at every version and organize tranny parties
>Vaporware active.
>Fake partnerships, none of the "partners" ever mentioned RLC
>Shilled everywhere by a paedophile 3rd world crew
>Is going to be delisted from all major exchanges


>> No.14581963

>partners never mentioned RLC

Well I think this is enough to show everyone that you don’t have a clue what you are talking about, and dismiss anything else you say as FUD


>> No.14582009

They speak about iExec, it doesn't mean they're supporting RLC in any way.
They probably don't even know it exist.

>> No.14582026

The absolute state of fudder.

>> No.14582066

> why such fud? ARE YOU AYNSANEE

>> No.14582076

..... iexec is RLC. RLC is iexec. Please tell me you are kidding....its like saying link and chainlink are two different things.

>> No.14582099

> confusing a company with a company product
The fucking absolute state of 3rd worldism

>> No.14582202

WHEW LAD.... and what other products does IEXEC offer ?

Here, I’ll help you BTFO yourself

>iexec: blockchain based cloud computing”


>> No.14582350

> Got interviewed by a pajeet shill on a scammers company
This is turning very funny

They actually could've made a good working project and make real money, but:
> they are french, incapable of long term vision
> CEO loves too much trannies
This is why your shitcoin is not growing

But you're a shill, i'm not arguing with you, just pointing out those facts to avoid that newfags fall for your scam.

>> No.14582419

None of this makes any sense. At this point I’ll just assume you are trolling.

>> No.14582477

I know, only your hilarious copypasta tech memes make sense.
The problem is that:
> your shitcoin has the same price as 2017
> shilled every day by the same pajeet paedophile crew for 2 years
> pumped and dumped hard 4 times
> it will be delisted on 12 september, the situation was not fixed by the phD tranny team
> it will go to 0
Try to not be an indonesian shill for a moment and look if this makes sense.

>> No.14582561

Look Transjeet, maybe if you asked nicely Gillies will let you in on the Tranny gang bang. Or maybe if you bought a small stack, you'll have the computational resources to have trannybots of your own!

>> No.14582608
File: 452 KB, 1818x849, glls2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

> I'm already part of iExec, just having some fun exposing how fucked they are, while i wagecuck for them.
This is brilliant, isn't it?

>> No.14582643

I'm pretty sure you're behind this. And apart from a few morons, no one believes you.

The people on the screen have never said anything about the official iexec chat, and all of a sudden they arrive talking like cheap pajeets writing "SHILL MOAR". Then they disappear again.

How lucky that you had time to make a screenshot of this staging:)

>> No.14582669

Once again, you're probably the same jerk who's trying to force the meme.

>> No.14582694

Intel nor any other company is using iexec, meanwhile google is using chainlink. Btfo rlcers.

>> No.14582732

I can't tell internal details of the company, because they can figure out who i am and i would lose my job.

One thing i can tell: they're doing nothing to fix the delisting issue.

At that point the boat will sink, no matter if we use a pajeet army to shill this shitcoin.

>> No.14582873

Google made a blog post discussing use cases for multiple cryptos, chainlink was one of them


Literal link to Intels website, where they talk about using IExec.

Verdict: BTFO

>> No.14582891

is this real

>> No.14582909

Don't fucking listen to Transjeet.

>> No.14582911

Except they are doing something about it, and its actively discussed in their community posts.


Verdict: BTFO

>> No.14582912
File: 399 KB, 1800x1800, 1560960960659.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Let's laugh to chainlink killers



>> No.14582944

Yes, this was probably leaked from one of the dump parties

>> No.14582945

Don’t dream ranjeesh only >145 iq are allowed there

>> No.14582980

> They are about to lose more than 60% of their volume
> They post a very effective solution

>> No.14582982

9 answers. You're really dedicated to the task. You must be well paid to spend so much time spitting on a competitor.

>> No.14583036

Meeting with US lawyers and determining that it isnt a security means getting listed on a US exchange shouldn’t be difficult. Thats about as effective as it gets.

>> No.14583057

I'm in the iExec offices right now, paid by Gilles, shitposting against him.
Is'nt that beautiful?

>> No.14583067
File: 31 KB, 486x309, 5E770E38-DB8D-4A43-ACD2-6D1F2927E32E.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Holy SHIT. Im actually screen shotting this. This has to be the stupidest fucking thing I've ever read on this board, and thats saying A LOT.

>> No.14583099

RLC's volume on the weekly looks very accumulate-ly and bullish. If it puts a double bottom here, I'm jumping in.

>> No.14583102
File: 43 KB, 800x450, pjt.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

> RLC paedophile shills litterally GNAWING
I love this

>> No.14583118

yy, we all trust you.

>> No.14583127




>> No.14583128

>I am an Indonesian closet tranny with mental problems

>> No.14583147

You're from india, shilling here a french shitcoin, what the f* do you think i care about your trust?

>> No.14583178
File: 42 KB, 625x724, RlcShills2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

> Very low energy RLC shillers at the moment
Here's a pic from telegram

>> No.14583264


>> No.14583302
File: 75 KB, 523x522, baguette.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Damn fellow baguettes, I guess oui got HONHONHON'd

>> No.14583327

At this point you don't even know why you're shilling, the more you post threads here, the more you get filled with shit

>> No.14583371

If you dont have anything constructive to add link tard, I can fill the board with sergey dumping his bags on you butthurt faggots @ $3.... fuck outta here

>> No.14583421
File: 901 KB, 1024x1024, DSC010316.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

> being constructive with pajeet shills
Yes, i guess you're right

>> No.14583437

Lol the CEO is a fucking dick sucker this never will hit 0.50$ again

>> No.14583453

There is nothing being shilled here dickhead, and if reality has you that asspained, i suggest scheduling a doctors appointment

>> No.14583467

Gilles is in hospital, did you know that?

>> No.14583470

Only dick sucker is you transjeet.


>> No.14583531
File: 194 KB, 1901x1069, cat_attack_02.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The only person filling everyone's head with shit is you, transjeet. We should definitely come up with a transjeet rundown copypasta, I think many just wouldn't believe a person could be as assmad as this assmad pajeet. I would love for you to tell me how robots executing tasks in Iexec IN COLLABORATION WITH INTEL(>>14582561) is made up bullshit. EVERYONE, if you are truly interested in this token, watch that video and judge for yourselves.

>> No.14583588
File: 45 KB, 600x444, Gerard-Butler-This-Is-Sparta.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

> One single man against a pajeet army
Is'nt that epic?

>> No.14583605

I refuse to buy this coin until Gilles suck my dick

>> No.14583770

You and your pajeet friends are the reason why this shitcoin looks so fucked, but you can't realize that.
Shilling on this board like low level scam recruiters, every day, you make seem this project a total joke.

There's a second reason: devs dumps.
How can those mongoloid french believe they can dump the shitcoin 4 times and get away with that?

Last time it lose more than 50% of its value, the french fuckers could stop at -20% but they're greedy, and trannies cost a lot.

>> No.14583832 [DELETED] 
File: 901 KB, 1024x1024, 1562258998021.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Who is this? :)

>> No.14583843

nothing, just wrong pic

>> No.14583846

“you make seem this project a total joke.”


>> No.14583934

>Dev funds haven't moved for 489 days.
>dev dumps

Pick one

>> No.14583992

Post a picture of your hand and I'll post mine, we'll see who is the real streetshitter. That is actually an ironic point considering the shady shit Chainlink has been obfuscating with their dev wallets in the past week and people are still holding and waiting for the next pump. I don't know how much trannies cost but it seems that you do. It seems like you've paid attention to the price action over the past couple of years, must of bought at the tippy, tippy top and grabbed the knife. It's not our fault you're a shitty investor unable to sell and buy the bottom for a fuck ton more RLC.

>> No.14584013

100% this. /thread

>> No.14584014

Hmm did the ocd anon just doxxed himself?

>> No.14584055
File: 63 KB, 588x492, RlcShills.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

> a picture of you
Those are very european names

>> No.14584058

There's alot of ways to devs to dump a coin without move the wallets

>> No.14584083

It's not me, just wrong pic, please delete it

>> No.14584203

I'm glad that you've become so transparent that anybody more intelligent than a streetshitter can see through your stupidity. Waiting on that picture, and hell even an argument from you.

>> No.14584208

You're the one acting all pajeety, please say out loud ABCD in French then read that guy's name.

>> No.14584212

“Without move the wallets”

..... is this really an organized FUD campaign? None of you speak english.

Also, if that were the case, why didn’t the LINK devs do it?

>> No.14584248


>> No.14584290
File: 35 KB, 460x276, pjttts.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

> Shills a trannycoin every day
> Is this an organized FUD campaign?

>> No.14584308

Transjeet, I only asked for your hand, not you and the poocrew at work.

>> No.14584414

I told you, we were hired from Gilles Fedak.
He had a psychological break two months ago after a tranny party, and he's actually schizophrenic.
He hired you to shill the shitcoin, his 2nd personality hired us to fud the shitcoin.
That's it.

>> No.14584428
File: 74 KB, 1199x780, D6odt6tUwAA4AYI.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

reminder that rlc pajeets are so assblasted that they made fake infographic about link to promote their shitcoin

>> No.14584453

hey transjeet. how do you manage to connect to wifi with your sub 35 iq?

>> No.14584465

That was huge, i've to admit it.
How many indians died to forge this assblasting gag?

>> No.14584467

What’s wrong with that before Chainlink mainet ?

>> No.14584475
File: 64 KB, 750x298, B2F34DD1-9190-4394-BE62-56F329C5B2DD.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Show the hand transjeet


>> No.14584494

infographic is right. link was not on mainnet at that point. their sgx solution cannot verify calculations onchain and even though they claim actually they are not yet blockchain agnostic. link pajeets are reddit tier retards

>> No.14584665

then why link is partnered with Microsoft, DocuSign, Oracle and Google and iExec isn't?

>> No.14584744

>thinks google blog posting about multiple crypto, and explaining potential use cases is a “partnership”

Also, can you not read? Iexec is partnered / collabing w ubisoft, intel, ali baba cloud and EDF

>> No.14584915


>> No.14584954

At least here Transjeet admits to being paid to FUD this token.

>> No.14584967

And you don't admit it, this gives me some advantage

>> No.14584973

LoL, these threads are always super entertaining.

>> No.14585023

why do the price stays too low then? answer: the devs are dumping

>> No.14585186

The only devs dumping are Links one and they did it only 2 days ago

>> No.14585210
File: 223 KB, 528x424, hon.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I am only paid in keks and HONHONHONs, shreetshitter.

>> No.14585351

You have some serious mental problems. Even for 4chan standards.

>> No.14585402


>> No.14585430

they are dumping LINKIES to fund the project. Gilles is dumping RLC to fund his private parties

>> No.14585496

Holy shit this thread is a shit show the fud is literal trash I just bought 50k thanks op

>> No.14585528

> 50k indonesian dollars

>> No.14585535

>50k indonesian dollars

this could buy 10 rlc

>> No.14585562

Soon it can buy 1000 rlc

>> No.14585732

Pajeets out. No one cares about your shit tier fud. In fact it made me look into RLC. Thanks

>> No.14585744 [DELETED] 
File: 41 KB, 515x390, 95E691DA-5D5D-40CF-98F8-65001DF0E266.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Holy shit frens, is this guy for real ?

>> No.14585943

Yes. Transjeets autism knows no bounds

>> No.14585953


>> No.14586433

Why are they removing posts showcasing transjeets FUD ?