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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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File: 71 KB, 1023x813, EVE CUBE.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
14583413 No.14583413 [Reply] [Original]

Chainlink is dying fellas. We had a nice run.

Time to move on

>> No.14583452

Fuck I dumped shit link last week

>> No.14583461
File: 99 KB, 720x960, evegirls2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

lmao i regret making this meme now.

>> No.14583466

What is the actual FUCK is devery?

>> No.14583499
File: 264 KB, 952x1344, 1562254529620.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

GTFO with your failed 2018 coin. I'd rather buy Dragonchain and DeepBrainchain. And they suck.

>> No.14583502

this is objectively the shittiest way to shill something i've ever seen in my life. I didn't even notice you photoshopped shit in for days after first seeing these.

>> No.14583514

No regrets. None. Never.

>> No.14583523

there is no "next" link

>> No.14583524

>$3000 daily volume

>> No.14583541
File: 248 KB, 1200x1184, IMG_20190302_235524_518.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Spotted the non beliEVEr

Let me explain your future:

You fight it as the memes become worse and worse. For some reason devery keeps on mooning. You cant understand why a garage door exit scam is up 1000% on the 7 day chart and your bags just can't keep up. After disbelief you actually DYOR and determine that yes you will buy devery when it's 70 cents. It corrects down to 40 cents and you proclaim *fuck it I'm out it was a scam all along* then it continues to go to $2 in a matter of a few weeks. You proceed to think *I'm a visionary I knew this project was legit! Afterall I bought under $1 last time.* So you buy in again only for it to continue going to $10.

That's right anon it's never too late to join the team. Why fight it.

>> No.14583553
File: 154 KB, 800x800, dev1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

But you did notice... hahah

>> No.14583572

a meme scam coin by some unknown party who can't afford graphic designers so they slap logos on pics of hot girls with ms paint
that being said i bought 9k just in case

>> No.14583607

This is autist level effort. Do better pajeets.

>> No.14583608
File: 16 KB, 618x210, IMG_20180831_172128_043.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Kek link unironically is over. Guess I'll check this new poocoin out

Maybe I will convert to a beliEVEr

>> No.14583622

Usually failures disappear. EVE is only finding more usecases. Network activity is seeing a huge uptick over the last month.

Check the github or stay salty when we blast off, anon. https://github.com/devery

Makery app is live. Here is the latest update. https://medium.com/devery-io/extended-product-suite-release-of-our-application-suite-for-testing-and-markery-io-4e80d0c8ec64

>> No.14583629

wah wah wah bitch Im a link holder

>> No.14583649

I sold like a fuckwad last week, now it’s up 2x WTF isn’t this shitcoin dead???

>> No.14583654

The team is known. Bokky and Dorjee Sun are well known people in the Ethereum community. They were early advisors and are still involved in the project.

I dont think the team has a graphic designer. It's just me and a few autists making budget memes.

>> No.14583664
File: 25 KB, 1000x500, Binance-Review-Featured-Image.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

We appreciate you donation sir. Thank you.

>> No.14583680

Well, this is apparently the next scamcoin to unironically moon.

>> No.14583707

Fucking shit coins of biz. I’m in

>> No.14583722

I promise you, we are only buying. Books are far too thin to do anything but set low bids and pray for a shakeout.

This train will have no brakes. Hodlers are exhibiting autism levels not seen since early 2017.

>> No.14583728
File: 122 KB, 640x799, dev2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Welcome aboard SIR >>14583707

>> No.14583742

Fucking pajeets are in full swing today

>> No.14583744

EVE isn't really a shitcoin like VIDT, it has big names behind it, but the problem is that it's a supply chain verification coin and that fad passed 18 months ago with WTC, so it had a really poor launch.

>> No.14583772

how many eve do I need to make it?

>> No.14583791

I love it how each new ponziecoin shill starts by trying to take out the daddy, link.

>> No.14583796

Sounds like Devry university
is that where you studied to come up with this shit?

>> No.14583802

Correct. Holders have sailed through rough waters, but only smooth seas ahead.

It's IDEX microcap season. The supply chain meme is returning in full force. And we have the development to take a huge chunk of that crypto hype.

Imagine not investing just a small sum in the only product tracking and verification protocol that has a provable, native burn mechanism and a growing coalition of autistic holders.

Why do you think LINK has pumped so hard? People bought a lot. They bought early. They didnt sell. They accumulated on the dips. And they beliEVEd.

>> No.14583811

>me and a few autists making budget memes
that's why i'm worried
increasing my stack to 20k

how many to make it and when are we looking at $1USD?

>> No.14583826

ITT tech sir.

At least 50k currently. You have a healthy 150x once we reach $1, $70M market cap.

>> No.14583827

Fucking books on this are thin, if I buy I’ll moon the fucking price 2x

>> No.14583842

Short term 200k EVE

Medium term 25-50k EVE

Long term 5-10k EVE

>> No.14583857

Join Devery Trade on telegram. Hit up @localizeme for an invite.

$1 before EOY or i'm quitting crypto and building my shrimp farm.

>> No.14583858
File: 242 KB, 1023x1280, DEV4.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The fuck does Chainlink actually do anyway?

>> No.14583861

It'll be ~$1 within the next 2 months. $22 EOY. Screenshot this

>> No.14583878

Dude just set bids. The spread sucks because nobody wants to sell, but I've watched the buy side start to grow over the past 3 weeks. If BTC dumps your price will probably be met in the 1500 vits area

>> No.14583881

Nothing. It’s literal dog shit

>> No.14583901

LMAO absolutely haram price prediction. At $1 it's a 70M market cap. We're still under $.01 :)

>> No.14583915

non beliEVEr

>> No.14583921

15 ETH volume on IDEX IN ONE FUCKING WEEK. Fuck this shit

>> No.14583930

I have a few hidden orders around 1500 vits

>> No.14583938

Is this a Pajeet discord scam again?

>> No.14583953


Thanks, your real fucking cleaver. To clever for us autists

>> No.14583956

no this is a boomer telegram ponzi

>> No.14583973

No just a bunch of low IQ autists

>> No.14583976
File: 7 KB, 192x36, Screenshot_11.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Based, you will make it.

Change in volume vs. little change in price. Unironically the strongest buy signal there is in crypto.

>> No.14583988

I can't even tell if this project is active. What the fuck are they even doing?

>> No.14584000

yes sirs buy 97% down token, thanks sirs

>> No.14584101
File: 170 KB, 220x220, tenor.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Theyre onboarding more developers and expanding their usecase. Join DeveryTrade on telegram, we'll give you the details.

>> No.14584117

When a solid project is down 97% you dont buy
When a scam is up 10000% you buy

Fucking christ almighty biz is full of fucking retards

>> No.14584130

Let them keep adding to their VIDT bags.

>> No.14584173
File: 279 KB, 850x716, D106E627-46CB-410D-9977-7B2CE815DA44.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

When moon sir

>> No.14584197


if you aren't buying at the top how are you gonna make it?
selling my whole stack and buying back in at 0.0003ETH

>> No.14584313

>Day 594: Still nobody noticed the missing team page.
You trust people like this? lmao

>> No.14584433

They have it on the website squal

>> No.14584734

Ill buy a small bag, who the fuck knows maybe this shit coin has some legs

>> No.14584870

Sorry Linkies... time to come to the darkside

>> No.14584918

>it's another pajeet shitcoin PnD brigade desperately pandering to LINK episode

>> No.14584942

Fucking Christ if the dev wasn’t so good I would think this was a scam

>> No.14584948

Aye, reckon i'll throw a few eth in to see what happens. shit looks so bottomed bruh

>> No.14585249

Imagine buying the top on chain link and then not buying the bottom on devery ... wait 1 month then fomo back in at 70c

>> No.14585266


>> No.14585267

when they start releasing info this shit will moon

>> No.14585292
File: 10 KB, 250x250, 1562263214668.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

/biz/ never changes. We try to help where we can, but there is only so much whales can do to enrich the masses out of altruism. You have to make some decisions yourself, anons.

>> No.14585342

Wow this one slipped under the radar

>> No.14585492

Is Bokky still with this???

>> No.14585811

Yep he hops in the official channel from time to time. Real discussion is on the developer slack. Let me know if you want a link.

Hopefully we can stay there. Volume cannot support big buyers yet, so it's been a slow process to grab enough. Currently holding over 500k.

>> No.14585825

I fap a lot does that count?

>> No.14585860

>24 hour volume 10 ETH

yeah, no

>> No.14585898

Patience, anon.

You will have more volume when you buy at $.05.

>> No.14585980


Just wait. You wont miss this. Volume is rising every day... So is the price...

>> No.14585988


>> No.14586001

I think his point is that he WILL miss it, but is happy to invest his NEET bux once everybody wants to buy.


>> No.14586002
File: 643 KB, 2215x1656, 1534165473446.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


To ALL ANONS that opened these 'EVE babe' shill threads

All these are made by EVE bagholders who own 'Devery Trade' telegram channel

They post EVE logos on 'babes' so you buy this scam token that is 1.5 year on IDEX only without any volume

Then will drop their -30x ICO (17 cents) heavy ass bags on you

Instead check Devery Official channel t.me/deverychat

And see see how scammy this project really is, censorship better than North Korea all the way


>> No.14586046

I like this guy. He’s fudding without actually fudding