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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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File: 195 KB, 1003x431, E001AF57-123E-4BD1-83FB-3C86F9F2934F.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
14575988 No.14575988 [Reply] [Original]

Early days, not even 100000 people mining.You can mine 20 a day atm at base level on ANY phone, when this goes on exchanges you could have a large sum.just download the app on your IOS Store or download the APK at "minepi dot com"

Have to be invited, so use my code ‘gom23’

>> No.14576211

You mean invite code: Virgo

>> No.14576279
File: 282 KB, 1600x1920, Summer_Laegjarn_Neutral.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Invite code: KaiserHenrique

>> No.14576287
File: 2.45 MB, 1080x2160, Screenshot_2019-06-20-10-45-32-73.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.14576318

I mean, not really Jelly but I am happy for you.
Have Fun and MAKE IT, anon!

>> No.14576350

It's a scam kenpai


>> No.14576401

Very legit, this will be the crypto, along with facebook libra if it actually gets approved, that the normies actually use.

>> No.14576444

Use code k3nnysan for MAX mining! I'll add you to my elite security circle so you get a headstart. REMEMBER code is k3nnysan.


Also remember to toggle hide real name in the options menu!

>> No.14576524

The hide the name feature is new and was sorely needed

>> No.14576560

this guy didn't even bother to google shit. he implies they are not stanford phds but you can easily google them and find their stanford edu pages and one of them even teaches some sort of computing class there. not to mention some videos are up of them at stanford teaching or talking about shit. this guy is fudding to get as much pi as possible he even shills his code and posts it in the description as well. i'm sure these guys sre throwing away their reputation for this "scam"

>> No.14576593

I wish we could team up after activating

>> No.14576723

You can invite people from your phone book on to it, if you have any friends its a fast way to get a security circle up and running

>> No.14577171

Yup.Their stanford history is well documented.

>> No.14577276

Link marines assemble!
> hapilinkyboie

>> No.14577430

No link marines here fren, just pi patrol

>> No.14577451
File: 1.37 MB, 2000x2600, 1562093967939.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Guys, you should use this code:

But only if you want to become rich, and get lots of thicc ladies.

>> No.14577610

Pi Patrol get whatever they want, thicc, thin, fat

>> No.14577637

Please use code oliver4p1
I have no referral :)

>> No.14577860


>> No.14578210
File: 148 KB, 853x1200, 1562091340033.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yes, but thicc ladies are guaranteed by default.


>> No.14578213

will circulating billions of tokens until listing. 20$ means top 3. YEAH SURE.

>> No.14578343

How big is your penis tho?

>> No.14578363

Very large

>> No.14578579
File: 839 KB, 450x402, 1502192988212.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

ref code: memes

>> No.14579347

please use code:
thank you frens

>> No.14579357

Based Horatio

>> No.14579393

When exactly is it going on exchanges?

>> No.14579398

Linkmarines assemble! Join my linkie cirkle
> hapilinkyboie

>> No.14579427

I cant, already joined

>> No.14579441

Any /biz/ projection for this when It launches?

Like 1 π = 0.001 us$?

>> No.14579456

Good taste, /biz/

>> No.14579684

Depends, if it reaches 10 million users by the time its on exchanges, it will be the most used crypto in the world i would think if it then gets used on the marketplace and for trading, it could easily go in the top 5.

>> No.14579725

this vid will be funny when this shit moons

>> No.14579763

>the most used crypto in the world
calm down. I want this to moon too but lets stay realistic here

>> No.14579808

Invite code: Katroya

>> No.14579811

They're gonna need some serious advertising if they want to reach anything like that. They're evidently doing nothing of the sort at the moment, so I hope they have something up their sleeves. I want my free make-it stack

>> No.14579870

>tfw at this rate, I'll never make it to 10k stack.

please kindly use my code anons and never stop mining. half the people under me never mine


>> No.14579874

my invite is Mrplayerismus, 4 comfy frens so far

>> No.14579877

Pi (3.14 inches)

>> No.14579888

is the $20 prediction based on anything substantive? I want to believe.

>> No.14579915

>Still not on Google store
Its a scam, isnt It?

>> No.14579918

Im serious.Electronium fucked up.From what ive seen these guys are more clued up and have the right targets.Whoever captures the mobile market first immediately gets in the top 5 imho.This is the best bet so far.Of course things can change quickly but for now they are my pick.

>> No.14579927

I dont think so

>> No.14579965

It was based on anons calculations that this reaches 200 million users.

>> No.14579991

Why arent you mining deadember?!!

>> No.14580017

invite: MrPlayerismus for comfy fren dividends

>> No.14580047

> code: shoopdacoop

I trust you to use your best judgement anon

>> No.14580057

Use code "maxpi" to earn bonus pi.


>> No.14580100

cool guys don't post there code three times, use mojamjam as the invite code instead

>> No.14580110


>> No.14580135

Lmao you idiots are being fooled by GREENSCREENS holy shit
enjoy your pyramid scheme you retards

>> No.14580155

literally never
seriously it's a giant pyramid scheme.

>> No.14580204

in the app store. I got taken down from the google store because google mistakenly thought that it was proof of work (hardware mining like btc). as soon as the appeal goes through it should come right back up.

>> No.14580214


How is it a Pyramid scheme when its all free?

>> No.14580324

>hurrr how do facebooks make monies if it's FREE, huh???
you really don't belong here, retard.

>> No.14580394
File: 100 KB, 300x300, aimbotguy.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

ref code: anon0105

>> No.14580415

let me guess, you call everything you don't like a ponzi too

>> No.14580428


Exhibit a:>>14579991
Exhibit b:>>14576723
Exhibit c:>>14579870

If you have to ask how this is proof you are exactly the target audience and j say his as I was scouted by three different scam companies while job hunting and they barely covered their tracjs

This is also ignoring that pi was abandoned 5 years ago and suddenly a team of three (all Standford PhD!!!) Have suddenly latched on and made this their widely successful pet project?

Next time you complain about shitcoijs remember this moment

>> No.14580440

Not gonna take tips from someone who can't speak English, sorry

>> No.14580448

Invite code Kaosmonger

>> No.14580468


>Ignoring a post because my giant manhands can't handle this shitty phone keyboard


>> No.14580472


Facebook isnt a pyramid scheme though you fucking moron.

>> No.14580555
File: 19 KB, 353x404, 1553221022900.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

lmao you morons think you're going to get rich from a fucking scam app lmao just end it now, you'll literally never make it, ever.

>> No.14580617
File: 157 KB, 800x450, free.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

not gonna make it

Use code Bumblebro

>> No.14580698


use for extra fast mining

>> No.14580720

Invite code: Popcorn

also EU phone verification seems to take ages, been waiting for the verification result almost 30 mins now...

>> No.14580794

Use my invite code TRXmooning, we have one more spot to make a MAX security circle.

>> No.14580816

Use code Petohauki for ultra fast mining!

>> No.14581052

Thats what deademer Said to >>14579991


Hahaha, yeah right

>> No.14581287

So whats the danger in doing It?

>> No.14581414
File: 112 KB, 1000x600, pie-stack.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

use code: 'nack' to maximize your pi stack