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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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1457297 No.1457297 [Reply] [Original]

I am a failure, lads. Tomorrow I turn 26 and I have nothing but failure in my wake because I am a stupid idiot. I feel like I am destined to be a wage slave until I'm fucking dead, which will probably be soon because I am trying to avoid being a wage slave.

I hate working for people and I hated it when I was doing it, even when it was with friends. I enjoyed starting the failures that I did, but when it all crashed down I would fall back to "maybe this isn't for me," but then I would attempt something else.

What do I do, /biz/? I can't get a loan, and whilst I am applying for jobs I really don't want them. I don't want to sell my labour for $x.xx amount of dollars.

>> No.1457301

its never too late to invest anon.. work on increasing your capital, and you will be investing and living the NEET life of leisure. Satisfaction guaranteed

>> No.1457302
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become NEET

inb4 the wagies get mad

>> No.1457342
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26 here too. The world is rapidly changing. It is completely different than what it was 8 years ago. I can't wrap fully wrap my head around it and anyone who says they do is a liar.

>> No.1457359

27 here from Eastern Central Europe. The same here.
I dabble in online money making, but couldn't even reach my country's minimum wage which is nothing.
I'm trying to find a skill to learn online that's not coding or SEO.
More and more young people will face living like this and I don't know the solution. NEETs unite (separately in our own homes) and take over the world?
I don't want to be a doomsayer, but I've heard that the last time when youth unemployment was this high, it was before 2nd world war.

>> No.1457485


I can't become NEET. I dislike the government enough to never want to take a dime or rely on them in any way. I have literally $30 to my name to invest, and I don't think that'd get me anywhere.


The irony of this is that I had my life sort of on track eight years ago, honestly. At least I wasn't being shot down by failure after failure, and even the fear of failing.


I don't want another world war.

>> No.1458614

I'd recommend killing yourself

>> No.1458674
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I was 29 2 years ago, I hadn't had a job for 4 years, I had no currently relevant skills, I had no career progress, I had no friends, no money, all I did was sit at home and wank and play video games all day. I was too embarrassed to make the correct choices and I really was destined and close to fucking myself up permanently financially. I can relate to most of what you said, even though it comes across as arrogant and childish.

I launched a small company with a little less than £100 and grew it to turn over £110,000 that year. I've since launched another recent venture and I'm already making £2,000/month after tax with it. I'm still scared, still learning, still challenging myself and still loving growing my numbers.

If you're smart, my advise to you:
>Learn self discipline
>Join a gym as soon as humanly possible, take it seriously and do not fuck it up, especially not in the long term

Once you have those in order:
>Figure out a way to make a few bucks
>Repeat it X Hundred times until you're earning more than minimum wage
>Grow yourself into a business and keep going

>> No.1458693

Not OP, but thanks, it's really motivating and I hope that my story will turn out like yours.
How did you start your first business?

>Figure out a way to make a few bucks
this is the only step I'm struggling with

>> No.1458822

I bought electronic goods and sold them for more than I paid. The good thing about this is that even small margins are huge profit when you're digital if you have enough demand.

>this is the only step I'm struggling with
Find a demand or problem, find a solution/supply, find or create a way to bring B to A for less than you will turn over. Literally the key to 90% of businesses.

>> No.1458876
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OP, and others, first of all, dont despair. Realize that we are now in information age, there are many free resources that can help you to get back at life and face challenges.

Ask yourself, what makes Prajeet forever poor in India or Hussain having to eat rats at Africa? It's knowledge.

Different centuries have different paradigm shifts, for example during 80s those who venture in property, commodities would be rich, 90s those into stocks and markets would be rich, and for us - it's all about coding.

WTF is wrong with u guys? Come on, there's coursera (free), Khan academy (free), Youtube videos (free), codeacademy (free)... what else do you want? Fucking chink here, do you want Sayta Nadella or Sundar Pichai to feed your mouth? Reflect on this and get learning about coding. Btw think of coursera - FREE IVY LEAGUE MATERIALS IN YOUR FACE - what more u want? I would go through all of the courses if I have enough time...

Coding is not really tough as compared to engineering (esp the advanced calculus stuff), it is still tolerable but many people would give up not even half way through because of the perceived "nerd" thing associated with it. The future is going to be the Algorithm economy, read them up at McKinsey or econs sites. Sure maybe u cant be the next Beatles having lifelong copyright fees but who knows you could be developing the next Google algorithm or something.

Also, read up on books that teach u about character building, such as The Governing Principles of Ancient China (google it pls) or Richest Man in Babylon.. try to avoid ones like Rich Dad Poor Dad because those are over meme-ed. Worst case, even if you won't be rich, at least you have a Good Character. This stuff is invaluable and bosses would know how to value one.

FYI - I too had experienced existential depression and got admitted 24 times in psychiatric. Talk about being psychotic. I'm OK, doing well, developing apps/sites stuff, applying fundings for dev etc. You can do it, OP!!

>> No.1458902

As someone who made their first company off the back of self taught programming, you have no idea what you're talking about. You also talk like a 14 year old.

Programming pays so well because it's an awful job. It's demanding, repetitive, ever changing and you're always between the client and the boss. If you're doing it on your own then you have added competition and other dramas to worry about.

It's fantastic money but it's definitely an exclusive job because it's just not very enjoyable. It's also a really shit way for smart people to spend their time because there are thousands of other better ways to earn a living and make more of yourself than a programming career path.

The perceived nerd thing is also complete bullshit, this isn't the 80s and 90s. Grow up.

Also stop predicting the future, you're not Warren Buffet.

Coding is a fine suggestion for the right people, just cut out all the utter bullshit you smeared your post with.

>> No.1458912

Good post tripfag, it was heard by me and many lurkers, very nice.

>> No.1459127

>I dislike the government
>I hate working for someone

Pick one cuck