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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/biz/ - Business & Finance

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14559958 No.14559958 [Reply] [Original]

Damn you Gilles and your illegal security token. I have until Sept 12th to break even before it's delisted and banned across all exchanges. Then I can only trade it in for baguettes and trannies.

>> No.14560148

Bless you transjeet. Doing god's work.

>> No.14561316

it had a pump and dump recently why didn't you get out

>> No.14561703

That kid is such a stupid faggot, its really quite sad. Its funny because he thinks he is swaying peoples opinions, but Ive literally seen him say the same shit for months now in every thread.

Its at the point to where you see an RLC thread pop up, and you know instantly transjeet will be there, and you know exactly what he will say.

>> No.14561735

why is RLC being fudded so much the last days? this is a strong bullish signal

>> No.14561761

Its being price suppressed, probably someone wants a cheap bag

>> No.14561775

Transjeet is my favorite pajeet, you can get him to HONHONHON and converse with you in google translated French.

>> No.14561801

Still waiting to buy in. Looking to buy 250k, need a big sell wall tho

>> No.14561858


>> No.14561926

It will only take one announcement or whale to determine the bottom is in and you will never see these prices again.

>> No.14561965
File: 69 KB, 640x640, IMG_20190703_131008_306.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Based transjeet

>> No.14561969

Yeah that's fun and all, but to get a proper bag I need to clear out the whole fucking orderbook

>> No.14562062

Yup, thats what going to happen here very soon.

>> No.14562255

Yep, im patient and waiting to buy in. This is an insanely good buying opportunity for such an undervalued project. I already hold 30k as well

>> No.14562362

same fren

>> No.14562601

If you were to open a Req or Ark thread it would also receive a lot of fud. People are just sick of french projects that look ok, but turn out to be absolute garbage.

>> No.14562617

IExec is fundamentally different

>> No.14562634
File: 2 KB, 200x200, LTO NETWORK.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

LMAO screw you with your scam post. The real thing is LTO

>> No.14562693

> RLC trannies go mad and paranoid and see transjeet everywhere
I didn't know AIDS affects brain Gilles

>> No.14562699

Because the shilling is unbearable, literally tens of threads every day since over two years, always the same techno-futuristic-mumbojumbo talk about AI-smart-cities-5G on the blockchain combined with shitty forced DBZ memes. And yet 90% of people holding this coin are at a loss. Every new version its the same game again, and then comes, oh so surprising, the huge dump because people who were suckered into this project by paid shills see that it basically doesn't work at all and is in no shape useable for businesses or individuals.

Thats not FUD, that's the truth, and anyone can verify it by looking at threads from before V1, V2 and V3. RLC is a one trick pony and think they can pull it off indefinitely.

>> No.14562708

What a liar, the real GOAT is BLT

>> No.14562725

Notice how the FUD associated w this project is always so low IQ it actually hurts to read, and you can almost smell the curry through the screen.

>> No.14562780

You don't even know what IQ is, pajeet, please wipe your ass before typing, your keyboard smells shit

>> No.14562794
File: 118 KB, 708x633, C2C0D048-5A31-4DCC-BA76-0E36C6300C36.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>”tens of threads”
>they actually talk about technical application and why their product actually as real life use (as if that somehow is bad)
>complains about DBZ memes, when other coins CEOs are actually a fucking meme
>paid shills
>claims it has no use, but never provides anything to back up this claim

Low IQ transjeet detected

>> No.14562810

Lmfao, transjeeeeeeeet. Work on your grammar and maybe you will pass for a burger. Can you give me a HONHONHON?

>> No.14562850

> RLC paid tranny french pajeets litterally freaking out
You deserve to die, your coin is going to 0, your tech memes are total vaporware, your founder has AIDS, everyone is delisting your scamcoin.
Choke yourself with a tranny cock, end it nicely before the inevitable collapse.

>> No.14562882

Work on your anus hygiene, it prevents middle age diseases and a premature funeral into gange.

>> No.14562897

Linkies threat /biz/ as their own and will do anything to bring other projects down, but RLC triggers them extra hard.

>> No.14562903

I'm gonna make it nibbas

>> No.14562930
File: 63 KB, 588x492, Screenshot 2019-07-03 at 21.31.02.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

stop calling everybody transjeet if you can't disprove his points. No they are dreaming about some futuristic scenario with no bearing in reality and then scream 100$ EOY. None of the people shilling iExec have any background in computer science and actually understand what they are saying.

Pic related: You and your butt-buddies in the official telegram just an hour ago.
> No forced shilling going on anything, nope, all natural, just discussing a technology
lmao. NO ONE believes that

>> No.14562929

The seethe of this one is pure gold.

>> No.14562938

No one is bringing your shitty project down, just your devs, dumping so hard after every announcement to organize tranny parties.

>> No.14562956

Tell us, how do you REALLY feel, anon?

>> No.14562971
File: 280 KB, 1024x768, A163E8F4C57D41AD833D84AD51C24533.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Transjeet, we are all friends here. My anus health is actually fantastic due to my use of toilet paper. Have you ever used toilet paper once in your life? Buy some RLC and you might be able to afford that sort of lavish luxury one day.

>> No.14562985

>Waaah RLChads finally decide to shill and I refuse to buy because they are finally shilling after 2 years

>> No.14562999

It's over Gilles. This buries you.

>> No.14563007

I love how fucking full of hurt every RLC thread is.
Full of faggs that got fucked on dumps, but full of fear of a big boy nigga pump

>> No.14563013

I feel RLC is going to 0, Gilles.
Wash your hands when you handjob niggers, your french office smells of dick.

>> No.14563050

This is HUGE, i'll keep it and share everywhere, thank you anon.

>> No.14563103
File: 89 KB, 621x621, F24F1325-5650-4ACF-90D1-8387457882F9.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Will you keep up this high level of entertainment after this token moons? You are legit the only reason I invested in this.

Anything that can make one person SEETH this hard has to be worth a fortune.

>> No.14563130

Let's see:
> One of the most active on that shitty telegram: Aaebe Cede: BANDUNG - INDONESIA
Fucking 6th worlders spamming here 24/7, good job iExec, good job Gilles the trannylover.

>> No.14563166

..... except the devs havent moved anything from the wallets since the project started.

Maybe you are talking about Chainlink, since their devs just dumped all over the “ muh $1000 eoy “ moon boys ?

>> No.14563168

is the tranny thing real?

>> No.14563185 [DELETED] 

LOL were did you get that he's from Indonesia LARPER

>> No.14563186

Other noticeable active users:
JEEVA JEEVS - sathyamangalam

good job iExec, good job Gilles the scumlover

>> No.14563211

I think he's having a seizure. I am actually concerned for the health of our beloved transjeet

>> No.14563219 [DELETED] 

You're the wrost Fudder in the history of this board lmao

>> No.14563222
File: 452 KB, 1818x849, glls2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yes, it's true, here's one real leaked pic of Gilles Fedak sucking a tranny cock at one of their dump parties

>> No.14563244

Why linkies hate rlc so much? Are they scared that they waited 2 years for x10 gains and we will do x30 eoy?

>> No.14563245 [DELETED] 

Mental illness transjeet poster

>> No.14563251

> rlc french 6th worlders tranny pajeets litterally freaking out
> why such fud? ARE YOU ONSANE?!!?!?!?!?!?
curry yourself pajeets

There are many ways to dump and don't get noticed

>> No.14563267 [DELETED] 

Checked and yes they are. Also, if they buy RLC right now with their 10x gains that's 300x for them.

>> No.14563283
File: 101 KB, 500x373, 1542727458575.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I hope you hear my subtle "HONHONHONs" taunting you in the breeze when you're wandering the shitfilled streets of New Dehli, and I am RICK JAMES rich, bitch.

>> No.14563298

They arent. Most of us hold both. This is literally the same guy same fagging every RLC post, and Its amazingly entertaining.

>> No.14563351

Nothing to say, Prankamabajesh

>> No.14563429

Not that I think anyone buys into your bullshit, but its quite the opposite.


>> No.14563434


>> No.14563481

how could i buy a coin which the CEO is a literal tranny lover?

>> No.14563572 [DELETED] 

Transjeet lives in GMT+2

>> No.14563968
