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14561550 No.14561550 [Reply] [Original]


>> No.14561573

in your dreams doomer faggot

>> No.14561588

> Expects hyperinflation
... lolwut?

>> No.14561609


>> No.14561621


>> No.14561629

>The US dollar will be worth less cause we are printing more

Thanks just went all in on crypto

>> No.14561634

if anything, this means buy more btc

>> No.14561644

trump successfully bullying the fed into dropping rates. that is what will be remembered as the beginning.

>> No.14561678
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>> No.14561815
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Hyperinflation of US dollar is pretty much impossible within the next decade. Dollar is a fiat shitcoin, but it is the least shitty of all fiat, the world has a lot of demand for dollars. You will see increased consumer goods prices and increased inflow of fiat into assets with Store of Value properties (bitcoin, real estate, stocks), but no hyperinflation until dollar ceases to be world reserve currency.

>> No.14562284

sell INTO hyperinflation, Yeah?
you a faggot or something, spastic?

>> No.14562408

sell your usd corns for less inflationary corns you dildo. cash on hand has been the loser's play for almost 10 years

>> No.14562436

The moment it starts cracking though...the collapse will be overnight.

>> No.14562949
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The Chinese and Russians are accumulating tons of gold literally for this day.
The EU countries do this too.
The US will be done in months.
Hyperinflation will start when the world will send back all shitdollars to the US.
Many countries in Asia, under China and Russia are already evading the dollar in trades.
US allies like Japan and Australia are already talking about dumping the shitdollar.
Even Germany agrees that the dollar is trash.
The lifespan of the US is 5 years from now.
The collapse of the financial system will start in 2020, a great depression over the whole planet.

>> No.14562970

Wise BoBo, what will happen after the US Dollar collapses? Riots because no gibs? How do us autists protect the interwebz and meme coins when the nogs cut off power?

>> No.14563041

Anyone that is sitting entirely in cash is either A.) Too stupid to invest, B.) Doesn't give a shit, or C.) Thinks the USD is all powerful (also stupid)

>> No.14563054

I just can’t wait until all these sportsball players and rappers get reduced to rubble overnight

>> No.14563137

>thinking the electric grid stays stable enough to keep the Internet running when the dollar crashes and energy commodities get fucked

Oh sweet summer child.

>> No.14563173
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Athletes, rappers, basedcucks, accountants, lawyers, Instagram thots, non-stem academics, most garbage “coders”, and welfare recipients will all get raped

Only profitable shitcoin traders, doctors, blue collar workers, soldiers, and legit programmers/cz experts will survive

I’m so fucking pumped

>> No.14563191

based fed dropper

>> No.14563218

what happens when they get lost in the mail? top kek you think the US is just going to accept them?

>> No.14563288
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You are delusional. Euro has had 0% interest rates for a decade now, is way less important than USD and still no hyperinflation. It is depreciating as fuck, especially against real estate, but no hyperinflation. Dollar will be the last fiat to fall.

It will come eventually, but the shit show will keep going longer than you think.

>> No.14563290

Wise BoBo, how do I capitalize on this, I expect a crash in 2021? Eurofag btw.

>> No.14563309

India has ditched US Dollar and is using EUR for international trade.
It's not manipulation, it's just Donald forgetting that other currencies exist and his tariffs can be easily worked around.

>> No.14563323

>implying the EU or the euro will survive the US crashing
t. EUP intern

>> No.14563367
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Very easy, cold wallets, when neetbux end people will riot but to their own demise since the elite will be in different safe tax havens. The riot police will go haywire and suppress riots and murder people.

Never let people know you have money, or invest into crypto. Never tell people you prep for civil war.
Once the shit hits the fan they will all come to you.

>> No.14563417

Of course they will, it's a currency people buy stuff with. If they won't, the dollar will lose its monetary value immediately and it will be over for the US even faster.
Those who destroyed the US in 1913 have no plan except maybe WW3 to solve this problem.

>> No.14563433

It's actually somewhat plausible.
BTC will be your entry tickets.
The citadels meme is real.

>> No.14563445

The EU will die, but not Europe, The US is a sacrificial lamp for the next economic scam system.

>> No.14563613

Based time traveler, anything else we should know?

>> No.14563625

The next economic scam system is cashless society, negative interest rates on deposits and complete financial panopticon - already in the works and we are half-way there. That will keep the show going until Bitcoin flippens the fiat currencies. That will take a decade at minimum.

>> No.14563643

if only there was a currency that was capped at a maximum of some sort

>> No.14563663

This is called the gold standard and it was killed for that exact reason.

>> No.14563796

>muh gold standard

Even under the gold standard, (((the money lenders))) fabricated accounts and lent more than the actual balance of gold available.

No monetary system exists free of corruption and spoliation. All money belongs to Mammon.

>> No.14563854


>> No.14563872

I'm all in the Yuan

>> No.14563955

Couldn't agree more. One could cut with a knife through the panic in the air in Brussels. Never had so many sick days in the last 40 years than in May and June. In the quite even the hardest supranationalist is talking about the time after the EU. They will probably mask the dismantling behind the failure on voting for a commission president and try to blame "the eurosceptic"

>> No.14563981

>All in Yuan
Kek, not sure if joking. China will have a similar faith than the EU, just with more blood, a more splitting up

>> No.14563982
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Well look at the stupid paper futures in gold and silver. For every ounce there’s at least 10-20 paper contracts laying a claim on it. Only if normies weren’t such mindless goyim who consume vapid shit we’d actually have Jeffersonian Republicanism where every free man has property, food and tangible wealth.

We need friends, skills and culture to stay alive.

I don’t think city jungle dwellers understand this. Rome was just one city. America has little Romes all over the country.

I’m scared, Frens.

>> No.14564078

Enjoy shiny rocks

>> No.14564092

I know lets print some more money and give it all to israel. that will solve the problem. trump so based!

>> No.14564160
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Sh-shut up!!

>> No.14564247

Bobo.... easy on the blackpills...

>> No.14564300

kek based doomer paul

>> No.14564372

Have sex

>> No.14564419
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Tfw 20k+ in zero interest credit card debt

>> No.14564434

could you give color to your imaginary enemy? no idea for what your friends, skills and culture would help you out.

>> No.14564474

Nah no way, if anything many asian countries will want to hold American dollars now that it’s depreciated. American dollars will always stay fresh.

>> No.14564529

See people like u are why America is in the shitter. Only thinking for oneself. The solitary muh lone wolf mindset is only going to get you so far.

Society must reevaluate itself and what it means to participate in this retarded thing we call life. The autistic NEET weirdo who spends 12+ hours on a danish horse trading forum and investing in meme coins will not do well in this life or the next.

>> No.14564607

based and ((()))pilled

>> No.14564649

Stocks climb a wall of worry

>> No.14564999

so he's a yang ganger now? wtf

>> No.14565906

>he thinks his printed out pieces of paper with are going to hold any value when the grocery stores close
a pack of niggers will be burning them for warmth after theyre done raping and murdering your family

>> No.14566184

Feeling cozy being Canadian. I agree with the sentiment that Americans are fucked in the coming years. Imagine believe a senile boomer with orange skin who made his money off a loan from daddy would actually MAGA. Epic failure.

>> No.14566425

Don't mind the OP, he has just enough of a brain to type but not quite enough to formulate any degree of rational thinking.