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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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14556304 No.14556304 [Reply] [Original]

Its over fuck you scam site 4chan

>> No.14556343
File: 49 KB, 890x501, MW-GB401_bailey_20180109102257_ZH.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sounds like the chief executive Andrew Bailey went all in on Nano and wants to ban crypto now since he got justd.

>> No.14556348

aka nothing is going to happen

>> No.14556357

They couldn't ban file sharing
they couldn't stop piracy
they couldn't stop wikileaks

the government is not unstoppable

>> No.14556375

they could stop liberty reserve

>> No.14556383

shit it's real

>> No.14556390

unironically cant wait until the banhammer comes down and all these smug anarchofags get rekt
>hurr durr its decentralized
>lmao goberment cant do shit
you fags are in for a world of pain

>> No.14556410

Fuck Man why did I trust 4chan I should have listen to Reddit

>> No.14556412

it's literally unstoppable though. they can ban it, and people will keep trading cryptocurrency products anyways. if anything, this will make cryptocurrency even more marketable.

>> No.14556427

They are doing this because lawmakers are extremely asshurt about Facebook and spooked by Libra

>> No.14556434
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>they couldn't stop wikileaks

>> No.14556435

>it's literally unstoppable
no its not. shut down all fiat gateways and bust some sellers on localbitcoin.com and youre all fucked. read up on liberty reserve. they were much more decentralized than crypto could ever be and still got fucked.

>> No.14556440



Fuck you 4chan


Coins are a scam kys

>> No.14556443

Never heard of "FCA".. from the headline it doesn't sound like they have the power to "ban cryptocurrency products", at best they have the power to advice (?) people in government to ban it.

>> No.14556467


This is what autism looks like

> you

>> No.14556572

Wonder how this would effect H.R.2144 - Token Taxonomy Act of 2019

>> No.14556703
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>> No.14556733

You are all stuttering regards who have the attention span and reading age of 7 year olds. This is related to crypto derivatives and other more complex instruments such as those in Plas500 or eToro. They have control over these Industries much more than they do crypto and the industries are already scammy and with their CFDs and dodgy options trading where they mysteriously seem to win all the time (stop hunting anyone). This is not an attempt to ban crypto, fuckwits.

>> No.14556767

WTF how was LR decentralized at all? They literally arrested the head guys and shut down the business. You literally cannot do that with crypto. Retard

>> No.14556768

Its all a scam ponzi of the century

>> No.14556775

So you’re saying they have their own scam system on lock and don’t want a different scam system to upset their apple cart? Oy vey

>> No.14556778
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>oy vey leave the derivatives and other interesting financial instruments to us goy, we are accredited investors
>dont worry you can still have your erc20 shitcoins! This won't affect your gains at all hehe

>> No.14556791

Yes if the government bans fake money

It's happening stop lying to yourself and others

Ponzi! Run!

>> No.14556827

bow to the fca scared little basement faggots lol

not a proposal to ban crypto either fuckheads. just a proposal to protect UK poorfags from losing money

>> No.14556828


Fuck you pokemon coins

>> No.14556840


It's suggesting banning derivatives. Basically UKfags can't use Bitmex and Binance and any other exchanges with margin trading

>> No.14556881

It's funny how the gov doesn't care if you're homeless begging on the street but God forbid lower class people invest in a volatile asset.

>> No.14556893
File: 217 KB, 575x512, dcx0oqf-c5962eba-2ae9-4bce-b7ab-09e8e0ec59c5.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>you can't buy these high-risk, high-reward products because that's how I make my money! Trust me, it's for your own good goy
I hate statist cucks so much.

>> No.14556898

>much liberty reserve.
Stop spewing Creg's talking points.
Crypto exists as long as computers exist.

Anways this is about retards using 100x leverage on bitmex.

>> No.14556908

Fca better start to build cars again

>> No.14556923

accredited investors should get the rope
gatekeeping assholes

>> No.14556941

I do not give a fibbling fuck whatthe FCA thinks

>> No.14556971

You should only be able to make your money by doing slave-like labor for somebody else. Trust me, it's for your own good, goyim

>> No.14556983

They'll have to pry my Linkies from my cold dead hands

>> No.14556992
File: 648 KB, 756x948, Screenshot_25.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Are all of you fucking retarded? A simple google search shows that:

1. The FCA operates in the UK, so who gives a fuck.

2. They aren't banning cryptocurrency. Read a fucking article. Pic related.

>> No.14556997

The gall of these kikes
>I'm just trying to protect you goy, here is our (((approved))) channels of investing.

>> No.14557030

they banned butter knives there and imported a bunch of low wage workers paid for by the existing citizens. and the same politicians are still in power. yeah. it's fucking over alright. not for bitcoin though.

>> No.14557063

>The Financial Conduct Authority (FCA) said products such as derivatives and exchange-traded notes (ETNs) that reference crypto-assets were “ill-suited” to small investors.

so they only want to ban shitmax and other gambler shit like that. i actually support this. good job anglos

>> No.14557131

Worst part is how condescending it is
>these instruments are too complex for your mind to understand goy youre too stupid for them!
It is not rocket science to figure out CFDs in Bitmex style, it is not hard to figure out how much you stand to lose if you get liquidated.

It isn't like selling naked calls on the stock market where your risk is fucking infinite

>> No.14557160

>a business accepting Bitcoin payments can't use derivatives to hedge and ensure profitability because it's gambling!
Kys statist faggot, learn finance and learn economics.

>> No.14557174

Meant for >>14557063

>> No.14557205
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They want to ban crypto-derivatives, not crypto, the guardian article has a clickbait title.
But of course bizlet brainlets only read the title and not the article.

No one is going to ban your magic internet meme money.

>> No.14557209

I dont understand how giving other people money is something you can or have to be accredited in.

>> No.14557229

I read the article you stupid fucking faggot and know what its talking about and I still hate it.

Rope yourself.

>> No.14557263

>liberty reserve. they were much more decentralized than crypto could ever be and still got fucked.
What a delusional idiot

>shut down all fiat gateways and bust some sellers on localbitcoin.com and youre all fucked
Except I see more and more websites accepting crypto payments, eat that

>> No.14557294

>FCA is United Kingdom-
I stopped caring there

>> No.14557299
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I read the article and it's good, governments will finally regulate it, deranged gamblers like you BTFO.

>> No.14557421

>if I'm fine with them banning exchanges i dont like surely they'll stop there and not regulate any of my exchanges
Enjoy the bootlicking, cuck

>> No.14557454

they had their funds spread out over more than 3,400 banks all over the planet. got all their shit seized and shut down. now how many fiat gateways does the entire crypto space have?

>> No.14557502

The banned fiat gateways in China and India. Pajeets and chinks didn't stop buying and selling crypto for cash.

>> No.14557537

>more and more websites accepting crypto payments, eat that
lol you guys are so fucking retarded. if crypto gets banned then guess what those merchants currently accepting crypto will do? if a country like the US wants to ban crypto they can have all fiat gateways globally shutdown in a heartbeat. because guess what, they all work with banks and banks are regulated within an international framework. localbitcoins can get shut down, bitcoin ATMs can get shut down, possession could be made a felony. have fun trying to unload your bags in such a scenario
>inb4 hurr durr but muh drugs are illegal and theyre still being sold
except that the US government is literally the biggest drug trafficker on the planet and has no interest in shutting down the flow of drugs. if they wanted to, they could put a pin in that shit real quick.

>> No.14557542

calm down arthur

>> No.14557781
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>but God forbid lower class people invest in a volatile asset.

Yeah, watch out guys, we cant let them poor people suffer!!

>> No.14558917

You still think of crypto in terms of fiat, that's a mistake. You think people in Venezuela want to cash out to fiat?

>> No.14558991
File: 118 KB, 741x674, 1548524224297.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

based. no (((rehypothecation))), no (((derivatives))). they'll be forced to buy the real thing

>> No.14559041
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I live here AMA

>> No.14559121

>Venezuelan defending fiat currency
Holy cringe

>> No.14559133
File: 11 KB, 554x668, 1483386940696.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Investors might “suffer harm from sudden and unexpected losses if they invest in these products”, the FCA said, estimating that a ban would benefit consumers to the tune of between £75m and £234.3m a year.
Yes goyim, invest in our mutual funds. This is obviously about preventing the gentiles from achieving financial freedom.

>> No.14559142

you have no idea