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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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File: 300 KB, 1270x1280, Constellation [DAG] 2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
14554064 No.14554064 [Reply] [Original]

I have some money to invest, and it looks like Constellation (DAG) is the best crypto by far:

>Ultra-low market cap, 6 million USD
>Will make IOTA, NANO, and partly ETH obsolete with better technology
>DAG founders decided to burn ALL their tokens, 7.2% of total supply
>Deflationary token model
>Horizontal scaling
>DAG is a platform
>MainNet in Q3
>Dynamic Partitioning
>DAG has smart contracts
>Light-nodes on phone
>CEO actually ran a business with 45 million in annual revenue
>Advisor: Rehito (Ray) Hatoyama former Managing Director of Hello Kitty (Sanrio)
>Partnership negotiations with NASA, General Motors and Denso
>US, San Francisco based

Just as Nano, DAG is:
However, they are superior to Nano in virtually every way.
>Part of a large ecosystem, with real use cases that will provide security for the network and world-wide market. Same as IOTA, but better
>This large ecosystem and not solely a currency will provide protection from Central Bank regulators, like ETH & IOTA, but unlike Nano.
>All zero-fee systems are open to spam attacks. Constellation has a much more advanced and elegant solution than Nano with their reputation system.
>Nano has an insane business model where Nano node operators have to do it for free. This will either lead to a crash, where no one bothers to run nodes for fun and take all the costs, or an insane centralization where Amazon controls nearly everything. Constellation has a very elegant solution where micropayments are free for everyone, while large consumers of bandwidth will have to either pay for it in DAG tokens, or run their own nod
>Whitelisted for all major exchanges. Didn’t have ICO. No US pre-sale investors
>Good time to buy, coins on sale: http://archive.is/nIcDE
>Partnered with the University of Illinois
>CTO Wyatt writes in academic papers

>> No.14554073


>Constant FUD from psychotic pre-sale investor that lost money when the market crashed in 2018. Spamming biz with debunked accusations, lies and fabrications; e.g. exit scamming, doing cocaine, lost all funds through daytrading, vaporware etc.

If you have a better crypto then please list and explain why.

>> No.14554101

Look no further Anon, the force is strong on this one

>> No.14554113

The is so undervalued and volume has been steadily picking up over the past month. Timed with their upcoming exchange announcements and mainnet in Q3, the perfect storm is brewing

>> No.14554138
File: 16 KB, 673x362, 2019.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Good choice anon, token burning is impressive, pic related.

>> No.14554165
File: 2.59 MB, 1456x1820, Screenshot 2019-07-03 at 13.41.20.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

anons unite and heel to one true moon coin

>> No.14554166

Do not buy rlc

>> No.14554202


>> No.14554270
File: 703 KB, 1242x2208, 1561263279875.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

FINALLY a CEO in crypto space with solid business experience and a great track record, pic.

>> No.14554461
File: 79 KB, 720x767, bigben.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Big Ben sends his blessings through his rod.

>> No.14554874
File: 286 KB, 850x567, 1561227684654.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Advisor: Rehito (Ray) Hatoyama former Managing Director of Hello Kitty (Sanrio)
I believe it's this guy, together with DAG CEO

>> No.14555042

All those who don't believe, will cower upon Big Ben, once THE Huge Dildo shakes the ground and shoots up to the sky

>> No.14555075

XLM is better

>> No.14555078

You must be one of the gay investors I have heard so much about.

>> No.14555100

Great great.. lots of big promises. What exactly is it supposed to DO though? Oh, that’s right, get flushed down the toilet with every other shitcoin.

Here’s a secret for you: the reason why blockchain projects are exciting is because of the data security they offer and the cost savings that allows big businesses through things like fraud prevention and smart contracts.

The reason why no DAG will make it is because none of them have ample security.

Here’s a second hint: Any project or company claiming they’re going to replace multiple others with multiple different use cases is never, ever going to do that. They’d need a staff of thousands of devs, they’d run out of money long before they ever got anything done. Or they can slowly try to build all that shit and meanwhile projects with focus always remain 1000 steps ahead of them.

This project, if not an outright scam, is already dead just based on having no actual business case or realistic trajectory in mind.

>> No.14555178

The great green dildo will slice you open for saying such blasphemous words!

>> No.14555239

Hey I’m not saying it can’t pump at some point or another or there’s not money to be made especially in a bull market, but we should at least be frank about what this is. It falls into the 99% of crypto which will be absolutely dead within 5 years category.

>> No.14555254

Based, i'm all in

>> No.14555280

This is a shitcoin. Technologically inferior to FTM and the team consists of amateurs.

Also, the CEO started a restaurant a few months ago. You think you can make it as a startup in an upcoming space like crypto and also run a restaurant? He's just in it for the money.

>> No.14555491

Heed my words, Big Ben will unleash his big schtick upon your censored asian porn fantom team. He's going to split them wide open with a huge green dildo, from their mouth down their asses. Bow down to Big Ben!

>> No.14555537

>Here’s a secret for you: the reason why blockchain projects are exciting is because of the data security they offer and the cost savings that allows big businesses through things like fraud prevention and smart contracts.
>The reason why no DAG will make it is because none of them have ample security.
Utter rubbish. Security and valid data is the core of what they offer. You have clearly not read their white paper or done any research, at all. Here:
>Here’s a second hint: Any project or company claiming they’re going to replace multiple others with multiple different use cases is never, ever going to do that. They’d need a staff of thousands of devs
1. OP made the the claim, and OP is correct. DAG did not make the claim
2. Using your stupid argument would say that Bitcoin will never succeed as it was created by one dev, aimed to disrupt a trillion dollar industry, banking, and according to you, there must be at least thousands of devs to do that.
> is already dead just based on having no actual business case or realistic trajectory in mind.
Dead before mainnet and no real use cases? Are you high? Here:
Tech Gem Solves DAG Centralization: Bye IOTA Bye Hedera. Enter Constellation

>> No.14555552


Can you explain in detail how the tech in inferior? And what is so great about FTM's protocol?

>> No.14555593

All your rambling is based on emotions only. Empty slogans and demagoguery. Not once did you present documented facts or make a logical argument.

>> No.14555652

>t. desperate fudder with only debunked and laughable fud material, trying something new and gay. Smearing and guilt by association.

>> No.14555676

I am so tired of chink coins making insane promises and then never perform.
>the CEO started a restaurant a few months ag
He is part owner in a San Fran restaurant long time before DAG, as a true entrepreneur. That's a positive, not a negative. Your comment makes no sense.

>> No.14555713

>Technologically inferior to FTM
False and totally opposite. How is it going with FTM's 400K TPS claim? How much did they lie? Please inform.

>> No.14555860

DAG vision is real: https://medium.com/@benjorgensen/an-industry-for-the-future-a-company-for-a-future-industry-e96eabf149ae

>> No.14555934

How can literal fucking vaporware be secure? A whitepaper doesn't guarantee security, it's a bunch of garbage to say "security is at the core of what we offer" and have nothing to stand behind but your words. DAG is inherently flawed in these regards, especially compared to blockchain or PKI which afaik (after speaking to leading data security analysts at some of the top global firms) are the ONLY TWO solutions currently being considered by the industry for next stage security infrastructure. DAG is a fucking meme.

Also you clearly don't understand what "DAG" is if you think Constellation IS DAG.
>DAG did not make the claim
Do some fucking reading.

Literal brainlet tier response with clearly zero industry insight. BTFO.

>> No.14555957


He was still busy building it back in March. Stop lying.

>> No.14555958


>> No.14555960

DAG is horizontally scaleable. Faster and more capacity with every node. No theoretical limit to TPS.

>> No.14556016

What "vaporware" are you talking about "industry insider"? Calm down and don't give us your incoherent and ignorant hysteria. Walk us through your reasoning. Facts and logic only. Go on clown. Honk, honk.

>Constellation IS DAG
DAG with capital letters is the TICKER, moron. Instead of writing Constellation labs all the time, I use the tick, DAG, much shorter. Sucks to be you "industry insider". What a clown.

>> No.14556052

I am building, means growing. Not the point of entrepreneurial start. Stop lying.

>> No.14556158

Buying 1 mil when I get home from wage kek

>> No.14556260

keep buying anons, the fud is getting weaker by the day

>> No.14556331

DAG is the ticker for Constellation. Brilliant for normies googling dag + crypto.

>> No.14556428

impossible to buy this gay nigger coin OTC

>> No.14556519

I honestly hope you are actually spending money on this. Survival of the fittest, you're meant to stay poor.

>> No.14556540

Hysterical Nano whale is dumping. Just place million DAG orders on Kucoin somewhat under market price and wait for Nano whale to dump http://archive.is/nIcDE
That being said, if DAG starts to moon, it will be hard to catch up. Maybe a combination of floor and market buy.

>> No.14556569 [DELETED] 

Great come-back "industrial insider" with "industrial insight". Not a single question could you answer, not a single one of your hysterical lies could you substantiate with facts and logic. Stay poor and stupid. Stop the hate. Change your life, for your own sake.

>> No.14556621

Great come-back "industrial insider" with "industrial insight". Not a single question could you answer, not a single one of your hysterical lies could you substantiate with facts and logic. If you continue with your lies, scheming and scamming FUD, you will forever stay poor and stupid. Stop the hate. Change your life, - for your own sake.

>> No.14556667

Go back.

>> No.14556742

You are a lying boomer. So stupid that you didn't even know DAG is the ticker of Constellation, yet bragging about being a tech industry insider. Back to plebbit and CNN, boomer. Buy some more Bitconnect.

>> No.14556793
File: 27 KB, 689x184, S C A M S H I L L.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Shilling an outright scam this hard.
Go back.

>> No.14556993 [DELETED] 

Again I will ask you lying shill. Explain the "scam", don't just run away with your tale between your legs as you always do. Give us your take on it using facts and logic.

A "scam" with founders so committed to the community that they voluntarily burn ALL their founder tokens. Give founders with more commitment than that, lying "tech industry insider". Go on, clown. Honk, honk.

>> No.14557034
File: 99 KB, 860x560, New Constellation Token Model.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Again I will ask you lying shill. Explain the "scam", don't just run away with your tale between your legs as you always do. Give us your take on it using facts and logic.

A "scam" with founders so committed to the community that they voluntarily burn ALL their founder tokens. Give founders with more commitment than that, lying "tech industry insider". Go on, clown. Honk, honk.

>> No.14557214

>Doesn't know what a shill is
>trying to incorporate as many nubiz memes as he can in a single thread
Fucking sad. Enjoy your bags.

>> No.14557301
File: 79 KB, 700x378, 1531877118787.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>give me a better 1000x candidate

Cryptographic Ultra Money
>next-generation blockchain 5.0
>decentralized, trustless, quantum-resistant AI deep learning/fog-computing platform
>full fledged multi-tiered masternode ultra-economics
>near-infinite scalable feeless TPnS (transactions per nano-second)
>2000+ fully integrated partnerships (under NDA) with multi-trillion dollar companies and supranational organizations.

DYOR and thank me later.

>> No.14557365

>Cryptographic Ultra Money

>> No.14557368


Is this a joke?

>> No.14557470

>TheCUMtoken will be accompanied by a secondary tokenSEED. We will announce more details on the specifics at a later date! To the #MOON!
Brb selling my bags and buying CUM and SEED

>> No.14557652
File: 149 KB, 800x532, 3243.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.14558245

ok mr.wise guy what coins do provide ample security then?

>> No.14559035

From CUM (Cryptographic Ultra Money) Medium. 8 subs. less than 100 total transactions ever. No identification of partnerships. Not on CMC. Tags are: #MOON #LAMBO #CUM

The CUM token will be accompanied by a secondary token SEED. We will announce more details on the specifics at a later date! To the #MOON!

>> No.14559497

Just look at the tokenomics to see this was a scam.

It's another silicon valley cash grab.

Advisors alone have 750 million tokens.

>> No.14559717

40% validator rewards
Founders burning ALL their tokens
>Advisors alone have 750 million tokens.
Advisors like Rehito (Ray) Hatoyama former Managing Director of Hello Kitty (Sanrio) >>14554874
And you call it a scam? Are you high or just plain stupid?

>> No.14560589
File: 307 KB, 678x678, 2019-06-17_20-03-26.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

NASA alone will give a 10x

>> No.14560763

My sides

>> No.14561217
File: 48 KB, 427x640, tickle_Cara.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

my most promising hold

luv u $DAG frens

>> No.14561512

Coti is looking good

>> No.14562094
File: 135 KB, 1125x1115, photo_2019-07-03_19-58-11.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Dev is a genius.

>> No.14562880

Blessings to you, DAG fren :)

>> No.14562975

This has been shilled for over a year and no one touches it. Stay away. Toxic.

>> No.14563243
File: 2.48 MB, 3739x1320, Insane Psycho.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>This has been shilled for over a year and no one touches it. Stay away. Toxic.
No. It's been fudded like crazy, and I really DO mean crazy (like in mental hospital) for one year. Pic related.

>> No.14563585

end of q3 dag holders will be bathing in glory

>> No.14564007
File: 242 KB, 800x388, copium.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Copium: The Thread

>> No.14564415

Asking for a better 1000x and no one even tried to do that, is copium in your mind?

>> No.14564567
File: 163 KB, 3000x1253, watermaet_built.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

what's a more solid buy plz